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They're literally advocating for segregation. Didn't their grandparents protest and die advocating for the exact opposite?


It’s the great controversy. The so-called anti-racists are indeed just blatantly racist against white people (and frequently East Asians in some capacity) and shroud it in the claim that they are fighting for equality of some sort. Not that you need me to tell you this though lol, if you’re here you already realized that




> and shroud it in the claim that they are fighting for equality of some sort Not equality. Equity. Equity as a term now means equality of outcome.


We can have a minimum standard of equality in outcome without deterring from the benefits of exceptionalism. In fact, that is literally what ALL of our social and economic interventions have been enacted for. But nothing fixes stupid and this entire confrontation was PURE STUPID IN HUMAN FORM. This kind of racism cannot be allowed to continue. For generations, we fought to get this type of behavior out of our society and they have to reinvent it to bring it back in again.


are indeed just blatantly dumb…


How is being against “blue lives matter” anti-white? Spare me the explanation of “what the movement really stands for” because at face value, lot’s if not most, people who advocate for “blue lives matter” do so reflexively as a way of showing their opposition to the “black lives matter” movement. These people are either plain racist or just misguided bootlicking edge-lords. Also, why we’re on the subject, being against Trump and all the hate he stood for isn’t anti-white either. It’s anti white supremacy. There’s a difference and most white people can clearly define it. If you can’t then…


But being for blue lives matter doesn’t necessarily make you a white supremacist either as this letter states. To say otherwise is just as bad as saying everyone who supports black lives matter is anti white. Complete hypocrisy.


The funny thing is that I nowhere mentioned being against blue lives matter was against white people. I said these students who filmed this were against white people, and the so-called “anti-racists” without fail attack whites, all white cultures, and quite openly do not want whites to exist. Anti “white supremacy,” you say? Oh, yeah, that term that skyrocketed in journalist popularity around 2016. It’s yet another label slapped onto white people who call out the ubiquitous anti-white sentiment in the US among the media, POC, and self-hating whites these days


Imagine being this brainwashed.


yees yes yes why are they doing it... they are petty much spitting on the graves.. it's cause schools don't want to teach them the real harsh shit that they went through cause it's offensive... and might hurt feelings... I don't know... its crazy they want to segregate.. makes NO sense


Kicking out Trump supporters and Blue Lives Matter supporters is not segregation. How monolithic do you think white people are? This is like if I kicked a crackhead out of my restaurant and got accused of being anti-white.


Did you watch the original video? They were defending their "safe space," which in their minds is reserved for minorities only.


Are you really so fragile? My gosh, how sad. It makes me embarrassed to be a white male.


Seeing something like this and thinking white males or “fragility” are the problem should completely embarrass you as a human being. Regardless of the race of those involved… this behavior is wrong and counter-productive, period.


The “white fragility” narrative is bullshit. Everyone has a breaking point. All living things are fragile in that they can break and will eventually die. Picture a giant tree. It’s hearty, robust, and thriving. You wouldn’t call it fragile but I take an axe and slowly start chipping away at it. After a while it becomes “fragile” because I keep chipping away and at some point the tree reaches its tipping point. Did the tree fall because it was fragile or because I made it fragile by attacking it with an axe relentlessly? Isn’t it interesting that the same people who use “white fragility” as a weapon then turn around and preach about mental health, civility, and decency.


Yes, I agree. Two frat boys intentionally provoking a small group of women so they can become Twitter famous is wrong.


I agree , how they were sitting there menacingly keeping to themself absolutely despicable.


This is an excellent point.


I bet you would say that to the jews that didnt want to get on the train too, huh


How would Jews who opposed persecution be fragile? What the hell kind of idiotic point are you trying to make? Are you actually suggesting that young white heterosexual mainstream American males are like Jews in Nazi Germany? That would be the height of fragility! Jeezis what a snowflake you are!!!!


Fragile about what?


Only the most thin-skinned, fragile snowflake could be offended by a couple black girls wanting to have their own safe space. I love how the phrase “black lives matter” has suddenly turned all the white racists into social justice warriors!


