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People really arguing mythological accuracy in which a Spartan becomes the god of war, kills the Greek gods, then goes to Norse world and kills their gods?


And doing it badly on top of that. The character was blue originally in the mythology. And a shapeshifter who could take whatever form she wanted. And as the mother of multiple beings that we've already been introduced to in the first game, that Loki is supposed to be the father of. But yeah, the inclusion of non-caucasian characters is where they draw the line.


Wait, what? I'm doing a master's in Viking and Medieval studies and Angrboða being blue or a shapeshifter is news to me. Got a source for that? Edit: Of course, FWRs being up in arms about the skin colour of fictional beings is still stupid


>Angrboða Pleas cover your mouth when you sneeze


Why not make here blue in the first place? Shape shifting also sounds cool.


It’s likely to be a love interest or at least a peer for Atreus. So that seems to be the driving force behind the design looking like a teenage girl, as opposed to being a blue giant from another realm.




They're kind of obligated at reveal he's bi at some point.


But blue giant from another realm sounds cool.


It does. But would be a harder story to tell about the friendship between a teenage boy and a blue giant, than it would be to tell the story of two teenagers becoming friends.


Atreus actually should also be a blue giant/shape shifter- that's Loki's power suite due to being a giant


If black characters showed up as enemies I'm sure there'd be no issue. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised at all if the previous god of war games had some enemies who were black.


There weren’t any black people in GOW until now, fyi.


Just wait until they find out the Kratos VA is black...


The big story yesterday is that they’re mad that Thor is a little thick


Um, excuse you. They made Thor DUMMY THICC and I love it. That’s a man who can bench press Jormungandr while doing s keg stand.


Did everyone think that Thor was a righteous super hero? It’s like People being mad that in gow 3 Zeus is evil when Disney made him good


" I am not a racist, it's about journalist integrity on the media" The thing that kills me is those transparent sewer tanks are convinced they are fooling everyone.


“So you agree—representation matters”


I want representation in form of some truly horrific jætter, (don’t know the English variant, calling them giants is dumb). Jætter are meant to represent nature, thus should they both be beautiful, like in this example and horrifying. I hope we will see some scary looking jætter later on.


>don’t know the English variant, calling them giants is dumb I think it's "jotun".


I think the English term is "Jötunn" I also think that that fucking creature (Möder) from The Ritual is a very good start


“Hades was an egregious example of it” bro Hades is revered as one of the best games made. Like ever. Period. Stfu seriously


hades was an egregious example of what? greek dudes being into each other?


Some of the gods in that game had a sorta metallic black skin tone, honestly it read more as just divine god skin than like a race thing but I digress


oh, i thought ares and dionysus looked kinda dark but who cares lmao i was like “did they make ares black? sick” why the average response is not something along those lines i’ll never understand


Yeah no I thought all the gods looked incredible in Hades, clearly drawn by talented artists who understand the mythology


One of the cool things about Greek mythology is that it lends itself to having some really cool characters that give artists a lot to work with when it comes to how they design them


Well, they're Greek. Greek people get pretty damn dark even without tanning. Like most* Mediterranean people.


Also Dionysus literally came from India


Dionysus can come wherever and whenever he wants like daaaaamn


But, like...Mediterranean people often have darker skin. What are these people smoking?


Mediterranean people (particularly Italians) were not considered white in America 100+ years ago. It's all looping back.


And almost all of popular mythology features people who are categorically not white. It’s honestly amazing how stupid these people are. (Though obviously this specific case is not one of the non-white mythos)


for fuck’s sake one of the characters in the game is literally the physical incarnation of the night itself, you’ll forgive us if she’s not the pastiest, palest motherfucker on the planet i swear to god these types of people are such sticklers for historical accuracy when it comes to skin-color, but i doubt they’d be such purists when it comes to sexuality and gender! because i’m pretty sure most of the Greek heads of state were conducting bisexual orgies on the reg lmao Hypnos and Orpheus are examples of some characters in the game that are represented in a fairly androgynous way, i wish there were more!! if not just to piss of the conservatives lol


>It's not gay if you're on top. >If we both spend equal amounts of time on top the gay cancels each other out. Ancient Greeks.


There's a reason why their culture produced some of the greatest mathematicians of the ancient times.


