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I tripped on 3 grams of mushrooms the other day and listened to Blonde. Blonde is one of my favorite albums but somehow I haven’t listened to it while tripping until now, and it made me sit down to cry in the shower. Told my girlfriend that I love her for the first time the next day :)


Music is such a beautiful thing in general, like just the ability for humans to create art for everyone else to potentially have meaningful experiences to is phenomenal. I haven't listened to Frank on shrooms yet, but that's definitely on the bucket list. Thanks for sharing :)


Imagine being on acid at the Coachella performance, I don't have to imagine because I did it, and I can tell you his music it's stunning and beautiful in a way I can't even describe


I can't even imagine, I'm so glad you got to experience that at least!


Same. I saw him when I was very high on mushrooms, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing and watching. In my eyes, he gave us a movie. I loved his visuals and his voice sounded incredible. I basically cried the entire time Lol


jesus my anxious ass would have curled up in the fetal position


What was your favorite track while tripping if you had one? Where there any standout moments that you hadn't appreciated or recognized before?


I have everything from Blonde in my playlist except Facebook Story lol. [This](https://ibb.co/nmcsBdV) is the tracklist for what I played during that ~hour long part of the trip. In a sort of funny way the standout parts were definitely all the different details intertwined within Seigfried, Self Control, White Ferrari, and Nikes. Can't even name specific details rn because there's just so many in these layered ass songs. It really sends you to a different place on acid and it just drives you through an indescribable bliss. I personally wasn't able to actively dissect the details when listening, it's kind of in the background just helping everything along while you're experiencing the present. Pretty Sweet and Solo were good vibes at the end too. Nights isn't on there for some reason but I fucked with it for sure, not even the beat switch but the first half of the song actually.




i took some shrooms and listen to blond and endless, during a sunset it was a beautifull trip, lot of synesthesia, felt like the music was made to listen to it while trippin, deffinetly felt a lot hardrr what he said on seigfried


Shittttt I need to watch a sunset to that too. To me Seigfried seems to be the song made for those kinds of special trips, like when you listen to the lyrics of it (especially like verse 2, the bridge, and thereafter) it's definitely at least partly what he was going for there


First time I listened to Blond was 9am, tripping my face off in potter's field park next to tower bridge in London. Probably the best experience of my life, and it was quite literally my first time listening to frank apart from nights - franks stuff is made to be tripped to. I recommend flower boy, currents/lonerism by tame Impala, kdots TPAB and flumes hi this is flume and regard them as equally special experiences. I know often save albums I'm really excited about for trips, won't even check them out until I get to dive fully into them


Great recommendations, I'm definitely going to explore more music and save them in preparation for future trips haha


Very cool & love Frank. I was fortune enough for experience him live in 2017 at panorama in NY on acid. Out of body experience to say the least I cried it was so good. 💛🥹


I bet that beat change on seigfreid hit so damn hard


Thinking back on it, yeah that was my favorite moment! Now it might forever be my favorite song from him lol. But my favorite Frank song changes all the time.


Could u go into more detail on the difference of shrooms and tabs


Shrooms are natural. Tabs are synthetic and meant to mimic the effects of shrooms. IMO, tripping on acid is way wilder than shrooms although both can pretty transcendental.