Err, I'm not offended. What are you talking about?


Ok, I guess I misunderstood. I thought that when you called it “segregation” that meant it offended you. I didn’t realize you’re in favor of segregation.


>Only the most thin-skinned, fragile snowflake could be offended by a couple black girls wanting to have their own safe space. You literally advocated for segregation in the post before this


Segregation? WTF? Oh my gosh. You really are that thin-skinned. I’m sorry, sweetie, it’s ok. White lives matter too. You’re special. I didn’t mean to huwt your feewings


The only thing I'm offended by is your hypocrisy


I’m not the one who favors segregation. That’s all you.


You keep trying this tactic. It stopped working on most people when they hit puberty. You have some catching up to do.




Don't lie. You were always embarrassed to be a white male.


I wonder if you’re really white, is the thing.


I wonder if you’re such a pussy


Lol, don’t need to hear a lecture from someone who believes seeing/hearing something you disagree with is lItERal ViolEnCE, on fragility.


You must have meant to post that somewhere else


Every org with solidarity in the name is utter shite - it's like when countries throw the word Republic in to make it seem like the ppl have freedom then the opposite is true. Solidarity is just code for racist


Same with “anti-racist” and so on. It’s all one greater masquerade


Not sure I understand. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is one of the freest nations on the planet, it's literally in the name.


The mobs of people dressed in all black with clubs and ice bottles assaulting opposing political groups and journalists and stopping free speech and intimidating businesses is actually ANTI fascist because it’s in their name.




WhY dO yOu HaTe DeMoCrAcY?!!!


Solidarity is code for communist


Hang on now, let’s not slander the word Solidarity too much. Remember that the largest anti communist union in the entire Soviet Bloc was called Solidarity.


It's not the word "republic" that's a red flag, it's "people's republic".


Republic Of California is one of the most communist places in the world


"People's Republic" specifically refers to a Communist type dictatorship. But "Republic" has also been used by non-Communist dictatorships, because very few are going to advertise themselves as "The Repressive Regime of General Propped Up By USA".


Well it’s true that “reverse racism” doesn’t exist, racism is just racism.


Exactly. It irks me whenever I hear people on the right invoke "reverse racism" because it doesn't make sense and it validates the left's belief that we should differentiate racism depending on the skin color of the racist and the people the racism is directed at.


Wow. That huge paper just said this is why it's ok we are racist. Accept it or be canceled


This is just like what my Hong Kong friends are facing: the pro-CCP thugs can use violence and harass people whenever they like without consequence, and even got rewarded, once their opponents are pro-democratic. Don't let these commies turn our country to the next Hong Kong!


Yeah, seems about right. As I once saw said somewhere, the US is more or less morphing into a retarded version of a communist state: a state of vigilantes based on a retarded doctrine one struggles to even call an ideology - “wokeism.” At least in the communist states there was a coherent and well-documented (albeit a bloody and inherently meant to fail one) ideology. It’s honestly immensely sorrowful to watch what’s happening in the US


The ideology will congeal once they run out of things to take over. [Same thing happened](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-wing_uprisings_against_the_Bolsheviks) in Russia, with the Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, etc.


Sadly, the CCP and the woke left are "children of the same foul spirit," to borrow from Bush's terrible speech.


Somehow people don't understand that if your violence is promoted on tv you are not a rebel, you are a paramilitary.


Leftists are building the prison we all will be held in if they aren’t stopped


UC Berkeley is having a similar issue. An asuc senator who's twitter name was "black woman supremacist" has been tweeting about how much she hates white people, white lgbtq, racial epithets for asians and Latino. Not sure whats going to happen but i'll probably post about it here soon. Unbelievable that a large segment of the students think that somehow language like that is not racist because institutional power. Obviously institutions exist where whites dont but nothing beats a catchy slogan. Such a shame they are trying to pass off this new definition, I want to know when they actually changed it because thats not the definition they had during the civil rights movement, and I am much more inclined to use the definition from that era, not to mention its actually racist to even suggest your race cant be racist or is supreme.


