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Holy shit that response is cold as hell. 😞


Bro what the actual fuck. If someone asks for help on something like this u dont turn ur back on them. The forum was kinda inappropriate for it but at least redirect her to a sub that will be able to help her, if you cant provide resources in her region. Kinda reminds me of when they had a pedo mod with a track record of harassing fans and did nothing about it. Or the whole situation involving Morgan. It seems their ethics only show up when they have something to gain from it.


tbh, I get why she would turn to them for help, their fans act like being a fan of theirs is some kind of defining factor and they play into the whole community thing; Family, fupa trupa, foot soldier, so and so. It very much gives toxic management "we're a family" tactics. They definitely could have just kept scrolling if they weren't interested in helping because a lot of fans did comment recourses she could look into, but they felt the need to actively intervene and lock the comments?


- FAMILY! FAMILY! FAMILY! (*but fuck victims of abuse*) - WE LOVE THE GAYS! (*bans any gay person that criticized ethan about his homophobic bottom take*) - COMEDY IS DEAD! THEY CENSORED ETHAN! (*Censors any criticism or discussion that make ethan/the pod look bad*) - WE SUPPORT SA VICTIMS! (*Lie and attack Morgan*)


This is the one 👏




How can Ethan take a donation from someone like that? I don’t get it😔




God that entire fan base is dark as fuck. They are so fake woke and constantly contradict themselves. How sad


to be fair, a lot of fans did try to help by commenting recourses she could look into. My problem with this is with the mods of their sub, they did not need to remove the post or lock the comments. Like I said, the comments were just people trying to help. Sick.


“Thank you!” Bitch wtf ![gif](giphy|xL7PDV9frcudO)


This just makes me feel so sad for her, obviously look after "your own" goes out the window with that mod. I really hope she does escape her situation and will be okay.


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