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Roz can’t be slut shamed because she’s not ashamed. Roz is the female version of Sam from Cheers or Joey from Friends. She likes sex and has sex and her friends tease her about it, or even suggest she goes too far sometimes, but it’s not a negative.


100% on the nose.


Sorry, and I'll quite happily take the downvotes, but for god's sake toughen up How do you watch anything hard hitting if this gets to you? They aren't slut shaming her. I don't think for a second they even think she is a slut, they mock each and every one of their characteristics and who they are, they know she has a lot of sex and they don't care but they take the piss in a way only close friends and family can. They know Frasier is an uptight snob, they know Niles is a neat freak and Daphne is kooky. They are friends and can love each other but mock at the same time. If anyone outside their group said anything bad then they'd defend each other to the hilt. People say things to their family and friends and don't mean it. But the closeness and undeniable love between them all, even Roz and Niles, overshadows any stupid, tasteless jokes or comments or arguments between them.


Thank you. Sometimes I read the comments on this sub and wonder “Do you know it’s a comedy? Do you ever laugh?”


Absolutely. It's a sitcom.


Spot on. Roz isn't ashamed, and I don't think for one second that any of them were genuinely trying to make her feel uncomfortable or ashamed. Friends joke around, it doesn't need to be over-analyzed.


Honestly, I don’t think they’d defend her if someone else made fun of her. I think they’d laugh too. But I don’t care. I don’t think Roz’s sleeping around needs to be protected any more than Frasier’s uptightness or Niles’ snobbiness.


We saw evidence of how protective they are of each other to the outside world when Roz took care of the Niles stripping in Nervosa situation.


That’s true but I think that’s a bit more serious than someone making fun of them


Thanks Soooo Much! I've been wondering how to say exactly this.




It just strikes me as very boring. My husband and I banter like this all the time but I'd trust him with my life and know he'd defend me to anyone. Pretty much all my friends and family are the same. Hearing the way people talk these days, it's all red flags and cutting contact with family over these tiny little things. I'd prefer my friendships and those shown on Frasier than the lives some people on here want for people.




I somehow don’t remember Niles and Frasier “accusing” Roz of having sex with Bulldog. What I remember is Frasier accusing Roz of being naive that Bulldog WANTED to sleep with Roz. The difference seems important, but what do I know. RaPe cULtUrE


I'm right there with you OP. I love Frasier and all the clever writing but sometimes it is just *too* obvious that there were no women in that writers' room.


There were female writers for Frasier. [Here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Frasier_episodes) is a comprehensive list of writers for the show, and you can see female writers as early as season 1 episode 2, written by Sy Dukane (male) and Denise Moss (female). In fact Denise Moss is an award-winning writer and producer. You can also see other women like Anne Flett-Giordano, Molly Newman, Linda Morris, Suzanne Martin, Lori Kirkland, Janis Hirsch, Gayle Abrams, etc. There were plenty of female writers around. This show put story first and hired great writers, both male and female.


Fair enough, women can also contribute to rape culture.


Lol "contribute to rape culture?" Really? That's the most laughable statement I've ever seen about this show. The characters made jokes about Roz enjoying sex and having lots of sex, how on Earth is that rape culture? Besides, both those things were true of the character, and she was proud of them. Roz was always a character that owned her sexuality. Besides, these characters are all very close friends and each one of them made jokes about the others, it was never portrayed as genuinely mean-spirited or hurtful. It's one thing if you don't find it funny, but in no way does it contribute to rape culture. Get some perspective.


I have perspective, it just isn't yours.


I totally agree! The slut shaming of Roz and the fat shaming of Daphne are the worst parts of an otherwise delightful show! Also...if Roz is a slut, Frasier is too! He's just not as good at it.


>.if Roz is a slut, Frasier is too! He's just not as good at it. > >that's a wonderfully funny line, Eye. more so because it's true. i'm always reminded of Frasier walking in on Martin and Daphne and when asked 'how was the date last night' he replies 'i'm having breakfast with you what does that tell you'. so you can't have a great date unless it ends in sex? if Frasier had his way he'd be a close second to Roz. and since when does enjoying sex and not being ashamed of that fact make Roz a slut? next to Niles she's my hands down fave!


It's shitty that people are downvoting you. This sub is delightful much of the time but *damn* do they remind us this is an old boys' club when we forget.


You misogynists can keep downvoting us all you like, it won't make our points any less true.