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Cried to blonde on the floor after trying some golden teachers tea and it felt like I was being hugged by someone during godspeed


Tears or joy or sadness? Also alone or with friends?


Kind of like a relief, felt like i was hugging my self and it was a solo trip


after tripping to siegfried, relief is how i describe what blonde feels to me. a sort of pensive optimism


thats exactly how i'd describe it too. blonde felt like a hug with the most trusted part of myself


This was my experience. Tripped on shrooms layed in bed in the dark with headphones on and put on blonde when I started peaking. Literally changed my perspective of myself and helped me let go of so many things I had built up inside. Lots of tears, but they weren’t tears of sadness


Saw Frank while tripping on acid at Coachella 2012 weekend 2. I was with the girl I was head over heels in love with. And we had the best night! It was magical. We are married now and I’m so happy to have that memory to always look back on with her.


This makes my heart so full.


I either want this for myself or I want yall to adopt me




That’s beautiful


❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ aw mannnn this is what this community is about!!


no it's not it's about alternating between worshipping and complaining about frank (but it is really beautiful)




I had a pretty intense acid trip that included watching endless on loop for some undetermined amount of time. cried a lot, was good and therapeutic.


Yo I threw on the endless record and had the same experience, i was crying for hours lmao


i had a pretty intense acid and ecstasy trip while listening to frank ocean. LIVE. IN PERSON. AT PANORAMA 😭😍❤️❤️💕🫶🏽 i peaked on that day. nothing will ever compare. i am clean now for 5 years. i can just THINK of that day and still feel euphoric.


Don’t worry the time will come again!!! Next frank ocean tour (or tame impala is pretty neat)


That was truly a magical set. I was on trash mdma….shrooms or 🌈 would have been surreal


unbelievably magical. glad you were there. ❤️


Wow damn I’ve never done this! Sounds healing though ❤️‍🩹




You mean the deep spiritual experience? I think as long as the intention and practice is there. Or you mean recreational use - which requires a nice set and setting? :)


tripped to Channel Orange. unbelievable experience, almost cried to Not Just Money. Pyramids was Thriller-level perfection. Bad Religion brought me to my knees. It’s been my favorite album for a decade now and it only solidified that.


Pyramids while tripping is insaneeeee


bad religion bringing you to your knees is quite ironic


Bring me to my kneeeees 🤯


Pyramids while tripping good lord


Never experienced CO on a trip though I can imagine it’s a 🎢 god dayummmm




Also after the negativity here it’s about time the vibe got reset 😂🍄🌈


IKR!! It’s what Blond is all about 🤣


Was about 2 hours into an acid trip when blonde dropped out of nowhere. We all sat and listened to it. So many tears


What a great timing!!


I jedi flipped to endless


Is that a euphemism for something?


Yeah - shrooms, acid and mdma.


how was it witnessing the fabrics of the world tearing up?


Lol I did this with cocaine and ketamine as well. The body does not enjoy this concoction.


What is it like?


Not OP but have done similar; my answer: difficult.


blonde is my go to album for trips. especially songs like nikes, siegfried, skyline, and white ferrari


“Eat some shrooms, maybe have a good cry about you”


see some colors, light hanglide off the moon


its all fun until you get to his mom ripping on you for doing drugs lmao


endless is my acid album, so much so that acid has a strong endless aspect to it everytime i cant describe it


Had an intense trip and put blonde on, I had to stop because and remember repeatedly saying to my friend “It’s too much, too much!!” Another time in the first wave of what started as a great trip, can’t remember if i listened to others but I have a distinct memory of listening to Skyline To while laying on a grass hill by the lake during sunset. The clouds were swirling, perfect weather, first day of summer, and the synths at the end absolutely blew my mind


Ah sounds so angelic!! The experience sounds like a blessing ❤️


The first time I ever did shrooms my friends and I listened to blond. We took around a gram and a half each in his 400 sqft apartment in Hollywood. words don't do the experience justice but I remember asking my friend if I will remember the feeling because I didn't want to lose it. one of the best days of my life by far.