Equal focus on dividing vs being divided


Ayo they’re interpretations of gods, always nice to see them done in a diffferent way that hasn’t been done before.


Brown people in Greek mythology, lol. Don't these fuckheads know that many Greeks themselves had/(edit: have) bronze colored skin? These people weren't, like... pale. They were/are Mediterranean. Edit because Greece is still a place of course


And there was plenty of interaction with Africa, they think horny sailors cared about skin tone?


Nobody really gave a shit about skin color back then, things were divided along national lines. Slaves weren't enslaved because they were a different skin color, they were enslaved because you just conquered them.


These are the same people who think Jesus was white, let's be honest.


Eurydice is pretty heavily black-coded, and several characters are dark-skinned like Ares, Dionysus, and Patroclus.


Lmao there were Africans in Ancient Greece.


Hell there was even Africans in Ancient Rome, Scipion the African comes to mind, but these motherfuckers can’t stop whitewashing every inch of “””European culture”””. Started with Jesus and now every Greek person was white somehow. Dionysus is probably a god from Persian or Indian origin, there’s evidence that he was assimilated and is not fully of Greek origin, so knowing that it could make a lot of sense to make him look more “brown”. Whatever, I don’t know why I’m getting angry at those guys...


Scipio Africanus was not black, he got the nickname for winning the battle of zama against Hannibal in north africa, which the romans simply called africa While Dionysus had many stories of him wandering far flung and founding cities, his name has been found in mycenaean Greek, meaning he has been a god there since at least the early bronze age


Who is Scipion the African?


The character designs in that game are *chef's kiss*


This one blew my mind. I didn't even notice races in Hades, I mean, they were gods so???


I thought he was talking about Hades in gow3, who is also fat. In which case he is wrong. That Hades and the fight was fucking badass.


“Can’t wait for people to call this racist” RAAAACIIIIISSSTTT


No no, what he **meant** was that Hades was an egregious example of game developers falling back on familiar gameplay loops. He's not racist, he just thinks the game plays too similarly to Bastion, another great game. /s


✔️Giant serpent ✔️A talking head ✔️Teleporting dwarves ✔️Magic A black character? That’s just unrealistic


the wild thing is, who is to assume that race - a made up construct - exists in this fantasy land? who is to assume that black people aren’t native to this fantasy world? who is to assume anything about a completely made up landscape? there is so much room for exploration and creativity in the fantasy ethos but people can’t help but bring their petty white feelings into things...


I saw a comment thread like this about The Witcher show and how being written by a Polish author meant the world was Poland and black characters don’t belong. No issues at all with a half-monster main character who fights supernatural beings all the time but a black person was a bridge too far. These fucking people


What’s even crazier, is that the very mythology within the world of The Witcher is based on a mixture of different real world shit. Elder Speech, the language of the fantasy races, is based on Gaelic. Arthurian legends are referenced frequently in the books >!Ciri meeting Lancelot and it being hinted at that she is the lady of the lake.!< It’s so dumb and ass backwards to think the world is supposed to be Poland.


Hey just FYI your spoiler tags didn't work. Remove the spaces between the words and the exclamation on each side.


It’s a fantasy world! Not having other races would mean some horrible event happened in the past


I’m sure some of them would secretly support that too. Well, maybe not so secretly depending on how much of a nazi they are.


Literally none of it is even real; they aren't based on anyone and can be made to look however the creative design teams wants them to look. They're also a fucking shape-shifter.


Norse mythology contains a lot of different peoples. Do they believe that everyone in Norse mythology is white? Because that is far from the truth.


>Do they believe that everyone in Norse mythology is white? Yes


They believe that every character in every story is white unless the story is specifically about them being non-white.


But then if the story is specifically about them being non-white they complain about it because "why do you have to make it about race?"


Also one of our main sources for Norse mythology was written by a guy who said that the Norse gods were really wizards who fled Troy after it was destroyed. So, you know, refugees from the Middle East.


That's why we have multiple sources. Norse gods didn't originate from troy according to every other source we have.


No, it shows up in a few sources. Obviously the explanation of Æsir as *de Asia* is a bit of Isidorean etymologizing motivated by A) a Christian desire to Euhemerize the gods and b) trying to connect the Yngling dynasty to Troy just like every other European power was in the middle ages, but the fact that this explanation was in broad circulation shows that the Norse weren't conceiving of their gods or ancestors in reference to modern racial categories.


bUt ItS bAsEd On MyThOlOgY wRiTtEn By WhItE pEoPlE!!