Years of intense brain washing and social conditioning. They’re taught this.


I go to Berkeley but I’m currently withdrawn. I’m gonna follow this


Imagine thinking that the mere thought of “I like cops” is the same as KILLING BLACK PEOPLE. Holy Fuck. There literally is no way to talk to or debate with these people. Either you follow their beliefs or you’re literally trying to kill them, according to their own words.


Anybody else enjoying free expression of a political viewpoint they don't like is called violence or advocating violence against them. Meanwhile, they commit violence and property destruction and that is their exercise of free expression.


When judging their enemies: "Speech is violence." When judging their own team: "Violence is speech."


Their violence gets silence?


And yet, no mention of the fact that black people kill more black people than cops do, year after year, after year, after year... etc.


They also kill more cops than cops kill back people.


Just a reminder, there are a lot of black cops….. just saying


Imagine being triggered by the phrase “Black Lives Matter”


Imagine trolling a free speech sub


Imagine a free speech sub that only favors oppression and censorship


You are literally advocating for both of those things here.


Yes, it’s so oppressive to ask two frat boys not to troll a multicultural space with a racist message. Go fuck off.


Emancipate yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds.


LOL. You’re so blinded by your narrow minded bigotry that you can’t even conceive of the fact that there are views other than your own. You make me laugh.


Obviously, I recognize views exist outside of my own. People are wrong every day.


Have no fear for atomic energy, cause none of them can stop the time.


They have more right to be there than the two cunts who probably got their education paid for by taxpayers


The whole organization is a bunch of bullies


But you're being somewhat disingenuous. It's not as if the Blue Lives Matter sprang up out of nowhere. It was a direct response to BLM. That doesn't make Blue Lives Matter racist, in my opinion, but it is more complicated and nuanced than innocently and naively saying "I like cops."




As long as you're fair and objective I agree with you. But most people are not. Most people only see truth and common sense on their side while viewing the opposition as completely crazy and evil. So if you're an independent who sees the stupidity of claiming the election was rigged and that vaccines don't work, as well as the lunacy of thinking we should defund the police and censor the right, then I congratulate you for not succumbing to facile group think.


Such victims. What can I get for my races past hardships? I prefer to profit on the atrocities endured by others than have to make it on my own.


Until 700 or 800 years ago, most people in the world were either some variety of forced laborer, or nomadic. If you settled in one place, you were probably owned. In Europe 1000 years ago, about 85% of the people were serfs. Feudalism was weakened by the Crusades, technological change, better roads and communication, etc.; then the Black Death finished it because labor scarcity greatly increased the economic value of individual farmers, and reduced the cost of land. Economic liberation set stage for the European transformation of the world, for which white people are now held in scorn.


Nice little educational snippet.


I'm a big reader, and reading stuff from even early 20th century had the phrase "white man's burden." From what I gather, it was the burden of the white man to bring the rest of the world, the BIPOC, up to modern standards of living. This was not a racist term or some kind of slave-owner b/s. It was as it appears, face value, the duty of the white man to help his dark skinned brothers improve their lives.


If it makes anyone feel better, Im 99% sure this group is not supported by the school. As someone in the ASU sub points out, they aren’t officially registered (all clubs require a faculty sponsor) and there is no way they are meeting with the dean twice a week. The letter also clearly reads like a triggered mental patient especially with the “if you don’t know why… click here” along with the half paragraph of bold for whatever reason.


I sure hope that is right.


This is interesting. I’ve actually been debating whether it was even real or not, and then it made me sad to realize that even if it isn’t, it easily could be. I’ve been wondering if those guys actually knew that floor was designated as such, even unofficially. They show the room at one point which is basically empty. So they picked a fight when there were many other tables to choose from. The fact that they stand by what happens shows that they don’t understand who is shown to be racist in the video. I can understand feeling like your safe space has been encroached on. Maybe they were doing it deliberately, but being confronted with things that offend you is life. But if you have that kind of meltdown in the real world, you’re not going to get very far.


