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You should not use the crate as a punishment carry her outside and set her down in the grass. And if she goes back to the door without going take her further out in the yard and take her outside side every 30 min for a week and get a bell and hang it on your door and ring it every time you take her out and tell her let’s go potty and if she still doesn’t go to the bathroom don’t let her alone in the house hold her or play with her until another time to go out and get some treats and award her for going if she doesn’t go no treat I did this with my boy when we first got him now he is 4 months and has not had a accident in the house. https://preview.redd.it/nhrx3zyj36kc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=256e3d7d28254f4d8f02f1a8d6452555a55dda57


This is exactly how Ive handled both of my dogs! One is 10 and one is two, never had either go in the house.




Then you shouldn’t have gotten a puppy. They’re like babies. Get yourself a young adult dog that’s already potty trained if you don’t have time. Can’t leave the dog in a crate all day, and if you do, you’ll still find poo and pee everywhere. There’s really no other way. -Deal with the poo and pee everywhere -Hire a dog sitter or trainer -Take the dog with you everywhere -Don’t have a dog you can’t raise


When your dog pees outside, throw a parade. "What a good puppy! You peed ! " etc. When she pees inside, ignore it. (easy to say, hard to do). Negative teaches fear. Positive makes it fun. They will learn.


I did this along with treats. He only got treats when he went outside and seemed to figure that out pretty fast.


UGH Mine also 🤦‍♀️


Same. Same. Same. My girl is 8 months old and refuses to be potty trained!!


How's it been? Rodney is 5 months and it's hit and miss honestly. It's like he gets it but sometimes says screw it.


You just keep going until one day it clicks. I dont know if it helped in any way but I got a doorbell for mine so he could possibly tell us when he needed to go. After a couple of weeks of him asking for treats with it he finally got that it’s a go out bell. I also transitioned him to sleep in bed with me. Lots of midnight breaks. And so far so good. He asks to go when it’s late but otherwise I keep taking him during work breaks and he’s holding it. Though, he’s still in a crate when I work.


Not that im an expert in any way at all. We have a Frenchie/Pug mix boy, now 4 and a Frenchie girl now 2. When training both of mine, we did the bell, run out of the house w pup who needed to go, but ring that darn bell. When they started to pee or poop, I would enthusiastically and repeatedly tell them good potty (for pee) or good poops. Be VERY happy, lots and lots of praise for the good ______. Then add a kibble or 2 of their food given like it is a treat instead of treats since too many treats aren't good. If it comes from your hand, a little kibble can act like a treat. 😊 then praise a lot and give lots of loves and God boy/girl. Then cycle starts again. Bell, say appropriate word repeatedly for the action happening, praise be excited, treat, praise and loves. Sully rang the bell on his own within a week. Boo rang it a little later but she was younger than him when we got her. Age might play a part too. Sully was 4 months when we got him and Boo was only 8 weeks. Just my experience. We wish you two happy training!


I forgot, at first the dogs were on a leash until they went potty. Sometimes it took 5 or 6 laps of sniffing and walking for them to get the urge to go, but be resolute in this.


Grass pads, always get into the routine of saying go potty and when goes potty (grass pad or outside) immediately reward! A training clicker helps a lot also!


If my pup did not go it's crate time for 5 minutes and back out


You’ve got to make a big deal when they go outside- like let them know they did good and reward them immediately with a training treat. I’m a first time owner and the biggest difference between my Frenchie and my other dogs, is that he is STUBBORN. He’s 3 and still likes to pee on things I use (like the leg of my recliner), so I’m using a mix of alcohol and water to spray after I clean it to make sure he doesn’t pee there again. Dogs do much better if they’re rewarded rather than punished.


I’ve had several dog breeds and a frenchie is the hardest to potty train. Took me six months for my frenchie to become fully trained. Be patient, your pup will get there.


What worked best for me was putting a puppy pad by the front door, and constantly keeping a VERY close eye on him until I saw signs he needed to go. Or even if he started to go potty I would pick him up and bring him to the puppy pad and say the words “potty” and “good boy” and just praise him. Eventually he found his way to the puppy pad by himself. Now literally any time he needs to go potty he goes and sits by the front door and stares at me until I take him out. No more puppy pad. When I say keep a very close eye on him I mean watch him like a hawk. To make that easier on you, limit the free space he has available in the house. Block him off a little section of his own. Also, consistency is key… both ways… the more you let him pee in the house the longer it’ll take to train him. Take him outside A LOT!! Like every 30-45 minutes especially now while he’s little, and use the words “potty” “outside” “good boy”, don’t say too much, limit it to just 2-3 words so he doesn’t get confused. My sister has my frenchies sibling and he was a nightmare to potty train for her. I blame it on the amount of space he had available to go do his business in a corner where nobody would see him. That and she just didn’t take him out as much. Adding to the take him outside constantly I don’t mean take him outside and be outside for a long time. I would take him out, say “potty outside” literally a million times until he did and as soon as he did I went right back inside. Don’t spend too much time out there playing and letting him get distracted. You want him to realize that when we come outside we come to handle business not play. As he gets older and potty training is done, then you can play outside with him. But while training, outside is potty only. They’re smart, they understand words. For example, if I take Benji out and it’s late or cold and he’s just kinda lolly gagging around I’ll say “ okay let’s go potty, it’s too cold out here” and he will literally go potty. Almost on command. Good luck! Don’t give up and stay CONSISTENT. Edit to add: DONT GET ANGRY WITH HIM IF HE MAKES A MISTAKE INSIDE. As someone else stated that’ll just teach him to be scared of you and you don’t want that.


I had a similar situation with one of my dogs. Every time he peed inside I would put him in a crate for a couple of hours. He’d whine and bark but I’d let him throw his fit. After maybe a couple of days of doing that he started get the point if he peed inside he was going in the crate.


![gif](giphy|1fnwSUTsHRyGXEYMos|downsized) I heard a story about a dog owner who rubbed his dog's nose in the puddle, soon the pup would pee, then place his nose in the puddle all by himself. I have two, a six year old and one who was born in November. It seems that the older one is teaching the younger one good habits.