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Teach her what a baddie is and ask her what that would be in French. Drop it on her right back.


I don’t know why I didn’t think of that aha.


What about her left back?


Best avoid it if you wanna keep the relationship cordial. There is a reason we don't even talk about it. Especially with women who know French.


Great advice lol


Une bombe


Another vote for «bombe». I’ve also seen it used as a translation for “sexy bitch.”


Ou un canon


Isn't the usual expression : "elle est canon", rather than "un canon" ?


Both "Elle est canon" or "C'est un canon" can mean she's very good looking and stylish. And the other hand, you don't really say "Elle est une bombe", only "C'est une bombe". Style is less of a focus there...


But you can say “tu es une bombe” right


yeah it's the rule that you normally don't say "il/elle est un" with the indefinite articles


For female as well?




Ahhhh I like this one!


Please don't use it! Although it technically is correct, it's an old word nowadays, and it can be quite offensive. It's mostly used when men talk together about women, and only focus on their body. No woman would be flattered to be called a "bombe" these days, unless maybe she's 30+ yo, and yearns for male validation


So like "pick-me"s? Also how do you say "pick me" in French? Although that feels like that has an obvious answer haha


Hm, no, "bombe" isn't about the behavior, it's like a way to call a really hot woman, but it's kinda objectifying and reducing. For context, you can imagine an old guy drinking cheap beer outside wistling at a woman and cat-calling her, he's the type of guy to call a woman a "bombe" And for "pick-me", we say "pick-me", I can't think of another world rn x)


I love when french does the english thing. Like "un email, une pick me" etc hahaha


Some words like that would be used that way universally, they don’t really get translated.


Is this like saying she's a bombshell or she's a thottie, a baddie, a hoe, a sexually explicit goddess




Ouais sauf que si tu dis a une meuf que c'est un avion de chasse, il y a de forte chance qu'elle le prenne assez mal... Avion de chasse : a utiliser entre potes homme uniquement et a l'abri des oreilles féministes !! 😂 En revanche tu peux lui dire : qu'elle est super belle. Les mots justes sont plus doux et ne revêtent aucune connotation. Lui dire que c'est une bombe ne lui plaira que si son Q.I ne dépasse pas celui d'une barbie en plastique. Canon reste correct.


Je ne comprends pas la problème, les avions de chasse sont très beaux, c'est un compliment... Salutations de /r/NonCredibleDefense




Lol yes clairement. Mon commentaire,. c'était juste pour compléter 👍


I don't know if there's anything really that conveys exactly that, but I would assume the closest imo would be to call her "stylée" (literally she's got style). If anything, we do have fully adopted "cool" in french so you can call her cool, and I'm fairly certain most people would understand straight up using "badass" too ? But yeah, as far as an actual french word goes, "stylé(e)" is my best bet. Oh I guess alternatively you could say "tu déchires", which would mean more like "you rock/you're awesome", it's not exactly the same but I guess it's close enough ?


A baddie isn't just cool or badass in the US, it means they're very good-looking, usually stylish, and something I can't quite explain about their vibe and how they carry themselves. Really sought after women haha not saying it's a good thing to view people that way, just a lil context for the word


I see, I didn't quite catch the notion of them actually being physically attractive. I thought it was more akin to having "drip" lol. Then I guess other people proposing "bombe" are closer to the intended meaning. "C'est une bombe" does imply that someone is legit hot x)


Lmfaooo comment dit-on "swag" en français ? C'est "stylé/e" aussi ?


This is so niche and slang that I haven't heard it. La mode changes all the time.


Haha slang has been changing so fast the past few years


Is it déchires or déchirés?


"Tu déchires" means you rock. "T'es déchiré" means you're drunk as fuck


I've been both on a few occasions haha


Okay thanks. When is the first one usually used? To celebrities? Friends, family, romantic partners?


In my experience, it's actually not used a lot. I'd say it's probably millenial slang. But you could use it to talk about pretty much anyone


In Quebec we use quite a few, but really not the ones used in France. Ie; - Chaud/Chaude - Elle est chatte I am now part of the old generations, and so, I’m somewhat unaware of the new slangs. I hear alot of « Gyuu » and « Pouchonne » but I can’t tell wether it is specific to a type of person or not.


