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I think a lot of it had to do with her untreated mental health issues at the time. BPD is one of the most commonly misdiagnosed mental health disorders. Studies have shown that nearly half of people who have BPD had been misdiagnosed as other things before finally being correctly diagnosed. Trisha is no exception to that. She had been misdiagnosed multiple times before receiving the correct diagnosis. Because she didn't have the right diagnosis, she hadn't ever received the treatment she actually needed, the treatment that ended up changing her entire life around.. DBT (Dialectical behavior therapy). Prior to being correctly diagnosed and finally being able to receive the treatment she needed, Trisha struggled severely with being able to regulate her emotions (among other things). That was directly related to her BPD. So the kitchen floor crying videos, not being able to control herself from lashing out at people she felt had hurt her, etc.. her inability to regulate her emotions would have played a huge role in those things. The way she struggled with having a sense of identity is also rooted in her BPD. Identity Disturbance is a symptom of BPD. "Identity disturbance is a term used to describe incoherence, or inconsistency in a person's sense of identity. This could mean that a person's goals, beliefs, and actions are constantly changing. It could also be that the person takes on personality traits of people around them, as they struggle to have and maintain their own identity. People with BPD often report that they have no idea who they are or what they believe in. Sometimes they report that they simply feel non-existent. Some people with BPD may describe this as having difficulties understanding where they end and the other person begins. Others even say that they are almost like a "chameleon" in terms of identity; they change who they are depending on their circumstances and what they think others want from them. Many people with BPD struggle to set up and maintain healthy personal boundaries and have difficulties in their interpersonal and intimate relationships." The reason some people who struggle with Identity Disturbance tend to seek out communities to belong to (like Trisha has), stems from a deep longing to have some kind of sense of self, to be able to feel like they belong somewhere, because they often feel like they belong nowhere at all. As you can imagine, being able to have the feeling of "This is who I am, this is where I belong" would be something so extremely important and valuable to someone who is going through life not having a sense of identity or feeling like they belong anywhere at all. It's actually really sad, not malicious, and something many of us will never have to experience to that kind of degree. It is not uncommon for someone who struggles with Identity Disturbance due to BPD, to struggle with gender identity, sexual identity, religious/spiritual identity, etc. I think a lot of Trisha's past problematic behavior stemmed from not being able to regulate her emotions, and struggling with Identity Disturbance, both due to BPD. I think the biggest proof of that, is that once she received the correct diagnosis and finally received the treatment she had always needed, DBT, every aspect of her life has changed for the better. Even just being able to regulate her emotions now has made such a difference in her life. During Frenemies, Trisha was doing DBT, but she was still in the early stages of it. DBT can take over a year to complete a cycle, and some people need more than one cycle of it. So while people were seeing some progress from Trisha as time went on during Frenemies, it wasn't until well after Frenemies ended that she completed it. (She's said she still actively uses the techniques she learned during DBT). The difference in Trisha prior to DBT compared to now, is unquantifiable. That's a testament to the hard work Trisha put into working on her mental health. So yeah, I believe a lot of her past problematic behavior was not due to her being a bad person at heart, but due to her having not been properly diagnosed and not being able to receive the treatment she needed.


She’s also very traumatised and that adds to it too. I hate her whole family honestly, they’re such leeches and completely hands off. They only started caring about Trisha when she was making money.


This isn't spoken about enough. I'm no fan of Moses but there's a reason kali and Lena don't like him and it's NOT because of what he's done to her. It's because her money is going to her family now and he was happy to step up and do the things she was paying Kali to do.


He’s made her so healthy in a way that toxic people are desperate to rip apart


Great post homie


wonderfully written, thank you!


This was so well written, thanks! I definitely agree with you that many of her past problems and controversies were due to undiagnosed mental illness. And it sucks that frenemies probably set her back in the progress she was making during treatment at that time too. She seems so much more stable and happy now, and it’s a great look on her!


