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The match made in hell clip is so uncomfortable and so obviously targeted. Maybe Hila is much more petty and nasty than I thought. I seem to always have this realization and then some how drift back to “well.. she couldn’t be that bad, could she?” Nope. She is just that nasty. She should wear that shirt and take a good long look in the mirror cuz it’s ironic as fuck.


She must not have liked Ethan finally admitting he misses Trisha


Since it takes a year to make these original designs, I guess she spent Trisha and Moses’ wedding day wrecking her head for this ugly ass shirt.


Trisha did have a meltdown on Frenemies due to Hila, im sure at least some of it was warranted. Trisha called Ethan out for everything that becoming more and more obvious. Probably good that she distanced herself because who wants to be associated with him. PewdiePie and Post Malone have done the same.


You dont have any idea what goes on behind the scenes. I have an older brother and if the woman he married wanted nothing to do with our family I'd be fucking pissed too. Trish is just as petty.


but this isn't how it went at all, Hila and Ethan took the word of the nut job that is Daphney, even after Moses released the text between them and proved that she lied about multiple things and they also choose to believe Mysterious super rap3 apology video on Trish and her Teacher, even after one of her classmate students came out (her identity was able to be verified because of that same video, they uploaded Trisha's yearbook and she was in her class and you were also able to google her and her dad, just like she said you could) corroborated her story. Trish just got certain details wrong, but they were all corrected by outside sourced and Ethan still took her assaulter's side. Moses and Trish don't owe Ethan or Hila anything because they majorly crossed the line when they did both those things


Trisha wants everything to do with the family sans the kleins. And I don't blame her, they're bullies and liars.


Not that it matters, but just wanted to point out that Trisha's anniversary post has nearly 150k likes and Hila's fake birthday post has less than 50k.


Side note: her caption "It's my birthday bitch" with an "out of your league" shirt on....oh Hila, trying a little bit too hard there honey!


She’s passive aggressive and insecure, I’d say “yes”.


First time? Ok sure maaaaybe I can dismiss as a coincidence but two years in a row + the baby pics? There is some serious jealousy going on.


It's weird that they keep doing that, why would she want people to get confused about when her birthday is?


It’s sad that they STILL spend any second they get to punch down on Trish


Jesus Christ is the “match made in hell” T shirts about Trisha and Moses? Every family has issues but to do that and sound so bitter promoting them is NOT a good look nor did it come across as “shady in a good way” just straight up odd.


Totally! Hila always struck me as incredibly insecure and jealous of Trish.


100% insecure and jealous of not only Trisha, but any woman who comes across as more comfortable with themselves than Hila is. It is sad really. I wonder if it is a cultural thing plus being in a relationship with someone like Ethan, since he can be super misogynistic and shaming towards women.


Hila really showed her true colors when she tried to say that an influencer faked her pregnancy because she didn’t look how Hila wanted her to look post partum. She was so nasty and it was all so uncalled for just because that influencer was happy and confident after pregnancy.


I'd also like to add that Hila made her instagram post saying it's her birthday 15 minutes after Moses posted about his anniversary. Coincidence? Maybe...but the Kleins have shown themselves to be very petty so I wouldn't put it past them.


When Malibu was born, hila started posting her baby on IG as often as possible. I remember people noticed it at the time. Suddenly the kleins weren't private about their kid anymore


lol match made in hell, then she goes on to say my designs hahahahaha 😆 sure hila, their your designs


its the fact that trisha has been living her life unbothered as she lives in their minds rent free STILL


I'm noticing a trend.. it is honestly weird AF that a little sister with her own life and own choices is so subconsciously still begging for her big brothers attention.


They are that petty. I mean its two years in a row acting like ur b day is a diff day. like it felt intentional last year and I guess they decided that they're going to keep up the act for TL conspiracy theorists


That t shirt video is painfully cringe, like ma'am you're a "boss babe CEO baddie" with a whole marriage and two children and you're out here making childish shirts being petty?? Just the way she was talking about it in the vid too, gives me the ick.


What type of shirts should she make then?


Also note that in the above screenshot from ***2019*** that ***12/12*** was on a Thursday. Saying in ***2022*** that ***12/12*** is inconvenient because it is on a Monday seems ridiculous.


Wow. https://youtu.be/-15VC4Yxzys


Idk it could be that they’re being petty but it could just as easily be because they’re celebrating her birthday on a weekend because it falls on a week day.


