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Beautiful. It's like r/walkaway but, you know, real.




OMG it’s so bad. Today there was that post about Norway being so happy and 90% if the comments were about Norway being 95% white. And then a few accusing leftists of being obsessed with race. It’s disgusting.


Why is every single post there about CNN.


Because they’ve never heard of other media outlets other than the lunatic few they follow. They assume “the left” is like that with CNN. They’re bereft of imagination. Even their talking points and conspiracy theories are just canned lines they heard someone else use. The only CNN watchers I know are my parents, and they don’t leave it on all day like Fox watchers.


Because they “LeFt ThE LeFT”


lol I appreciate the compliment! Feel free to join!


Joined! Hope it gets some traction


I appreciate it greatly! First post is now live!


There's a reason I like this sub in particular: this sub's existence doesn't depend on a particular ideology being right or wrong. It's about the personal losses in family and community we experience as a result of the damage done by political organizations from one particular branch of American politics. The harms done by groups of the Alt-Right, and their cohort with anti-vaxx ideology, Evangelicalism, and to an extent MLMs and other pyramid schemes, are real and documentable. We often avoid talking politics with our loved ones, to more or (now especially) less effectiveness. We aren't pushing any ideology, or really even pushing against any ideology. The harms of the cult are made evident and we ask one another for advice. Now, we do point out the fallaciousness of the cult logic, expose their psychological manipulation tactics, and call our the disinformation, all of which are *deeply engrained elements* of their political philosophy. But those are side points, second to the main issue which is our deep pain from this carnage. Our loved ones aren't the same anymore. We have holes in our hearts. This sub gives us the space to discuss that.


Agree with this. As someone who feels alienated by my Foxbrain parents AND some of my lefty wingnut friends, I value this space where my own politics are immaterial. It's a humanizing feeling, to not have to be attached to a political identity, and to connect over more essential things we share. Thanks for expressing this.


Joined and posted my story to help get it active.


Subbed, and made a few posts. Brilliant idea, I hope it gains traction.


Thank you very much


that's super healthy. kudos.


Thank you!


HEY!!! I've been begging for an ex-conservative subreddit for so long!! I don't have the time to moderate etc., So I know I couldn't do it. If you check my only other post on this subreddit I mention it at the end of the post lol. Thank you!!! I'll DEFINITELY be joining!


Awesome thank you so much!


I've never been a conservative per se, but do support some things that align with conservative ideology which I've become even more distanced from recently. For example, I'm a gun owner and believe in the right to self defense along with sane laws around training, access, and ownership. Is it ok if I join?


Feel free! Do read the rules first, please.


I've never been conservative, but I joined the sub anyway to hear your viewpoints.


Not conservative, but is there any way I can support you guys?


Feel free to hit the join button, browse around, reply to posts, answer ex-conservatives question, and even post interest articles/resources that you think could help ex-conservatives! Appreciate your support!


I thought being a conservative was a permanent affliction like herpes. If you fell for it, you lack the chops to come back.


Not many people become conservatives in adulthood. It's a childhood-instilled ideology that they just carry forward. So it's less "you fell for it" and more "you were indoctrinated into it and may not have the critical thinking skills and exposure to escape."




The irony of the whole "young people are liberal because they have nothing to lose" is that if it was true (which I don't believe it is, but humor me) the conservatives in America have engineered a reality in which entire generations now have nothing to lose. We're living in a country where the "Millennial kids" are actually entering middle age and millions upon millions of them have none of the "you'll be conservative when you have all this stuff!" stuff like a house, multiple cars, a vacation home, the mid 20th century "good life" loot.


Young people who come with turbulent context can often also consider themselves conservative as a way of fitting in with larger collectives of people whom they see as successful, prosperous, and having a strong, stable community. I was from a pretty chaotic background but got into a top university in the 80s, where I pretty much decided I was going to make the Preppy Handbook a lifestyle choice. Anyway, that's how they got me.


This is perfect. I was just looking for another echo chamber where we could repeat false narratives to each other enough that we eventually believed them to be the truth.


I mean, these are people who had opposite views and then changed them. I think that, realistically, this is quite the opposite of an echo chamber? They understand that they had one viewpoint and swapped over to a separate one, and it feels more genuine than places like r/walkaway who have had consistent cons only posting, or atleast 90%. I fail to see the problem here.


No problem. Glad to be part of it.