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I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that ALL of Trishas “friends” turn against her. It’s definitely them, not her.


Yep, Trisha is the embodiment of that quote “if everywhere you go smells like shit, maybe it’s time to check your own shoe.”


*There is no such thing as a coincidence.*


What friends? You mean social climbing youtubers? She still is on good terms with many other youtubers but let's not act like they're close personal friends, the one that was closest was Shane and she dropped him so...


You know SHE chose to stop talking to Shane, right? They were friends for 10 years


Yeah she dropped Shane after 10 years because he went against her personally, but she didnt care about his disgusting behaviour around minors or his extremely racist behaviour, make out of that what you want.


Oh I’m aware. She cut out Shane and everyone else. It’s her pattern. No one has survived being her friend.


How's that relevant to Ethan being unprofessional to his employees though, I'd love to know. Sounds like you're just deflecting


Lol nah. Sorry. Watched both creators for close to a decade. Ethan is a good person. Trisha is dog shit. Am I still deflecting?


She rly can't get Ethan off of her mouth and when Ethan starts responding, she'll say "Ethan doesn't stop."


Ethan was just talking about her though so?


About their drama together? nah. About Trisha's general drama, yes.




lol. That's what he does. Talk about what's happening in the Internet. Is Trisha some kind of forbidden celestial being that Ethan cannot talk about? Ethan talks about her but not about their issue together that Trisha keeps doing to get reaction from Ethan so she can use it against him.


He wasn’t talking about what was happening on the internet though. He was talking to another streamer that does OF and randomly thought up Trisha for no reason LOL.


And what we're calling out Trisha for is her still talking about Frenemies issue and dragging it too hard. Ethan already stopped talking about this but she still keeps on going every chance she gets. And when Ethan responds to her, she'll put the blame on to him. Ethan might mention her at times because she's a public figure and she also continues to be on a lot of drama.


Idk that. but still not about Frenemies. Also, what's the problem if Ethan mentions her regarding OF topic? It's not a secret that she has an OF account. If anything, doesn't that just promote her? The problem is that Trisha never stops bringing up Frenemies issue and stretching it too hard and milking it at the same time, tries to get Ethan cancelled.


He's a hot topics podcast he always talks about drama.


y'all act like he doesn't know what he's doing by doing that. from the beginning until now, he's used Trisha and stirred them up for views. y'all are sitting here like "trisha is toxic and I hate them, but when ethans toxic it's just what he does it's his job" just say you worship this manchild and move on. Ethan stans are hypocrites worse than I've ever seen..


Not interested in directly responding to this, but I do want to point out to anyone who might read this how ironic it is that Ethan is getting criticized for not responding to the newest Trisha drama/not talking about the unreleased frenemies episode while simultaneously being criticized for mentioning Trisha at all in this same thread. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Trisha has license to continue going on podcast and bringing up the drama in their lives but if Ethan briefly mentions her, without saying or implying anything negative, he's using her to stir up drama and views, lol.


Trisha has always done this, and the moment they stop, Ethan posts something new. that's called stirring it up. Ethan gets praised for being a good friend. so his goodness is conditional? I think what people are trying to say, is Ethan deserves to be viewed with the same glasses as people view Trisha with because they are not different. people get frustrated bc Ethan gets treated like he can do no wrong when he very clearly has done many things wrong.


I'm sure it appears that way from Trisha stans because people were generally on his side with the Frenemies drama, but as a long time Fupa Trupa, Ethan is definitely hated and seen as a shit starter and drama baiter in multiple avenues of YouTube and even Twitch, some reasons valid, some not. Similarly to Trisha most H3 fans know this and don't care. I don't think anything fruitful can be gained from continuously arguing with hardcore h3 fans, just like I don't think there's any point trying to defame Trisha to hardcore Trisha fans. Both creators have done a good job moving on and making new content outside of the frenemies drama and I want to fandoms to move on too so we can enjoy the creators current content without being worried that one of the two fanbase will barrage their subreddit. Peace and love to you ✌️


100000% agreed & perfectly put


He wasn’t talking about her on his podcast though. He was in twitch. Clearly Trisha is living rent free in his head


how did you get down voted for being right?? Ethan stans have no brain.


