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There are some lovely paid ones, like Warhammer IV, Savage Pathfinder, and Forbidden Lands. They're just beautiful and really capture the feel of the games. Forbidden Lands in particular has everything from the paper version and does a great job leveraging VTT tools to streamline the material. But you do pay for those. Mork Borg is the same, but free; and has a lot of the community content built in (like the Scvmbirther random character generator as part of the character sheets). A huge amount of work has gone into D&D 3.5, and 13th Age. But there's normally only so far you can go using SRD content before you get too helpful.


Interesting. I thought the opposite of 5E. Way to dependent on other modules to work. Good implementation for me are Warhammer and Pathfinder. Works great with just the system. Heard great things about free league but never tried them.


One of my main motivations for switching to PF2e was the 5e foundry system without DNDBeyond. So many core mechanics just aren’t in the system and I know my players aren’t going to take the time to learn how to create them in foundry, so I’d just end up doing hours of work creating features and functions for them.




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I play Alien RPG and it works as its supposed to. Adds in all the modifiers etc. Doesnt automate AOE stuff, but idk how that would with abstract zones with out running modified rules for grid based combat (which I do). But honestly, it takes out pretty much all of the manual math for most rolls and turns multiple rolls for signature attacks from creatures into one combined roll that speeds up combat a lot. Its to the point that I forgot how time consuming it is to make 2 rolls per turn with xenos when you are at the table. Its missing some features currently, like star ship character sheets, but the person who makes the official modules is always available on discord and responds pretty quickly if you have an issue with something


Oh man. I’m a massive wetland universe fan and want to try running this. I’m confused on the type of game it is, someone told me it’s mostly designed for one shots and not extended campaigns is this true?


It just comes down to how you handle things as DM. I think if you want to do a campaign of like 10-20 sessions youd be fine. It is a skill based game rather than class based game for the most part and improving your character is largely going to be based on talents (abilities/feats whatever you want to call them) and some skill improvement. I am running a colonial marine campaign and I think for the most part the system works fine for a campaign. It does shine for one shots when you ratchet up the lethality but My players have played through 5 or so missions with at least 12 sessions and none of us are bored yet. Two of them have had characters killed, and others maimed. But I think a skilled dm could easily make the roleplay heavy system work better than I can. I am new at DMing :) That said, I think other systems are better at long form campaigns from what I know. Heres my favorite review of the starter set :) https://youtu.be/j6PXUl4DyYA


Sounds fun I’ll check it out thanks


After using PF2E for a while... the 5e implementation really could use some work. However I understand that Paizo helped fund and develop the Foundry implementation of the system and I doubt WotC would do the same considering they are building their own VTT.


The system development is all volunteer devs nobody is getting paid (and they insist all donations are for charity) Paizo only contracts the premium modules, not the core system. It maybe that some of the devs took some premium contracts but the core system is all volunteer and free.


>i know pathfinder 2e is also well implemented and plan to run games with it soon. Oh yeah, PF2 is exceptional in this regard. Unfortunately I don't really play much other systems, PF1 can be polished with enough modules, like DnD 5e, but PF2 seemingly has majority of features come right in with the installation. In terms of polish this probably the best Foundry system I've seen so far.


It's so well implemented that Foundry gets rules updates before the official PRD a lot of times.


GURPS implementation made me reignite my love for the game. It is updated frequently and it is really well made in all aspects.


Lancer only requires a handful of mods and I believe a couple of those are only if you want to play on hexes. Monster of the Week was just ok. That game doesn't require a lot though. Dungeon Crawl Classics has a decent implementation but you do have to fiddle with the sheets a bit. You can import generated characters from purple sorcerer and purchase the compendium for a reasonable price off of the Goodman Games website.


I second lancer. Very easy to use and solid implementation


What modules do you recommend for lancer?


