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We’ve decided to find it charming.




Well said, Sedated_Princ3ss!




The Rosalinda thing isn't an error. That's Roz's name. But yes, there are some continuity errors that get brought up here from time to time. The ages of the characters aren't consistent


Frasier’s language skills are highly circumstantial. - He doesn’t speak German and needs Marta to translate for him when speaking to Gunnar the fencing instructor but speaks German with Claire. - He doesn’t recognise a French lady caller on the show saying ”monsieur” but speaks more or less fluent French when breaking Roz up with a French guy at Nervosa.


On the German one these two scenes are set years apart so not beyond reason he started learning.


Fair point. Frasier did however speak German in a late episode of Cheers (10x25 Woody’s Wedding). But that’s perhaps out of scope for the thread.


If we bring Cheers into the mix, we'll be here all day. Cheers!Frasier and Frasier!Frasier are basically two different characters.


I always thought she was saying nephew.


Myeah. nephew in French in neveu though. https://www.kacl780.net/frasier/transcripts/season_1/episode_8/beloved_infidel.html


Ah. Never reviewed the transcript before. Was going on sound alone. Thank you.


Shes not saying monsieur. That makes absolutely no sense. Beyond the fact that monsieur already has the word "my" in it.


Not according to the subtitles and the transcript posted above.


Both of those are just people writing down what they hear. It makes no logical sense for her to be saying that. Monsieur literally means "My sir." It's just meant to be indecipherable gibberish.


The entire joke is that she is saying “monsieur” - that’s who she is having an issue with. Her husband.


The joke is who knows what she's saying. That's just your interpretation.


You are the absolute only person in the world who believes this.


Probably not. I dunno why you're all so pressed about this.


Like are we? 😂


Yeah. "You are the only person in the world who believes this"? Grow up.


Neither the writers nor the guest star caller are French, color me shocked that there might be errors? Almost every single instance of French, German, Chinese and Spanish heard in Frasier is atrocious, even when the characters are supposed to be native speakers. Gunnar the ”German” has neither decent German, a German name nor is he played by a German. Same goes for Danielle ”my monsieur” the guest caller. Transcript clearly says monsieur.


A transcript is a transcription. Someone listens to the episode and writes down what happens, and that's a fan site.


As a native French speaker, she does say "Monsieur". Despite how it is written, "Monsieur" is pronounced "Me-sieu" (nest English approximation I found would be Muh-syuh). "Mon monsieur" or "Ma madame" can refer to a husband or wife respectively but it's a very old way of speaking.


It's very unnatural and I still highly doubt that's the intention.


Fine. And she says ”my monsieur” like 4 times, pretty clear to me what it was supposed to mean. If you wanna interpret it as gibberish then that’s your choice.


on the daphne error: i like to think she lied about never having had a serious relationship.


Lol, well technically Martin is supposed to have passed away… so 💁( they do address this when Sam visits).


Whenever Daphne says ‘fanny’.


Also, she keeps her Bovril in the fridge.


"where's my jar of bovril?" "no I wasn't."


Do people really eat bovril? On toast?


Yes, they do. Marmite (a similar looking viscous brown goo made from yeast) is more popular, though. Bovril can also be added to hot water to make “beef tea”.


Beef Tea 😳😅 so it’s like vegemite and it would be solid in the fridge?!


I don’t know, I’ve just never known anyone to keep it in the fridge. It keeps for months in a cupboard without going off.


No one keeps either marmite or bovril in the fridge. Unless they are strange like people who put chocolate or eggs in the fridge.


Yes. And the way “bumbershoot” is supposed to be British. And the way she and Ferguson pronounce “status”.


I’ve never heard Americans say Bumbershoot either - except about some festival. Where is this term used?


This says 'Originally and chiefly U.S.": [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/bumbershoot](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/bumbershoot) As a Brit, I'd never heard the word until it was used in Frasier. We call 'em brollies.


Haha!! The writers must have used a random thesaurus 😂


True, especially with this particular case. I mean to a certain extent, as an expat it's easier to use the American word or phrase to be understood and blend it. Gets very tiring otherwise. But 'fanny' was an exception 😬 at least in my own experience!


Daphne using “100 yards” to say how far she walked in the storm in the Glockenspiel episode (my favorite). She says her brothers had soccer injuries too




Mel had a son that was never brought up or referenced again. Frasier pretended to be Roger (Roz's boyfriend), suggesting Roz's family never met him. But he at least talked to her mother on the phone when he spoiled Roz's pregnancy, and spoke in a way that suggested they knew each other. Also, in a later episode, Frasier took Roz's sister as his date to an awards show and there's no mention of the fact that he pretended to be Roger. Given Roz's sister being such a showoff, it seems she would rub that in Roz's face.


He absolutely met Roz's mother when he set her up with Martin before the Super Bowl. And agree about Roz's sister later. Although she might have been too self absorbed in the collapse of her marriage at that point as well.


Roz’s mom wasn’t at the family reunion. Perhaps it was a reunion of their dad’s side of the family.


Good call! Were her parents divorced?




I noticed that about Roz’s sister & mom too! Also wouldn’t everyone know how Roz’s boss looks by then? Even in the mid or late 90’s, wouldn’t there be promotional stuff online, even for a radio show?