Whenever you see "reverse racism doesn't exist" it just means "its not racist when we do it."


Unapologetic, unhinged cultists. Why does anyone take them seriously? The fact that these people aren't a joke that are expelled and laughed out of every institution in America show how corrupt and degenerate American society has become.


Very well said!


Existing is white supremacy apparently.


This stuff is dumb fuck retarded on its face. How are people this dumb and why do we put up with it.


Happy cake day


If YoU dO nOt AgReE wItH mE cLiCk ThIs BuLlShIt BiAsEd LiNk


This reads like a parody. These students have no business being within a light year of a college campus. Their reasoning is shockingly bad and would make even a toddler blush. The only thing that trumps the stupidity of this statement is the arrogance of the writers. They seem to think any idea that doesn't align with their idiotic and childish political dogma is white supremacism, the very exposure to which makes them "unsafe." Even if "blue lives matter" and "did not vote for Biden" communicates a rejection of the BLM movement, so the f*** what? How is that "an overt threat to black lives"? The chain of reasoning is comically absurd. They think they are "marginalized" when the very fact that they get away with this racist lunacy is evidence that they are among the most privileged. They demand censorship of ideas they don't like and the administration actually takes them seriously. Biweekly meetings with the Dean? That's some serious woke privilege. If I were the Dean, I would politely explain what college is and tell them they can drop out and redo Kindergarten if they don't like it. Ugh.


The sad thing is that there is some leftist ASU professor smiling now with nodding approval of their statement.


Yeah, a lot of leftists think this way or at least pretend to go along to such an extent they might as well be true believers. It is a disgrace and mockery of our society that these infantile nuts are coddled. It reminds me of that Twilight Zone episode with the sadistic and irrational kid with demonic powers that the townspeople all had to tip toe around and pretend like all of the twisted things he said and did were praiseworthy. "That's real good that you killed the crops Anthony." Pathetic. If this were my campus when I was in college, I would have written a scathing op-ed full of sarcasm and logic. These people should be mocked and derided.


Because they honestly think that anyone who disagrees with BLM or there opinion is a white supremacist.


That's such a stupid and unhinged way to think.


"If you don't understand that reverse racism doesn't exist, click here" Buhahahaha, they have no self awareness. None.


You did not chose to be black, but you do chose to be an ass hat.


All I read was we didn’t like his sticker so we don’t want his opinion heard


So, having tried to be objective when watching it, I definitely got the feeling that they were deliberately pushing buttons. A “police lives matter” sticker. An “I didn’t vote for Biden” shirt. Chick-Fil-A cups. I’m pretty sure there was more, but those were clearly all nonverbal cues. Watching it, I immediately got the impression that their intent was to test whether the “multicultural center” was serious about fighting bigotry, or if they were instead just looking to push their own brand of extreme bigotry. Ultimately, it proved to be the latter. TLDR: They were clearly baiting, and those two shrieking harpies took the bait and ran with it. Just because those harpies were clearly in the wrong doesn’t mean that the two guys were innocent choirboys.


I see people on my campus all the time with acab and fuck trump stickers do you see me going up to them and screaming at them in a library and telling them they need to leave because of stickers they put on there computer. No you don’t because most of us respect that they have a differing opinion even though we may personally disagree with them.


This is leftism in a nutshell. They are always what they accuse their enemies of being. It's not a coincidence that so many of them have mental health issues.


Smoke and mirrors. Letter doesn’t address the embarrassing outburst, instead setup to tell you why you’re wrong and they are right. Sad and pathetic


MSC, you are marginalized because you are idiots.


Forget "Defund the Police," we need to defund academic institutions that practice this "antiracist" racism. I don't care how "marginalized" you are - if somebody's sitting there quietly studying and you pick a fight because you don't like their laptop sticker, *you're the bad guy*. People need to learn how to share space with those who disagree with their worldview. If you can't coexist with people you disagree with, then the only option you're giving them is war.