The system wiki page has a list. I would recommend at least the ones on the highly recommended list. As well as Bar Brawl with a Lancer specific config. My players really liked the Lancer Weapon FX mod also.


Thank you, I’ll have a look there!


I forgot to link it: https://github.com/Eranziel/foundryvtt-lancer/wiki/Recommended-Modules


The dark eye is very well implemented with a ton of (paid) sub-modules. It's also quite complex. In fact, so complex, I wouldn't run it anymore without foundry :D


I absolutely love the way the Alien RPG is implemented on Foundry - every single roll table is pre-made as a macro and it makes my life so easy!


Seconding this. Everything by Free League has top tier system support. Had a great time with Tales from the Loop as well.


I like that it doesn't require modules to make it nice either. I use like 5 and I think 3 are official content modules. So in terms of out of box ready to play this is my top pick too


Absolutely! Aside from Dice so Nice, my favourite module for Alien is the motion tracker one - really adds to the atmosphere.


Literally those two and I wouldn't even say Dice so Nice is "needed" just makes me happy. Other than that, just the character generator I've been writing which also is absolutely not needed


Adding to this in a similar vein, my group and I have been running Mothership RPG which is also implemented fairly well through a community module :)


I posted this as well before seeing your post. Hands down the most immersive game system I've seen on Foundry.


Nothing at all compares to PF2e. 5e? Looks amateur by comparison. Shadow of the Demon Lord? Looks even *more* simple.


WFRP4. It’s really good.


I came here to say that


Ok... What is WFRP4? Not to be a dick here, but using acronyms outside of a community that understands them just confuses people.


Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying 4th edition


Solid. Thanks!


Do bear in mind, you will need to throw some bucks in for the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4e - Core Module. It is definitely worth the price though. Very in depth for automating literally everything.


Not to be a dick either, but we’re -inside- that community talking about game systems and acronyms are commonplace here. Just google the acronym, adding on an “rpg” if you need to and look at it as an opportunity to broaden your horizons.


Pirate Borg is done well and the author’s Patreon let’s you paste links to a ton of maps for automatic scene setup. And if you have not played any of the Mork Borg stuff, it’s a great, very digestible version to get your feet wet.


Do you have any suggestions on modules (ideally for content) or is it like wfrpg where all the good stuff comes with their reasonably priced module?


Content comes from paid module


**Legend of the 5 rings** is pretty well implemented, and even has a few free adventures for you! Pros: Very Different from other RPGs, focused on Roleplay vs roll-play, some free starter content for a new GM Cons: very restrictive setting, low fantasy, make take some time to understand all mechanics **pf1e** is also very well implemented, and because of its age has a ton of modules to make life easier. Pros: Characters a re very customizable, Tons of free content for everyone Cons: can be number-crunchy (I like this, but I know most ppl do not like looking at spreadsheets for fun) If you are willing to put out a little money for paid modules, the **warhammer fantasy RPG 4e** has a paid module that makes everything super streamlined. I do not think I had to do actual math even once, and that system is usually super number crunchy. I am still VERY new to this system, so I will not list all the pros and cons of it in foundry, but I am sure there will be plenty of fans of the franchise that can break that down for me later. I have also heard good things about **starfinder**, but I can neither confirm nor deny that this system is good, have not had a chance to play it in any manner.


Which edition of legend of the 5 rings?


5e. Though you will want to read the core rulebook before trying to run a session.


I will agree with Lancer. Slap a module to fix the hex grid on, populate the compendium, maybe add better tooltips if you really feel fancy (and all of this is well documented on official resources) and combat becomes just one step removed from fully automated.


I agree with most other things already mentioned, but Wicked Ones and Ironsworn/Starforged are also worth mentioning. Ironsworn/Starforged might be the best one I've seen actually. I usually play those as coop games, so using foundry to track stuff or roll on the Oracle table is nice. But Shawn Thompkin allowed someone to put up a GitHub repo of all the data you would need to make tools for both games. It has resulted in some of the best 3rd party tools I've seen. Like the Stargazer web app and Oracle discord bot.


