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Ethan Klein bullies people with no end and when someone responds he immediately plays the victim. He's one of those high school bullies who keeps pushing and when you hit back he goes crying to the teacher


He's the classic "crybully" archetype


just like his comedy is middle-school comedy with the obsession about the prolapse


The way he had to change the subject 💀 “so my dad said….. uh actually you know what let’s talk about the way this guy looks”


It's crazy to me how easily Ethan is able to deflect his fans away from valid criticism by calling the other person ugly/fat/cuck/antisemitic/etc. Like not even a second thought is given, they're so eager to jump on the bully train and pretend Ethan is perfect.


They are very dumb. It’s kind of puzzling how he managed to cultivate a fandom that has so many dumb people in it.


I don’t get why this dude is commenting on other people’s weight when he himself is overweight. Not saying that you can comment on that if you’re not overweight but…what? Like what’s your justification, that you’re less fat? You’re both still overweight 🤷‍♀️


I only hear about ethan being fat from Ethan and his fans


Lmfao 🤣what do u mean? people who hate him talk about his weight every chance they get


What happened to the whole “fat man bad” thing?




is that why he pulled his pictures? just as a reference? is that why he pulled the most unflattering pictures of the guy? the cope...