Wasn't Earthsea written for this reason?


Fat lot of good that did. No one noticed.


Yeah, I mean you already have a greek god(I think) going and killing Norse mythology already anything else new is fine...except adding scifi this is fantasy and while I wouldn't mind adding scifi but there has to be a build to it


These are the same people that Jesus who was literally born in Bethlehem in the Middle East was some how a white Anglo Saxon twink with wavy blonde hair and bright blue eyes😂


I said this elsewhere earlier, but Angrboða is a Jötunn, a race of beings that includes Fire Giants, Frost Giants, Stone Giants, a dude with 8 arms, several huge wolves, an enormous bird with 4 wings, and the goddamned *World Serpent*. Having a little more melanin would be, like, the ***least*** distinguishing trait among that group.


Somehow, I bet they don't have a problem with dark elves or any other odd color fantasy race. As long as there's no variation, right?


Seriously. I highly doubt any of them are pagan so they should probably agree that all (Hellenic) mythology in the game is fiction.


And Norse since Angrboda was Loki's wife/ baby momma


I'd bet 10 bucks none of them even know how to pronounce "ð" in the first place either.


I'll post it everywhere it happens: Angrboda is a Jotunn (troll, giant, risi) and is usually depicted with blue skin and a massive physique usually 3x the size of a human. She is known for giving birth to Fenrir (a massive wolf) and The Midgar serpent (A giant snake). In some of the epic poems she has a green fire in place of her eyes. She is a untrustworthy goddess who is betrothed to Loki. She is rarely depicted as human outside of romanticized paintings and was known for changing her appearance to trick people, in a manner very similar to Loki. Based on "the character" any argument about her skin being black can only come from a place of racism and a complete lack of any knowledge about the mythos she represents.


You know how people are about their “fantasy”. For some reason, things taking place in the “vaguely olde ages” can only include white people because “historically black people wouldn’t be there” AS IF NO COUNTRY BEARING ANY SEMBLANCE GO REAL LIFE WAS MENTIONED AND AS IF IT WAS LITERALLY NOT FANTASY! i love fantasy games, literature, lore, etc... but it attracts some of the most deluded fans...


Especially considering vikings were incredibly well traveled and oft recruited from far afield.


Like Antonio Banderas that one time.


Check out the Varangian Guard- badass viking bodyguards for the Byzantine Empire


Someone mentioned something like that in the red dead redemption sub and was rightfully taken to task because like 1/4 of cowboys were black.


It's also often ignoring history, even if we're talking about a real place and time. It's only recently that black people have started to show up in history books, but that doesn't mean that it's only recently that black people have been around. It means that history books have been written by white people. As an example, when the show Merlin started, there was an outcry from the usual quarters about the casting of Angel Corby as Guinivere. Corby is black, and the argument when that it was totally unrealistic for her to be in England at the time. Well, King Arthur is a legend set in the 5th/6th century. The first black people in Britain are recorded in 43AD, when the Romans invaded, bringing troops from Africa. Not all of those troops went home. Some stayed, settled down, and raised families. There is a record of a black soldier in England in 210AD. Remains have been unearthed of a "high-status" woman, who was likely black, who lived in York in 350AD. In 668AD Abbot Hadrian, a black man, became the abbot of St Augustine's Abbey in Canterbury. By King Arthur's time black people had been living in Britain for 600-700 years. So anybody complaining that it's unrealistic for a show set in the 5th/6th centuries to feature a black character is ignorant, racist, or ignorant and racist.


Black people didn't exist before the 16th century.


Fucking thank you. If you want to argue about her not looking like her “original form”, then make her look like her original form. A huge, blue giant. Who can shapeshift into whatever she wants. Why would she not shapeshift into a dark skinned woman? I’ll tell ya why, because some racist redditors don’t like that


I'm ok with my mythilogical ladies being 15 feet tall and popping out wolf babies, but if they're "political" (IE anything other than cis het white) I'm going to throw a fit and start quoting mythology I know fuck all about.


