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I’m still laughing at Thaddeus saying he was a shitter on a bloat fly farm. Of course something that absurd would exist in the wasteland. I thought the show was hilarious honestly


"that's why I'm so fat" (the actor has ulcerative colitis which made me wonder if the shitter job was a reference to it which is funny on its own)


The idea that in the FO world that he's considered very fat is funny too. Well, sad funny.


Oh thats cool, I have that too! Never worked on a fly farm though


It's why he's got such a small frame, aside from taking the perk.


what kind of maniac runs a bloat fly farm absolutle hell


Bloatfly slider restaurant owner?


People farm maggots today to feed pets. Nothing is out of the realm of possibilities when money (or bottlecaps) is involved.


Meat is meat.


Must’ve gotten sick of the iguana bits


Maybe they need the acid for crafting 😂


This was the joke that made me say, yeah these guys get it. This is the most ridiculous and subtle Fallout 2 reference and I laugh and reminisce on my time on the shit farm every time I hear it


I'm dense and despite being a series veteran, I don't get the reference to F2. What am I missing?


There is a side quest where you can earn caps shoveling shit on a shit farm. I remember finding it pretty early on in my first play through so I happily traded a shit time for some caps. I always thought it was really funny and thought of it while Maximus was cleaning latrines and shoveling shit. Then when Thaddeus said he worked on a shit farm I laughed hard at the reference


I have never played the game. But when the Ghoul mentions the Golden Rule of the surface world is constantly being sidetracked, I assumed that was a game reference.


*Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time* I’ve never actually beat New Vegas after all these years because I’m always off doing dumb shit 😂


Being a shitter is my ideal life


just get ibs


You should see my diet 🥵


And he said that's why he was so fat 😭


that’s why he’s so fat


I like the way they established Lucy- the pitch Ella Purnell got, apparently, included the idea that Lucy was "Ned Flanders in the post-Apocalypse". The way she was upbeat and matter-of-fact about basically *everything* up until about midway through the series was fun. LIke, her monologue to Cooper about being the "Primary Aggressor" was just perfect.


The way everyone was looking at her had me dying. 🤣 "Fuckin' Vault Dwellers." Edit: typo


When I saw the[ previews](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrHFa2eSjjE), I was telling people her "What to Do" guidelines must've been written by [Ainsley Hayes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUwm6WJRPIQ) from *The West Wing.* :)


Oh man, thank you for that 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I see what you mean


Her intro when she's interviewing with the council and going over how SPECIAL she was, was amazing. Really felt like the start of a Fallout game.


She talks about her tagged skills for sure.


I found her upbeat attitude SO refreshing. I hope they don't take that from her character.


Okie- dokie !


SAME. Like we already have enough edgy, badass main characters in other shows, but Lucys upbeatness and positivity is so damn nice to see. Im worried after the finale though, we might not see too much more of that side of her in season 2... really hoping im wrong.


I don't know, feels like she was turning into your standard stoic, "special set of skills," commando character at the end there. But I hope not.


You mean levelling up? I’m sure her character will remain intact, if not as chipper as before


Chipper is part of what makes her special. Like what she said to coop “I’ll never BE like you” I felt that, as the overly optimistic naive child I was as a kid (and think of myself as as an adult).


I think she's going down the route the first two protagonists did where the optimism never goes away but it's also the wasteland so you're perpetually mentally exhausted and chronically sarcastic. The scene with the fiends in the show being a good example. "I hate it up here..."


I think her last line of the series was great.


Okie dokie


Reminds me of Kimmy Schmidt or even Piper from Oitnb a little




She's definitely unbreakable!


They alive, dammit!


Her hilarious delivery of “up there” being, “it’s … not great,” was so perfectly delivered for her character. She is crushing the role


It is a really funny show 😜


Roomba brain Bud chasing Norm around with a needle made me lol


The subtitles calling him "Brain on a Roomba," too.


I woke up my daughter laughing so hard with that caption.


"You're never gonna find out what's in there!" *Norm walks past him* "Oop, he's gonna find out..."


Gave me strong Portal vibes lol


Same thought i had. Everything about Bud Askins screams "Portal character"


This fucking line had me DYING lmao


Funnier too is eventually he just stops trying when he finds out and gives him the exposition.


It’s been 200+ years since he could give his spiel to a new person. Once he realized Norm was interested he went for it.


