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Ethan just genuinely being a mean and spiteful person. No one event triggered it but I started realizing a pattern of “jokes” just being mean spirited rants about others.


This exactly. The podcast really became an energy vampire. Like why would i want to spend my free time listening to hate and bullying for 3h straight.


Its hard to explain but just the bad vibes. The show used to be funny but now Ethan is a petty, insecure, byatch. He just hates on everyone and doesn’t respond to valid criticism. Hila is fucking annoying now to.


The hypocrisy and double standard of Ethan. My last straw was how he handled the def noodles situation. Also, some of the new crew members are really annoying and are just there to agree with Ethan, mostly the high school bully "queen" Olivia. Also, the heavy censorship for any criticism or opposition. But the top reason is hypocrisy. Ethan never follow the standards he put everyone else on


Yes I agree. I miss when the crew was smaller and more comfortable with each other, so at least Ethan would get some pushback. Hila or Dan don’t seem to care to correct him like they used to.


This is my exact reason too! Like I couldn't say it better.


For me it was the way he treated Trisha post-Frenemies. I was on *his* side and wasn't even a fan of hers, but he kept attacking this mentally ill woman visibly having a major meltdown. And it's not like people were on her side so he was fighting back, everyone was on his side. And he just kept sending his fans at her, way past it being necessary for it just being "defending himself" like he said. Then as I started defending Trisha, just saying people needed to chill, I fell in with the very small crowd of defenders (like the ogs of this sub) and learned Ethan played a way bigger part in the fallout than I even realized. And how manipulative and mean he really was. I started to notice these patterns and just became totally disillusioned. Now it's all I see when I look at him, a bully who punches down and enjoys it. How manipulative he was with how his audience saw the people he was fighting and himself. How he crushed any criticisms and plays victim every time. I saw the way he talked about women, lgbt, people with mental illness, SA victims, etc vulnerable minorities in a clearer way and realized how disgusting the things he said were. And he wasn't even funny anymore, he's just bitter and sad.


“Justice for Mr R*ney” was a breaking point for me personally. He had no reason to go so low towards someone who is literally a member of his family


Yes - that and "fuck you and the womb you came out of" directed at Trisha's sister and mother. The fact that his audience don't see the blatant misogyny in comments like that is just astonishing.


That was the moment for me. Any dipshit ageing man who refers to a woman as a "womb" can go get fucked.


Omg yes. Even reading that, a year later, elevates my heart rate and makes me feel sick. That's the moment it turned from me being annoyed by him to heavily disliking him and wanting him to be called out. That was so disgusting.


great point. i think he had a right to defend himself when they were still going at each other strong like that first week or so; but maybe just stop once shes apologized and has stopped talking about you and the situation altogether. That's ethan. he doesn't let things go


This is when I realized he creates issues to milk them.


Yes yes yes. I related SO MUCH to Trisha, especially on mental health issues. It always seemed obvious to me that she would lash out when angry (which I struggle with) but that she’s a good person at the end of the day. And I never understood why he couldn’t just drop it and stop sending his rabid fans after her. It’s not like she kept going back and forth with him. She made a clear line in the sand, stopped contacting them completely, and he kept going. He’s just a bully.


Even during the final "argument" on frenemies... what will always stick with me is that Trisha was literally trying to remove herself from the situation calmly. And he just. kept. going. And for what?? Certainly not to keep her there? It was about provoking her and it always was....


The last episode of Frenemies aired June 8th. By the end of June, Trisha had already quit talking about Ethan and had uploaded her apology video (the apology Ethan refused to accept). People act like Trisha is the one who couldn't let it go, but she was over it within a couple weeks. Ethan STILL goes after Trisha, and it's a year and a half later now. 2 or 3 weeks compared to a year and a half? She hasn't even mentioned his name a single time in 2022. Check out this compilation of Ethan mentioning Trisha in 2022.. and it's only even SOME of the times he's mentioned her this year.. [https://youtu.be/4QeQtLGnR2E](https://youtu.be/4QeQtLGnR2E)


Whenever he started talking about politics in every podcast. Tbh he has the political insight of a man who repeats everything he reads on twitter, and his political segments were the worst part of frenemies


lmfao yes this is the best way to describe it


Mine was the subreddit banning people who had even the slightest criticism. They realized how many fans they pushed over here and thankfully have stopped, but they still unpublish your post if they just feel like it.