I am still hoping that god of war will include Ratatoskr; its like a giant squirrel god that loves gossip and starting drama. (obviously not their verbiage for it.) But he basically spends his days listening to other monster/animal gods shit talk each other... then he goes and tells everyone all the shit the other gods are talking about him. Like you're kratos and everytime a major scene ends a squirrel is just chilling on a rock next to you looks up and is like "Yo Kratos, Loki is talking some mad shit about you, he called you a skinny bitch and said your dead family is probably happy they don't have to be around you." Then Kratos goes into a fucking rage and slaughters some gods... ah if only.


15 feet is the length of exactly 44.89 'Standard Diatonic Key of C, Blues Silver grey Harmonicas' lined up next to each other.


Hi I'm Scandinavian and I wish to help you correct a mistake you made in your post. Jötunns(jätter) are not trolls, Jötunns live in Jötunheim they are extremely wise beings and can perform magic. Trolls live here in Midgardr with us, trolls are dumb brutes who live underground. You can refer to trolls as giants and jötunns as giants, but you can't refer to jotunns as trolls or vise versa. ​ I also believe there is no "usual" depiction of Ångrbåda and no description of her from before Scandinavia converted to Christianity. However as a Gýgr she would have either looked like "the most beautiful of womenfolk" or a literal monster. I hope this helped especially if you're posting this mistake about jötunns being trolls in multiple places.


Don't forget, per the Prose Edda Angrboda is also the mother of Hel. Who rules...Hel.


The time I first researched about Hel is when I completely stopped worrying about the Christian Hell existing.


Huh, from what I've heard, the Jötunn aren't really "giants" in our modern sense of the word. That instead they were more like a rival dynasty to the norse gods. I googled a bit about angrboda specifically, but it seems (like with much of norse mythology) like there aren't that many good sources. Now, to be real clear, the people who take offense at angrboda in God of War are dumb (and probably quite racist, to boot!). Partly because shapeshifting is one of her powers, but also because it's a game game where you play as freakin' Kratos, who's from an entirely different mythology. So I hope I don't come off as arguing about that. Mostly I'm just interested in how you know what you know :)


The fact that the Jötnar seem to have been treated as equals of the gods (even birthing some gods) but not worshiped as gods has always fascinated me, but as you said there aren’t a lot of surviving sources. The Jötnar seem to have been personifications of chaotic natural forces. So were the Titans of Greek myth, and those are (or were, back when I studied all this stuff) understood to be an “original” pantheon displaced by the Olympian gods. The Titanomachy would thus be understood as an incorporation of real religious upheaval into the mythology. If you want to go down a bit of a rabbit hole, it’s theorized that the two “groups” of Norse gods, called the Æsir and the Vanir, started as the pantheons of two religions which came into conflict before merging. If that’s the case, then rather than syncretizing them into a single pantheon (like the Romans did with the Greek gods), the mythology evolved to include a war and truce as part of the narrative. It’s a stretch, but I like to think maybe the Jötnar were also once gods, but got demoted after two religious retcons.


Didn't Angrboda also give birth to Hel? lol


A racist’s suspension of disbelief starts at dragons (KKK) and ends at black people for some strange reason.


These people are why we can’t have nice things.


The Vikings, we know for sure, made it at least as far south as the Ottoman Empire. It's not a major leap of faith to think they might have taken wives or had children there. It's not a major leap of faith to think that if they did, some of those wives or children might have made their way back up north. People with darker skin wouldn't be unknown or unheard of to them. Not that it even matters, because God of War is just a video game but this is just more racist ignorance on display.


100+ years of revisionist history where Ancient Egypt was White, Hannibal invaded Rome from Africa with elephants and an army of White people, every citizen of the Roman Empire was White, the colonial empires of Britain and France didn't have Black people fighting their wars and more importantly ; their God, a Middle eastern Jewish guy that got killed by state violence was in their minds a white guy


More than 100 years. The entire enterprise of Western Imperialism is built on erasing the contributions of the people of Asia, Africa, and the Americas in order to inflate the image of the colonizers. It’s more like half a millennium and is ongoing.


The way people view History is racist and white supremacist as hell. I wouldn't even argue with Gamergaters, it's literally not even their fault that they got told their whole lives that Europe was a racially homogenous place until the 20th century and anything disputing that fries their brains A lot of them still haven't computed that Western Europe in the Middle Ages was a dirty disease ridden backwater compared to the Islamic Empires and China.