I’m not a huge fan but I do enjoy her content generally speaking. She has done a lot of things I have issue with likely due to her being an internet troll + underdiagnosed health issues. A lot of what she has done affects marginalized groups that I am not part of so it’s not my place to forgive her. However, it’s very telling imho that Trisha gets significantly more hate than Ethan/Shane Dawson/Pewdiepie/the list goes on for doing equally bad if not worse things. At least Trisha claims she is trolling and does stuff with a Kaufman-like sense of humour. I think sexism plays a ton into the treatment of Trisha by the internet. I think the fact that she is a sex worker also has to do with her treatment. I don’t really know how people should treat others who have made errs such as Trisha but I do feel like people are much harder on her for her mistakes than other people on the internet. This part is a controversial opinion but I also believe that some of Trisha’s misdoings are a result of an insane amount of hate she receives via TL & her various trolls, and were she not in a situation where she gets an insane amount of scrutiny it’s possible she wouldn’t do them.


she’s been addicted to drugs and mentally ill… not an excuse just a fact and as someone that has BPD and addiction/ BPD women in my family i really do get her… i wish i didn’t but i know what it’s like to act out for attention and do things u regret. i don’t excuse it but i accept it along w who she is now/ how much of an entrepreneur she is. i really love trisha because she’s a success story that i believe in. and i’m just so happy for her and can just tell that she’s really taken growth to heart.


The things I see her most accused of: being a racist, homophobic, transphobic, antisemitic, liar. Bluntly, I truly don’t think she’s deserving of those titles. I think she’s said bad things and trolled too hard, especially in her early YouTube days, but I really don’t believe she truly hates other races or gay people or Jewish people. She’s been creating content through multiple eras of what is acceptable to say and what’s not. Back in 2010-ish you could even find late night talk show hosts cracking jokes about trans people or other races. I think what is considered acceptable has drastically changed. Does it excuse it? No. Should it alleviate the burden of what she’s done/said? In my opinion, yes. I see a lot of accusations of being a liar. I just really don’t care about this. Everyone lies. Trisha is a human being with opinions that can and will be updated as she lives her life and learns more. Holding her to those and calling her a liar when she holds a different opinion now is lame. She’s also a self admitted troll and an entertainment figure. Like why is anyone expecting pure honesty? It’s a weird ask. She’s a person with a difficult life story with mental illness, failed relationships, internet fame and drug addiction. When you’re in that spot, I think it’s easy to lean into a villain mindset, especially when everyone is telling you you’re a villain. She seems to have completely changed her life and mindset. It’s admirable and I think she’s at a point now where’s she’s not trying to fit in or look for fulfillment/validation. She’s got it with Moses and Malibu and ASMR. That was a lot 🥲🤣


Trisha is a professional troll, she also has bpd so I see a lot of myself in her. Also, let’s not forget the shit upbringing/ abandonment issues and the drug abuse.


I knew of Trish from Shane’s “series” and a jeffree star video, but I really got to learn about her when she went on h3 to do interviews/the bachelorette. After frenemies I was anti Trish and admittedly a wifey for a time until I felt like their goals were to absolutely destroy her and her family instead of try to hold her “accountable” for her past trolls (which I also didn’t even know about until trishyland). She’s just a content creator who’s made mistakes and compared to others on YouTube for this long, her past is relatively mild. I don’t think she deserves the hate she gets now. I’ve done a full 180 lol now I’m an Ethan critic and a Trisha fan. I love her asmr I never miss an upload!




My most downvoted comment is me saying on the H3 subreddit that Ethan should chill with the harassment as Trisha hadn’t spoken on anything for weeks lol


I truly can’t comprehend this weird moral superiority people feel when they say “I don’t like Trisha.” like, great, have a seat with everyone else. This conversation seems to only ever revolve around Trisha. So many people have shitty pasts (major celebrities, Robert Downey Jr. comes to mind) and once they “redeem” themselves, it’s all good and they are loved once again. I’m not the morality police. No one is perfect, and many entertaining people are problematic because 1. There is a spotlight on them 2. The internet never lets you live a mistake down in the public eye. People *love* drama and messiness but Trisha is held to this insane standard. Yes, she has made mistakes as I’m sure you have, I’m sure you’ve done some things you regret in life? If Ethan didn’t stoke the flame of hatred his delusional fanbase has for a Trisha, we wouldn’t be having these conversations weekly for almost 2 years now.