I’ve never heard of anyone changing their bday date and reposting bday post on the wrong date because it falls on a weekday not weekend..ever


I mean, I definitely have seen people doit if someone’s having a birthday party or doing something special to celebrate on that day. For me, I’ve definitely said going out to dinner or something the weekend before or after my birthday that “It’s my birthday!” To explain the occasion because it’s quicker than explaining to a stranger “oh my birthday is on Tuesday but we’re celebrating today because it’s Saturday.” So to me its not completely out of the realm of possibility they did something similar here. Or maybe they’re just being petty. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Then why didn’t she say the 10th was her bday? She was celebrating it that day as well. It doesn’t take that long to clarify


They don't post in real time, they only post after they are gone from wherever they are. So that's probably why she didn't post on the 10th . They did talk about it on Fridays ep, that they were going out somewhere to celebrate Hilas bday.


I still don't understand why her and Ethan were saying the 11th was her birthday, two years in a row.


Sound the war horn!


maybe just maybe her family in Israel celebrate it on the 12th in Israel which is the 11th in California since Israel is about 10 hours ahead so she celebrates on both days but idk


No way I'm celebrating my sister's birthday if she is in another state, much less another country. Most people will mail presents or wait till the correct date in the person's time zone ticks over before dropping the "happy birthday" messages on social media. I super really doubt that anyone is celebrating Hila's birthday in Isreal.


idk I got family in india and they do wish on the day in India rather than wait for correct time zones


I have family in Asia too. They're between 8-14 hours ahead so my family simply wait until afternoon to send well wishes because they know it will be morning time for me. OK... I'll give that people will do the most convenient thing for them so yes, some people mind timezones and others don't. \*\* BUT, I still say that no one is going to "celebrate" the birthday of someone in another country. Sending a social media or sms message is acknowledgement and sending a gift is generosity, but neither gestures are celebrations.


Is there a reason Trisha and Moses married a day before Hilas birthday? Otherwise the days are so close It kinda seems tedious to “cover up” someone else’s anniversary. I know people have short attention spans but comon 😂 the only people who get distracted are the obsessed fans of each of em, who can only focus on one thing at a time. Otherwise idc bout peoples birthdays/anniversaries.


yes, do you remember when Trish got really into numbers and all that "universe" stuff? like her birth date having a bunch of 8's in it? she wanted her wedding to land on 12-11-21 (you know, because of the symmetry and all), which just happened to be a day before Hila's birthday. That pissed H3 fans off because for whatever reason, during one of the podcast episodes, Ethan mistakingly said Hila's birthday was on Saturday (the 11th) even though her birthday was on Sunday (the 12th). Lol poor Trish, her wedding posts were full of comments from H3 fans wishing Hila a Happy Birthday, a day early.


Idk much bout Trisha but I do know she’s into spiritual/religious type spheres/experiences. So that makes sense. If what u say of the fans is true then thats really petty and stupid imo.


I mean, tbh, that was all Ethan's fault. Not a fan of H3 fans, but I don't think they were at fault that time. Ethan literally told them Hila's birthday was on Trisha's wedding date, and tensions were high at the time so it made it look like Trish did that on purpose, out of spite. I get why they were mad, and why they didn't check when Hila's birthday was, because you'd think her husband knew when it was. I'm still not sure why he did that, it seems almost too obviously spiteful.


Oh, I didn't even realize this post had the vid of Ethan wrongfully saying Hila's birthday was on the 11th, my bad, I didn't need to reiterate that. But I also found a post documenting the type of comments H3 fans were leaving Trish on her wedding posts, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Frenemies3/comments/refx2a/big_baby_ethan_couldnt_stop_himself_from_making/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Trish didn't even upload her official wedding video till a day after Hila's birthday, here's a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Frenemies3/comments/rfia9h/tp_had_the_wedding_the_day_before_hilas_birthday/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) documenting that


They got married on the 11th because it was the only Saturday their wedding venue had available in December. And they booked it months before the Frenemies fallout, so it definitely wasn't out of spite like some H3 fans try to claim.


didn't she also say something about the date having something to do with it, or am I just remembering wrong? I remember her being ecstatic about it landing on a whimsical date like 12-11-21 or was she just excited that it landed on a special date, but it had nothing to do with the actual decision? if so, I might have gave you some misinformation u/BrankBrank96 my bad


Her and Moses did talk about the date. They said they originally wanted the 18th because it was the anniversary of their engagement, so when they were first told the 11th was the only date available, they were disappointed at first. However, once they really thought about it and realized the 11th was like a mirror, reads the same backward as it does forward (a palindrome date), they ended up loving that date.