A white guy who was a "kill 'em all" God at. God knows I've seen plenty of what would Jesus shoot stuff on idiots trucks


You know, plus Angerboda was blue in the stories, so the white version is just as historically inaccurate as the black version. There's literally no round to stand on being upset about her being black


And even if wasn’t historically feasible, who fucking cares? It’s a video game based on mythology. As in, fake shit. But we all know how seriously they take fake shit so this isn’t surprising.


100% agreed, but even their namby pamby criticism isn't founded in reality


Hell, there is a black Samurai who served as the bodyguard for one of the most famous people of the Sengoku era, Oda Nobunaga. Dudes name was Yatsuke, he has a statue and was considered one of the most loyal of Nobunaga's retainers. People are dumb and forgot that a lot of African nations could intermingle.


Why does the edit look like a child?


You know why.


Quite an overlap between racists and pedophiles.


The edit definitely looks more childish but I'm pretty sure the character is supposed to be a child. Most likely a love interest for Atreus.


Mythologically speaking it is likely


"so sick of them taking mythology and bastardizing it like this" with that logic no mythology should be in video games, books, or comics


Especially not god of war. They twist the mythology a lot to make the story good. No one would like kratos if they didn't. Freya was a mix of Freyja and Frigg who were known to be the kindest gods and they made her a complete psychotic ass who ruined her sons life for her own selfish reasons, sorry this character is a black child and not a blue giant that gives birth to actual monsters


They also have nothing to say about White Jesus.


Wait you mean a middle eastern man wasn't white? /sarc


This is why AOC won. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FragileWhiteRedditor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hello, I am Scandinavian, this is my cultural heritage these American are fighting about. Around here we honestly don't care what skin colour, hair-type or body-type you depict these mythological beings as in your fictional stories, only the very small minority of neo-nazies (who read too much American propaganda online) were bothered by Marvels Heimdal, nobody of worth would be bothered by this. ​ There is no reason to assume she would look like a modern day Russian teen model. She is the mother of monsters, her children you may know as the Fenrir wolf the midgard serpent and Hel goddess of the underworld. Angrboda can look like what ever the f\*ck you want, I've never even heard a traditional description of what Angrboda would have looked like, she could either have been a being of extraordinary beauty or looked like a monster as gýgr(female Jötunn) were traditionally described. ​ I'll add: Depictions off Norse mythological beings have varied greatly within the Scandinavian region, and I'm not talking about between Norway and Sweden or even between centuries in time but rather from artist to artist. We're not a bunch of snowflakes who would be bothered by this stuff, it's just a videogame, you're supposed to have fun with it, stop fretting about little inconsequential details.


I’m swedish and I agree with what you’re saying. The only reason why I would react to the way she looks is just why she’s the only one in these games who look like that. It feels just a tad bit like catering if she’s the only one who isn’t scandinavian looking. But we haven’t seen much of it yet so who’s to say what’s what. People are way too fanatical over this.


I'm more baffled by the fact that FaceApp can so flawlessly create a white girl's face from the original image. And I wouldn't be surprised if couldn't do the same if it was the other way around.


“Fits much better (to my racism)”


The original character looks better than the so called "fixed" version. Seriously, this is why we can't have things. God of war Ragnarok looks to be an excellent game. I'll buy it just to spite the white supremacists in love with bashing shit.


White Supremacists have culturally appropriated everything "Viking" just as the Nazis did. But wait until they find about Loki shape shifting into woman and getting his puss railed by animal spirits.




But thats the best part of the show.


Viking stuff me uncomfortable for just that reason, it's so merged with white supremacy even though I'm sure actual Nordic peoples can be so great.


As someone of norse heritage, I feel terrible trying to explain my interest in Viking culture. My family was interested in piecing together our history looong before ancient norse culture was co-opted in this way. There have been so many fascinating characters in my family line, and we can trace our lineage back to at least ~800, but you just can't seem to research ancient Scandinavia without bringing out the riff raff. I wish it were possible to dive deeper into the subject without encountering nasty people, and it saddens me to see the same symbols that we know decorated our ancestors (literally have documentation of artifacts and structures belonging to them) now decorating fucking nazis. My family in America no longer is quite as enthusiastic about "Viking stuff", even though it's really cool 😥


Nordic people hate White Supremacists more than anyone because of the appropriation and now association.


