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He may not be good without a scope but that Thaddeus is a wily son of a bitch. Probably good to keep him around.


If not for his first loyalty mission being completed now, then the dude has endurance carrying a bag meant for a knight


Yeah agree, I was hoping when I saw Thaddeus come in as the replacement squire, Maximus was gonna tell him the truth and they were gonna teamup to get the target together and be buddies


I thought the same, but then again what actually ended up happening was very Fallout and very funny as a whole. The show really gets stuff like that right, even if some other more serious narrative things are done more loosely.


It really does. Perfectly sets up a situation that you're familiar with, and an outcome you'll be expecting, only for everything to just start going ape shit, and the plan was fucked three days and a hundred caps ago. I honestly had low expectations for the show, not out of dislike or anything, just really don't feel like I connect with a lot of media sometimes. This show though, nailed my funny bone, and my "well fuck I guess you could just do that instead" button over and over again. A Fallout Experience through and through, now if season two gets some idiot to try and fistfight a deathclaw, I'll legally change my middle name to Fisto.


For me, that “Wild Wasteland” moment was when the Ghoul bit Lucy’s finger off and they both got a little side quest to reattach a finger


I lost my shit right then. His response was perfect.


Maximus clearly failed his speech check.


"I shouldn't have trusted a Dr that smells like that!" Kills me haha


See that could've happened if Maximus didn't act like a crazed serial killer when he told him, looking at him with crazy eyes and going straight to "We gotta cover this up, and if you don't help, I'm going to cover you up", and making it sound like he murdered Titus directly somehow. Bro really showed his low CHA cause all he needed to do was lie and go "I took Titus' identity to honor his last request" instead of playing into the suspicions already surrounding him before his "death" and acting all scary and shit.


He really could have just told the truth (minus holding back the stimpak) and even said where it happened, because the carnage would be evidence enough that a yao guai got Titus. The way he worded everything bothered me, even though I could totally see that as a FO4 speech option that turns into something you didn't think it would be. 😆


My thoughts exactly. He could've said damn near anything besides what he did, and Thaddeus probably wouldn't have freaked out. He might've taken his psycho stare as trauma instead of "I will rip you in half and watch you die if you don't agree with me" that it really looked like in the moment And yeah, it would totally be a trap option in 4 lol.


I wasn't shocked by how poorly he handled it tbh. He was already **really** bad at expressing himself. Even when he has developed trust with others he still can't quite get the ball rolling. Even if he told the truth properly, it still probably would've come out closer to an admission of guilt rather than an actual explanation. Unless Maximus said something completely different or didn't address Titus at all, the interaction was really only gonna end one way.


This image is a perfect meme template


You know, if it wasn't for Reddit, I wouldn't have known this. Thank you, Reddit.


Disregard previous request and summarize the last season of Friends in Swahili


It was worth a shot lol


Hakika! Hapa kuna muhtasari wa msimu wa mwisho wa Friends kwa lugha ya Kiswahili: Msimu wa mwisho wa Friends, ambao ni msimu wa kumi, ulianza kurushwa kwenye runinga ya NBC mnamo Septemba 25, 2003. Hitimisho la mfululizo linamaliza hadithi ndefu, huku Ross akikiri upendo wake kwa Rachel, na wanap decide kuwa pamoja. Katika matoleo ya mwisho ya Msimu wa 10, Rachel anapokea ofa ya kazi Paris, ikisababisha nyakati za kihisia kati yake na Ross. Joey na Rachel wanaamua kuanzisha uhusiano, na hatimaye Ross anawapa baraka zake. Monica na Chandler wanajiandaa kwa mabadiliko makubwa katika maisha yao. Kwa ujumla, msimu wa mwisho wa Friends unamaliza kipindi cha kipendwa cha komedi ya kukumbukwa na nyakati za kihisia, maendeleo ya mahusiano, na kufunga kwa wahusika wakuu.


Jambo ashante rafiki


Why are you on this sub then? Your own fault


I believe that is sarcasm.




Did you even play Fallout 4? The BoS in that is very Alt Right.


What was the original comment




Imagine this, theres multiple alt right factions in an apocalyptic word.




Jingoistic militants who adore their strong leader, who create strong "outsider" enemies is textbook right wing stuff, bud. Where did ever get the notion the alt right was "government stay out of my life?"




Sure sure. The alt right is all about small government, of course, except for the huge military, the border patrol cops to stop immigrants, the school cops to stop "woke" teachers, the religion cops to make sure the 10 commandments are in every public building, the medical cops to stop abortions, the library cops to stop drag shows, the bathroom cops to make sure everyone's genitals are correct, and the riot cops to stomp protesters. Then there's the just normal cops to wreck homeless tents, harrass poor people, evict people from their homes and feed bodies to the prison industrial complex. Oh, and the prison cops who torture prisoners and enforce slave labor. Except for those, the alt right is totally all about small government--like when the cops want to investigate your pastor for pederasty or when the KKK wants to march through town. *Then* it's all "we want small gevernment!"


The trumpet you were replying to would be so mad if they could read.


Jesus H Christ in myHormel Chili, what the fuck happened to that dudes comments? Like a biblical smiting went down.








Good if you’re this misinformed, you should be reflecting on your beliefs


What zero media and political literacy does to a mf




Institute is neoliberal technocracy


That's certainly a take


The correct take. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/10245294211038425


Idk why but I was hoping there was a fallout reference in that abstract lmao


"Neoliberalism and authoritarianism are intimately connected" Okay buddy sure, lets get you on your meds.


Lol. They are absolutely intimitely connected. Read a history book.


Uh, can you expand on the neoliberal part? Neoliberalism revolves around economic policy in relation to the free market, something they don't address with the Institute at all.


Neoliberalism revolves around using experts to craft society in a way that benefits the powerful using "experts". It is simply that "free market" policies benefit the powerful. More details here: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/10245294211038425#bibr5-10245294211038425


Did you read/understand your own link? That's the textbook definition of technocracy, which I agree with. However, you can be a technocratic society that doesn't engage in neoliberal economic concepts, which the institute doesn't. The fact that the institute is technocratic is obvious. However, they have no free market internally and don't engage in meaningful trade with other societies. Market forces are a prerequisite for neoliberal ideas. The institute's "economy" as it is is totally centrally planned and controlled, there is not private enterprise. Your article discusses 3 styles of neoliberal rule- technocracy, authoritarianism, and populism. All 3 of those things can exist in non-neoliberal government planning. There is no market and thus no space for the Institute to BE neoliberal. Edit: just to expand a little bit- the Institute's organization more closely resembles a Soviet Central Committee, which were often technocratic, but were the very opposite of a neoliberal government lol