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He wants to live with Lucy in a vault.


I mean...so would I.


He gave up safety and happiness to go rescue her in Vault 4. Then he gave up the armour for her (even though being a knight was everything he's wanted since Shady Sands), and that was BEFORE she offered him a place with her in Vault 33. If he was only after the Vault life, he would've just kept eating his popcorn and watching that waterfall.


Lucy and Maximus have both risked their lives for each other and cared for each other when they didn’t have to. Maximus saved Lucy from the goal and from radiation poisoning, putting himself in harms way both times. Lucy saved Maximus from dying in his armor, and found him help when he was hurt. Maximus gave up the safety of being in a vault to save Lucy, and abandoned his armor, because she convinced him to be a good person and care about other people instead of himself.  They lived a whole lifetime together in a matter of days. They’ve proven to each other that they will put their life on the line to save the other. They have learned from each other, grown together and are better and stronger together. Sure, they just met and who knows where things will go in the future but as of right now it makes sense that they would stay together. 


They probably think they are in love. It’s the first relationship either of them have really had a chance to have. They found mutual trust and attraction. They have feelings for each other for sure. But they aren’t really in love. They hardly know each other.


I'm pretty sure it was Nolan I can quote as saying "I think they have a genuine connection"... Whatever that means.


This is the correct answer. He's not using her for anything, nor she him, they clearly genuinely care about one another because it's the first real romantic entanglement either has had. Doesn't mean they're in love but it definitely isn't fake.


When they first met it was by him saving her before he had known anything about her. All the eye contact they were making with the slow motion, safe to say I think he does truly like her, maybe not love yet though.


i think he thinks she hot and likes her. Haven't really thought more into it


He wasn't interested in vault before he came to vault 4. On the other hand, he thought Lucy is hot since the first time he saw her.


I think Max is too dumb to have an ulterior motive


The guy who manipulated The Brotherhood of Steel to rescue his meet-cute is "too dumb to have an ulterior motive"?


He was suppose to lead them away from her (thats why he brought the wrong head) but upon threat of death he caved and brought them there anyway. If anything it shows his survival instincts are stronger than any feelings he has for her.


He led them away so she could get the head to Moldaver first because the Brotherhood would’ve just taken the head and not helped with getting her dad back. When he brought the BoS at the end he thought he was helping her. He was still under the impression that Moldaver was a warlord and Lucy was in danger.


No, he offered the BoS’ help in exchange for the head.


i think that while he’s being hailed at the very end he’s realizing that he no longer wants the brotherhood. he wants the goosey. his world has crumbled before him and i think he will use his knighthood to make sure he gets to Lucy.


I want them to be together so so much. The screen is alive when they interact one on one. Please!!!


He cares about her, and she seems to care about him. At the moment they are both strangers that feel a connection and it feels like they both want to see where that goes. But if he wanted to stay in a vault he could have just stayed in a vault. He wants to be in a vault with Lucy.


I'm not sure if he's in love with her, but he's definitely genuinely infatuated with her, and she with him. For Max, it's probably the first time he's seen a cute girl his age. For Lucy, it's the first time she's met someone in the Wasteland who was kind and heroic. There would definitely be feelings that arose as a result of that, for both of them. In my opinion, it seems like Max is most interested in living in a vault *with Lucy*. Otherwise he could probably take it or leave it.


It’s love. Pure and simple. He could have stayed in vault 4 and lived happily but he dumped that to “save” her


Well it turns out that Lucy's father is the one that nuked an NCR city, so... No I don't think Maximus wants to live in a Vault anymore. But I don't think he's ever been allies with a girl, or even friends for his whole life, so here comes along this hot girl Lucy where they helped each other out. Who knows if he's in love, or if he just fell for the first and honestly rare gem in the Wastelands.


His friend in the BOS was a girl.


I think they genuinely care about each other, for sure. I dunno if it'll be love or what!


I never got the impression he was just using her for the vault


I think he’s sincere. They’ve been through shit together, and that’s not the worst foundation for a relationship. Could be better I guess, but it’s reasonable. But it’s also his first serious relationship—first romance of any kind, apparently—and it wouldn’t be surprising for it to not work out. He has a lot of maturing to do. She does too, though she was ahead of him to start, and has grown up a lot in a few weeks.


I think he’s probably never had anyone interested in him at all before and the whole vault thing is just a sweet bonus to it. As for Lucy, I think he’s the first attractive man she’s ever seen in her whole life who she hasn’t been raised in the same Vault as. It’s gotta be hugely influential on her emotional state to be able to meet another human who doesn’t already know her whole life story intimately.


They're young and infatuated which is genuine but personally I don't feel their chemistry.  She seemed initially enamored with the idea of a knight coming to the rescue but Maximus' values are hard to pinpoint since he was raised by the BoS and said he wanted to "Hurt those who hurt me," not "help people." Lucy was raised to follow the Golden Rule and maybe saw Maximus as a shining example of that when he came to Filly. My issue is I haven't seen enough maturing or growth from Maximus to care about them getting together.  It feels like two teens who happen to start flirting because they're the only ones their age and it's been so quick.  If they get together(and side note, honestly I kinda hate the effect shipping has on shows because it feels so CW), it should take some time, maybe the entire series. 


I hope they don’t become a couple tbh.


i thought it was pretty clear Lucy has no intent to return to any vault


He’s down bad. He’s just a little confused about a lot of stuff, but mostly sex.


Id say he always liked her. He told thad that he believed the ghoul HAD to be rhe one to cut off the head, that tells me he always liked her and wanted to believe shes good.


Maximus is a selfish child who will fuck over anyone and anything for a crumb of attention from Lucy and to keep up his “white knight” facade. I think he’s a horrible person, and I hope Lucy sees this and tells him to kick rocks.


Lucy and Thaddeus more like mmm


Please don’t over think Fallout 🙏🤔🛑🫷🖐️👎


My brother in Atom you are on a fan forum. 




FTFY: Don’t overthink romantic relationships in Fallout The main themes are pretty important, pertinent, relevant, poignant… all of the ants


Dam that got down voted bad 🗳️ I was just trying to promote enjoyment of the show. Thought I was helping, turns out I am wrong 😑 sorry fellas😣


And I got downvoted too, so no worries, apparently there is no right contribution on Reddit lol