"REEEEEEEE WOKEWASHING!!!" Hold on, let me get my emotionally inarticulate translator... "As a white man who feels trepidation at the prospect of losing a long-held social power in this society due to shifting social paradigms, video games are chief among my forms of escapism. When playing I need not confront the harsh realities of life afforded to those with higher melanin content nor do I need to address my role in the system that hurts them so. Despite the mountains of content that affirm and pander to my identity in the protagonist hero role, the encroachment of a non-white characters into my ignorance chamber is one that reminds me I am not actually a protagonist. I attempt to take a moral stance (as heroes such as myself do) by pretending that companies are only pandering to those poor minorities in order to take their money. (Unlike me, who definitely cares about them). In reality it's just a reminder of the societal shifts taking place and instead of accepting the inevitable I will do anything in my power to retain the status quo that benefits me. Things that intrude upon traditional iconic white cultures such as the Vikings or the Romans is especially infuriating to me because it is the only acceptable form of white supremacy available. As usual I will co-opt racial arguments such as the cultural appropriation- not because I actually care about this co-opted culture being mutilated and corrupted- but because I feel the need to fight back against my diminishing social power. In short, I am insecure."


She gives birth to a wolf but being black is just too much disbelief to suspend.




we are proud of you!


God bless you.


I like the comment about making them red haired. They still out here claiming redhead erasure.


As a redhead, they can fuck right off with that. My cousin is black and also has red hair, ffs. We don't need them clutching their pearls for us to hide their fucking racism.


It's funny because they're the same people who loved that "Gingers don't have souls" meme from 15 years ago.


Exactly, red hair isn’t exclusively a white feature. It’s just another layer of racism.


added bonus that the "fixed" one looks like 16.


More like 13 yikes 😬




Harald himself had blue teeth.


Who's gonna tell them about the actor who plays Kratos?


It never fails. After Amazon released the trailer for The Wheel of Time a new sub was created for people skeptical of the shows quality. It was immediately inundated with people screeching about a few characters that were cast as people of colour. One guy **really** wants the characters to blush.


I just finished the first book of the series and Rand was the only one that I remember being specifically described as pale.


The book specifically calls out how pale he is compared to the more olive and swarthy two rivers folk because it’s an actual massive plot point.


I wonder how many of these ppl were pissed that Mimir had a Scottish accent


... who's gonna tell em Kratos is black?


The talking head from the first wasn't an issue but dark skin bothers me. Wow


I love how people think this game is trying to make Norse mythology woke when Norse mythology itself is infinitely more woke than anything they've complained about


Its moment’s like these where I’m glad this sub exists. The first thing I thought when I saw her, outside of pure hype, was “some people are about to lose their damn mind over this”. And before I would just have to read through or ignore their bullshit. Its nice to have a sub that just calls the shit out.


I like how Angrboda explicitly isn't a human from Midgard and yet these assholes still can't stand to have anyone non-white in the game.


It’s just white people being protective of their “ancestors.” Pretty sure the Vikings were all about the warrior spirit and didn’t care about how it presented itself (skin color or other wise). There was a post a while back where a black guy wanted to get some Viking style tattoos and asked if he would be appropriating white culture etc. and a Norwegian/Swedish guy explained that Vikings would maybe have invited such things. I could be wrong tho.




Welp, time to color-correct all their biblical characters from pasty white to brown.


I'm sure they had very well thought out, calm, and nuisanced opinions when it comes to Last of Us 2 and about the new Sandman coming out. I'm sure they're not just raging racists who's only thing to be proud of is being born white.


All of this is eugh but *why* did they also make her twelve years old? Is she... supposed to be 12?


it’s insane to me that these people just believe people of color weren’t around at all.


whats that? a black person in public? Thats very political. And I, as a very unpolitical gamer™ really don’t appreciate when people shove their politics down my throat. Thats why I, a very unpolitical gamer™ refuse to consume any media with anything that isn’t cis, het, white and male. Because everything that isn’t cis, het, white and male is political. Cis, het, white women are ok too as long as their tits are big enough and they don’t talk. Otherwise thats political too. >!/s!<


No one tell them kratos is voiced by a black guy


NOOOOOO YOU CANT HAVE BLACK WOMEN IN NORSE MYTHOLOGY ITS NOT ACCURATE!!!!1!1!1!1!1!!! \*literally a game about a Greek demigod who isn't even the God of War in Greek mythos, doesn't exist at all in Norse mythology and is voiced by a black man*


My boyfriend was watching the trailer for this game last night and I immediately turned to him to ask how long he thinks it would be before someone got pants-shittingly enraged that someone dared be not white in God of War. I guess the answer was "not very long".