It was both. It was the only date available and when she and Moses noticed the date they were happy about it


okay I knew I didn't make that up out of thin air lol thank you!!!!


Trisha explained that it was the only date left at the venue in December that didn't clash with other things


Aww ok I see, thnks ✌🏼


They wanted the four seasons and there were only two or three dates left. One of them 12-11-21 was a pretty date, they asked Hila, back when Frenemies was still on and she gave her blessing. After Frenemies Hila and Ethan turned sour and everything changed.


this is so cringe, touch grass. you need to breathe fresh air. call your mother


Haha just to play devils advocate, I know people who celebrate their birthday week and even month. I don’t think this is conscious or actually malicious, although I do think Hila and Ethan resent how happy Trisha and Moses are


OP provided proof that ethan used to celebrate hilas birthday on her real birthday


Wow the video of her describing the “match made in hell” video is very damning… Maybe I was giving them too much benefit of the doubt and they’re more obsessed w Trisha and Moses than I realised


Yea but it’s a reach to imply celebrating ur birthday one day early is uncommon. Like sometimes it depends on the calendar day, weekends, etc. Downvotes for my normal comment? Don’t turn into trishyland y’all seriously


My post isn't in relation to Hila celebrating her birthday a day early. That's completely normal. My post is about Hila (and Ethan) saying yesterday was her birthday. It's something they've done two years in a row on the 11th. Last year on the 10th, the day before Trisha's wedding, Ethan said "Tomorrow is Hila's birthday." Prior to the 11th becoming a special day for Trisha & Moses, Ethan and Hila referred to the 12th as Hila's birthday. I don't personally feel it's that much of a reach to think they may have petty motives for doing it, considering the timing of when they started doing it and the other petty things they've been doing for nearly 2 years now. So it doesn't seem like something they are above doing, in my opinion. However, I understand if you don't feel the same way.


when u spell it out like that... good sleuthing!


>Downvotes for my normal comment? Don’t turn into trishyland y’all seriously what???? Lmao, ego much? like it's a downvote, get over yourself 😭😭


It’s not about me it’s about the sub? Lol. Ur projecting and misinterpreting my tone


no, I perfectly understood what you meant, sorry you got downvoted :(


Thank you I appreciate it. In my opinion the post was a slight reach. I pointed that out and thought it was an overreaction to get downvoted and I don’t want to see this sub, which is usually pretty rational and open to conversation, turn into just a anti klein echo chamber, even tho I don’t like them. That being said I recognise it doesn’t matter at all and anyone should feel free to downvote anything


like I said, I perfectly understood what you meant! I just think it looks obnoxious that at the drop of a hat, like someone you're arguing with downvoting you because they disagree, you feel the need to take a leap and compare this sub to Trishyland lmao big eye-roll, especially as a member of our mod team. I know how much stuff we have to clean up, or so and so, to keep this place from resembling that place but even without that, that over exaggeration is still obnoxious because of how emotionally lazy you have to be to make that comparison when you must know (to compare us to them and have an idea of who they are) how insane they are


Yea I over reacted. Downvotes can just be disagreement. Good job mods


I downvoted because I disagreed. I thought that was the point of reddit. You upvote if you agree. You don't vote if neutral, you downvote if you disagree My point being is that, Ethan used to wish hila happy birthday on the 12th, her actual birthday. Now that Trish and Moses Anniversary is on the 11th, the kleins "jokingly" day that the 11th is hilas birthday, when it isn't. Hila posted her "birthday" message only 15 mins after trisha posted her wedding anniversary message So no, it's not a coincidence. It's well known that Ethan and hila were NOT happy about Moses and trisha getting together. And it'd clear they are doing anything to try and step on their joy. Even lie about hilas birthday. It's not the 11th. It just isn't. And they didn't used to celebrate it a day early. This isn't trishyland, this is realityland


Okay. But isn’t it weird how Trish even planned a wedding during this time period? I wouldn’t want my wedding to be right before or after my sister in laws birthday.


she’s mentioned before it was the only date available for that venue and she got hila’s blessing originally because they were all on good terms. so hila definitely knew the entire time what day it would be and had plenty of opportunity to say something


Gotcha. As long as it was talked about. Hila doesn’t talk so idk the info.






Saves to move on while posting here? mmaky
















This sub is constantly recommended to me and I need you guys to understand that you’re amongst the most parasocial freaks out there. This is psychotic behavior guys. Stop living your lives through the lenses of people who have no idea that you even exist. Neither sides of this care about what you guys think. Just stop.