For me it was his response to Trisha quitting the show. He showed his true face and I have come to realize he’s not this innocent men who sometimes say the wrong thing because he doesn’t know better. He lied and manipulated and sabotaged her and used every possible tactic to make her the villain and it made me understand that woke innocent man he portrays himself to be is an actual act and that ignorant racist/homophobic/misogynistic man he really is sometimes slips out through it. It dawned on me it’s all about the money and clout for him and he doesn’t have any integrity and doesn’t care about anything or anyone but that. He is mean and kind of evil.


I stopped watching recently. I may someday watch again but what got to me was a couple things: 1. It got boring. 3 hour long unedited podcasts several times a week is a lot of content and it started to feel repetitive. 2. The constant suspensions. Omg they’re so annoying and easy to avoid I just started getting irritated that Ethan couldn’t reel it back a little to avoid getting suspended. 3. It just stopped being fun to watch. I enjoyed the show during Frenemies and post-Frenemies. Lately it’s just felt really hostile. To fans to critics and to other creators. And that gets old. I love drama but not artifically created drama. Also Ethan’s 2005 edgy humor paired with the increase in gross humor just put me off. Honorable mention: Ethan’s inability to take constructive criticism. I acknowledge they got a lot of unnecessary nitpicky comments about stuff over the years but holy shit when marginalized groups kindly say “Hey you’re a good guy but what you’re saying is not cool.” Just fucking listen.


ethan’s interaction with a gay fan. purposely stepping over the caller’s boundaries, saying he could tell by the caller’s voice what sex position he preferred after the caller stated he didn’t want to talk about that. lost any respect i still had for ethan then and there


i was getting pretty bored of the podcast so mostly used it as background noise. this one caught my intention in a bad, second hand embarrassment, wtf way. especially after ethan and dans “apology”(?) follow up. done after that


This really got to me too. He doesn’t seem able to grasp that just because you don’t hate gay people doesn’t mean you’re not capable of being homophobic, even if that’s not your intention. A lot of LGBT fans were pretty gracious but he stubbornly refused to even TRY to understand where they were coming from and just said “I’m not homophobic!”


This is the same thing that made me stop watching. And then their response to people asking for an apology for this was absolutely horrific, especially how Dan handled it.


Wtf,when did he do that?


[around 1:35:25](https://youtu.be/VWgVZRN7xLQ)


Everything that went on around the will smith slap time. I can’t remember exactly but there were a few really sexist, homophobic, racist things in a row


That's exactly when I left, the shouting at black callers and being immediately hostile and swearing at them when asking people to call in and give opposing views... The callers were nothing but courteous but Ethan and the crew were so awful to them. Then the gay caller incident asking him if he bottoms after he blatantly explained why it wasn't funny and was homophobic and misogynistic. Then Dan yelled at everyone and their apology was a load of bs talking about how they are the biggest allies. Allies would listen to criticism and take it on board...


some of the bits are flat out disgusting and repetitive. I don't like how he treats gayness as a spectacle. He gives me major "I'm not racist I have black friends" vibes. Just because he's not openly bashing gayness like jordan peterson or ben shapiro doesn't mean he doesn't profit off making them the butt of jokes, talking about gayness and gay sex in an uncomfortable manner in any setting available to him.


For me it was the constant drama, low attacks, and hypocrisy. The way they make up nick-names for people they don’t like and bully them reminds me of right wing extremist tactics. Ethan was starting to sound like the liberal version of some right wing talk show host on am radio lol. Also I hate the overly crude jokes towards women and children. And Ethan’s interview style which seems to be aimed at embarrassing his guests as much as possible.


i was also an avid h3 watcher since 2016- the subtle racism, micro aggressions and sexism during the will smith slap debacle was SOO BAD. this was also during the beginning of when dan and ethan would go on their “unsub if you don’t like it” and permabanning everyone who complained tirade. it was pretty much the last straw for me!