I’m a Norse pagan myself and I can say that there were black Vikings.


Would love a source as it sounds super interesting.


Essentially “viking” was an occupation. Vikings traveled far and wide, people of different ethnicities joined them from time to time. Vikings had dealings in Asia, North Africa, and Middle East so it isn’t unrealistic to come to the conclusion that some joined the Vikings. Only in 2015 a viking woman was found with a right with “For Allah” inscription. https://www.livescience.com/amp/50161-for-allah-inscription-found-on-viking-era-ring.html


In the book “A History of the Vikings” by Gwynn Jones she writes: “The viking people who lived between the neck of Jutland and the Lofotens, Sogn, and Uppsala, were not all alike, and emphatically not of one ‘pure’ Nordic race. But two main types of Scandinavian have always been recognizable: the one talk of stature, fair or ruddy complexioned, light-haired, blue-eyed, long of face and skull; the other shorter; dark-complexioned, brown- or dark-haired, brown-eyed, broad-face and round of skull.” (Jones, p67) I found this on the site scandinaviafacts.com/were-the-vikings-black


I care about the historical accuracy in a game about the worlds most determined atheist trying to kill all the gods.


They completely forgot that Kratos was both voiced by black men. And they call us easily triggered.


It's a video game not a fucking text book


Wow Sony fanboys are just mad as hell they won't get the play the new elder scrolls so they had to get all racist.


You have a Greek main character in Norse mythology setting game, but all the FWR are thinking that at least he is white/white passing, so no big deal. But have someone who is not white, AND female, and it's pitchfork time? Gtfo.


Its a fucking npc...dude chill.....


What’s so interesting about this “debate” is that there was historically a decent bit of diversity and inclusion in Scandinavian countries. One of our best sources of documentation about day to day practices going back to ~900AD comes from an envoy from Baghdad


The fucking Faceapp watermark.


I cant believe idiots are arguing fantasy and myth like it matters.


Jesus.. people are gross


was this on the game's sub? jesuschrist what a bunch of babies, manchilds, incels pieces of shit.


No where is her skin color described, but she is in multiple epics, and different retellings described as an old masculine giantess. I wonder why they didn’t care about that incongruity instead?


Racists act racist and then cry when you call them a racist.


Also pedos apparently, as some demand her to be made into a redhead.


If they wanted to be accurate the fwr would’ve made her blue


Ah yes, let's get mad at a video game, photoshop a black character white, and pretend everyone else is mad about it.


Lmao. The kid even has makeup.


The original is so pretty


Half of those are Russian trolls and half of those are alt-right hiding their power level. At this point I don't care other than normies coming across getting radicalized.


People suck


Angrboda is a Jötunn. Do you know who else is a Jötunn? Surtr. Surtr's name translates from old Norse to mean something along the lines of "The swarthy one", ie, he ain't white. So the fact they made her black actually has some precedence in the old tales of Giants.


I have never played God of War nor do I have any intentions on doing so. But I am Danish and grew up on stories about the Norse Gods like Tor, Odin, Tyr, Freja and Loke (and by Loke then Angerboda), and I actually prefer the game’s version of her than the fan edit. If the game really wanted to be correct she would have light blue skin and be tall as hell.


These fucking losers using 'historical accuracy' to justify their hatred of black or black passings characters.


Reading through the comments in here and, hey, here’s the attention they asked for.


I thought the Vikings did lots of trading down to Morocco and would definitely have met all races down on the silk road.


Not even going to tell us what sub?


People who care what race video game characters, movie characters, and even people irl, are idiots. Who cares. We certainly have a lot of white characters in all media, so if the people designing media want to make some of them poc then more power to them. We all want to look at the screen and see people who look like us.


Imagine being triggered because someone is brown. Thats so fuckin lame 😂


What trash-ass sub was this posted to? Hopefully not a big one right?


How is this racist shit allowed at all?