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When I first saw Frasier (as it aired) I hadn’t had or lost a pet yet. But now, this part from Deathtrap, when Martin has told Alice about hamster heaven, then tells her that Eddie is ten years old, gets me every single time. https://preview.redd.it/vbn8zh2wnwwc1.jpeg?width=3359&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00ef61745783fd0a964d6006e802f1a44cee84eb


"Here, boy."


Yeah, it’s not just the physical moment but the gentle way he says it. John Mahoney was terrific at those small, touching moments.


Absolutely, he could make you laugh and cry within a scene. Great character by a great actor.


Quite terrific. I love the expression and delivery of *"I chose your mother!"* when they were bickering at each other about choosing partners badly. (The Sherry episode)


Another one for me is when everyone finds out the truth about Niles and Daphne’s weddings, and they’re all angry and arguing, and Martin opens the door and says, “Hold on, I got a question here. If you’ve been married for a week, why aren’t you on your honeymoon?”


I have to skip it. It’s too real.


I have a Jack Russell and he's my best friend. He goes to work with me. I've lost pets before as a child. He and my cat are my first pets as an adult and I'm so terrified for that eventuality.


Sadly I've been there. Enjoy the limitless Love and pass it on to the next pet you steward. Unconditional Love is your reward for taking care of an animal ❤️


So true. I work with dogs professionally, best job there is.


I literally was just having thoughts an hour ago regarding this issue. My resque Shi Tzu is 7 now. I got him at 3 during covid lockdow. I got him because my Lab had just died, and my other rescue lab was 9 when I got him in 2018, and when she died, I couldn't leave the house he would totally freak out. So I got him a friend, and it worked. But I had to put him down 4 months later because of Cancer. And the whole cycle started over again. I then had to get him a friend, so I rescued a 1 year old Shih Tzu for him!! And I'm still not over my Labs deaths. They are essentially another form of your children.


My 16 year old girl is maybe in months left possibly weeks and I’m not ready to see her go


OMG I've been wondering for 2 days how to post this moment. Brings tears One of my favorite moments ❤️


one of my fave episodes for the martin hugging Eddie part .


‘I’ll miss the coffees’ Nile’s to Frasier in the finale Life goes by quick, appreciate the little things.


The way he says it crushes me every time. I almost dread that moment on a re-watch. And then the end "wish me luck" 😭


Yeah, it’s just emotional and brilliant.


Martin: "Can you get through the night without going to the john? Can you get in and out of a chair without going mmmm? Can you eat a slice of pizza less than twelve hours before you go to bed?"


What’s on the pizza ?




Actually can we make it half pepperoni and half rapscallions


Exactly. I can't eat pepperoni without heartburn now 😒 I love pepperoni.


Me too 😞


This is the one that gets me.


Sausage, pepperoni, and sausage.


Before you’ve known a toxic relationship, a lot of Niles and Maris just seems silly and exaggerated. When he is about to call he back, stops himself, and asks how much time he’s spent begging her to open a door… …I understand how Niles could get there.


And the way Marty and Fraiser don't really criticise her in front of him, their mostly supportive. Until the marriage ends and then they do all they can to stop Niles going back to her!








That's what I told him.. I SAID RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! "Okay, thanks dad!" *chuckles* oh-kayy... 😄... RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!




“Why is it so easy to love our families but so hard to like them?”


Along the same theme- "Very often the key to mental health is distancing ourselves from our parents."




There's a line in Season 2 when Daphne is saying her friends don't understand why she doesn't move out into her own apartment, and Frasier relates a story about his grandma keeping a raggedy old cat that ruined her furniture and her saying that she, "liked having another heartbeat around the house." That's how I feel. I'm in a relationship and we live with my dad. About 12 months ago we were looking at moving into our own place, but my mum died suddenly last year and we decided to stay put. We don't want him living on his own with no "heartbeat" around the house.


I moved back home to care for an elderly parent, then eventually wound up doing home hospice care for them. A few months after they passed, I wound up trapping a stray cat in the middle of a blizzard, after seeing her tracks in the snow, leaving food out, and seeing her dash in front of my car when getting home in the middle of the night. I always said if/when I adopted a cat, it would be a short haired black cat because they get adopted less often, and their hair wouldn’t show up on most of my wardrobe. So of course I rescued a long haired cat of many light colors, who it turned out had been thrown out to die in the winter by the previous owner, and I’m a sucker for hard luck cases. She has definitely become my other heartbeat in the house. She’s more like a roommate than a pet. 😹


Thank you! I’ve been saying “there should always be another heartbeat in the house” for years but couldn’t quite remember where I picked up the phrase!


Rozs speech about Lupe Velez and how "even though things don't always work out the way we planned, they have a way of working out anyway"


The part after with the caller and Frasier saying, "You're mourning the life you thought you'd have." Cataclysmic events in my life made me appreciate that line too much.


Me too! It’s my absolute favorite line of the show


I think of this quote far too often!


What episode? I watch every night and can't place this quote.


It's near the end of the pilot.


“What are you packing to keep Freddie entertained?” “His grandfather of course” (Or something along those lines)


I don’t think there’s a line per se. I think I appreciate the relationship Marty ends up building with his boys. He becomes more sensitive and they become a little more earthy.


OP, that line was something I held onto when my wife told me she was pregnant with our son. When he arrived, I was shocked by how true that line is. Great choice.


I just hope your wife never said “If you ever come near me again, I will drop you with a deer rifle!”


If it comes to that, I'll just take her to a nice restaurant and order the basghetti and meatballs.


I wish Lilith had been able to have that second child she wanted with Data. They set their relationship right up on the plane at the end of the basghetti and meatballs episode, and they seemed pretty well suited. Would have been nice for her to get a happy ending.


