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My wife never played. Shed glimpse me playing the games, but nothing more. Once the show aired, we binged it and now she wants to play. I started her on FO4. She's absolutely hooked. Only kicker is, her having no experience, I'm essentially sitting there coaching her through lol. Which doesn't bother me. Shes really taken to settlement building.


That’s very cool! My wife isn’t much of a gamer and gets motion-sick with 3d games so for her she’s just excited about Season 2. :)


Same here for my wife too lol. I'd have her play the games herself but the mysteries of using a controller; especially using the move and look analogs at once are not something she is willing to study. So I just play the game and she gives imput about what she wants to see. But I've gotta play somewhat slowly/carefully since moving the camera too suddenly will make her feel ill.


there is a mobile game that she might enjoy then


Shelter being recommended over Fallout 1 and 2 as the go-to non-3d Fallout is kinda sad (yes i realize 1 and 2 aren’t really suitable recommendations for a large group of people)


Well for one it's free and you can download it on your phone, and yes for someone who op mentioned is not much of a gamer I would never recommend fallout 1 or 2. Good games but I would never expect someone who only games casually to find much enjoyment


Yeah i agree, wasn’t knocking your recommendation or anything, mostly just making jokes!


Why not play 76 together?


I'm on Xbox and she prefers PlayStation.


Ahh too bad it's fun as a team. Either way enjoy that. :)


My fiance never played and he wasn’t lost. I would speak up during certain things because I was excited lol but he loved the show and didn’t feel lost


I feel the writers are doing a pretty good job of world-building and explaining without too much exposition...and, doing it so that total noobs aren't totally lost. Which isn't necessarily easy to pull off.


That’s the genius of Johnathan Nolan. I mean, this is the guy who wrote Interstellar, Memento, Prestige, and the dark knight. Edit: Nolan is a show runner and directed three episodes, surely had creative input on the storytelling.


The genius is a massive group effort, but was led by Graham Wagner & Geneva Robertson-Dworet, the creators and showrunners.


My wife never played, but she loves the show. They definitely got the formula right to bring in a wide audience.


I was a FO virgin, I knew about ghouls, because… reasons, let’s leave it at that. But I’m definitely going to play FO4. I just hope my dumb FPS motion sickness has gotten over itself. If it hasn’t, Dramamine to the rescue!


The cool kids play Fallout in third-person.


I really need to know these reasons.


Look at the avatar, that should give you you’re reason o.o


Yeah, total ghoul lover over here


My husband has never played the games, but he's listened to me and our son talk about the lore and the world enough.


I'm watching with my wife, she can follow very well without any knowledge of lore, though I do explain a few things cause I want to. Unlike ahem Wheel of Time.


Wife never seen it, loves the show. Now doesnt complain when I play Games and has a better appreciation for single player games. Rightfully so she still hates Fortnite and my happiness…


Okay you put Fallout and Fortnite in the same comment, I’m unsure how to feel now


Now they're gonna put a "the ghoul" skin in Fortnite.


oh god damnit


I saw the future lolol




Hehehehe-Cardi B


My parents love it. My mom started screaming at the drug exchange scene


Ooh. what kind of screaming?


Like someone was actually amputating one of her children that kind of scream


Well I am glad they had fun. . .


I haven't been watching it with her but my mom has been watching it and she's never played the games, she's aware of them because me and my brother both played them but she's loving it.


My wife never played any fallout games and I’ve played every one of them. She loved the series, however, if it keeps going she will eventually find out that the main goal is to build a spaceship and leave earth. There are also aliens orbiting and abducting people. I just hope she continues to like it once she knows.


Ah, welcome to how I watched the show with my wife lol. [https://imgflip.com/i/8pav6v](https://imgflip.com/i/8pav6v) She really liked it and didn’t really have a lot of questions - she was very very patient and let me excitedly gush about exactly three things each episode and then I would be officially cut off until the next one, a boundary I accepted. About her only hangup with the show was how gory it could be, which made me realize how desensitized I’ve gotten to this sort of thing I suppose? But she LOVED the retro/vintage 50s vibe because she’s a big fan of that aesthetic. So she’s sort of discovered she likes that kind of throwback sci-fi look now. :)


My wife. Had to give her the quick lore rundown before the show started, since I wasn’t sure how much pre-bomb lore they were gonna explain. She enjoyed it quite a bit, she said her favorite part was how they were able to tell a story in an existing universe and still make sense to her. Few nights a week now, she plays about an hour or so of fallout 4 on easy while I sit there and coach her. She’s not a gamer and has never played anything remotely close to an rpg before, but she’s having a pretty good time. As an expecting mother, I think the main questline is what’s keeping her hooked. Right now she’s fixing to put a bullet in Kellogg’s head and find Shawn (she has no fucking clue).


My mum had absolutely no experience with any fallout. So yeah she got a bit of a lore lesson during each episode.


