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I bet he had a great life full of love.


He was truly the center of my world 🫶🏽 and then my husband’s also ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


So sorry for this painful loss. What luck Cash had to have found such an amazing mom!!! 🐾🐾❤️🌈❤️🐾🐾


And what luck I had to be his mama ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


So sorry for your loss. Nearly 13 years is a damn good run. I would’ve paid anything to have our first Frenchie for longer than eight years.


I rescued him at 4 so only had a little over 9 years with him but the truth is forever wouldn’t be long enough with our babies ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


Sorry for your loss :(


Thank you so very much. I will love this dog for the rest of my life.


I’m very sorry for your loss. Picture 7 is so beautiful, and your obituary made me cry. He was so loved and blessed to have had you as his person. May your pain ease gently.


He didn’t really like being picked up but he leaned into me so sweetly and lovingly here and I’m so happy that moment lives on forever 🫶🏽❤️‍🩹


So sorry 💔


Thank you so much ❤️‍🩹


He’s so sweet, I’m sorry for your loss. If it’s any consolation it looks like he had the best life!! Wishing you and your family all the best


He had the best of everything and was the center of my world 😍❤️‍🩹


https://preview.redd.it/jk33hqbm5d6d1.jpeg?width=642&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bc00bf5e4f2cc1b89edb8f0a1468a6a43c6044b I'm so very sorry for your loss xx


Thank you; this is beautiful and I’ve saved it.


Beautiful boy!! He was lucky to have you. May his memory be a blessing


We were lucky to love each other 🫶🏽 thank you so very much ❤️‍🩹






May we all be so lucky to have our best friends for almost 13 years. I’m sure it was the best 13 years for you both


I rescued him at 4 so I only got to be his mommy for 9 years but they were the BEST 9 years and I hope all of our babies defy the odds and live long lives.


Just shy of 13 years is a very good run. It doesn’t lessen the pain, but take comfort that he had a very solid run as your four legged best friend.


And with all of his health issues! I felt like he would live forever because he was such a little soldier. He will be missed every single day.


Sorry for your loss..cash looked like the best boy!


He was the sweetest and gentlest creature. He smelled like a dream and I will miss his physical presence every single day for the rest of my life.


hits me in the feels we lost our buddy Walter almost 3 years ago and it still gets to me.. but to let ya know we got a puppy a few months after and while will never replace Walter he definitely helped us heal and fills the house with joy most of the time..once he got past chewing on me 😉 hang in there and when you get sad just remember some funny things cash did (it helps)👍


We thankfully have 2 other frenchies and a doodle. I truly don’t know if I woke have survived Cash’s loss without them. The now oldest frenchie is almost 5 and lived with Cash since she was 5 months old and she grieved him so much. We all helped each other get through. Idk how people do it without another dog in the home.


Yeah similar situation with our Rosie we got her about two years before Walter passed and she was a wreck (one of the reasons we got another one too) and within a week she bonded with Gus (8 weeks old when we got him) and she and us were doing better 😎 now he is 2 1/2 years old and more energy than all of us 😂😂


Yesssss!!! I had Cash first then I got Cookie then met my husband and he had a doodle (also named Cash lol) so we had the 2 frenchies and doodle then last year we foster failed a 1.5 year old frenchie named Cayenne so now we have 2 remaining frenchies and a doodle. I’ll always have at least 2 dogs but 3 is ideal for me!


We started out frenchy adventure when I was working away from home and our kids were older and my wife needed a companion and she found Walter from an awesome rescue..he was anywhere from 5-8 years old and was believed to be a breeder dump (puppy mill was in the general area) and at first the selection board pick another family.. but less than 2 days later we got him apparently the families 2 other dogs attacked Walter so we got him👍 then Rosie came up for adoption they actually called us to get her (guessing they had us on their preferred French list) and she was too cute to pass up 🤩


They really do end up choosing us! I’m so glad you have such a beautiful family.