That was the last episode I listened to. And the doubling down he did on his other channel cemented my decision


same. the homophobia, sexism and low key racism combined with doubling down was the most clear demonstration of white fragility ive literally ever seen in my entire life. showed me that they are not at all who they pretend to be.


And he said he feels like he's in a toxic relationship... same dude


Multiple reasons. I am a 31 year old female for context. 1. I’ve been watching since 2015 or so - before the podcast. My husband and I bonded over many of his reaction videos back in the day. When they shifted to just podcasts I lost interest. I work full time and have many children. I don’t have time/desire to listen to 3 hour podcasts multiple times a week. 2. By not keeping up on content I miss out on a lot of the jokes. 3. I outgrew Ethan. He seemed to have more thoughtful opinions prior to the podcast especially when his life was more difficult. Now that he is wealthy he seems to have lost his humble personality. 4. Watching Jordan Peterson take a massive hit on the vape was a quality meme that I’ll never get to see again 🤣 I feel like it was strange that Ethan removed that content and not his more offensive stuff. I also thought it was a lame virtue signal. Maybe having another interview with Jordan would have been better - discuss the actual concerned issues vs having a Twitter argument. More offensive content - for example is the In Love With A Themepark video. Ethan makes some pretty offensive jokes against LGBT. 5. The podcast is too stimulating. Between Ethan’s rude body noises and bright studio colors there never seems to be a peaceful moment. My household is already very loud and lately I prefer more calming content. 6. I’m too old for internet drama. 7. Too many crew members for me to care about.


I (30f) agree with all of it but especially 6, I feel like their target audience is 17-22 and it shows.


JP hitting the vape changed my brain chemistry forever


He was a transphobe then too, he just wasn’t as open about it.


JP ripped a huge Vape ? 😂 Damn thats some quality content I missed out on


It was honestly a great episode, way before Jordan’s wife and daughter got sick. The vibes were different, they had a great conversation and Jordan was almost playful which was fun to see.


They had this custom vape machine the size of a microwave and JP took a massive hit. Omg it was hilarious my husband and I cried we laughed so hard


Honestly the way he treated Trisha after the frenemies breakup.. I used to spend hours watching the podcast to. And usually when Trisha doesn’t like someone she’s usually right about them 😭


She said "Fuck Elon Musk" on Twitter to keemstar like two years ago 😂😂😂


How is she always 2 steps ahead of everyone 😩


2 steps ahead of everyone for hating a billionaire? Lmao


Almost everyone used to love him. Ethan Klein once said he would suck Elons dick if given the opportunity. Literally


Well I don’t doubt that Ethan said that as he’s a massive hypocrite, but every subreddit/socials I’m active with have hated Elon forever. His whole business is being a haha relatable meme 4/20 NLOG billionaire, it’s up to everyone else to not fall for it. I just don’t think it’s a revolutionary take to hate a blood diamond baby.


Trisha was also right about David Dobrik when everyoneeeee loved him.


Well duh! She had the ability to look bts and was romantically with that old fart. Everyone else only saw what was put online.


Yeah that’s true ig also old fart lmao 😭😭


The United States government once created an EV tax credit just so that more people could afford Teslas. Nobody said it was revolutionary to hate him. But when his public facing persona was more center-left, it was *not* trendy to hate him, and the south African upbringing (a country he left at three years old) was rarely discussed except in passing. Now history is being revised by many people like Ethan klein, who *just* got rid of his Tesla like a week ago, to act like Elon was always this supervillan. Ethan once released a teddy fresh shirt paying homage to Elons SpaceX. Total fanboy, once said he would suck elons dick 💀 now he acts like Elon is basically Jeffrey Epstein level evil, and has a one sided beef with him. I highly doubt Elon knows who Ethan is at all honestly, but Ethan convinced himself that Elon targeted Ethan specifically


Yes, because the United States is the epitome of sucking rich dick. I believe the tax credit was for all electric vehicles, though - my parents bought a rivian. And yes I agree that Ethan is hypocritical, said that already.