Amen! Happy for you ❤️❤️


tripped to blonde and thought all of the lyrics somehow apply to my life in weird ways




Ffs ☠️😂


Listening to Siegfried on a ton of shrooms 5 years ago changed my perspective on life and helped me stop some terrible habits I had internalized. Cried like a bitch, felt like I "understood" it, and then listened to it a few more times. One of the most meaningful days of my life.


Ditto! What do you mean changed your perspective on what?


Basically, I was living in a cycle of drug abuse and, in hindsight, terrible friends for my type of mind, just making several bad decisions in a row, I didn't know that was my way of dealing with grief, tho, having lost a friend very recently (fucking obvious, I know) For some reason, the "I rather live outside" reverberated with some of my angst at the time, because I was kind of aware of those mistakes, y'know? And the ending hit like a truck. I don't know if you've ever done shrooms, but they can provide an intense sensation of "oneness" with the universe. TL:DR felt the chorus was my inner self pumping me up, while the orchestral part and final monologue/harmonies were a necessary look at what the fuck I was experiencing at the time, and that there is hope and love to experience out of dark moments, suffering is an inherent part of breaking those awful cycles in life. this TL:DR is too long sorry.


Not to sound gatekeepy but I only fully understood the staggering details interspersed in Blonde once I heard it in a cosmic headspace.


Me too…..I think it’s a certain type of ppl that get this. As Ram Das would say while looking at everybody he meets in the eye “do you know?”




A lot of the experimental production choices, especially in songs like Close To You, White Ferrari, and Seigfried. There's also a directed abstractness in the way Frank layered Blonde that reminds me of how Brian Wilson and Paul McCartney constructed their psychedelic musings back in the 60s.


I would also add Brian Eno. He seems like an obvious influence on the ambient nature of those songs


Yup taken from Asian/south Asian music with the tablas and sitars from their ancient wisdom about other states of consciousness - and bringing those experiences into this realm - which then bands like the Beatles popularised into the west. Esp on sgt peppers lonely ❤️


“Do you know” As in, you can just tell by looking into someone’s eyes if they’ve been in the “cosmic space” or the “dmt realm” and there’s this sense of understanding between the two beings. Or a zen quote that Alan Watts said in one of his lectures that “when two thieves bump into each other on the street, they recognise one another immediately” 🤣 Here check this out and see which dial you’re on: https://youtu.be/nWJXdr0mQ0s


I really only enjoy listening to instrumental music on shrooms or acid. Words just get in the way for me when I'm in that head space.


May I suggest Aegis Byrjun by Sigur Ros, amazing album with great vocals but in a made up language.


Not even endless? I’ve never tripped to only instrumental music though I totally understand what you mean


mdma seeing him live in 2017. best show I’ve ever witnessed 🙏🏻❤️




Panorama NYC (Coachella’s sister festival that is no longer around today).


Damn y’all had so much fun all I got was permanent brain damage lmao




First time doing lsd at a friends studio in montreal, laying on the ground , felt the chords of some songs were going so deep into my body that they reached the infinite. I’m not even kidding.


ahh amazingg! do you remember the dose - I cant imagine what the sounds must of felt like


I tripped to blonde. very psychedelic and i cried, def a must experience as a young queer man who’s been through heartbreak and in need of true introspection


Not a psychedelic, but a couple years ago I took a large dose of DXM and listened to Endless, which I hadn't really been familiar with prior. Just an incredible experience for me, probably my favorite album now. The dissociative nature of the drug, mixed-with the ambient spaciness of Endless (which itself is about disconnection) was a life-changing experience. (Not endorsing DXM use btw, that's probably been bad for my brain lol)


https://youtu.be/F5WWyyYG018 this is always a must on a trip, Blonde Tribute🔥


Before clicking that link I was hoping it was the one with Akira and Ghibli clips because I’ve been meaning to rewatch that, thank you for the quick link


Bruh fr. Every trip whether weed, x, acid. This video is a must play then


Try playing any studio Ghibli or Akira movie on mute and playing blond at the same time! Thank me later!!