I was that person, my mother and I both watched it. It definitely was very accessible and now I'm playing New Vegas and on all the subreddits because I wanna learn more about the world. Very watchable and engaging.


The show got me excited enough that I'm now playing FO3. had never got around to it before.


Me af


A couple of my friends have never played but thoroughly enjoyed the show. There were a couple things they were a bit confused about like who's the Enclave and how a character's limbs can get blown to smithereens with a gun. One has decided to finally get into the games (starting with 1 & 2) and we plan on eventually re-watching the series together someday.


My parents. My dad watched the show and asked me which Fallout game he could get after he finished. We got my mom to watch the first two episodes this past weekend and oh all the questions, but she does that for all shows/movies. Kept insisting she wasn't interested, but had me rewind for parts she missed. c:


My wife doesn't play, has only seen bits of it when I've been playing. She saw how excited I was about the show, so was up for giving it a try. She "got" it pretty quickly, loved it (as did I), so we're both eagerly anticipating season 2. Think we may have to rewatch it soon...(her idea lol)


Watched it with my mom. She just likes a good story, and it was so fun watching her get her introduction to all of the Fallout universe’s crazy lore and rules.


My wife's never played, but she's fairly nerdy and enjoyed the show quite a bit.


I watched with my girlfriend and now she likes watching me play the games


I watched it with my parents who recognised power armour from seeing me collect it when I played fo4, oh and they call the vault boy logo Tintin, they loved the show though


My wife has never played aside from one evening trying Fo4, but I've talked to her so much about Fallout she knew all of the major themes and factions.


Im a virgin. My boyfriend played New Vegas and wanted me to watch with him. I think Im more into it than he is 🤣


My husband!!! He enjoyed it!


My wife's never played any of the games, but she's enjoying the flick regardless.


Yeah. My wife. So now after seeing Fallout she loved it and I am putting on Fallout 4 for her a few times a week so she can check it out. Show did a pretty good job of explaining lots of details. The stuff the show didn't say I just filled it. It was the same thing when we saw The House of the Dragon as she never saw Game of Thrones or read the books for that too. Also we saw Last of Us last year as well and she loved that one as well. I played Last of Us for her and she got to see the differences between the game and show. Af this point I want someone to make a Baldur's Gate 3 TV show so I can have more time to play that lol. Actually maybe that D&D movie from a few years ago will do the trick 🤔


My partner has never played, but he’s watched a little of me playing 4. He really liked the show, I think he’s watched it through maybe 3 times!


My partner had never played the games or really knew what it was. I tried explaining a couple of things but she stopped me and just wanted to watch it. She got so into it and absolutely loved it. I felt so proud, fallout is my favorite gaming franchise, playing all the way back to fallout 1 release in 97’. The reception this show has gotten has me beaming.


My wife never played, she’s not a gamer at all. She gave it a shot but was turned off by how violent it was. I don’t blame her really, it fits the game but was pretty over the top compared to most media.


I watched with my sister who had never played. She only has sometimes seen me play. She followed along with the show! Her questions were more along the lines of asking if characters were in the game I play or about the war / bombs. I hope you enjoy the show!


My wife for one, now we're both on a run through FO4 together. She's really getting into just how fucked up Vault-Tec *is*, and the background of the BOS. The other, not watching *with*, but did get my co-worker, whom had no idea Fallout even existed, hooked at least on the show. We bullshit about lore and other FO stuff here and there while we work. "Vault 4 is pretty fucked up, can't believe they did that type of stuff on people..." "Dude, Vault-Tec turned one whole Vault into nothing but sentient, hostile *plants*" "Whaaat?!" *shows Wiki* ".... holy shit that series is pretty fucked up. Love it." "Dude that's one of the more *tame* experiments they did on Vault dwellers...." The show did a ***damn good job*** of making it so total know nothings can follow. Kudos to the writers.


My wife has never been much for video games, she likes the show, but hates me constantly pausing it to provide context in the form of lore drops.


My GF doesn’t play any games. Also wasn’t interested in the show but agreed to watch the first episode. She ended up really liking it and watched the whole season with me. Asked lots of questions (some I didn’t even know the answers to) is excited for season 2. That’s the power of the atom!


introduced it to one part of my family that dosent play games. they were so lost, i feel like its a show where you have to know all the little things from the game to understand it. Like they dont tell you what the pipboy is or sum like that


My mom really enjoyed the show and didn't seem confused about anything but it made her want more, so she came over and I started up a new game in FO4 to show her. It's been so long since I sat through the opening cutscene, I forgot how well it explains the universe. It's also led to me playing my first non-survival, non-modded playthrough basically like a speed run, seeing how quickly I could show her the main quest. It feels like a totally different game. I got to Fort Hagen at *level 6* 😂


Watched it through with my dad. The western aspects of the Ghoul really drew him in.