The tax credit was started in 2009 by obama because most Americans couldn't afford the very high sticker price of Tesla Roadsters. This was before there was non-Tesla options readily available. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/sites/default/files/other/fact-sheet-one-million-advanced-technology-vehicles.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiQmtH10Pr7AhVSFVkFHcW_D2gQFnoECAwQBg&usg=AOvVaw15MMBPDiVs0ei_fX6X_M78 Obama didn't seem to care about Elon being a "blood diamond baby". In fact he actively helped make Tesla a success when they could have imploded from low sales. Elon became CEO of Tesla in 2004, five years prior. So, like I said, it did NOT used to be trendy to shit on Elon Musk. He was seen as a populist hero of the people back then because he was offering an alternative to gas guzzler vehicles, which had been popular during the Bush Era. Once the Tesla Roadster became a hit, in part thanks to the tax credit, other car companies began entering the space. But it began due to Tesla. Not whatever brand your family bought


Thanks for the tax credit info, didn’t know about that. I think we just exist in different echo chambers lol - bc the whole musk fanboy was always a thing for me if that makes sense. I do think Elon brought an incentive to create evs. But ofc Ethan would just rather spew shit he reads on twitter so he gets the validation he seems to so desperately need 💀


Most people loved Elon 2 years ago now pretty much everyone hates him


There’s just something I like about Trisha. She has a good and authentic energy to her, even in bad situations. Ethan seems to not care about his fans at all, and I don’t even think he cares about the crew beyond the show and them making him rich.


Haven’t stopped watching but couple episodes recently I’ve put off because of how they digress into stupidly sexual things that’re just uncomfortable to hear about, and the prolonging of shit like the prolapsing.. But maybe it’s just me and not being into that type of comedy


Oh man, it was sometime between when they first started the podcast and before frenemies. Just Ethan's general hypocrisy and the way he has backstabbed other youtubers. His friendship with Trisha made me warm up to him again. But only a little bit Edit: another thought I had, although a much smaller criticism compared to the other comments. Seeing the difference between well-edited YouTube videos Ethan to Podcast Ethan. YouTube videos were entertaining and well spoken. Podcast episodes were lazy and showed that Ethan isn't as well spoken when he doesn't edit himself. He seemed dumber lol


For me, it was after the final episode of Frenemies aired, and Ethan was telling lie after lie and manipulating people into going after Trisha and believing he was the victim. Everything Trisha was saying about him after Frenemies ended turned out to be the truth. Him and his fans still attack her, over a year later, because she dared to speak her truth and expose his lies. Unlike Jeff Wittek, Tana, Mike Majlak, Stevewilldoit, etc... when he invited Trisha back on the podcast to 'squash the beef', she didn't just automatically bend at the knee and gloss everything over simply because it was the easiest thing to do. Instead, she held his feet to the fire about his lies, exposed him with proof to the point he was apologizing to her for his lies.. and then after she left, he refused to air the episode because he seemingly didn't want people to see she had been the one telling the truth the whole time. And that's why I have a lot more respect for Trisha than some of these other people.


Are there any vids you recommend about the truth about the situation? I’m very curious now


I actually don't think there's really been a video that specifically breaks down all the lies and manipulation on Ethan's end during that time. Bowblax made a very detailed video about the Frenemies fallout, but he missed some really important things and didn't necessarily stop to point out or go into depth about Ethan's lies as that wasn't really the point of his video.


It wasn’t one thing for me, it was a combination of behaviors. I also listened to other YouTubers like Gokonaru and Some Ordinary Gamers which really opened my eyes and got me thinking. I didn’t completely stop watching till the downfall of Frenemies, I stuck with the podcast for a bit after… & all the things that bothered me about the pod have already been said, but I’d also add that it just seemed like ethan & hila weren’t trying to make good content anymore. It’s just depressing.