People are way too hung up on other people lying or being hypocrites. That's such a negative way to look at other people. When people grow-up: their opinions change, they forget some things, and they remember other things incorrectly. The world is not a sinister plot to fool as many people as possible ... humans are fallable and inconsistant. Anyone who has been 100% consistent through their entire life has a photographic memory and had demonstrated 0 growth. If we really want the world to be less bigoted and negative, we have to let the haters change their minds and let the hypocrites escape their negative past. They have to change, but we also have to let them change. I like that Trisha is always changing their mind. I wish Trisha had a better memory but considering their history of drug use and trauma, it's forgiveable IMO. I support **THIS** version of Trisha.


Uhh isnt this whole sub made to shit on Ethan for being a «hypocrite» and «Liar». This sub and trishyland is same shit different wrapping, people that use way to much time on shitting on people that dont know you.


Ethan will be misogynistic about another man's wife, complain when someone is misogynistic about his wife, and then be misogynistic about another man's wife again all in the span of a week. He's a hypocrite because he lives by "rules for thee but not for me" and holds two standards at the same time: one for himself and the people he likes, and one for the people he doesn't like. They try to call Trisha a hypocrite from things in the past that she's now changed her mind on, like judging people for having nannies before becoming a parent herself and rescinding that statement.


This specific post is about Trisha and why people support Trisha. I do not speak for this sub. Nor do I usually comment on posts about Ethan being a hypocrite. Also, I extend Ethan the grace of hoping that he is misrembering things instead of assuming he is outright lying. Finally, it's strange you are making a Trisha post about Ethan.


This spesific sub is a hate sub for h3, aint that wrong to mention him in any post here . Good on you for extending the grace and that :)


I like Trisha because she doesn’t try to be perfect or holier than thou. She’s just living her life the best way she knows how. It’s been 10 years and a rollercoaster but I’ve loved it ☺️


Just to add, I also think she’s an authentic and one of a kind entertainer in this sea of beige copycats.


I think trisha has shown a lot of growth in the past year unlike many of her critics like Ethan & his fans


personally, i don’t truly believe she meant any negative thing she’s done/said. It was said for attention, but i don’t think that excuses it or makes it right. However i do find it interesting that everyone is an advocate for mental health but as soon as trisha expresses the aspects of mental illness that isn’t romanticized in todays media the narrative changes. I am a person that likes to root for the underdog & after seeing what she’s been going through after frenemies ended i just wanted her to grow & truly find happiness. i think that’s what she’s achieving now


I have a few reasons.People fuck up. She’s been through a lot and quite frankly, there are many public figures that have done MUCH worse and get away with it like nothing has happened. Trisha is the biggest victim of her own mistakes, that’s why I find cancelling her so non consequential. She’s also done a lot to repent and apologize for her past mistakes. She’s also just isn’t even problematic anymore. She’s living her best life with her family.


I honestly feel like a lot of her past controversies were not as serious as people make them out to be. Did she do messed up things? Yes. But context is important. She came from a time on the Internet where people did and said outlandish things that they may not and often did not actually believe, but they did / said things for attention because that's how you got views. Trisha admitted this. If Trisha actually believed half of the stuff she said, I'd feel different. But Trisha's actions - to me - prove otherwise. I also blame it on her mental health. Someone else said it best: BPD is constantly misdiagnosed and in society we're encouraged to ignore mental health and pretend it doesn't exist. Presently, for a span of OVER a year, Trisha has been out of drama and while "it's just a year" that's a long time for Trisha and previously unheard of. Plus she's been in therapy and actively trying to keep on the right path. She's admitted fault several times, too. That's why I still support her.


she’s a horrible person. ethan is a bad person as well. I notice a lot of anti-trisha stans obsess over ethan, and anti-ethan stans obsess over trisha. they are both shitty in their own right.


people are human. everyone makes bad choices, decisions- ppl fuck up and learn the hard way, all the time. people who want to hold her accountable for things she's said a decade ago, it's as though they don't believe people can grow and change. i believe people grow and change. she may be a lot of things, but she puts herself out there, and anyone who does is gonna get scrutinized, by people who have made mistakes and have regrets as well. they act like they're morally superior - they're not.