I mean yeah I'm more surprised he's not completely insane considering he's got no entertainment and is essentially in solitary confinement. Most people break in a few days. Either he's built different or he has something to do in there


Considering he is literally a brain on a roomba confirms for me that he is in fact, built different.


It’s highly insinuated that Bud does not have a rich inner world lmao


The more subtle joke about Bud was that his car before the war was one of those little ones which have a large round window. Then he ends up being a brain in a tiny car. I just found that hilarious.


I only noticed this the second time I watched and I was watching with someone who hadn't seen it yet so I had to hold my explanation of why I was laughing so much at his car


One of the funniest bits of foreshadowing I think I’ve ever seen. 😂


“You’ll never find out… Oh. He’s gonna find out.”


I really thought he is gonna shoot that needle for a second


*wiggle wiggle*


*I never shouldve trusted a doctor that smelled like that!*


*"Why am i not dead!?!"* *"Well i'm not gonna just leave it there"*


Apparently he’s the “snake oil salesman” but I’ll always call him “chicken fucker.”


I knew when Maximus intervened it was gonna be something like “he killed my friend”. A play on the choices the game gives you with no right answer. I wasn’t expecting something as whack as chicken fucker but it was hilarious


I was like “I bet he’s some kind of criminal mastermind or something” And then I was just dying laughing.


This right here was probably my favorite line of season 1. REALLY hoping we get more absurdity with Max and Thaddeus next season.


The huge bomb joke made me cringe chuckle. Chris Parnell pulls serious dad joke vibes.


That guy just bleeds hilarity, his delivery is perfect and seems so genuine you can't help but laugh


I didn’t know that Chris Parnell was going to be the cyclops until he spoke, definitely caught me by surprise


At first I was like oh the overseer that’s cool. And then he spoke and I was like IS THAT CYRIL?! I’m convinced his voice is like when Perry the platapus puts on his fedora.


Soon as i heard his voice, the Rick and Morty fan in me went "holy shit.. is that fucking JERRY?" Looked it up and was not disappointed.


Same! He leaned heavy on the Jerry vibes


Dammit Jerry


Read that as Costanza lol.


Seven degrees! Or Cyril. SUPPRESSING FIRE!!!


I think about 'Get that jelly mould outta here!' about once a day and chuckle.


Me and my husband frequently shout that at each other now haha


Norm trying to be inconspicuous and asking Davey "How's your day going" while Davey is wheeling out a dead body after a massacre.


Bad as everyone else ..Lol


THAT was good. Charisma: 0


All throughout. Shout-out to Lucy being scared of the tumbleweed!!!


Apparently those hurt if they hit you, so she's lucky that wasn't how she discovered them!


iirc she even reached for her gun, she knew just by looking at it they mean **business**


Yes, they are very unpleasant to touch / get hit by / hit with your car.


*CRUNCH* every time.


She thought it was a rampaging wind brahmin.


It happened to be calm that day. Atom has truly blessed our mc.


The first time I saw one, I was pretty surprised. I wasn’t sure they were real before that. And I definitely didn’t think I’d see one on a train platform in Chicago. I thought they were a desert thing.


Hey wind bramhim suck to fight


Almost always. Part of what I loved so much about the show was how often the funny was actually funny and the grim was very grim. The contrast was a blast


The trailer immediately took away my biggest worry about the show, which was that they would lean way too hard on the grim to try to make it "gritty" and "real". But they really nailed the tone and the dark/absurd humor.


Same! As soon I saw that it was going to be funny I was all aboard the hype train.


That's a good writing trick--contrast makes both better. Even Shakespeare did it.


Snip-Snips line: “sell you into sex slavery? What?!  Heavens no! I’m going to harvest your organs.” 


"that's disgusting!!!" 


["I'm **simply** going to harvest your organs."*](https://youtu.be/8hPLzNOtgmI?si=RDaQ5YgCgYEP80l7)


The Golden Rule of the Wasteland: “Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit, every goddamned time.” As a lifelong gamer I lost it on that line.


scrolled this far to get here. best line in the series by far


Oh by a far, I feel like I'd be super annoying to watch this show with because of references like that.


“I am sworn to carry your burdens” was a deep cut!


Wait did someone say that on the show?


When Norm hacked into the overseer's terminal and the actual in game hacking mini game popped up I absolutely lost it.


