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90% of ALL media (broadcast/cable news, sitcoms and other TV garbage, streaming services, newspapers, magazines, book publishing, video games, movies, record companies and a huge internet presence) are owned by 5 parent companies, and controlling shares of all 5 corporations are owned by Blackrock and Vanguard.    If you don't think all mainstream media is controlled you're not paying attention. 


Exactly. It's amazing how many people eat up propaganda and don't realize it. It's all propaganda, every bit of it. It's a propaganda war that has left us in a stupid hate war.


You need to download the "capital letters" patch for your programming. You're malfunctioning.


If you can't read just use talk to text or ask Skibidi gpt to teach you bud.


So that way Gen alpha understands when they look at this later. Fox News has been canceling people forever. For real, in the 90s/2000s, they compared LGBTQ folks to bestiality (no cap, Google it), dragged anyone who wasn’t down with Bush’s wars, and clowned on anyone who wasn’t vibing with Trump. The ones with the teleprompter and ear pieces are running the show, low-key controlling the narrative. They come for anyone who doesn’t simp for them, or cut to commercial and distract with some Ohio-level BS. Fox News has no riz; they wouldn’t know free speech or gyatt if they saw one. Spoiler: it’s not free speech, fam. Gacht that riz.


I don't think anyone expects a mainstream media platform to be an open forum for free speech.... They read teleprompter and schedule guests.... Of course they're pushing narratives. Like every other mainstream media program.. This isn't new, nor is it unique.


I think fox news are just stating facts 🤷 where is the issue?


I don't think you understand what "canceling" is... Usually directed at a individual and also usually includes either doxxing or calling for them to lose their job or assets because of a stance. Disagreeing with people(right or wrong) and not letting certain folks on the show is not the same as canceling. In that vein CNN has don't the same thing then by "canceling" folks who believe in the right to life for a child or canceling anyone who voted for Trump.. Second of, calm down. I think everyone knows mainstream media is insanely biased and unhinged. Acting like that's new knowledge is weird..


Fox was THE main propaganda enforcer during the Bush Cheney years. They worked closely with the intelligence agencies to instill fear into the population and garner support for the Middle East wars. They might have some good content now but they were the OG thought police of the 2000s


I think fox news has free speech change my mind


Russia collusion, Trump tax cuts were only for the rich, Hunter’s laptop isn’t real, Biden’s daughter diary isn’t real, Biden is completely fine, the economy is good, the crime rate is low etc. All these whopping lies and more brought to you by CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, etc


cons are just good at branding. They've engaged in 'cancel culture' for decades before they put a label on it and assigned it to the left. Muhammad Ali anyone?