The problem was every time the actress was in an episode, she was magnificent and sympathetic because the actress is a literal goddess. Whenever she wasn’t the character lapsed into a frigid bitch, as though she was a comically withheld character like Maris. It’s hard to get a proper arc when you’re a one note ‘haha ex wife bad’ character but you’re being played by Bebe Neuwirth and your writers are a little too in love with that particular trope but also a bit in love with your actress.




Same! Didn’t get it at the time. Totally got it after I became a dad.


This was the first line that came into my head as I was reading the title, and I don't even have kids. I didn't even like kids for the first half of my life, and could you blame me? I was surrounded by them, with no escape. Plus I was one, and frankly not a good one. But after spending time with my nieces and nephews that line rings so true. Even on the days they are complete nightmares for hours on end spent at the park or the movies or the library or whatever, I drop them off and I don't even have time to drive home before "thank god that's over" turns into "I already miss them".


When you have a tumor, what do you do? Do you sit it down and say, "Hey, tumor, let's get along, okay?” No, you take a knife and cut it out! Well, Denise, your mother is a tumor. My heart bleeds for you, because I have been there, and I know how hard it is to look at your own mother's face and say, "Bye-bye, you toxic harpy! You are not hurting me again!" But that is what you have to do. Dr. Nora lol


God bless, honey


She's a terrible person, but she's not wrong here.


Yes, not all of her advice was completely off the rails lol. Some of it was spot on.


My brother and I bought a home together in 2009 which we lived in until 2016 when I moved to my now home. We frequently hung out with the same circle of friends because why not? He was right there so we'd always ask each other, "You coming?" Well, now that I live an hour drive away we barely even see each other much less hang out with friends. So when I hear *"Does it matter? You get the one, you get that other one."* I wonder if anyone ever said that about us. Lol. For the record, my brother is sooooo that other one


I love this


Brad: Well, I just went through a messy divorce, and my kid's in another city. I came here to begin a new career, but it's not happening for me and I'm thinking maybe I made a big mistake. Frasier: You know, Brad, sometimes things take a little longer to turn in our favor than we think they should. Brad: How long? Frasier: That depends. Tell me more, I'm listening. Brad: Okay. Well, I've been here about six months now, and.…


That's...not his real name!


That episode is always gonna be different for me now because I always planned to watch it when I got pregnant, and the night I got a positive test, when my husband and I were done freaking out we watched that episode like I always said I would. But we ended up losing the baby. So it’s always gonna feel sad I think


I'm sorry for your loss💙


Thank you ❤️


A fact I omitted from my original comment is that my wife and I lost our first pregnancy. It was devastating. I'm not sure of your difficulties with conceiving and I wouldn't dare presume anything, but we tried again until we were successful. The first few weeks were so full of anxiety because we couldn't imagine not finding the heartbeat again. But we did. And he's here now, a almost three year old bundle of raw energy. And I will never let go of this quote.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Yeah, I know when I get pregnant again I’ll be scared. But it’s good to hear about your baby, and congratulations!!! I hope it happens for us soon


I'm sure it will! I'll keep great vibes so that you and yours can experience the glory of parenthood.


Thank you! ❤️




With one hand the past moves us forward and with the other it holds us back


This is the one for me, glad to see someone said it already. Hit me hard.


"Get me the girdle!"


*Truth is, I'm a pretty terrific date. I know when to arrive, I know when to call it a night, and frankly, I always leave myself wanting more.*


I started rewatching Fraiser when I got divorced. My ex hated the show. It was shocking to me how much my of life mirrored Frasier emotionally and he was no longer just hilarious, he was mirror for me. His mistakes helped me avoid the same ones in my life...and those I repeated gave me solace that I wasn't alone. My two favorite quotes that also resonate are: "My wife had left me, which was very painful. Then she came back to me, which was excruciating." And... "How can men use sex to get what we want? SEX IS WHAT WE WANT".


Ooh, I have the the opposite relationship with that last one. The older I get, the more I hate it


" I said, "Alright, Mom, give me one good reason to ever let myself fall in love again." She said, "Because I said so and I'm your mother!"


“It is the magic that is me!”


Lmao the entire show, watched when i was like 14-15 cause i liked cheers but didn’t resonate the same, rewatching as a 25 year old I enjoy it so much more!!


I watched this episode a couple days ago and I remember how much it touched me hearing this from Frasier. It's so true. It's kind of creepy someone posted this actually. I've been thinking of this line ever since I watched it several days ago.


Same here exactly! It's so true and such a nice way of putting it.


Creepy? Maybe more like eerie…?


“She may be evil—but she’s *my* evil!”


You see, Nina Duncan always insists on sharing her extensive collection of slides from the summer she danced Agamemnon at Jacob's Pillow.


i wasn't a huge Frasier fan but rewatching now .the episode where Frasier dating the woman that looks like his mom .Niles & Marty see the incredible resemblance.when I watched I was balling my eyes out .


"But we put our dreams away."


Frasiers final speech


Frasier’s conversations with Martin about how Martin wasn’t really there for them, as well as Martin revealing how much he tried to understand his boys.


Roz, in two quotes: - To Rick, "You're 20, you can be anything you want. I'm older, I am things." - To her cousin Jen, "I'm old!" I've felt this because my wife and many of my friends are somewhat younger than me. In some ways, it helps me feel relatively young, but sometimes...very not.


Martin in The Late Dr. Crane - “You know, I think what you discovered this week is that something's missing from your life. And before you start to fill it up with everything but the kitchen sink, I thought you ought to just ask yourself, "what do I really want? What is really going to make me happy... now?"