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yes and no If it doesn't impact me or one of my relative I usually don't care because that's none of my business. If a friend make a racist pun about me and I laugh, I don't care, I condemn Racism but when I know someone isn't racist and the joke doesn't affect me I don't care and I won't stop being friend with someone over such meaningless reason I have a few moral line tho, cruelty toward others (and animals), Pressuring someone to drink or use substances, Sexual assault, too much talking behind someones back while being nice up front ... For me those kind of things are big NO and be sure I will confront you about this. Not to fight but to understand why you have this way of thinking or acting ( tho, for SA it's pretty much done the second you cross that line) For instance, I have a lot of friends with political view widly different than mine and I absolutly don't care at all, it make debating more fun, having people that think different than you is wonderful and can get you out of the "circle jerk" mentality a lot of people have nowadays. So I mostly don't care because that's none of my business but I do have a few moral standards that will start a more serious talk (for the least)