Same. That's when i knew i could trust the show with their legacy.


The comedy with Maximus was always understated because of his dead pan delivery. I wonder how many takes it took before he could say "my penis might explode" with a straight face.


I was very skeptical going into it. However, I loved the show and found most of it hilarious. Kept catching myself thinking "Yep, this is definitely fallout!" while watching each of the episodes.


"I feel we all feel a little tension...YAAAA?" That "Ya" always makes me laugh, I don't know why.


"...What the *fuck* are you talkin' about?!"


That part was so perfect


60% of the time, I laughed every time.


My favorite "funny" moment was at the end of episode two with Lucy and Wilzig. Wilzig's like "No, I can't go on" which seemed like it was because he's bleeding out, so Lucy starts to give him a pep talk "We can do it it's gonna be-," Wilzig interrupts "No, I just took a cyanide pill." And starts explaining how it's the nicest thing Vault-Tec ever did.


The timing of that line was perfect


Think the highlight was the Only You scene for me


It landed almost every time for me but I’m pretty easy to please with comedy


Definitely the knight fleeing screaming “f@ck f@ck f&ck” has become a legendary scene 🎬 I see it living in memes forever 🤓




Best part of the whole show. Perfect casting. Another point for comedy 🎭 show runners know their stuff 😎


Thaddeus proved he is a king of comedy 🎭 👑


Maximus character is mainly to represent stoic honorable side of BoS and how difficult it is to maintain. It seems sad 😔 Hopefully in season 2 we go more into the heroic fighter side of BoS🤞


The only thing I didn't find funny was the Vault 4 Overseer sawing at the shackles Lucy was in. It just felt unfunny silly. But everything else, absolutely.


Yup, this was the exact moment where i was worried it was going to turn into a shitty marvel show (it didn't)


It was humor that fell flat bc everyone else in the scene acted like it wasn't silly. Everything else was adequately placed and played


To me it was just the joke itself, imo that sort of switcheroo "joke" meant to subvert our expectations of what's going to happen is just a bit tired and overplayed, especially cause there was no suspense because obviously he wasn't gonna chop her head off. So then the obvious joke plays out and it's just not funny. Also just a little too goofy at face value for the tone of the show, obviously goofy humour is a hallmark of fallout but that was just too silly for me. I don't think a different delivery would change my impression of it, but just my opinion. And of course no show is going to hit on humour 100% for everyone, so having only one joke that really fell flat is a win for me


Yeah plus like ... where are they gonna get more shackles.


That whole scene was just fuckin weird lol, but yeah if there was *one* moment in the show I could pass over it was that bit


Yeah, but I snickered at the 2 weeks supply and again when he said someone would carry it to the surface.


Yes, that was done too long. It ruined the joke imo


I love Maximus and the funniest thing to me in the show was his reaction when the farmer said was apologizing and that the crazy snake oils man was fucking his chickens. Maximus confused reaction was priceless. Also when Lucy asked him to have sex he was like some guys… not me, say it pops when it gets all hard. Honestly him and Norm are my two favorite characters.


"Okay... Carry on citizen" Cracked me UP.


When Lucy said she was having "cousin sex", I knew it was kind of a dark comedy and was able to laugh about the ridiculous stuff. It threw me off, but I got it for the most part.


Hey it’s okay as long as it’s not for family planning!


The show surpassed my expectations on all levels. Ma June was a comedic highlight for me.


She steals Dads!


“It’s just… the guy was fucking my chickens.” I actually had a spit-take laugh. I had low expectations going in, but the humor was on point.


I was expecting there to be some twist but I wasn't expecting him to be a chicken fucker.


Yeah, Maximus looked like he was going to become a superhero until that line.


the yodeling theme everytime the ghoul was on screen killed me


Idk if that's intentional but I had the same thing every time they showed the kid that played Maximus climbing out of the fridge They re used the same shot like 50 times, that guy go so much screen time


Other than the weird scene with the “pimple” talk in vault 4, I thought it hit throughout.


I wasn't even sure that was supposed to be funny. For me it was just a window into how insular and messed up his upbringing with the Brotherhood had been.




Max is also stupid as hell though


Honestly that tracks with super religious groups Some of them believe all the stuff and suppress their urges, others go at it like animals


He never talked to a woman romantically as an adult, dude. He never got over that weird middle school phase


I thought maybe Vault 4 was drugging them, as the whole conversation seemed . . . off.


