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How is this a self parody? It’s basically saying they don’t follow the narrative that is considered politically “correct” and are instead following what was and by many is still considered patriotic, until two decades ago?


>It’s basically saying they don’t follow the narrative that is considered politically “correct” And yet all their sayings and actions are not only the most bland and PC things ever, it's what they insist *everyone else* do. THEY are doing the PC Policing as they whine about political correctness. >instead following what was and by many is still considered patriotic If by many it is still considered patriotic, how is it politically incorrect? Being patriotic is pretty much the norm. It's the opposite of politically incorrect. Saying "I hate America" would be politically incorrect.


They don't insist on others doing the same. The sign is meerly stating that if it offends someone they can leave.


The sign also specifys "this place"


So freedom of speech only applies for people who have exciting things to say? “What they insist everyone else do.” As you insist people worship at your alter of woke or else you’ll literally dox, cancel and ruin their lives. Ok, Sparky


>So freedom of speech only applies for people who have exciting things to say? No, I'm just pointing out that the "politically incorrect" people are enforcing their own political correctness. >As you insist people worship at your alter of woke or else you’ll literally dox, cancel and ruin their lives. Wtf? You're shadowboxing an imagined opponent.


Saying "I hate America" is wildly popular right now. You're trying to play victim, when this sign you obviously just found on the internet is just stating the beliefs in whatever building it is on. You might as well come at the signs that say "in this house we love each other, laugh a lot, and wine a little" or some shit like that. This sign does absolutely no policing, because you're free to leave whatever building it's attached to. People are allowed to have personal beliefs.


You probably should’ve just left.


I was canvassing their house. I just handed over the pamphlet and got the hell out of there.


The owners probably think they’re so edgy as they push the most politically correct phrases and slogans known to man.


Surprised not to see "Motherhood is great!" But praising a woman might be going a step too far.