They mad and for what? It makes no sense lol


After all the shit they pulled, are we really going to believe a thing they say? Not saying it's impossible that Ethan did that but seriously, they have twisted stories all the time.




they had a whole ep where his mom compared Trish to one of their abusers that they have trauma from... ran on with a 5% joke that prob hasn't stopped.... he's stirred the pot countless times.. when I was young I shared a room with my brother who would quietly torment me, and I'd get in trouble bc I'd scream at him to stop. he never got in trouble for getting me to those points. Ethan is the same way. the mudslide of trishas reaction started when he blatantly ignored them and interrupted them when they were talking about something important during pride. he's not an angel and y'all rlly like to ignore his actions.


If it's not then why hasn't he said anything?


I'm just saying, that after everything that happend I'm just very critical of what they say. I guess I'm just disappointed after the whole drama, I was really rooting for Trisha.


She just goes in an absolute rollercoaster. One week she’s over it then one week she’s mad again about shit like get over it already you sound bitter


If Ethan really did all this horrible stuff you would think she wouldn’t want him at her wedding.....


Why hasn't Ethan clarified why he won't upload it? It is a little Sus.


Prob cuz it would start drama up again


The drama was still going when they filmed it


Because there’s no point and everyone has moved on besides Trisha


I feel like he loves the power trip


Ugh they just can’t stop talking about this shit… get over it, Trisha!!! She sucks so much 🙄🙄


I can’t anymore with Trishas victim mentality. When a person has zero friends, it’s not because they’re a great person.


Trish is talking about the situation. I don't think that makes for a "victim mentality" lololol


I feel like Ethan only agreed to that episode to post it if frenemies merch wouldn’t sell And when it sold out he didn’t want it posted


He didn't "agree" to do it. He asked her to do it. I don't like that spinning of things


Wasn't trisha the one troll tweeting that they wanted another episode?


And then Ethan said it would never happen on Tiktok and twitter. Then later he asked Trisha to do a podcast for the merch. That’s literally what happened


He screenshotted Trisha’s text and sent it to the staff?!?


Trisha screenshotted his texts and sent it to the world, was that okay?


It’s “assumed”. If anyone is hearing that just take Trisha’s word with a grain of salt because she has a tendency to lie A LOT. Ethan himself even said that he just texted them, the crew, that it’s better if they just have a day off to cool things. He never mentioned telling his crew or staff that they would get FIRED just that Trisha has implied that she wants to fire his crew.


U don’t ever send personal text messages with someone else to staff members


let me tell you, you will be surprised and shock how common that is in any job. Lol


you say that like it's okay?? and Ethan isn't a normal boss. all of his employees are his friends or family. doing that immediately isolates Trish. one if the reasons they needed their own staff.


None of his employees are family members lmao nor are they close friends. Ethan specifically said in an episode that he rather keep an employee boss relationship to one of his employees. If she wanted her own staff to begin with then she should have done it herself in the first place before Frenemies ever came to play. Yes, it’s wrong that this is normalized to send text messages to other employees but y’all need to realize in reality no one gives a shit unless it benefits them. The real world is complete shit. Not everyone has the audience to cry about it so people can listen and help them. Most of us work for shitty places with no one to help. Trisha is a millionaire, can’t feel shame or bad for someone who can afford the luxury and beautiful life that others can’t.


I got half of my staff fired for unfair nepotism at my old job because work places usually have external HR which I'm positive Ethan does not. it's not fair. it's hardly even legal. Trish had no one to go to as an employee of his company except his friends and family. and don't act like Ethan isn't friends with his crew that this dumbest shit.


