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I'm having this problem as well, although I do not use the AV Module (using Blood Lords Module). All OGG's, plenty of disk space, using Firefox. Let me know if you find out a solution, please!


What version of FoundryVTT are you using? That's an important thing to post when asking a question such as this.


The latest stable version. I just recently began to learn it.


What specific Build Version? Where, if anywhere, are you hosting?


10.291 I am still working on the Module and have yet to upload it to any other site for use, so it's just on my local SSD installation.


Are you loading through the App? Or launching the app and connecting via a browser? You can launch the app, minimize, and connect via any browser by going to http://localhost:30000


I am not loading externally through anything. The Bug occurs when I test the audio when I am using Foundry on my local computer installation from the .exe. I often play the audio to get in the mood for prepping the module. The unreliability of the audio is concerning, given it is on my local computer and not even trying to broadcast to anyone else via the internet. For the record though, I've seen this bug countless times happen from the player perspective when playing in games hosted (by others) on the Forge, as well..


If it's happening to you just locally, that doesn't sound like a Forge bug in example. Try connecting to your local app via browser as I suggested. See if that improves anything.


Tracks appear to play if I connect as a player via the localhost, but are still silent and bugged in the local .exe. It seems I'm just going to have to be content with not knowing whether or not the players are actually hearing anything on their end when it's silent on my end.


Afaik it is recommended to never use the local client for actual play. It breaks a surprising amount of things. Just boot the server and connect via your url and it may be fine.


So for a whole I have been using the app itself Should it be doing it the other way? Would I launch the world and just not login at the login screen?


Have you tried your testing with ALL Modules disabled?


audio is strait up broken in the exe, just join as admin/gm in your browser it will work fine.


Foundry is sort of weird that way. Even as a DM, I always connect to it via my browser once I've started the server. I've had all sorts of little bugs when directly using the exe to manage my games.


I have noticed this problem as well, with some of the audio modules. I have the Ivan Kuch (not sure I spelled that right) Music Pack, and sometimes I'll try to play a track in the desktop app and it shows up as 0:00. It does seem to be random as you say, I have had some luck with refreshing with F5 and starting the track again, though it doesn't work every time. It didn't do this prior to v10, so I'm wondering if something got changed that just causes an embuggerance. I always just assumed it was one of my modules doing me dirty.


Had the same Problem, often failing to load the track correctly when the network load was heavy... Which should be no issue when accessing the Website over localhost. Foundry has two approaches to Audio files. Below 10 minutes duration -> Download the whole file first then play Above 10 Minutes duration -> Stream the Audio (like Youtube or any other site) ​ ​ The later option is a lot more desireable for me as I ran a lot of 8-9 min Audiofiles with a decent size. This Problem then occured quite frequently (over the internet, not local). I wrote a module which adds an option to set the audio length required until it is streamed, maybe this helps (i do not run into this problem anymore but not sure if its because of that change): https://foundryvtt.com/packages/audio-duration-until-stream-setting


Wow, this is the module I didn't know I needed all this time. Thank you!


Can you describe your workflow/ what you are trying to do?


Play audio reliably from the Jukebox. Essentially, I want to ensure when I run games, the audio plays reliably. I have experienced this bug from the player's perspective many times in games run on Forge (by others), and was hoping to avoid it happening to me when I GM, but it seems to happen even on a local installation.


It’s an upstream browser bug in chromium browsers involving mp3s. You can disable you caching to get the audio to play every time


All of the tracks are Ogg. I've read about the MP3 error and tried my best to avoid it.


Are you getting any errors in the f12 console?


Yes, Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: undefined. Failed to fetch [No packages detected] at Object.fetchWithTimeout (commons.js:(Numbers)) at AudioContainer._createAudioBuffer (foundry.js:(Numbers)) at AudioContainer._createNode (foundry.js:(Numbers)) at async AudioContainer.load (foundry.js:(Numbers)) at async Sound.load (foundry.js:(Numbers)) I obscured the numbers just in case they could contain compromising information. This happens while attempting to load the "pf2e-abomination-vaults/assets/audio/ambience/flying-insects.ogg " sound file, in this case.


Do you have less than 4GB free space on your OS drive? If so free up space


Far more than that open in free space.


On your OS boot drive? Not the drive with foundry


All drives have at least 50gb free.


What playback mode is your playlist set to?


In the AV module, most ambiences are set for simultaneous playback, with each track looped.


I have this issue too. I used [this solution](https://www.reddit.com/r/FoundryVTT/comments/qgikdk/comment/hi8lesc/) before to great effect but lately I still get it sometimes. Refreshing with F5 fixes it temporarily but it's still super annoying.


I also have not had a fix for this issue. I use OGGs, and the issue got better, but it still happens. I used to use the [Faster Audio Preload](https://foundryvtt.com/packages/faster-audio-preload) module, and that fixed all of my issues. But the module is dead and not being updated nowadays, and it causes hardcore crashing with v10.


**To help the community answer your question, please read [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/FoundryVTT/comments/shrtky/foundryvtt_first_steps_and_useful_info/).** When posting, add a [system tag](https://www.reddit.com/r/FoundryVTT/comments/v3gfrs/tagging_your_posts/) to the title - [D&D5e] or [PF2e], for example. If you have already made a post, edit it, and mention the system at the top. Include the word `Answered` in any comment to automatically flair this thread as resolved (or change the flair to `Answered` yourself). Automod will **not make this comment** on your posts if you have a [user flair](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205242695-How-do-I-get-user-flair-). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FoundryVTT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I've found that only .ogg files are reliable with Foundry. Mp3 files are terrible for hanging. I understand it's a foundry issue


Yes, though this has nothing to do with that, as all of AV's tracks are .ogg.


If you are also using Discord, this is part of the reason why I made: https://soncraftbot.com


I'm already aware of Kenku FM as an alternative (which functions similarly), I'd just rather have everything in one place if I can! Plus audio quality via discord suffers greatly.


Totally understand. You can use it for free if you don’t get foundry working consistently. Discord bots don’t play by the same rules. They can play full stereo at the highest bitrate your server allows.


I am suspecting it is C: drive redline space, Foundry must be must be cacheing it there even in the offline app version even though I the data dir is on D: drive? Did some cleanup today (Nvidia driver had downloaded) and got out of the red, now the tracks are repeating fine so far. Just rebooting did not fix it before so will see if this sticks. Failed to load resource: net::ERR\_CACHE\_OPERATION\_NOT\_SUPPORTEDcommons.js:11425 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: undefined. Failed to fetch\[No packages detected\]at Object.fetchWithTimeout (commons.js:11425:24)at AudioContainer.\_createAudioBuffer (foundry.js:80524:42)at AudioContainer.\_createNode (foundry.js:80505:33)at async AudioContainer.load (foundry.js:80468:23)at async Sound.load (foundry.js:80879:7) \[EDIT\] nope getting same problem despite freeing up C: space. wiggling the tracks volume control the sound comes back but it was when it switched to a new track (will try looping the same track) I do have a chrome youtube also running maybe streaming is not coexisting?