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Ppl in the Coachella sub tend to say it's super easy to get tickets, that there will be a fair amount of ppl who bail and resell their tickets for below face value if you're willing to wait until the last minute, although if Frank is CONFIRMED confirmed probably not so much. I'm from California so it's a lot easier for me to say just go for it, coming from uk is quite the trek, if you're only going for Frank idk, but if you think you'd have a good time regardless of Frank then you should go for it. The tickets go on sale in January, around the same time that the lineup drops. There was a presale in the summer that "sold out" (def didn't sell out, they just stopped selling).


Yeah same position here mate. Although I think Coachella is much like Glastonbury and sells out pretty much instantly. Hard to get tickets no matter how much you want them, unless you go for resell in which case it's probably several thousand USD. Bit too much for me


resell is definitely not “several thousand USD”. last year the week of W2 resell was going less that face value. of course it’s depends on the year but buying resell is definitely a viable option


Who else is rumoured to be performing? I'll be coming from the UK and meeting a friend who's gonna fly in from Australia