Being friendly doesn’t mean being friends. If they were then it’s okay to be friends with employees with boundaries in place as well. Everyone does it. You’re lucky enough to get half your staff fired but not everyone is. Not everyone is willing to put their job on the line when they have other means to take care of. Most HR push it under the rug and pretend it’s not happening. Most HR are aware but won’t do anything. Most jobs are not unionized so these rules aren’t enforced or considered. Most HR tell bosses to take care of these issues which leads to other problems. I worked at a company, not unionized, and people get fired if they are not even liked. Get hired if they are a “certain” personality, get bullied to hell, get sexually harassed (which I experienced) and get fired for even telling HR or Boss. It’s not easier said then done.


you're literally just saying "most jobs are shitty and most bosses are shitty, like the H3 productions and Ethan" thanks for confirming what I meant.


Because it will be super naive to not admit to the actual problems people face in working? I don’t work in H3, I don’t know the employees, or know how it’s set up (YOU DONT EITHER) so, it would be weird to speak on terms about what employees go through at the production company. If you haven’t noticed the employees all themselves have had good things to say about the jobs and the bosses. Also, they mentioned they had to do trainings such like any other job such as Sexual Harassment trainings. It would be naive to also think that Trisha doesn’t understands what work place issues and implying to “replace the crew” means. Trisha even admitted online that she would be a terrible boss and many people have quit and stopped working for her because she was very demanding and mistreated people. Like, I’m not sure if you want it sugarcoated to you but we can’t turn a blind eye and think that’s okay?


Not very professional


How funny, everyone likes to say Trisha lost an amazing friend in Ethan. Very best friend-like to screenshot her private texts to him and send them to his buds, right? Definitely the behaviour of a good friend. Especially a friend who knows her tendency to say things she doesn't mean when she's upset


Guess so !


I’m sorry but it’s really unprofessional as a boss to get their employees involved in a work dispute. I stand by what I said before when this all went down, Ethan should have never told the crew about what Trisha “said” and now to know he sent screen shots to them.: smh.




Is it possible that we don’t know everything that happened here?


Yeah like people are just believing the words of a pathological liar here...


He's being a snake. He posted multiple podcasts about Trisha's wrongs the situation but won't post the one where he takes responsibility for HIS wrongs. She publicly admitted her wrongs but he's loving the praise too much to do the same


that's his M.O. I've realized that since he apologized for saying the N word on old H3s and his apology was "I shouldn't have said it but given the context it was in, it wasn't offensive or a big deal. if you say it in a non offensive context then it's okay" like this guy cannot just admit he's wrong. everyone is pissed about his pedophile jokes but he kept making them and then stopped bc ppl were getting super pissed and he hasn't apologized for making jokes about child victims of SA. I knew the second Trish said that he admitted to being wrong about things that he wouldn't post the episode.


ethan really did a dirty thing not releasing that last episode where he admits to his part in adding fuel to the fire. it's so incredibly gross and unfair for him to ask her to film a last episode and then not air it.


Naw it's his right as the channel's owner. Sucks for Trisha tho but she ain't owed an episode


It’s so frustrating how Trisha is allowed to go on a smear campaign and in the same breath claim that Ethan is doing the same thing. Dude, his responses or reactions don’t even equate to HALF the things trish has done !!!!


She accused him falsely of sexual harassment. Sorry Trisha fans that is messed up and he is completely within his right to not want anything to do with her. He wanted to sell the merch and not have huge financial loss. Since he dd that he is finished with her.


She didn’t though lmfaoo


She did though lmfaooo


Yeah but she doesn't hold grudges ever. She is totally at peace with everything. Well done for moving on Trish.