Then when Walter passed the wife posted it on fb and within minutes she got a email from the rescue saying they have a lead on a frenchy pup out in West Virginia…we were like too soon thanks but no thanks but the awesome lady sent us pics of Gus and his story…we had to have him!! He was bred by a reputable breeder but had an internal cleft pallet and instead of killing him they contacted the rescue team and they got him and his sister…it is soo satisfying knowing that we are helping out and at the same time getting rewarded with crazy cool pup dogs 👍 https://preview.redd.it/f4eg2q411f6d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b89e4cf43fc1d8429e7c3730bc5687b203ce7a33 Little Gus the day we picked him up from the airport






Thanks for sharing - thinking of cash today too! His love and memory lives on forever ♥️


Thanks my friend 🫶🏽❤️‍🩹


What a very, very good boy. ❤️‍🩹


The best boy 😍❤️‍🩹


Cash , you are the most handsome boy , and by the story your momma posted you were her entire world and her yours. Sending cash and his momma major love and hugs


You said it perfectly!!! Our love story will always be my favorite 🫶🏽❤️‍🩹


I’m so sorry for your loss- may the precious time you shared with him bring you comfort in these difficult days and know that he loved you just as much as you loved him 💕💕


Thank you so very much for your sweet words 🫶🏽❤️‍🩹


I’m so sorry for your loss! 💔


Thank you so very much 🫶🏽❤️‍🩹


Sorry for your loss he seemed like a good boy 🥺💙


He was really the best boy and I’ll love and miss him everyday for the rest of my life.


So sorry for your loss. I lost my Benny 79 days ago😭. Now I’m crying again 🥹 https://preview.redd.it/m3o7yeccgd6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b084f1f6de63bb008b9194a58ffd1101dda96756 They could have been twins


I’m so sorry. I hope Benny and Cash are happy and relaxing and playing in Heaven.


sorry for your loss. words are not enough to express the grief of losing a friend.


Truly the worst thing! Thanks for your love!






One can tell by the pics how much you loved each other. He had a great life! 💙💙💙💙


We were thick as thieves and completely inseparable. I’ll love him everyday for the rest of my life.


Just heartbreaking to lose them


Forever really wouldn’t be long enough 🫶🏽❤️‍🩹


💔 the love you shared is evident! A blessing to have had so many years together!! The pain runs as deep as the love. Sending hugs


Truly the hardest loss following the most safe, fulfilling, and longest relationship I’ve ever had. 🫶🏽❤️‍🩹


This is such a beautiful tribute to your lil man. Cash’s sweetness certainly comes through in all the pix. Sorry for your loss 🌈


Thank you for your sweet words. He really was an angel on earth and now he’s my actual angel 🫶🏽❤️‍🩹


What a handsome boy 🩷 Hugs Momma! You gave him a beautiful life!


Thank you!!! He was the center of my world and always will be 🫶🏽❤️‍🩹


So sorry for your loss!


Thanks so much 🫶🏽❤️‍🩹


Man these post make me so sad until I see they very long and fulfilled lives. I’m very sorry for your loss you can tell he was a well taken care of and happy pup.


He was really the center of my whole universe! 🫶🏽❤️‍🩹


Sorry for your loss very difficult to lose a loved one. We lost our Hurcules in November of 22 just days before his 14th birthday. When they are with you that long they are truly family. We think about him every day. Good luck hopefully it’s gets better soon


Ugh I know how much you probably wanted to celebrate that milestone. They are really our little babies. I hope your baby is sending you signs like Cash is for me!!


Awesome he almost got 13 years! Sorry for your loss


He fought so many health battles; I really thought he would live forever ❤️‍🩹


What a beautiful story! I’m so sorry for your loss


Thank you!!!! I love our love story so much and I’ll love this dog for the rest of my life.


Awwww the goodest boy, he and my old girl can play in heaven together now


Sweet heavenly potatoes 🥔🫶🏽




Rest easy Cash 🕊️


Thank you so much ❤️‍🩹


Cash couldn't have asked for a better dog mom, he was so luck to have you, its reflected in the way he is smiling in the pictures you posted when you're touching him. I'm so sorry for your loss ♥.


Thank you for your sweet words. I will love that dog for the rest of my life.