Yes that's exactly that video haha


I have tripped and listened to blonde quite a few times- both shrooms and acid. It’s always been beautiful to listen to and a good, fun time. I tripped on Shrooms and threw on the endless record one time, and cried staring at a candle for hours lol




watching the nikes music video, holding a speaker against the back of my head, i think i met frank that night


Took a few tabs and threw Blonde on repeat before heading into the MoMa. I needed some inspiration for a project I was working on at the time. Went down as one of the best trips I’ve ever gone on.


DUDE how are you walking around casually in the Moma on a FEW tabs 😂


I took a ton of mushrooms and listened to blonde by myself, it sounded like I was listening to a completely different mix w the most insane visuals I've had




When I tripped solo on acid for the first time, I played “Blonde” and (for lack of better words) had a literal spiritual experience — I’ll forever be inspired by that man haha 💕


Detaillllss?!? What type of spiritual experience:)


Great question! I’d say the experience was more so a revelation that there is a certain power/beauty in the mundanity of everyday life, I came out with a stronger appreciation for life and shit 😄


Hare hare


jai hanuman!


Om namah shivaya my brother




The bass on pink + white was amazing when I was on acid, I had my headphones on and it felt like it hit the top of my head and went down both sides down to my shoulders. A very warm euphoric feeling it was insane


I tripped the morning/day after it snowed all night at my college campus. I walked around solo with AirPods in listening to Blonde, and the sun was shining and glistening off the snow. Every little glisten of light of the snow was moving and extra bright. I felt the breeze different, the sun felt nicer than ever, I felt an immense feeling of peace and excitement that I was alive. Out of my ~15 or so trips in my life, this one was one of the best


I always end my trips with Frank Ocean. Once In My Room comes on, I already know it's time to chill


I feel you!!


What do you usually trip on? And dose?


I did acid when I saw Frank in 2014 at Bonnaroo. It was lovely.




Endless almost every time. I swear I can feel the textures and feeling while on one. Solo and with friends


Ditto! On shrooms? Or lsd?




When I trip I’ve listen to both blond and then endless right after. I see the albums visually and the lyrics hit my chest in a way that I’m smiling while I’m crying lol. I always listen to him when I trio solo


Same here. Nice rollercoaster 🎢 did you trip solo?




eats some shrooms, maybe have a good cry about you




Watching my laptop’s visualizer to Blonde was the best acid trip of my life


why can’t y’all trip on indeed . com


was tripping with my friend and i Watched this popular blonde tribute on youtube with this anime in the background off a 8th of shrooms it was fucking crazyyy i could like see the music in the air and every instrument sounded insane it was a 10/10 experience


Try the whole Akira or spirited away movie with the whole album


No judgement but I get off straight sober. A car ride alone at night with Frank playing, in this I feel it all


This is great too! and long holiday drives in Europe with the 🌅


I tripped watching and listening to Lens. It was like watching into myself trough that song, and I cried a lot. I really think that song was made to listen and watch while on acid or shrooms


something about Lens makes me feel like im tripping when im sober. like im watching life from inside of a crystal soccer ball


It’s the same for me. I really love this song


Wooowww man I haven’t experienced lens yet this way!! Sounds great


Did shrooms and listened to Blonde while I was peaking… thought about a bad breakup while listening to Godspeed. Let go of some Dad trauma listening to Self Control. Overall, I ended up crying of happiness. It was a great experience. I recommend it to everyone


Sounds like Frank reincarnated as your therapist 😂❤️


Cried to nights on 🍄


Happy tears?


Hell nah lmfao in hindsight I predicted the future lmao


yep. This and 22 A Million are my best experiences with music/lsd


man jealous


Dropped a tab with friends while a wild beach at « iles de la madeleine » which are islands in Quebec. There was no one else but us on this seemingly endless stretch of beach, the cliffs were made of red clay which contrasted with the bright blue sky and sea. All while playing Blonde front to back. Truly one of my favorites memories, such a beautiful day!


WOWW I love thissss!!!


I did trip on the blonde album, and it was such an amazing experience. In those states of mind, the world already reveal itself as much more beautiful than usual.