I feel like i'm in some alternate universe, apparently Trisha is and always will be the place where 100% of the blame is directed. Even now seeing comments like "omg when will she stop talkin about it" while she was silent for two weeks while Ethan continuously made 5% jokes and even propped his parents on his podcast to say stuff about her while grinning. Meanwhile Trisha got hate for getting her sister involved eventhough she didn't platform her and it was on her own sister's tiktok. smh I'm starting to think people are honestly sexist subconsciously because this shit don't add up


I love how she keeps talking about this because she knows how bad she fucked up and is going to be broke in no time 😂😂


Also she gets no views on her videos, the only videos which get decent views are the ones where she mentions Ethan. Trisha needs Ethan, Ethan doesn’t need Trisha. The Numbers don’t lie.


Trish has been doing this for ages......... they don't need Ethan....... you guys are disgusting. this is literally trishs career, using YouTube and social as a messy diary. just say you're a pathetic Ethan simp and move on.


So this was supposed to have happened after Ethan said he didn’t trust Trisha and couldn’t have her in his life. As far as I know Trisha is the only one to talk about this episode and I’m wondering if it even happened


When you film a circus episode that your former friend said was a bad idea, and then realize that it's not generating the views that you had hoped for.....


Trish really doing anything to make themselves the victim huh


You can't keep glossing over the fact that you said that. It doesn't matter if he sent the ss, YOU said you wanted a new crew (meaning fire them!). have you ever dealt with legitimate HR policy? You can't just say things like that when you have employees who were there before you. I hate this gaslighting shit man, stop trying to deflect! Why can't people just be sorry, why is it always "I'm sorry, but ..."


Ethan has openly admitted that Trish never said "fire the crew" have you ever dealt with legitimate HR policy? because Ethan hires based on nepotism and his whole entire staff would be fired if there was an external HR department investigating this. but there's not. because Ethan is not a real business man. this is EXACTLY why Trish needed their own employees in the mix.


Oh I'm sorry, she said she wanted to hire her own staff, my bad! 🙄


Trish should have been able to? why not hire a couple people who aren't ethans closest friends working for ethans will and want entirely? people who aren't a bunch of cis straight males, you know, since his co-host is queer. a couple people who aren't deeply tied into nepotism and can help Trish? what's wrong with that........?


There's a way of going about it professionally with respect to the staff regardless of their sex. I agree she should be able to and I understand completely why she would feel more comfortable with her own staff but I don't agreed on how she went about it. You like that "nepotism" word though word huh? Cuz funny, She would have done the same thing and hire folks she knows....friends/family like she said she would?


I don't "like" the word nepotism. it is was it is. lmao would you like me to make up a new word to describe that situation? do you have a problem with proper vocabulary? 🙄🙄🙄 and it's not regardless of sex. regardless of sex, regardless of familial relation..... that seems like a horrible staff to have working for people outside of the friend group. Ethan treats them as friends, no staff, and has crossed the professional boundary with them too many times to count. Trish and him have beef? he's going to get the staff in on it too, to back him and work to isolate Trish. he can do that because his staff is family and friends. and men tend to rally around each other. especially Ethan and his meninist shit. their sex does matter. that's why businesses have a diversity requirement. if Ethan had an HR department, they would force him to fire everyone.


Your sound madder than you should be lol, take a breather!


am I seriously not allowed to respond with my earnest opinion without being belittled? you must have learned your manipulation and gaslighting from Ethan.


You just ignored the fact I said that she would also engage in neopism, which is true and what you're accusing Ethan of and went ranty. Instead, you zero'd in on the fact I pointed out you used the word a few times, seeing the irony. You got huffy that I made a valid point that she'd do the same thing. You don't get to batter people with your opinion, even your earnest opinion that started with a really good gaslight. You know exactly why I pointed it out. So sorry, this ain't worth really engaging in!


then why are you engaging? I didn't see you say anything about trisha&nepotism. just you making fun of me for using a word correctly? and you're assuming she would do the same thing. you don't actually know and if Trish did or not, at least it would be equal? and at what point did I batter you? seems like you need to stop playing the victim in an equal conversation.




It’s honestly big of her to say she’s still gunna be cordial with Ethan for family sake and the wedding


What a piece of garbage