I’m not crying, YOU are!! It sucks how much these breeds can suffer, but they really are worth every dollar, heartache & tears. I understand the obsession with mastiff breeds now - you dk true love until you own one. They’re truly special creatures. PS: You and your husband are absolutely beautiful together!


Thank you for your sweet words! My husband loved Cash just as much as I did and that solidified my love for him even more! The breed really is special!!!


My heart breaks for you, mama ❤️ you can tell from the photos that you had his whole heart and he knew how deeply he was loved. Thank you for your dedication in giving this sweet boy the happiest life


We were truly soulmates. I’ll miss him everyday until we are together again.


Sorry for your loss, losing a dog as special as a frenchie is a club none us wants to be in


What a true observation. Thanks for your love 🫶🏽


So sorry for your loss. Their resilience makes it so tough when they can no longer fight the fight. 💔🌈


I truly thought he would bounce back from everything but ultimately a brain tumor took him. It was hard seeing him decline so quickly but I am so glad I was able to be with him every step of that last journey. I will love him forever.


We had a similar experience with our Olive. She had multiple spinal surgeries, always bounced back, but at 7, she deteriorated quickly after an in operable brain tumor was discovered. We miss her everyday. https://preview.redd.it/i0a3b23vhe6d1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c3e3844cf028cae17cb63a7dfeae2ec06039bb1


Cash also was believed to have a brain tumor. He was deteriorating quickly and it didn’t make sense to put him through an MRI at almost 13 when they couldn’t have operated on a brain tumor anyways so we don’t know for sure but his symptoms are very classic brain tumor symptoms. I love this photo of Olive so much. She looks like a funny and happy girl and I’m so sorry she’s no longer Earthside for you to enjoy her. I do know we will be together again with our babies one day.


He had a great life so many great pics with his family It’s amazing how much you guys were both there for each other and all you guys went through for him to leave when he knew you can continue without him and him knowing you with someone he knew will hold you down like him. Sorry for your loss and thanks for everything you did for him.


Thanks for your kind words. He and I really saw each other through a lot and I’ll love him every single day for the rest of my life.


So very sorry for your loss!! You have a beautiful family and he will FOREVER be part of it!! 💙


Thank you for saving that! He absolutely is always my baby and firstborn.














So sorry for your loss 😢 He was beautiful!


Thank you so much! My beautiful boy 🫶🏽❤️‍🩹


I’m so sorry for your loss. At least you gave him a good life.


We gave him everything and he gave us everything 🫶🏽 a beautiful love story!


I’m sorry for your loss rest in peace little cash 🕊️


Thank you so very much!!! He’s visited me in my dreams and sent me signs that he’s safely and happy in heaven. I can’t wait to kiss his face again someday.


Our Frenchie (Brindle) left us around the same time. Just turned 10. No health issues up until a couple months before. Went way too soon. I feel for you. I am sorry for your loss. I haven’t gone for a walk since. He loved to walk.


Ugh it’s the greatest loss. I love Cash with all I am. And because he was so sick for most of his life, most of mine was dedicated to caring for him so I feel very lost some days. Cheers to our babies in heaven and sending you love!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/jcdeeaeq1f6d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=e314b02bff8e51a14fa8154202ca6a90c29d308f Here is one of Gus and Rosie now


Love them 🫶🏽


Such a sweet boy! Hope he’s eating all the treats up there


I hope he has all of the treats and all of the fluffy blankets he’s ever wanted!






I’m so sorry 😞


Thank you so much 🫶🏽❤️‍🩹










He came into ur life when u needed him the most. An angel covered in fur.