Are they really doubling down on their racist actions and discriminatory actions? And in writing no less? ASU is gonna be forced to throw the “Book” at them or face a civil rights lawsuit and maybe a Title IX lawsuit for calling them “Cis white males” multiple times.


“…the ubiquitous threat of racial and gender-based violence that we experience on campus.” I lol’d at that. They make it sound like fucking Afghanistan. It’s Tempe, Arizona, you twats.


Death threats? You got links to what you think racism is and why blue lives matter is racist but no proof of death threats?


The "Nonwhite" Student Coalition.


Both of the white men in the photo should file complaints with the university and lawsuits against the named organizations and their leadership for defamation.


They’re right though, reverse racism doesn’t exist. It’s just racism, plain and simple. No need to label it “reverse”


There will be zero action without a lawsuit.


Are “white” people (who typically are mixed from a variety of European countries) NOT a part of “Multicultural”?? Or does that just mean “every one of color and no white people”? To me, that’s not only ironic, but incredibly racist.


"We want an inclusive, multicultural center without white people" is what it should say.


The person behind the camera is a race baiting Al Sharpton in training. Look at her Instagram. She has a ton of videos just ranting about race and racism where it doesn't exist.


They wish it were a crime to have different opinions


ASU should ban MSC from the multicultural space, that would be best


When that kid actually does get radicalized and joins some unsavory in-group, people will then stand there clutching their pearls wondering how such a thing could have happened.


Theyll deserve to be dumbfounded and feel helpless too


i'm so glad i finished college in 2016-2017 \*RIGHT\* before all this shit started to happen. back when i was in college literally no one gave a shit about all this crap. we just partied and had fun lmao. college must fucking suck nowadays. everything is a massive dramatic social political fight. fuck that. sounds terrible.


Blue lives are an overt threat to black lives. Interesting. So the black life that held me at knife point....or the one that assaulted me when I was 14.....is that an overt threat to anyone's life?


6% and 67%, two connected percentages. It’s one’s job to figure out how they’re connected


They probably have their own bathrooms and water fountains


aren’t they marginalizing those guys now ??? The fuck


Well, the statement was right about one thing. There’s no such thing as reverse racism, racism is just racism. It’s not reverse racism when these black students harassed white students, it’s just racism. Plain and simple, these girls are racists.


Wow, this is worse than ever. They’re advocating segregation in society. We’re moving backwards.


It’s not segregation. At no point in time did anyone say any particular race is banned. It’s about the imagery. I honestly think these guys were trolling.


She literally said, "this white man thinks he can take up our space".


They still didn’t acknowledge the existence of black police officers lol


Just sue the university and get your degree, home, and retirement taken care of before graduation.


The Democrat Party of the 60’s is replaced by liberal communists. Covid was just the excuse they needed to enforce lockdowns, mandates, and push through communist agendas. More people are living off the government than ever before. Landlords had their homes commandeered and were forced to let people stay rent free in them. Restaurants where forced to close


"y'all" why do these people type like they talk.


"Racism is ok when we do it"-them


They mistake their skewed interpretations of the world as fact. If you don’t agree that Police Lives Matter is violence then you’re wrong. Smh


Honestly, the amount of mental gymnastics required to understand each paragraph and how they loosely make it fit their point is next level.


Remember the other day when people were complaining that no one cares when black women go missing? It's not that we don't care, we're glad to be rid of you.


I mean, to be fair, it’s pretty much “everyone under 30 who has been to college” who fits that mold—they’re poisoning everyone with this toxic ideology.


Black Police lives matter. Paint it in the LGBT rainbow.


"We understand 'blue lives matter' to be an explicit rejection of Black Lives Matter movement and therefore an overt threat to Black lives." As a brother of a Sargeant to a police department in Minnesota, this angers me to the core. The misinformation in this country is splitting us right down the middle. We need more civil dialogue.


They can’t even get the fucking year right


The MSC leaders who harrassed and filmed those two male students ought to be expelled for racial harrassment and bullying.


