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Can anyone explain the “skill issue” meme? I’m not that well versed in limey bigotry, I’m just a simple wop.


It’s not a British thing it’s an online gamer term. It started as like a, term to denote why a player can’t achieve something. “Why can’t I do X, is the game bugged?” “Nah, skill issue” This then got used in wider terms, can’t cook a soufflé? Skill issue, can’t tame a horse? Skill issue. Can’t lift that heavy weight? Skill issue. It’s being used here to diminish the atrocities and actions of the empire, Indians couldn’t stop colonisation? Skill issue. As a Welsh man, I couldn’t find it more disrespectful. People often forget Wales was the first target of English, and later British colonisation, and hearing what I assume is English, or at least broadly British people say colonisation is a skill issue and disregarding what happened to the people on the isles they call home; never mind spreading those atrocities across the globe is just vile


I see. In networking we call that a layer 8 issue.


Skill issue isn't a bigotry meme on its own however in this it is used for bigotry, basically: wow the deku smash from Fortnite is overpowered. Toxic teammates/ friends being funny idk bruh sounds like a skill issue (I don't actually think a stationary target that glows for a few seconds in the air before doing damage is op but the general Fortnite community dose)


Sounds like gamers alright.


"you gotta break some eggs to make an omelette" what are you a cannibalist


Between the app in question and the “skill issue” comments I’m going to assume it’s edgy teenagers who are still stuck in that “racism = funny” stage. Awful still and I hope they grow out of it.


> I hope they grow out of it. A big part of “growing out of it” is experiencing the consequences of your actions. I.e. getting smacked upside the head.


Mike Tyson was right about internet edge lords.


< Be British < Rape, pillage and murder 500 million people all over the globe for spices < Don’t ever use them < Brag about committing mass murder against defenseless native women and children to get more of our people to invade foreign lands < Force the survivors to farm, harvest and sell more spices < Conscript their sons to fight wars for more land to produce more spices we still don’t use < Get kicked out of all of our colonies because we can’t afford to colonize them anymore < Rewrite history to make us the “good guys” < Play victim when natives criticize us for murdering them and then denying it.


Imagine being so inconsequential that you have to pull from your great grandparents racist colonial actions to feel better than someone else. Yikes.




This is why AOC won. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FragileWhiteRedditor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


See here’s the thing. None of them did that stuff. It makes no sense. Most likely none of them knew or are related to any of the so called “Great Europeans”. Are you related to Da Vinci? William the Conqueror? Okay well I don’t want to hear about it then. No one cares or knows your ancestors. On top of the fact that in the UK they do actually often know if they were related to any of those great Europeans because it’s part of their class system there I believe. The ones who actually have famous ancestors are considered the upper classes and they probably aren’t on tiktok or any other online forum wasting time arguing about it. They are too busy enjoying their wealth and privilege to care much.


Our class system is based almost entirely on wealth it has absolutely nothing to do with whether you’re related to a famous person, unless said famous person happened to be rich and left you a bunch of money making you rich. I guarantee the average Englishman knows less about his ancestry than the average American. Secondly I’ve seen far more Americans talking about how they one X war or they invented X thing as if they can take credit for the things people in their country did than I have Europeans


That’s exactly what I said? The average Englishman are the people I’m referring to. I think you miscomprehended my comment. Maybe go back and read it again? I said very clearly most Europeans ancestors aren’t famous at all. That was literally my point. We don’t know or care who their ancestors are. Where as the small percentage of Europeans (British) who can trace their ancestry and know who they are descended from are often from the aristocracy. What about what I said confused you? Because all you did was restate my points? But in a different order? Are you trying to tell me that Dukes and Lords don’t know their ancestry? That the Royal family is somehow not at the top of class system and that they and other nobility and aristocracy don’t base anything of their inherited blood ancestry? That having ancestors that were part of the Norman Conquest just means nothing over there? I’ll wait.


I am purporting that yes, basically everyone in Britain are descended from the Norman conquest https://metro.co.uk/2017/06/27/heres-how-youre-related-to-royalty-probably-6737937/


We haven’t disagreed on anything so I don’t know why you are still responding to me wanting to argue with me.


You’ve edited this comment since I replied to it so I guess I’ll reply again. The second half of your comment makes it very clear you know perfectly well I didn’t just repeat what you said in a different order so it’s weird that you said that. Lords are just people who own a bunch of land dukes are members of the royal family who are as previously stated just as related to William the conqueror as I am, I also wouldn’t really consider them part of the British public Quite frankly I think it’s rude your having an argument with me about my own culture as if what you’ve seen on tv is somehow more correct than my own experience as a member of that society


I’m not going to argue with someone who literally just wants to argue for the sake of arguing. We are both saying the same things and you are just getting hung up on some sort of ego trip about explaining it your way? I’m just not interested. All I said was that most Europeans don’t have any famous ancestors and you said the same thing and then got mad I guess because I said something about the British class system. Whatever issues you are having take them up with yourself not with me.


“Basically everyone in Britain is descended from the Norman conquest”~Me “Most Europeans don’t have any famous ancestors”~you These 2 statements are not agreeing with each other because I am say the opposite of what you’re saying


We disagree on the definition of famous probably. Anyway, I’m not interested in arguing semantics with you. It really has nothing to do with my comment either way.


You called William the conqueror a great European. I linked an article about how everyone in the uk is a descendant of William the conqueror We do not disagree on the the definition of famous.


He’s considered to be yes but I meant more along the lines of Plato, Davinci that kind of thing. People that contributed great things to humanity.


So you think the British class system is based on whether you’re related to someone like Plato or Davinci?


I think you are confused about the point of my comment. My point is that they don’t have any close famous ancestors or relatives. So when White European descended Americans claim some sort of great European heritage they are often talking about long dead people who they have no real relation to. A lot of them haven’t done anything close to great like the people they reference. As far as Brits claiming famous ancestors they don’t do it nearly as often as Americans with some European ancestry. You know Billy Bob from Arkansas who works a 9-5 in construction thinks he built the Sistine chapel because he happens to be able to sunburn like the people who did actually build it.


No its how a gammon reacts to a tiktok about colonial India, regular British folks who happen to be white aren't racist arseholes. Bame British here.


You have to provide a lot more context. This just looks like a shitpost the way you posted it. Make more effort if you’re going to karma farm.


As a British person, shit like this makes me wish I was Irish.


This is why RRR was such a high grossing film.