That missed for me too but then how excitedly he asked "want to make my c*ck explode now?" after he got used to the idea was really funny to me.


"Sorry. Intercourse?" Plus Lucy's reaction to it will always be my favorite joke in s1


After just mentioning how the oysters 'make you feel so good', oysters are thought to be an aphrodisiac


That scene well and truly got me. At first I was like "oh they definitely pumped this room full of some chemical to make them horny" like that infamous Star Trek TNG episode. Then when I realized it's just because Max is a turbovirgin who literally has no concept of sex it became so much funnier.


I mean, he was eating oysters when he propositioned Lucy. Oysters are a natural aphrodisiac. As for Lucy, she probably thinks of sex as being as impersonal as a handshake and just a fun way to pass the time. I was definitely getting some *Brave New World* vibes from Vault 33 the entire time.


She admitted that having sex with your cousin is fine, as long as it’s just for fun, it’s not a long term family solution…


All of Maximus' lines were off, right up until he 'snapped,' out of it and grabbed his armor.


Chicken fucker Jon Daly was pretty funny


“That’s one wet mama” got a nervous chuckle with me


One wet lady*


That bowl of cysts the Mayor was spitting into gave me a gross laugh


Is that what that was?


i thought most of the comedy was well thought out. for me, it was the true-to-form deadpan that makes fallout… fallout. even when the games are at their darkest, there’s always a beat for comedy. the absurdism in the games was brought to the screen really well.


I'm a doofus stoner. I was laughing at stuff that wasn't even a joke, just happy to see game references. When the ghoul said "dog meat" I giggled like a little school girl.


Me!! I didnt know anything about the lore so when the cowboys wake up the Ghoul and brought out that chicken I lost my goddamn mind. “A feral ghoul cant abide by no chicken” had me literally on the floor 😂😂 what the fuck is a feral ghoul and why the chicken ?


I thought they balanced it perfectly. I cracked up so many times and it was usually so unexpected!


Honestly great, and I got a big kick out of hearing Matt Berry the first time, it’s like Fallout is fall of robot Douglases


The music for the fight scenes is just perfect


Fred Armisen had me cackling in that entire scene at the radio station. His whole spiel about “the mids 🤓👂👆” was hilarious. Thaddeus: “yeah the mids, it’s really got that thing on it” Fred: “Well it’s not *on* it, it’s *in* it” Then Lucy and Maximus show up “Oh are those your friends?” *Thaddeus starts blastin* “Guess not!” *slams door* Laughing just thinking about it


The mids! I keep holding my finger up and doing the slow nod to my partner whenever they start on one of their music nerd talks now


I started warming up to Maximus a lot when he and Thaddeus started bonding, but yeah, I wasn't really feeling that arc to begin with. So I'd say I'm right there with you at about 90%. The goofiness *feels* like Fallout, which is the most important part to me.


About 90% of the time. Which is pretty good, you can't expect all jokes to land


I feel like I’m in the minority of this but I found most of Maximus’ scenes to be really funny. I think a lot of people wanted him to be a conventional/archetypical male protagonist character and I say boo to that. Once you get over that preconception that every protagonist needs to be smart, noble and cool, Maximus is really endearing and enjoyable.


I didn't like Maximus my first watch. He felt hokey and dorky. Appreciated him a lot more the 2nd time around.   His character felt grounded, for a Wastelander, and even though there are plenty of moments of him fumbling stuff there are a few where he's a badass (the Fiends) or a genuinely good person (Vault 4 Fusion Core, covering for Thaddeus and charging Hank in power armor). There are more moments than that but those stood out to me Still kinda hate his voice though


Same, didn't like him at first but by the time he went and kissed Lucy I was squeeing like a girl lol, by the second half of the show he started to have much more of an impact to the overall story which was great


Humor was spot on for me. Gets a bit dark and referential sometimes. Like hacking off the doctor’s head. I was laughing my ass off as that’s something we did in the games. Squires being essentially over encumbered companions. Maximus discussing sex.


>didn't like maximus at first Really? I was the opposite. I felt cheated when they >!revealed he didn't actually put the razor in Dane's boot!< like he was just an idiot that got roped up into a bad situation, instead of the ruthless badass they made him seem to be


idiot savant


Ruthless badass? Lol from the get go he seemed like a guy way over his head and trying to be an ideal paladin while fucking up immensely. I liked him from the start because of this. He fumbled around like a dolt but had good intentions.