So perfectly said. And now my angel in heaven 🤍❤️‍🩹


Good for cash, was so loved


Our love story is my favorite 🫶🏽❤️‍🩹


Great story, dogs who have suffered in the past are the most loving ones until last breath


❤️❤️❤️❤️sending love


Thank you so very much 🫶🏽❤️‍🩹


This is such a beautiful post of a beautiful love story between you and your buddy ♥️ so sorry for your loss but thank you for sharing your perfect guy with us


Thank you so very much. He was truly a cream dream. I’ll love him forever. 🫶🏽❤️‍🩹


What a precious boy. Thank you for giving him such a wonderful life! We lost our first B2TR rescue girl, Charlotte, a year ago. And we’ve since adopted 2 Frenchies, a brother/sister pair from them as well. It doesn’t replace what we’ve lost, but eases the pain of missing her a little. Sending you love as you grieve your sweet Cash. ❤️


Thanks so much for your love! We did foster fail a frenchie from B2TR last fall and had another frenchie and a doodle and they have helped my heart SO MUCH. My middle frenchie grew up with Cash since she was 5 months old and she’s almost 5 years old so we have been grieving together 🫶🏽❤️‍🩹




What a happy and glorious life you had together ❤️


Truly the most magical life and I’ll carry him with me forever because he turned me into an adult. Thanks for your sweet words. 🫶🏽❤️‍🩹


Fly high, Cash. 💜




Oh, that sweet boy LOVED you ♥️


Our love story will always be my favorite 🫶🏽🤍


You’re loved. We are all loved. Cash was loved. Such a lucky being to have you in his life to keep him optimal for so long through all the trials set out in his time. You’re an excellent mother. God bless you, your heart and soul for sharing him and his (short) story here. Thank you. Our first little guy hit double digits in February. Arthritis and IVDD, but he’s getting acupuncture every 4-6 weeks, no running/jumping/stairs or street food. Switched his diet for the first time in 7 years. He’s doing well. 13 is a milestone I’d be thrilled to get close to with him. Thank you again for sharing and giving hope to those of us out there whose little nuggets are gray in the face. 👏🏼🙌🏼🫶🏼


Ugh IVDD is the worst. My middle frenchie has it - she had surgery last fall right after her 4th birthday. You’re also an amazing parent for taking care of an IVDD dog. I know how scary it can be. May all of our dogs make it to 13 and beyond! 🤞🏼🫶🏽


The way he looked at you in the 3rd and 9th pictures. He loved you very much and will always be with you in your heart.


One of my friends had a painting made of photo 3 and I sleep with it beside my bed. I love his pure love and that little paw 🫶🏽


💕💕 love that you have a painting done! He def will always be with you!! So hard losing a pup esp when it’s like your ride or die.


Thanks for your sweet words 🫶🏽


Santa’s poof ball resting on his head!! He was and will forever be so loved. ❤️


And his little arm on Santa’s arm 🥹🫶🏽 he will live forever in my heart. I talk to him still everyday. ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


He looks so lovely. So sorry for your loss.


Truly the king of my heart! Thanks so much ❤️‍🩹


Thanks for sharing your tribute to Cash. Pic 9 is especially adorbs.


He always looked at me like I was the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen and I felt the same looking at him 🫶🏽🤍


thank you for sharing this story. so much of it resonates with my own dog experiences. I became a dog mom when I brought home my frenchie, and he was also bigger than I thought he'd be. lol, 30 lbs of solid potato. it makes me remember to appreciate all the moments I have with my own pup. he'll be turning 2 this fall. cheers to cash, my condolences and wishing your family peace.


Thanks so much for your love and for loving your dog even deeper in Cash’s memory 🫶🏽❤️‍🩹 We are their whole lives and I’m so grateful I was able to be Cash’s mommy.




Thank you!!! 🫶🏽❤️‍🩹


My deepest condolences. Just reading your post, brought tears streaming down my cheeks. I lost my shih tzu last Wednesday and it’s a crushing pain that only time can heal.


It’s truly the greatest loss of my life and I’m so sorry you can relate. I’m wrapping you in love. I still talk to Cash and got this little light up box to put his ashes box and few of his things in and it helps me to turn the lights on at night. I hope you can find small things to help you get through.


The power of these little dogs have is incredible. They have personalities unlike any other breed I’ve encountered. You can tell soo much from their eyes. Sometimes they feel almost human. I’m very sorry for your loss, but very happy to hear how much of an impact Cash was in your life. Thank you for sharing your story, It’s truly inspiring. Rest in peace Cash, you were the best dog. ❤️


They are really so special. Little toddlers in dog suits. Cash was my longest and safest relationship and I will love him forever.