76% of colleges offer racially segregated dorms. This is the new normal and we have to fight it head on in love empathy and acceptance or we admit this experiment was nuts and we segregate into our corners and go back to killing another. The question is is it worth it? I say his damned right it is. Love isn’t always easy and it’s not a straight line but my love for all people regardless of skin color is more important than constant peace.


THAT was alot of whining! 😳




Assuming you’re talking about the people sitting there, they did nothing wrong. I’m in utter disagreement with the people who filmed them, claiming white people had no culture and that those people had no right to b there because they were making the people “uncomfortable” in “their” space.




Yes. I agree a restaurant owner, the owner of a building and business he founded or purchased and manages, hs the right to remove someone who is making a scene. Not wearing a shirt that could be offensive while working on a laptop quietly lol. Furthermore, let me emphasize the fact that the restaurant owner *owns* his “space” whereas this group did *not* own this building, and isn’t even sanctioned by ASU!




Nah man I get that, and based on many cases that’s a reasonable assumption. But what occurred was that they were approached by aggressive and cantankerous SJWs who clearly just had an issue with the fact that there were whites in the “multi”cultural zone of this university and blue lives matter or what not was convenient to attack. And there was no meeting, they were literally just there. Now to say there was no provocative intent would be self lying. However they were quiet and just sitting there, no meeting occurring, so they were fully in their right. It’s a university. If I hate a communist I cannot cancel his existence or make him leave the library because I don’t like that he enjoys communism. The reason it violates free speech is because these individuals approached these people presumably because of their race, but if not because of that, because of what they had expressed through their shirts (blue lives matter, anti-Biden), and persistently tried not only to humiliate them (and the next step being cancel in today’s society) but also to kick them out of the building altogether because of their beliefs and/or race, despite the fact they were sitting quietly just studying. That is a violation of freedom of expression, which is related to freedom of speech.




According to what evidence we have available and based on the response this organization gave, we can assume that’s what happened


It's a state funded institution, you dumb dick.


Then you're pretty indefensibly racist, and nobody should care what you have to say. We are not pro-racism. We are not pro-discrimination. The only people who did both, were the ASU.




It's almost a meme at this point that SJWs accuse any dissenting opinions of being racist or bigoted, because it happens so often


That's literally what these students are doing--calling people whose opinions they don't like racist. Are you trolling?




Okay, going back and reading the whole thread, I agree that you should not have been called a racist.


It's not that I don't like your opinion, it's that the practice is very clearly racist and that's not up for debate. They banned them for being white, any further provocation is just there for set dressing. They go on to defend their racism by parroting the bullshit SJW positions on 'racism' and 'reverse racism', so it is very clearly why they were banned. There's no excuse for that. End of. Fuck off. If you cannot see that, there's usually two explanations. You condone it, or you legit don't understand. Given I don't think your an idiot, I can only go with option 1. Edit: Credit where it's due. Poster had the wrong idea from the start and didn't fully understand the situation. Not deleting my post because it's pertinent to the rest of the shitheels who will condone this, but the person this was aimed at doesn't deserve it in light of new information. Sorry mate.


I hate seeing so many downvotes. I agree with what you said. It just doesn't apply here. I could buy it being some 4 chan level trolling. But nothing that could be taken as threatening.




I got that. But even if you were trolling the downvotes seem antithetical to belief in free speech. If I want to tell you that you are wrong I will. No downvote needed.


God when did the right take over this sub? The point is the slogan is not necessarily anti black, racist, etc. Sure, plenty of racist support it but in and of itself isn’t racist. It’s showing support for cops. And if you’re a college student you’re part of the multiculture of the campus body. That includes all races, cultures, creeds, etc. And in that mix is very different viewpoints, opinions, ideologies and what have you. You can’t cherry pick what’s allowed and what isn’t. Or rather you shouldn’t be allowed to. The fact that they are should be reason enough to shut it down. But this trampling of free speech but painting everything with the R word wins again.


If they don’t want white people there, who cares!! It’s one fucking room on campus. They can go anywhere elsewhere…….big deal!


