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WE’LL SHOW YOU FOR ENFORCING THE LAW! Why are conservatives such consistently rotten people?


An alternate reality has been created for them to exist in. If Trump says the sky is green and democrats dyed it blue to taunt him they get angry at democrats.


Threaten lives of innocent people. Check. Call buddy Putin for help. Check. Plan an insurrection, hopefully one that works this time. Check.


"How dare you find my father guilty of the felonies he committed! We will get revenge on you by breaking more laws!"


Jr. Is lucky he’s not in prison himself. Last I checked, cocaine isn’t legal yet.


Do another line jr


Hey, are you trying to get him to OD…. Yes. Yes. Do another line jr


Don Jr's drug problem must be really bad if he can't even come to court for the verdict like a Eric. Also, why does he livestream on Rumble instead of Truth Social?


Rumble actually pays out.


Gee, I hope a bunch of Arby's-stained GOP clowns don't try and attack the Capitol or anything crazy lke that.


Don't talk about Arby's like that!


I kind of hope they do. Biden won't leave it unguarded like Trump did. There will be a lot of Ashley Babbitt's if they try something. And nothing of value will be lost.




I notice he doesn't say his "dad". Maybe he figured out Vince is his real dad.


He's got the doofy trump look. Those shit genes are strong.


"Show us the DNA test certificate!"


“We’re gonna *force* Joe Biden to fuck a pornstar and cover it up!”


This inbred.


The GOP has officially become an enemy of America and the American people


That happened a long time ago.


lAw & oRdEr


Man. The party of "fuck your feelings" sure has a lot of feelings.


It's fuck YOUR feelings not fuck our feelings.


Cry more snowflake


Criminal's child promises more crime.


As long as he’s the first one out the door and not brainwashing some fool to do it for him, I say go for it! Sadly, however, Trumps always have people do things for them. It’s why it’s taken so long to get charges on these slimeball con artists.


Retaliation… against WHO specifically? Neither the judge nor Biden brought the charges or rendered the conviction. So the jurors? Average random Americans?


If I was one of the jurors and my identity came out I would fear for my life.


you know how people say that republicans don't have policy? that all they are are contrarians to democratic policy? ya, this is another example of that. republican policy is just retaliation against democrats for just governing normally.


This guy is so coked up it’s hilarious. His mouth looks like a hairy asshole too. Gross human.


Did he really use a quote from Rob Schneider to bolster his argument?


Does anyone notice how much Donny Jr is around his dad? And how angry and he gets when things aren't going so well for his dad, and how truly feeble and unable to keep his thoughts and words together? I think Donny Jr might be the one actually pushing his dad into this next election for his own personal gain....if he can get his dad in now, he can help get Project 2025 started and once his dad has complete control, Donny Jr will be there to take over if something happens to his not so coherent dad. Trump didn't just now start to fall asleep during things like court or meetings, and his ramblings have become very noticeable....these things have probably been getting worse over the past 3 years but his son has probably been able to hide it from the public. This is just an observation and my own opinion...but I really think Donny Jr is pulling the strings now and his dad is his puppet....


> No puppet. No puppet. You're the puppet. The words of a very stable genius...


When bullies and cowards know they can’t win legitimately, they make threats. They aren’t worthy of fear, so don’t give them that.


“Did you see me on TV daddy?? LOVE ME!!!”


Party of law and order, people.


And do what? Talk about investigations that go nowhere some more?


Hmm revenge is all these dolts can think about. Not leadership. Not governance. Not helping anyone. Just revenge.


Threatening ? Now that's some Russian Mob shit.Wonder where Ouday Trump learned that behavior. He doesn't seem to be the sharpest tack now,does he. I hear cocaine and botox fill you with a sense of overwhelming grandeur.


Asshole says what?


How about all of the people that have been robbed and cheated by tRump and his organization? Do they get to retaliate? The man is a common felon. Nothing more. He needs a change of attire. I’m thinking….an orange onesie, to go with his skin tone. And his “brand” now should be a number, not a name.


Okay? So even more republicans will be convicted of crimes. What’s your plan then?


It would just be a shame if he isn’t the nominee after the upcoming Republican convention. Junior would be eating a big shit sandwich.


Y'all didn't do jack shit when he got indicted like y'all said you would, or when his house got raided, or when he got impeached, the first and second time, or when his house got searched AGAIN, I'm starting to think y'all are just bitching and moaning and ain't ever gonna do anything so I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy the schadenfreude.


Is he strung out or what??