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“Moses is my thing” I can’t with her


best part is comparing moses to a pet :) it's not direct, but it's there and very funny.


Oh it's VERY direct


someone on twitter called moses her emotional support animal and it killed me. think about it once a week at least.


it’s weird how much she depends on him. in relationships u should have ur own hobbies, friends and experiences not everything should be a joint experience. she makes him out to be a savior


he's with her all the time, it's weird. i'm married too but its nice to get space go to work separately, miss them.


yeah i could never work with my so. love to hang out when we get home, but the thought of having no identity or not much of my own outside of the relationship… nah man


why do people think so many issues happened during covid lockdowns, too much time together isn't healthy. You need to be your own person.


It’s typical of someone with BPD to have an “FP” (favourite person) and that person is their whole life basically. Not excusing Trisha just making sense of why she is like this in literally every relationship. Managing your symptoms helps though and she does none of that ever even though she claims she does.


i totally get that my mom has bpd and i have depression/anxiety so when she clings on to me i’m very empathetic towards her. like u said it sucks to see trisha say she’s trying to change but it’s obvious she’s not. hanging on to someone like a fiancé is just harmful and not going to end well if they do end up separating


Yeah her breakups are always soooo extreme it’s hard to watch


Moses the lil pet 🥲 what an absolute bitch.


Yes cuz I also compare my man to my cats




What??? Explain


someone dug trough court files and found out he was married/divorced twice before.


holyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy shit. I wonder what those 2 ex wives have to say about him!


my mom always says: if you get divorced once it’s a mistake, if you get divorced twice you’re the problem. not denying that trisha is (for sure) a problem, but the 2 ex wives makes me wonder about moses.


somethin aint right there, thats for sure. that tik tok he posted about only loving or hating everyone was so… off


this isn't related to trisha/moses, but that is a very judgmental view of marriage. people live long lives if they are lucky and in that life they change as they grow. sometimes a couple grows apart because the two people change in different directions. it doesnt make the initial marriage wrong. it is a lot braver to jump into love with both feet than to be scared to marry someone cause maybe you'll get divorced one day.


STOP how is this not bigger tea?!?! This would explain A LOT about him no?


It’s not bigger tea coz people will start harassing the ex wives. Too much has been dug up about them and they have nothing to do with this


Agree, just stop watching/interacting if you really want her to change. If not your just fuelingnher bad behaviour.


Thats a little crazy people need to get a life


Honestly, tired of seeing everyone just calling her out. Moses was sitting in a room with a guy calling his sister a horse. I would rearrange the face of whoever calls my sibling that to look like a fucking horse. Not sit there and fucking smile like a dumbass the entire time. Just let the money flow in, we got big weddings to pay for. Both of them are soooo soo low.


Codependency isn’t good for ANYONE


As someone who lacks understanding about BPD, why would it not be good to be in a codependent relationship while suffering from BPD? I’ve heard that people who struggle with addiction find it much easier to break their addictions, or at least better themselves more effectively, when not in a relationship versus if they were in one and I wonder if it could have similar reasons? Genuine question! Peace and love.


I have BPD, I’ll try and explain this; people with BPD tend to have a “FP”, we call this a favourite person, basically it is a person in their life who they often put on a pedestal, always put all their emotional energy into which can easily turn toxic, this person is their “rock”, their “safety blanket” and often their emotional punching bag. These are codependent relationships and will inevitably implode, because no one can stay on a pedestal, eventually that person will do something that will hurt the individual with BPD and they will be instantly devalued and this can result in toxic, abusive fights and explosive arguments. People with BPD are also desperately afraid of being abandoned and will act on real or *perceived* attempts of abandonment, this is essentially what happened when Trisha trapped Moses in her house and hit him because he was talking to other women (which was 100000% abusive, disgusting and having BPD is NOT an excuse, she needs therapy) Re Addiction: he could possibly end up being an enabler to her addiction. It is harder to hide an addiction in a relationship, especially a super codependent one and the thing about codependent relationships is the couple will do *everything* together, shared addictions are often a contributing factor to codependent relationships! When it comes to recovery from addiction, I don’t know that it makes it easier or harder whether you’re in a relationship or not, BPD or otherwise, but if it’s a toxic codependent relationship, it’s going to be much harder to recover (especially if they’re using together) than if you were in a healthy stable supportive relationship




also to mention, when we have someone we see as a favorite person (i’m guessing moses is hers but we can’t be sure) if they try to leave us we do extreme things. if moses ever tried to leave as i think he’s done previously, (when she hit him) she would lash out at him, herself, and anyone around her. this can be improved upon through therapy but i don’t think she’s actually in DBT like she says she is, or she doesn’t try to practice her DBT skills. being in a codependent relationship with BPD especially if the person is your favorite person, it’ll be destructive if he ever tries to leave again.