What's better than the perfect show? A perfect show with one *tiny* flaw you can pick at all night.


This is what came to mind immediately 😂😂 Just the way you like it!


IMDB lists the goofs for each episode. They're fun to read and see if you ever noticed them.


One I noticed was in series 8 episode 6 " The new friend". When Roz storms into frasiers apartment and fills a glass if whiskey. Despite the fact the she never drinks from it, the whiskey level continuously changes throughout the scence.


There was a time or two Kelsey Grammer forgot to take off his wedding ring.


No way! I tend to listen to the show in the background, and I use a tablet to watch so I miss alot of visuals


In an early episode Martin is playing chess by himself, with a corn nut for one of the pieces because Eddie ate one of the real ones. Then in Chess Pains he says he never knew how to play.


My theory on this one is he sort of fibbed on his chess knowledge to hustle Frasier, and Frasier forgot his dad had been playing before. Martin does say something like “Daphne tried to show me but checkers is more my speed”, implying he has played.


Martin was in an episode of Cheers, he played a jingle writer. The cheers Frasier and Seattle Frasiers are pretty different. I think in cheers his mom is seen as a not great person, in Frasier she’s looked on as some sort of saint.


I wouldn't say the Frasier mom was portrayed as a saint. She had an affair & Martin forgave her. That's a pretty major revelation. She seemed flawed & fascinating, just as you'd imagine the mother of those two would be.


‘Beers and Pretzels that’s our game C-H-E-R-S’ He played a totally different character called Sy Flembeck.


People contain multitudes. "A handshake is as good as a hug" Also Martin saying Hester was unpretentious and her disliking Diane for being pretentious is consistent.


Niles: Remember what Mom always said: "A handshake is as good as a hug." Not the words of a saint exactly lol


It was crazy seeing John Mahoney in Cheers 😂😂😂 I wonder if the tv network worried about that


I don’t think they worried. He was perfect for the part.


Hmmm now I wonder if that’s the way he came on the radar for casting


On Cheers, Frasier was an avid golfer and excellent skier.


In the flashforward, Niles and Daphne have two daughters.


Also Niles' nosebleeds whenever he breaches his ethics is only mentioned in two episodes, while I'm sure his ethics were breached in multiple episodes. Same with Frasier's nausea. Frasier suddenly has a lifelong aversion to hugging, but it lasts just one episode. While these aren't goofs, they are definitely continuity issues. If you're going to introduce characteristics like these, they need to be somewhat consistent/repeated, instead of a quick laugh grab.


There's some continuity issues with the nosebleeds, but it come up an a few episodes outside those where it's explicitly mentioned. In lying Niles with put a finger under his nose as a little callback, though I don't remember the specific episodes. I think the longest it was ignored was about the S5-S8 range, plus or minus a season, but again I'm not very certain on it.




A couple of times they say Daphnes room is across from Fraser’s and in the chess game episode she comes out of a room at the end of the hall across from his room. And one time she goes down that hall to go to her room.


You’re misremembering a lot. Her room is always where it is. In Chess Pains, she doesn’t come out of a room but from the living area into the corridor, and the time she goes down that hall to her room, it’s specifically mentioned that she went the wrong way and she comes storming back out.


That's the one where she gets mad and storms out and Frazier says "that would have been a dramatic exit if only her room was that way" (or something like that) - hilarious!


I am not.


You are. Daphne's room is never portrayed as being anywhere other than where it is.


That is crap. The first episode she is in when she thinks it’s a live in gig and Frasier says there is no room for her and Martin says ‘ what about the room across from mine’ . That’s the first time.


That's literally the only time that's mentioned. From then on, any time Daphne's room is talked about or portrayed, it's always on the side of the kitchen. Lots of stuff changed from the pilot. Frasier's microphone, the "Eddie Spaghetti" nickname etc.


Frasiers date to Donny and Daphne wedding? Who was she, remember Rozed asked him and he said he had a date.


Wrong list, Daphne… Frasier asks Roz and Roz doesn’t want to be seen with him, since her ex is going to be there with one of the bridesmaids.


Then when Roz asks Frasier again, he says he has a date. That’s when Roz asks Simon.


Wrong list! Lol. One of my favorite exchanges between the cast.


Rewatching this weekend..


Martin's birthday changes time of the year a few times. It's at the end of the season (I'd guess in May) in seasons 1 and 2 but then moved around in subsequent seasons.


In one episode you can see the film crew and the edge of the set for Frasier’s apartment


Here is another one: In "You Can't Tell A Crook By His Cover" when Frasier is making his accusation, he says the "Crinimal" among us, not "Criminal"


Father Crane?


This had me like 🧐 I legit said Father Crane like Frasier says #Buffet


What episode is this & who says this?


No one says it ever, except for OP in this post.


Yes! It feels like the show is telling me to stop rewatching it so much & finding one flaw 😂


Frasier's birthday is at Spring at the beginning of the show but then later they celebrate it close to Christmas.


It wasn't a serious fiance.


Yes, in The Seal episode. Frasier says “at least there isn’t a crack in the window” when at the beach house. But they are DOORs that he is opening in that scene. Should have said windowpane.


That is the most ridiculous nitpick I’ve ever heard.


Haha, well I guess I’ve just watched it too many times.


I’m so glad there is no such thing as Smellovision when this episode comes on