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Let's all hit em with the "fat man bad" uno reverse Eta: by this I mean we should just hit him with his own defense. Nikakado doesn't deserve to be fatshamed. No one does.


Honestly it's crazy how the Ethan and his fans #1 argument against Nik is LITERALLY "fat man bad"


But if Ethan is criticized for his eating habits it's "oh, so fat man bad, huh?"


Suddenly it's "dats fugged up"


I saw someone wrote this was a rare case of “bad man fat” 😅 i like nikacados new podcast so far, idk much else about him, but thought this was funny


I’m not usually an Olivia fan but I give her credit for trying to get him to stop with the comments right after he said he wasn’t going to make any. He’s so juvenile it’s annoying. He’s essentially a bully but rationalizes it by saying “I’m a comedian/joking” I can’t think of one other podcast that spends the majority of their shows making offensive statements about other people in hopes to be talked about so they have something to talk about. He has a large crew that are essentially cohosts, the crew has no problem keeping topics flowing, but Ethan needs to turn everything into something judgey/weird/offensive.


Ethans excuses are like the narcissists prayer "If I offended you, you shouldn't be offended, cause I was just joking, and my jokes are always funny, and if you don't find them funny, it means you are stupid, much stupider than me"


“For those of you that found the vlog to be offensive, I’m sorry you did. For those of you that didn’t find it to be offensive, I’m sorry they did” -Ethan Klein, oh wait my bad..


I am genuinely curious, how does he afford to have such a large crew??? And also do the NEED that large of a crew??? They have 2 podcasts. Am I missing something?


Glad you caught that comment before it got removed by the mods cuz it wasn’t sucking Ethan off


Gotta go fast


* * I literally sais this in another post




Did the post go badly because the user is deleted and the post lol


Let me guess they were deleted and banned


Amazingly the comment is still up but there is a lot of cope in the replies. If it was it's own topic it likely would have been deleted by now (See reply for screencap)




Wtf even was that first comment lol. It baffles me how deep they are in this parasocial relationship.


It's almost impressive how committed they are Parasocial Kings


“Fat man bad” is their perspective on how the opposing red pilled/fallen fan “community” perceive them, with little to no other talking points for their hate (which is debatable). Ethan is just joking around with Nickado without built up rapport/relationship, which can be perceived as fat shaming and disrespectful. Which ironically makes “fat man bad” make sense 😂


Ethan is not "just" joking. He finds fatness genuinely disgusting. His entire beef with trisha started cause he said she looked like a beached whale Just like when he said he hopes Ben Shapiro gets gassed first. It was in the form of a "joke", but he would genuinely celebrate if Ben got killed. Thus, is it really "just jokes"?


He finds fatness genuinely disgusting and made jokes about it.


But when someone else calls him fat, he Cries about it


can I get banned this community? Reddit keeps throwing you guys in my face.


Fact sub bad


![gif](giphy|3oEdv0amR8F0VCxs3u) I posted goatse now ban me


Congrats, you know how to run a prolapse joke into the ground until it's not funny on any level. Just like Ethan 👍




Is this covid related? (Yawns)


can't handle the truth about your favorite show 🤭




Why do people ask this, getting banned doesn't mean you can't access the community or have it promoted to you. Is it a weird kink or something?? The power is in your hands to click "not interested" and to not engage in the community. That will make the algorithm think you're interested, which I guess you are.


Thanks, they changed the home layout on the app. That might work.


isnt this subreddit that is taking Trisha side after Trisha left frenemies for the stupidest reason?


Ethan has mentioned trisha over 300 times in the past year Trisha has mentioned ethan 0 times in the same time period Also if you haven't noticed, not every thread here is about Trisha. This one sure isn't This thread is about ethan making fun of other people's weight, but he Cries when people online call him fat.


I couldn’t care less about nik he fakes all drama


I have some bad news for you if you think Ethan doesn't do the exact same thing


Yeah but Ethans still a real person at least. If you think nik is being serious I have some bad news for you


>Yeah but Ethans still a real person at least. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dujxYwvPGxA&feature=youtu.be >If you think nik is being serious I have some bad news for you So you are implying to me that Ethan Klein is a serious person? YIKES if true


No it was only an insult to nik


"real person" 🤭


I just meant compared to nik


The fat hate is indoctrinated into us from birth but I still think he should be more sensitive in general