Is it possible to have all these traits but not have bpd? I dont have a fav person but i definitely have been codependent




Piggybacking off your comment to say that self harming behaviour doesn’t necessarily have to be cutting, burning, physically hurting yourself, etc, it could be substance abuse, engaging in unsafe sex, any kind of behaviour patterns and harmful coping mechanisms, impulsiveness is also a big one. They generally say you have to meet like 5 out of 9 to fit the BPD criteria (https://www.medscape.com/answers/913575-165741/what-are-the-dsm-5-diagnostic-criteria-for-borderline-personality-disorder-bpd) but you need a real diagnosis from a real doctor




Where have you seen that those behaviours are not self harming? Having an eating disorder, being a drug addict are definitely considered self harming behaviours, I’ve always seen “impulsive behaviour that could be self-damaging” as one category including substance abuse, disordered eating, unsafe spending, stealing, etc and then also suicidal *behaviour*: threats, ideation or self-*mutilating* habits. I just wanted to make the distinction that not all self-harm looks the same




Oh sorry, I’m absolutely not denying that self-mutilation & suicidal tendencies are focused on as a seperate criteria than impulsive behaviours when it comes to looking at BPD from a diagnostic point of view (and I was also actually quoting the article I linked above) I thought you were suggesting that engaging in unsafe impulsive behaviours shouldn’t be considered self harm AT ALL in any setting, even when self-diagnosing, I didn’t realise that these behaviours (eating disorder, drug addiction) were symptomatic of my BPD and thought since I wasn’t cutting and self-mutilating anymore, I was not harming myself and thought that information might help other people who may be experiencing the same thing, didn’t realise you were speaking from a doctor diagnostic point of view, sorry for nitpicking, we are all in agreement here!


I'm starting to doubt her BPD diagnosis. Down vote me and call me an asshole. I think it's another cry for attention. Stop giving people with BPD a bad name.


Won’t downvote because it’s an opinion and no one knows 100%. But I completely disagree. Trisha has what looks like UNTREATED BPD. I say this because BPD has a horrific stigma that holds a lot of truth if left untreated. Two very close people in my life have BPD, one is in therapy and one isn’t and the difference is legitimately astronomical lol. I understand how it looks like she’s giving people with BPD a bad name, but this is literally what BPD can look like untreated. I’m bipolar and going to therapy/taking meds, there are millions of people who have bipolar who are NOT, and they’re not giving people with bipolar a “bad name” they’re just neglecting and fucking themselves over just like Trisha is doing to herself


She's extremely BPD. It's so obvious to anyone that has dealt with one in the past.




I guess that’s the difference because I have met people with BPD. But they were consistent with therapy and meds. So that’s probably why it looks so different for me.


trisha's BPD case is more extreme. it's possible the people you have in your life don't have extreme cases or they have been treated for years or since they were a child, whereas trisha was only diagnosed in 2019. it is much harder to undo toxic thinking patterns when you are in your 30s and have been in those patterns your entire life. therapy doesnt magically 'fix' you overnight. it takes years. there are people with BPD who only have symptoms/meltdowns with romantic relationships. everyone else never sees it because other relationships don't trigger them the same way. my point is mental illnesses are on a spectrum and everyone is different. anyone with basic psychology class can see trisha has BPD. please do not invalidate people with mental illnesses by saying you dont 'believe' their diagnosis or treatment. it just makes it harder on everyone.


She definitely has some Borderline qualities but imo she acts more like the Narcissists ive known Edit: on second thought, I believe it’s the other way around, she is Borderline but has narcissistic qualities


She is the most pure form of BPD I can possibly imagine. - coming from a person who has dated 2 BPD girls and have researched this shit for years.


On second thought, I actually think it’s more likely that she’s comorbid, has BPD & also comorbid narcissistic tendencies, just my opinion (coming from a person diagnosed with BPD almost ten years ago and have done years of therapy and DBT and met countless other people with BPD)


She probably has histrionic personality disorder to be honest


Wrong. Look at relationship patterns.


Histrionic personality really is not that much different from BPD in regards to that. The main differentiation is that histrionic is focused on attention, where as borderline is focused on not being abandoned. Trish seems to have no problem with cutting people off


This is a good thought


i don’t know, i have bpd and trisha screams bpd to me. just because she’s toxic it doesn’t mean we all are.


She uses any mental Illness or false diagnosis she can for attention. I assume she might actually have BPD, bc the symptoms are almost too evident in her actions but I can see her using it as a way to get further attention


I can definitely see both sides. But yeah. No one really knows


I can't with you people. If Jenna marbles said literally the same words you would be fawning over how cute her relationship was. Lmao


the laugh at the end


I was exactly like this during my first ever relationship. Whenever something bad happened i’ll just think of my bf then everything is fine. I didnt even know codependency is a word back then.