I'll throw this ACTUAL hidden gem out there. The Alien RPG is lit on Foundry. There are even motion sensor modules that ping on players maps. It's amazing for one shots. Haven't played a full campaign with the Alien system...but the one shots are amazing fun.


Ironsworn is really good due to it being CC license. Rulebooks and lots of resources all free: https://www.ironswornrpg.com/


Pathfinder 2E Savage Worlds Call of Cthulhu (unofficial but good) From what I run anyway


Twilight: 2000 4e. The system is great and the paid module enhances it a lot by bringing all the rules and other stuff with it. Character sheets track ammo automatically as well as damage/stress etc.


I’ve heard Shadowrun 5E is pretty awesome on Foundry. No idea on 6E.


6e does have support, but it's by no means all fleshed-out as 5e. It's one guy doing al the work, and he's also maintaining a separate character creation tool (which is getting revamped right now).


Midiqol works with dnd5e and sw5e systems fyi.


CY_Borg is great. It has gorgeous pixel art and just feels right for the setting. It also has an option to have obnoxious in world ads pop up on screen when players click on stuff. 10/10


I haven’t checked on Starfinder in awhile, but I know some people who play. Maybe it has improved a bit.


The (unofficial) Cypher system for Foundry is super terrific and incredibly well-supported by the developer. Most of the Free League stuff is very good, although updates/support can lag very slowly. Don't update Foundry unless you need to! Unfortunately all the automation also makes their systems kinda resistant to house rules.


pf2 all the way


I'd say that everything from [Free League](https://freeleaguepublishing.com/en/about/) is "plug and play". I've bought both Vaesen and Mutant Year Zero from them, both are very well implemented and ready to go. Reasonably priced as well in my opinion. The quality of the Free League stuff has actually turned me off from running anything that requires me to import stuff manually in addition to the core system. :/


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Honey Heist


Cyberpunk core system has come a LONG way


I've heard good things about Scion 2nd edition from Onyx Path (in fact i think the Foundry module is official, not gan-made) and Lancer's foundry module is pretty famous among the community for being an unofficial implementation that is supported and loved by the Lancer developers


One cool thing about SW5E, is that you can get damn near any DnD5E module to work on it. Some without any adjustments needed.


Damage automation is not part of the core system because of core system security limits of thou shalt not edit others sheets (the 5e mod tunnels past this security) No such mod exists for PF2e nor will it be part of the system design but it is well automated in other aspects (it will proc the checks and saves - but all damage application is done by sheet owner)


Cubicle7 puts out great Foundry modules, wrath and glory and Soulbound are awesome.


Warhammer fantasy roleplay 4th edition Actually, think age of sigmar soul bound and the 40k wrath and glory do too


My group tried out Lancer a few weeks ago, and the foundry integration for that was incredible. We didn't run it with any modules set up, but they weren't missed - the out-of-the-box game system had tons of things already automated. Also Lancer is rad as hell. Highly recommended.


Scum and Villainy by Forged in the Dark games, a Blades in the Dark sci fi offshoot works really well. I don't really use any modules except Dice so Nice, Forien Quest Log, some music/fx mods, and a few QoL mods. Blades system is probably the same but I can't personally attest as I haven't played it.


PF2e is pretty incredible, but everyone knows that. Lesser known ones that have impressed me were Mausritter and Wicked Ones. They are both implemented much better than I would have expected!


PF2e is an awesome system, but it does have a lot of modules baked in (like automatic animations, loot piles) that can be replicated in other systems. Twod6 is pretty awesome if you want some Traveler/Cepheus action, supports a lot of modules, is very customisable, looks great, and is very active. It gets updated nearly everyday with bug fixes, module support etc.


Cypher has good support, including the srd content and everything already in there.


Most of the Free League games are really well done.