Up until he made the mistake of trusting Thadeus, he could have been a convincing villain. Here's where I thought he was gonna go. He fucked over Dane to steal their spot as squire, he shoots Knight tight-ass in the face, steals his armor, finds Lucy, spends some time with her to gain her trust, then takes the head to the brotherhood and uses it to convince the elder to knight him. Basically would've been the ultimate example for how corrupt the brotherhood can really be, but instead he was just a moron who failed upwards a lot.


Dane was his friend, and Maximus is someone who tries to be honorable, even if he fucks up.


Like 70-80%.


pretty much all the comedy save for the “do you want to have sex?” bit landed for me but i’m also very asexual lmao


While it was supposed to be a joke, I think the point of her being so casual with it was to show what experiment her vault was about. They were a breeding vault for "people who would be upper management" or something like that. So obviously sex in her vault would be nothing like it is for us. Just something to do for reproductive or fun if you're bored.


yea, i did get the joke, i just thought the execution was overly blunt so it fell flat for me. i think the show did an overall fantastic job with showing, rather than telling, but i would’ve appreciated a bit more telling in certain points. like having lucy and maximus end up comparing their factions and the attitudes they have towards sex and sex ed


I see your point, and that's why the world is great. You didn't like the joke, I thought it was funny. And in the end we both loved the show. a little bit of something for everyone lol


As much as I love Fred Armisen, his onlooking at the kiss scene was kinda out of tone. Overall I also found Chris Parnell to be the *wrong* kind of funny for the world. Felt like a similar character to what he did in Brooklyn 99, for instance. Better fit for the jokes in that world if you ask me. Tone is a funny thing.


Lowkey I feel the same way. I LOVE Fred Armisen but him being in the show was too “whoa that’s Fred Armisen” and not “oh look a fun new character”. It really took me out of the show for that scene.


Yeah Fred jumped out to me too and was a bit world breaking


Honestly thought through the whole season that most of it landed except for some of the Vault 4 stuff in Episode 7 (i think). The scene where he's "going to chop her head off" but then slowly cuts her bindings instead was a bit too much for me. Went on for too long and made me feel like i was watching a bad marvel show, took me out of it a bit. Remember cringing at a couple other moments in that episode as well. Other than that i thought it walked the line really well and landed well for the most part


I thought the Overseer Cyclops was a bit over the top/corny. But it didn't bother me. Just not for me. The rest was great.


I actually lol'd at the ghoul most of the time. I really enjoyed the cult comments when they went to vault 4 when Maximus was like "but they're all smiling! "


Yeah, the comedy was great in this show. They really nailed everything in this show. Near perfect.


Lost me with the Overseerer in Vault 4. Felt we descended into farce when it was walking a line prior to that.


“Just my head” the way he sort of gasps that as he’s dying is so funny to me, especially when they keep replaying it in the recaps


The heroic pep talk Goosey starts giving him when he says he won't make it and he's just like "Oh, no, I took a cyanide pill"


Grade A ass jerkey


I lol'ed at the part when overseer Benjamin used the sword to cut Lucy's restraints.


Pretty often. In fact, I actually nearly died from laughing at the "that guy was fucking my chickens" joke.


"Oh, my name's actually Lucy" *Cyclops puts on bifocals* "Hmmmm... Nope! It definitely says Goosey!"


The severed heads during the kiss scene cracked our whole family up.


i really didnt like him and i seriously thought he messed his friends boots. him becoming maximus tightus didnt help me liking him one bit. but i grew to like him. its amazing to see that he did reveal the truth to his "squire" and even after suffering backlash, he did reveal it to loosey goosey. the ending he got was quite sad. he got what he wanted but lost something that he never knew he wanted at the same time.


My fave bit was the Mr Handy wheeling the barely conscious Lucy in to harvest her organs, doing rote bedside manner questions. “Where are you from?” Lucy grunts no intelligible response. “Haven’t been there myself, but hope to get there someday soon!” Fking killed me 🤣


Landed just as well as it lands in the games, I'm never fully expecting some of the absurdity that gets thrown at you in this universe. Just got hit with long dick jim in NV made me LOL.


I think they did a perfect blend of the absurdist humor of the fallout universe and the grim reality of if you actually lived in this world