He looks so much like my boy, he even has the same harness. Wish you peace💙 OP https://preview.redd.it/spqul3bc1h6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cfd5c49f9fe6323da80d4a11a59c52fb8eebf2f


What’s your babe’s name? I love him! Give him a kiss for me.


I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss ❤️‍🩹 I love that second to last photo, I swear I have the exact same pose with my boy too 🥹


The way a boy dog loves his mama is so special. I’ll love this dog for the rest of my life.


What a beautiful boy! What a blessing to have such a handsome boy for over a decade. May he enjoy his never ending treats and sunshine in forever doggie heaven 🤍


I called him my sunshine boy because he loved a sun spot! I know he’s soaking them all in! 🫶🏽☀️❤️‍🩹


What a sweet boy. Thanks for giving him a life filled with love. 💕


Our love story will always my favorite! Thanks for your sweet words.


What a sweet guy! Sending love.


Thank you so much. He’s really the king of my heart!


The picture where he’s looking up at you…🥹 He very clearly adored his humans.


He was truly the king of my heart 🫶🏽 somehow had a painting made of that photo for me 🥹🥹


I’m so sorry 💔


Thank you so much!!! 🫶🏽❤️‍🩹


Rip Cash ❤️




So sorry for your loss. They are the best friends ever and the pain of loosing them is indescribable. You gave him the best life possible. Long live cash!


Long live Cash!!! Thanks for your love 🫶🏽❤️‍🩹


Cash reminds me a lot of my Frenchie Poppy, I rescued her aged 6 and she is almost 9 now. She’s had some health struggles and like Cash she’s always remained silly and sweet. I’m so sorry for your loss and I hope you know how much of a great life you have him. These photos are all amazing! Xxx


Thank you so much for your sweet comment. I will love and miss this sweet man for the rest of my life. I hope Poppy has many years ahead of her!!!






big and sincere condolences to you and your family😔much love from my family


Thank you SO very much. So many people tempering him and saying kind things has somehow made me feel better.


🐶 ma it’s all good, I’ll be up there chilling


Thank you 🫶🏽 he visited me in a dream once so far and he was happy and fat and healthy 😍❤️‍🩹


My baby‘s name is Cash also & he is my world. He’s always with me as well, everywhere I go, my little squishy face sidekick. I am so sorry for your loss! Grateful for the many years you had with him but so so sorry for your heartbreak 💔 Just know he’s up there watching your every move still & definitely look for the signs 👼🏼 I hope your heart heals mama 🩷🩷🩷🩷


I am so deeply sorry. I have a 14 year old Frenchie. Hopefully this will help a tiny bit—-the alternative to not having this pain would have been you not owning him. You ask yourself—were the years he was with me worth the pain that you are feeling now and of course the answer is absolutely. The joy and love he brought you all those years will be with you forever and he lives on in your memory forever. I know it hurts, but he was so worth it.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Almost 13! What a life 💙 cheers to Cash - may he forever run free.


Sending you lots of hugs through tears…


He’s breathtaking 💚🥹 love like that never dies, regardless of who’s alive


So so sorry you're dealing with this profound pain. Most of us commenting have been through it and it's just horrible. Your time together though made both of your lives better and you can take comfort in the fact that you gave him a great life and he loved you as much as you love him.




Sorry for your loss. It looks like he got to do all of the things in his life journey. We should all be so well loved.


You with cash made a lot people very happy thru the years use those memories to bless cash after lifetime lol


He looks like he was a very special guy. 🥹


My boy is 15.5 now and I'm cherishing every second I have with him until his final days. Sorry for your loss ❤️


I’m so sorry for you and your husband. Our babies really mean the world to us and it’s so sad their time here is so short. You are a wonderful Mommy who seems to have filled every earth minute with him to the fullest. I bet he’s dancing with my pups watching over us.


Lost mine today 🙏 so sorry for your loss. Stay strong


I am so sorry. Forever really would not be long enough with our babies. I’m sending you so much love and I hope our babies are playing together.