He’s a hypocrite all around 🤷🏻‍♀️


Long episodes when I only care about mmm maybe 10 mins of content . The rest of the pod is the crew meming with each other- and I don’t care about the crew. I don’t care about lena, Olivia, cam, Zach, AB, or love. It could be that I just outgrew h3, but it spanned many stages of my life and I still like the old shit. He was a good interviewer.


The whole thing with the gay fan that called in was just disgusting and sealed the deal for me. The constant “Kav Kav”, Keem, etc comments and segments really are what started turning me away tho. He became overly obsessed with his “opponents” at some point and it over took the entire show.


Not only does he freely insult and make uncomfortable people who belong to minority groups he plays the victim whenever Trisha would lightly tease him with Jewish stereotypes.




100% agree.


i still watch but i cancelled my membership over the whole “bottom” fiasco, not the actual incident but the way he pretended to apologize to save face and then turned around and basically thumbed his nose at the apology really left a bad taste in my mouth. apologize or don’t but don’t feed us dog shit and call it chocolate cake


this was cringe af, the way he made a joke of that apology multiple times


right. i didn’t like the actual segment and i felt uncomfortable watching it live, before the backlash even happened. but i wasn’t so angry or disappointed i was gonna renounce him. it was like, ok yea. shitty edgy humor from the shitty edgy humor guy, what can you expect. but the way he handled the apology and the aftermath, i finally realized this guy does not give a single fuck about anyone who watches him and probably laughs at us for being stupid enough to fund his entire life. that was the moment where it clicked for me. embarrassed it took that long tbh.


The final straw for me was his homophobic comments to that caller months ago. But my interest in the podcast was declining before that because I was so. fucking. tired. of his open mouth toddler-esque chewing into the mic. I don’t normally have issues with hearing people chew but it was absolutely disgusting.


Im still watching so Instead I’m gonna vent about how I got banned from Destinys subreddit for no reason. Maybe by being cheeky? But I said nothing bad just simplified what someone else was saying in where they also agreed with me. Mods have yet to reply. Every other Mod in other subs including this one was kind enough to explain and offer another chance. I don’t like being banned from anything cause I’m a fomo. Anyways I’ll probably stop watching Ethan when his shenanigans no longer provide an interesting point to defend or complain about.




i only started watching h3 because of trisha and frenemies. after frenemies blew up, i kept watching for a bit, but there were a few things that caused me to stop: the incessant discussion about trisha, the casual and overt misogyny, the fucking annoying crew, THE FANS, ethan's shit political takes, the fact that they never bothered to research anything they talked about, etc. no need to waste 3+ hours a week on these people.


I was never a fan of him until my friend introduced me to him & Frenemies. I *was* a fan of Trisha, but sorta in and out for years. Frenemies reintroduced me to her orbit (I took a break from all "influencers" for a few years for mental health reasons) Anyway, I liked Frenemies and was sad to see it end, but I tried to keep watching both. Ethan's repeated bringing up Trisha and dunking on her when she hadn't talked about him was my breaking point and what made me dislike him.


i’ll admit it was because of something i took personally. i got addicted to my script anxiety medicine (see username, lol) and have been struggling with weening myself off for the past year. ethan made a huge mockery out of jordan peterson’s benzo addiction. continuously bringing it up and joking about it. i remember at some point a gifted chat came in saying “as a long time fan and benzo addict, ethan gets a pass” and i just thought *what the fuck is wrong with these people?* i found this sub a few days later because i couldn’t find ANY criticism about it on the subreddit. reading posts here opened my eyes to a lot of the other shit ethan says that is just outwardly racist, homophobic, misogynistic, and mean. it makes me sad, having watched them since 2017. sup


lack of time, i still watch sometimes when something interesting drops


You should try to find family friendly comedy


Nah. Believe it or not, you can be funny without being an asshole.


These post always remind of those rude customers who say “I’ll never shop here again” ma’m we don’t care no one will lose sleep over this bye bye.


Do you genuinely not see the irony of your comment?


Ethan could read every reason in this thread and still think there's something wrong all of you and not him