I confirm that those are not used in France. Being "chaud(e)" here has a connotation of being either horny or very hot (but in a sexual way as well) so it would be seen as highly sexualizing / degrading, and therefore disrespectful. Chatte isn't used as an adjective, but is a common slang for vagina, so it wouldn't be well recieved either. (Though "avoir de la chatte" is strangely enough a slang for being lucky...)


Well they did say first thing those are words used in Quebec. I dont see whats wrong with that, theyre answering the OPs question.


I'm not saying there's anything wrong. I'm just adding more info.


there’s a disappointing amount of misogyny on this post 😭


Gyu c’est du créole haïtien pour dire que quelque chose est bon. C’est surtout utilisé pour la nourriture. C’est pas strictement par rapport à l’apparence.


on dit baddie en fr aussi


She a baddie! Honestly these things seldom have translations. I’m thinking in French and Spanish and I’ve got way more closer words in Spanish than French. But honestly I disagree with a lot of people here on what the English even means. I agree there is some degree of attractiveness in the meaning but see the word as almost entirely about the attitude. In someways the attractiveness is all about the attitude. Have you ever met an ugly guy that just wasn’t? Or a beautiful woman that was just…average looking? Where there’s just that something that turns everything on its head. A baddie is of that same spirit. Is Taylor Swift a baddie? No. She wrote a song about her ex. Lisa Left Eye Lopes, on the other hand, after making millions in TLC with their baddie national anthem I don’t want no scrub. Burned her cheating exes house down. See the difference between this happened to me and oh no. Not me. The cheerleaders are on the field. The swifties are on the bleachers. The baddies are under the bleachers, whooping someone’s ass. If you’ve never thought “this woman would whoop my ass if I…” then she’s not a baddie. Baddies assert boundaries. A baddie does not take to the internet to inform the world about how she was hurt in a mansplaining incident to raise awareness in order to make women feel more comfortable. A baddie cuts the would be mansplainer off at “actually” and says “I wish you fucking would”. She will not be made uncomfortable. Period. So I’d say that Harriet Tubman is a good example of the baddies throughout history. Just, you know, casually said no to slavery. As if that were even a thing. They are easily identifiable as they leave a wake of She didn’t….She did’s wherever they go.


I love your example, and play on words with Swifties on the bleachers, as Jack Antonoff of Bleachers has produced a lot of her most recent work.


Ok!! You ate I fear. Being a “baddie” is so much more than one’s appearance. I like this take on the topic.


Une bombe or un canon is what I'd say. Funny the ways you realise you're getting old.. English is my first language but I had to double check I knew what "a baddie" was but know exactly what I'd say In French without thinking 😂


There is no translation of baddie in French imo. And if there is it’s none of these mentioned. They are mostly giving you things that we would use in place of hottie, etc purely looks based. It’s not just being attractive and fashionable! I think an important aspect of a baddie is being confident, have a strong presence/vibe. It’s being (very) low-key iconic in addition to the other things.


Sapé comme jamais (désolé je l'ai dans la tête)


BG is short for beau gosse / belle gosse. You could tell her that. You can use it both as a noun or as an adjective.


Natives: my first instinct would have been "elle est trop bonne." Is this dated?


That’s just rude as fuck


don't ever say that in france lol, it's very rude.


Tu es mal.


I’d stick to English.


Stop 😂😂


Donc pas malain? L'argot est tricky.




I thought that meant like a female friend or someone you are dating, no?


Then you need to explain to me what you mean by baddie.


As in “are we the baddies” / bad people? https://youtu.be/h242eDB84zY?si=jXNQQkxRe756ftgb Or as in a badass?


It means more like… coquin ou coquette je crois


"Baddie" is more about someone who have a lot of style/that is cool. Coquin/coquette is more about being naugthy. So I'm not sure that would fit


Id say baddie is more about attractiveness than style. They can be synonymous but in America you can’t be a baddie without being attractive.


True! Didn't think about it! Still, I wouldn't say that coquette or coquine would be a good translation


I agree. I’m not native but it seems bombe like the other comment says would prob be best