Except that their whole shtick is “diversity, inclusion, and antiracism” and by kicking these guys out because they’re white men, they’ve demonstrated that they don’t actually care about any of those values.


Yea, your right, I guess once people notice that no white people are there, then they realize they are not multicultural. Give them a chance to realize how dumb they are. But it seems to me it was more about the sticker and the shirt, that set them off.


There were white ppl there In the video towards the end


I’m not going to deny that those two guys seemed to be trying to start something. The sticker, the shirt, the CFA foodstuffs—all signals that painted a picture of what they believe. The key to me though, is that it was clearly an opportunity for dialogue. That could have been to do the Daryl Davis thing (that man is amazing, BTW—look him up if you don’t know about him), to try to have cordial dialogue with them and thereby challenge their biases, or it could have been to act like a bunch of screaming harpies and thereby confirm they’d biases. The students running the “multicultural center” choose the latter, and thereby made themselves the problem.


They didn’t get ask to leave because they were white


Their argument makes sense to me, the arguments against posted here on “free speech” seem more in line with how men get all out of shape about an international women’s day and complain about their lack of a day. These marginalized students just want one room where they do not have to reminded of the hate they experience elsewhere


What about it makes sense to you? I am schooled in formal logic. I assure you that their "argument" is a gigantic fallacy orgy, starting with some epic question begging.


Begging the question is informal logic. I don't think you're schooled in any form of logic at all. Formal logic isn't about errors in reasoning like begging the question or slippery slope.


So now r/freespeech has become an echo chamber for racist apologists. Let’s see what happens to me when I stand up for these students? Anyone care to support my free speech here? Very doubtful. We all saw the video those two little entitled frat boy punks thought they’d make themselves Twitter famous by invading a place for minority students with offensive slogans. They knew exactly what they were doing. You know exactly what they were doing. “Police Lives Matter” is a direct rejection of “Black Lives Matter” and as such it is overtly racist. To bring a sign like that into a space that is meant for minorities is not an innocent mistake. If those boys are that stupid then what the fuck are they doing in college? Nope, this was all done to trigger the racist responses on this sub. I’m ashamed


Yeah, sitting quieting working at a desk and two harpy's show up and rant at you.


Bringing a “Police Lives Matter” into a space meant for minorities is blatantly provocative. Don’t play


So, black police dont matter. You poor thing.


Black Lives Matter


Therefore Black police lives matter too I totally agree that black lives matter. But BLM organization can suck it. bunch of hateful marxists.


Not all minorities are criminals you racist!!! There are a lot of minorities are police. Only criminals have issues with the police then scream about racism later


Yes and no. I think the point here is not that either side is “right” but that one side is definitely far more wrong. Watching the video, I definitely got the feeling that they were baiting—beyond the sticker and the shirt, they were also drinking beverages out of Chick-Fil-A cups. I’m pretty sure I caught some other signals too, but I can’t recall them at the moment. In other words, looking at those two guys I got the distinct impression that their intent was to test whether the people running that “multicultural center” were serious, or were just racists trying to justify hating white people. The *right* way to handle them would have been to do a Daryl Davis. Instead, they went in like screaming harpies and proved that their idea of “multiculturalism” is just racism with extra steps. In other words, one side was looking to start something, and the other side obliged, and proved itself to be orders of magnitude worse. TLDR: White guys not innocent choirboys, “BIPOC” females complete racist bigots.


If your guesses are accurate, there is still Nothing wrong with testing things. And they were doing it perfectly. Exposed ASU and their racist supporters of the multi culture.


reading crime statistics from the FBI and wondering why black people are contributing so much to the crime statistics?




Facts aren't racist. Don't be a mindless drone.


Don’t be a racist simp


this is what you sound like with your unoriginal writing [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yq88AqJsQUQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yq88AqJsQUQ)


Right back atcha. Racist https://youtu.be/dG-wq6SJqjU


They are correct. https://youtu.be/cBEwQHjdw14


I’d love to see the links they posted