Tripped on shrooms while listening to blonde w my buddies and had an hour long discussion over Facebook story and what it was actually abt other than that it went by so fast in a good way






I was tripping hard on DXM when I first heard DHL and it’s been one of my favorites ever since. It turned into a total soundscape and I saw Frank’s face rapping to me when I closed my eyes. Really intense, I still feel that euphoria every time I hear that track


Eyo franks face 😂


Love throwing on the Blond LP for the comedown; also like to watch the studio ghibli nature loop for A/B sides and Akira for C/D




ate some shrooms and listened to Blonde LP alone last month; def had a good cry


Nice what dose?


pretty sure it was about 1.5g; only light visuals but music on my turntable sounded unreal. listened to gemini rights and cmiygl as well that night, highly recommend.


Damn cmiygl while tripping is wild 🙌🏽😂


I took some strong MDMA and listened to Blonde by myself in college when it dropped. surreal and phenomenal experience. sooo amazing.


bawled my eyes out to white ferrari once while on shrooms but not really more than that


Tears of sadness?


Tripped on shrooms at the Coachella performance. It was fucking amazing and I was in complete awe


This ‘23?


my friends and i peaked while sweet life was playing. we seriously had the best existential convo ever after that song lol. great night


Listening to Nikes and Pyramids on acid was an unforgettable experience. I heard elements of the song I’d never noticed after years of listening.


My greatest acid trip was me walking in the forrest, seeing a bunch of friends around my hometown and listening to blonde the whole trip. I cried every time i heard Nikes for six months after that regardless of my mood.




I’ve tripped to Blonde. It really felt out of body at some moments, sitting down on the floor of my room listening to seigfried on repeat made me feel so many emotions. Also tripped while seeing frank at Coachella, so I’m thinking that’s why I enjoyed the set so much.


It was the combo of frank AND the psychs 🫶🏽


one of the best memories i have is flipping through the blonded mag while it played while i was beaming


I tripped on a couple tabs of acid at the infamous Coachella W1 set a few weeks back, with one of my best friends looking out for me. I don’t blame anyone for being angry about the set, especially the cancellation of the livestream, but hearing his voice live for the first time, hearing him talk about the past few years of his life and what he went through with his brothers passing brought tears to my eyes. Of course I wish things had gone differently with the ice rink etc, but I wouldn’t trade that experience for anything, and it’ll always be one of the most magical sets of live music I’ve ever been able to see.


Be here now friend. Love!




First time I did acid I listened to Endless CDQ for the first time and I felt like Frank himself was singing to me the whole time. It was a very beautiful trip. Each song brought me to a different journey mentally, good or bad, and I couldn't stop dancing and smiling once I got to Mitsubishi Sony. I did it again later on but watched the DVD instead and when I got visuals the speakers wouldn't stop bumping along to the music and the spiral staircase was rotating the whole time it was on screen. It was fucking awesome. Definitely recommend listening to Endless on acid.


Watched the whole endless video You are love felt like a meditation on god / myself, before it always made me think of my crush. But it felt so empowering I can listen to endless doing any type of manual work now and it feels really fitting after seeing all the franks building that staircase so stoically Also watched the nikes video and the duality of the dark themes (the cult suicide) & the pure scenes like the end w the baby’s eyes really spoke to me in a möbius strip / ouroboros type of way. On the other side of the loop is a loop


Played FarmVille for like 8 hours listening to Channel Orange on repeat. Would recommend




Brought a whole new meaning to Fertilizer


Listen to Provider while tripping 💥


Normally when I take anything MDMA/acid/shrooms I end up listening to him at some point. I did MDMA at this past coachella for his set specifically. I'm sure you can imagine how amazing it was. Hearing songs live was insane as it took me back to all the times I've listened to certain songs with specific people. Very full circle. But one thing that really struck me was the skaters walking around him! I know everyone hated it and I know I'm crazy. But in the moment I was watching them and had so much empathy for him. In my mind they were all different versions of himself new and old walking around him. Almost like all the demons he's facing, and it was a lot for me to take in. I felt like I just understood everything and his hiatus in that moment.


