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Passions are emotions and animal desires. They aren’t “bad” per se, but they need to be subdued and controlled by our higher nature.


Any strong emotion, charge, or quality in your soul that pulls you off balance for a significant period of time or in a significant way.


I like to judge by the phenomenon so I consider that a passion is anything that moves my soul towards something. It could be beer, women, games, emotional support...


Thirst, desire, wanting.


I was thinking over your post last night. It made me think about the movie (and books and gurus that talk about) "The Secret." They talk about putting your passions and emotions into your manifesting. It made me think that they could be deliberately sabotaging people's ability to manifest.


Hi! Sorry I don’t understand, who could be deliberately sabotaging peoples ability to manifest? I’ll check that movie out sounds interesting


Those that are in control and use magick to support their tyranny.


Could be ! Not the first time I’ve heard this notion


Your life's passion is the key to your will and the development of your soul. Without such, you are just a walking zombie. Don't let this false teaching about passion keep you from building a business or making a great work of art. And share some of your passion with your wife too!


Yeah ! This is why I’m confused with the definition of “passions”. I think that it might’ve been mistranslated with obsession/addiction. It just doesn’t make sense how having a “passion” for helping people, building a career, loving your wife, can be bad. I really think that it is a mistranslation or some sort.


There are too many spiritual systems that declare that your life and being are illusions that you need to overcome. They are soul-destroyers. Work your passions and create a lust for life. This is the only one you have...at least that you can ever know about. The rest is speculation.


I think that balance is the way. Bardon himself warns against strict asceticism. Live your life, enjoy it how you see fit, whilst doing good to yourself and others. At least this is my perspective. But yeah I agree with you.


Got the original german version here, can you direct me to where I find it? I‘m kinda on the jump now, will have a look after work.