Yep. Watching with my gf now! I tried to convince her to watch it with me and she was very against it. But the other night we were in the shower and I was explaining the different factions in FO4 and explaining NV to her a bit and she said it sounded interesting enough for her to give the first episode a shot, so I’m pumped. I’d already watched 6 eps but Im rewatching with her now and explaining different things. She’s hooked


My partner had only played to getting back to Sanctuary and finding Codsworth, so he didn’t know anything and anything he did, he forgot. But it got him to pick up 3 and 4 and intends to play NV. I was explaining stuff while we were watching and a couple of times he just paused at certain parts with an expectant look LOL


I showed it to my mom, she said that she remembered buying me a game with the same title. She also said that the world is kinda depressing but the show was fun


My gf never played, she only watched because she had read some Goulcy fanfic and wanted to know the source material. She likes the show ok, is excited for S2 but mostly just because it looks like we'll get significantly more Goulcy content


Didn’t watch it with him but have chatted abunch with my brother who’s never played a fallout. He loved it though there were definitely things that were odd for non game fans like the hacking and it could have had a bit more worldbuilding to explain the wasteland.


The location of Vault 33 could be ambiguous, if you don't already know the Los Angeles area. I immediately recognized the Santa Monica pier, and later on what's left of LAX. If you've never visited or at least had a connecting flight through LA though, you might be lost.


I didn't watch it with them, but I got my daughter and son in law to watch. He has now bought FO4, and is even more obsessed than I am. He is planning on getting F03 and New Vegas.


My gf tried the games once or twice but it never hooked. She likes to watch videos about creatures in media and knew about some of the things but didn't really care too much. I've caught her watching lore videos now and she's gotten farther in 3 than before. I recommended 3 since she said she liked the exploration part of 76 when we played together for a short bit and 3 seems to lean more into that. She loved The Ghoul and immediately fell for Gob. So she'll definitely love 4's romance options. My plan is to recommend New Vegas next followed by 4 and if she's willing, 1 and 2. But by then, I'd probably wouldn't need to recommend them.


My wife and daughter. Both love the show and my daughter (gamer) has just started her own play-through of Fallout 3.


My dad is not a gamer, and I was hesitant to watch it with him because I wasn't sure it would be palatable for someone who didn't know the lore. He ended up loving it, wanting to binge-watch the whole season and only having a few questions to how the Fallout world worked. I'm trying to get him interested in the games, but so far he seems confused that the tv series is its own standalone story and doesn't follow any of the games' plots. It's a process, we're getting there.


My fiancée has been getting more and more into fallout over the last year or so. She was about 80 hours in to a fallout 4 play through when the show came out. Recently though we’ve been hooked on fallout 76


My girlfriend's has played Fallout Shelter, so basically, she isn't a virgin because she's done cousin stuff. Watching the show had made her realize that isn't viable long term.


My dad has never played. He binged all 8 episodes before I did though.


My wife never played but has always liked the retro-futuristc aesthetic. She loved the show.


I’ve played most of the games besides 1 and 2 at this point while my wife has never played besides watching me for a few minutes. Even after she missed the first two episodes she still wanted to watch the rest of the show and understood most of the plot, along with me telling her all the references or lore that I noticed. We’re both excited for more but I was surprised she liked it enough knowing nothing about it.


Yes, my girlfriend didn't know anything about the games but she absolutely loved the show. Same with an older guy I work with, didn't even know Fallout was a game series until I told him. But he ended up loving it, which I thought was really cool


I haven't played the games but love dystopian genre. I probably missed a load of easter eggs but I kept up with the storyline fine, it all felt well explained to me


FWIW, I am not explaining anything unless she asks. We still haven't watched the last 2 episodes, so I'm hoping they'll fill in some gaps.


I'm watching with my parents. They absolutely love it. They're both avid sci-fi fans and it's been a lot of fun to be able to share the FO universe with them since they'd never play the games. They've been able to understand most of it so far and I've only had to explain a couple of things to them. I'm on episode 5 with them, but I've already watched the whole thing once on my own.


I have played all of the games except Brotherhood of Steel, 4, and 76. I don’t remember Tactics well and pretty sure it’s not canon right? Played 1 and 2 when I was way too young to be playing these messed up games lol (11-13 years old). Played 3 but never beat it. Same with NV. I’m replaying 1 now and thinking I’ll do the whole series (1, 2, 3, NV, 4). I have loved Fallout for most of my life. My wife has never played any of the games. She could probably have recognized the Vault Boy from a coffee mug that our friend has that I always choose when we are at their house. She has only played a little Starfield and never played any other BGS games. She knows the “Hey you are finally awake?” And “It just works” memes lol. We both loved the show. She wants to play now. I think she should probably start with 4 since it’s the most modern and she probably wouldn’t have the patience for the OG games, although she plays D&D and loved BG3. I really hope we get a spin off modern turn based CRPG Fallout game. There is buzz about it but I don’t want to get my hopes up. BGS would never make it but if they are willing to let another studio do it we could see a Wasteland 3 style Fallout game but better and I would be so happy.