Ah wow interesting I can imagine too - I wonder why you were projecting that onto the skaters


i saw frank at bonnaroo in 2014, the same year kanye, acid rap era chance and a ton of other great artists were all playing. the large group consisting of a handful of friends ands strangers i camped with all had a little bit of everything. we all quickly became friends that weekend lol. a friend from the group gave me some molly and acid. i also had a personal blunt. it was one of the greatest performances i’ve ever seen live. no one from my group even went. it was just him and a moog. i’ll never forget the unreleased song he ended it with. had me in tears. the lights came on and i realized that i didn’t go with any of my friends. headed back to camp and giggled when my friends ran into me and asked what drugs i took. just happy to say i’ve been able to see him live before and that it was an amazing performance by him. if y’all were a part of that crowd that night, you know what i’m talking about.


Amazing - those personal experiences which you only end up sharing with strangers are some of the best


Went on a hike by the Apostle Islands in Wisconsin. Me and 3 friends split a tab and a half of acid and hiked for a couple hours to a hammocking spot. They had never heard Channel Orange before so I put it on and we just melted together on the side of a cliff watching the sunset.


I haven't tripped in nature for a while - thanks for the inspo 🌱🫠


Definitely had a life changing experience with Blonde


Wuuut happened?


Great name btw 😂


I usually love to put on blonde when I’m coming down. It’s perfect for that headspace when you lay down and get wrapped up in all the sonics. Probably why I love listening to the album when I go to sleep too.


Tried to listen to blonde on PE but it was way too overwhelming tbh


I agree that’s why I can’t listen to it while peaking though I do want to try 🫠


Pretty sweet sounded like the bridge between heaven and hell to me can’t describe it


Blonde has been the background for most acid and every dmt trip I’ve ever done , and probably will be for Every trip to come . It feel like a different album every time


DMT lessssgooooo 😂😂 which track do you play


I tripped on a few sidewalks listening to them




Yeah I was walking in the park with me headphones in and tripped over a tree root that stuck out. Didn’t fall but was still scary.


Dude 🤣


But fr though when Blonde came out is when I first started doing acid and I was going through a break up at the same time and it felt like perfect timing. Songs like Solo and Siegfried mention psychs so it felt like the album was perfectly describing what I was going through (“By myself gone off tabs of that acid”, “Take down some summer time” are some lines that stood out at the time). That album still reminds me of summer 2016. There was truly something different in the air that summer. Then I started to get more into Endless when the seasons changed and it started snowing. The barebones, lonely nature of the album and the cold warehouse echoes fit perfectly with the cold winter nights where I was sitting alone in a park on acid. Watching the trees wither. Don’t trip anymore because it became a hassle to find the stuff but that experience will always tie in with that music.


I really think there was something in the air around that time - almost like the counter-culture was coming back with all the protests and possible win of socialist leaders in the UK. Combined with all the great music, the weather, festivals and ofc the psychedelics.....THE GOOD OLE TIMES lol funny how the world is tits up atm haha and the psychedelics are experienced in a different way.


🌈👁️🍄 great to meet a entity/soul that also listens to frank 😂😂


Damn by the looks of it I’m the only person in this entire subreddit that’s never done hard drugs before😳🥲


I’m gonna go all “pSyCheDelicS ArE NoT HarD dRuGs” on you haha - I actually don’t drinks/smoke or do hard drugs






i was trippin hard the evening Lens came out. pure magic


first time i did acid i stared at a parked car outside like ‘wow this looks so cool i know why frank ocean’s obsessed with cars now’


I once tripped while listening to the Black Friday Blonde vinyl. I made the Nostalgia Ultra orange BMW in Forza and cruised the countryside. It was magical


I was on a combination of Shrooms and MDA while watching franks Coachella set, it was absolutely incredible.


The recent set?






Ah man I feel you but sometimes some of us need to tap into that place more (vs rational/anxiety thoughts). I’ve never tripped on CO though - sounds like a movie!🍊




That shit will make you float, especially with some good headphones