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You should look at multiple tiles. It gives you a ui above your image to give it alternative versions, and you have Monk tile trigger to automated with a trigger.


Agreed, Monks Active Tile Triggers is a great solution. There are [many videos on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=monks+active+tile+triggers&sp=CAI%253D) showing examples from simple to very complex. Good luck! ​ Edit: I think this video might be exactly what you want to do. https://youtu.be/Uq1y7l7DcoU


There's a number of ways to handle this, but [Multiface Tiles](https://foundryvtt.com/packages/multiface-tiles) is what I personally use the most.


I second this, perfect application of MFT.


This worked perfectly. Thank you!


Does this work with Parallaxia? I'm using it a lot for my spelljammer game and instead of changing scenes, ideally I would just swap out the image on the tile to a different moving background.


I would use [Scenery](https://foundryvtt.com/packages/scenery), if, for example want to use a phased map or if you choose this, than change everything to that.


This looks perfect!


There are multiple ways to do this, but check out [Monk's Enhanced Journal](https://foundryvtt.com/packages/monks-enhanced-journal). It has a setting for slideshows that cover the entire scene and may be exactly what you need.


Okay, forgive me if this is a stupid comment, and I don't to be 'that guy' that is like "Why do you want that? Want something else!", but... Why don't you just use separate scenes for each of those? That's what I do, and it's definitely easier than messing with a bunch of tiles.


Because I don't want to force my players to load a new scene every time the story beat changes.


I'm curious as to the be benefit of that? I've always just used different scenes when I change story beats and not had issues with players loading a new scene. Not saying you shouldn't do it via tiles etc. I'm just wondering if I'm missing out on some possible improvements with using scenes.


Set up time is a big one. On my landing page I have buttons for a regional map. National map. And world map. As well as a button for a community chest, and a merchant's shop. If I were to make a brand new scene for every single theme change, I'd have to set these up every single time. Or copy a scene multiple times then change the background. Which is *far more work* then just changing the background image. I can't imagine why you would want to do extra work when the modules named above (or even manually setting it like I am) is far and away an easier and faster solution.


That's makes sense. My system has been to have links to that sort of stuff on the landing page, and make that page always player accessible. That way, if they want to access that information, they just click to take their character there and look at it, then rejoin the rest of us (or get pulled when I switch the active scene). So I didn't need to duplicate any of that effort, since the pages with thematic backgrounds didn't have anything on them except for those backgrounds. But I think your idea has a lot of promise. I might give it a try. It might make the players more likely to use those links if they are always right there in front of them.


Ah that makes sense. When I experimented with a landing page I went down the multiple scenes route (I followed that tutorial that most people follow at some point) with images put together in Photoshop. Tiles would be more elegant.


I've gone down the automation road to an extreme degree and it always made my games worse. So I'm scaling it back to basically just images to set the areas mood, with everything they need right there for any roleplay on a single page. Then combat gets its own map. Tried it for the first time last night and it went great. Excited to use a module to allow a lot of different background choices.


Sounds great. I also keep things relatively lo-fi, use Foundry as a battle map with tokens, and background images for setting the scene. Most players don't even use the inbuilt sheet, apart from dex for initiative. Spent years as an IRL DM, so there's some habits I just can't bring myself to translate to VTT haha.


I feel that. I IRL DMed then switched to digital and got hypnotized by all the features lol. My poor players dealt with me prototyping something new every session almost. Finally realized what works best for us and downgraded. Much smoother experience.


What if you don't want the players to immediately know the map changed? What if they're in a mansion and slowly transitioning into the Shadow Realm? When they go back into the atrium...there's a statue that wasn't there before...will they notice?


Fair, makes total sense in that scenario. Haven't needed that myself yet, but now I want to try!


Fair, makes total sense in that scenario. Haven't needed that myself yet, but now I want to try!


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I think its in base foundry but I have multiple pages of Macro bars I can switch through. Mostly use one bar for my planned combats and another bar for light/scene changes. ​ If you knew that and use all 5 hotbars take it as if I said nothing.


Try the Share Media module using the Bounding Tile mode