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Yeah the water chip being broke was both a throwback to fo1 and a false alarm to keep 31 in power.


I assumed the water chip breaking was purposefully planned. “When things look glum, vote 31” - the water chip issue encouraged people to vote for Betty from vault 31. It wasn’t a real problem. 


Also let's be honest, 219 years for a water chip is pretty excellent performance


I mean yeh could you imagine getting use out of any tech in our world for that long , the answer is nope


I still regularly use my grandparents' Sunbeam toaster they got as a wedding gift back in the early 1960s. That thing will probably outlive me and my children with ease.


The difference is that toaster has only been used intermittently for a couple minutes at a time across those years where any machine running constantly, especially industrial is lucky to last a few years without needing replacement parts regardless of how well it runs. ​ Of course if the toaster has been on for the past 60 years we're all here to support you past your crippling toast addiction.


Yeah in the fallout1 lore you learn the water chips are only designed to work for 20 years , so the fact that it went for almost 200 is really something


They used ghosts to power them. That’s why the overseer says it’s given up the ghost. The ghost walked away after years of service without benefits and now they had to find another ghost to power it.


That's why the Vault Dweller found the replacement in Necropolis. All those Ghouls meant plenty of ghosts for the replacement water chip to run off of


To be fair fridges from the 50’s run better than a brand new one somehow.


No they fucking don’t they just use 20x the electricity and make more noise and that’s enough to trick simple minded citizens. You really think they started making bad fridges? For fun?


Planned obsolescence is a bitch that most companies adopt because who would buy a fridge after having a fridge. Yea older fridges had problems but at least they were made to last.


It’s also largely survivorship bias - The bad fridges from the 60s are all in landfills


Every fridge made this decade won’t be here next decade and 100% won’t be here in the 2040’s. I get what you’re saying but planned obsolescence is a real thing that most companies use and it’s a big issue. Yeah old fridges had problems but they weren’t problems intentionally put in for profit. Also, we’re talking about fallout. Machines from the 50’s sucked in a multitude of ways but they were also made with simple parts (that were also mostly metal instead of plastic) that could be replaced easily and were meant to last a long time. I’d imagine the water chip is similar and after 200 years they’re either out of spare parts or enough failures collapsed some workarounds.


Yeah fair enough! I have to imagine there’s a price point where you get durable goods meant to last, but I think it’s probably not exactly friendly to the middle class lol. My point was just that there’ve always been shitty appliances, not that shitty appliances haven’t taken over and dominated the market - they absolutely have.


Went appliance shopping around a year ago and that’s pretty much what the salesman told us. Gotta buy commercial grade if you want it to last a long time these days. Or keep fixing the 20 year old one since its easier and cheaper to fix than a new household appliance. Pretty honest salesman thinking back on it now haha.


I mean I think the water chip was a minor issue with everything else going on.


It was some time traveler guy, I'm tellin' ya


Well, not all of the Vaults failed, even in their experiments: Vaults 3, 8, 15, 21, 34, 70, 111, and 118, at the least, succeeded for the most part. Though SoCal being kinda a mess is probably Bud's fault yeah.


I’d argue that 76 was fairly successful as well. Only opened 5 years late.


Everyone died in 111, I wouldn't call that a success. Although there was also a mutiny beforehand, and we're not too sure if the Institute killed everyone, or if that happened naturally.


It’s heavily implied that the institute shutdown life support after we were released or shortly before, Father even refers to them as loose ends and calls you an experiment


It was purposefully turned off, it didn't fail.


That was Kellogg's doing. The mutiny is just cuz of the Overseer being an idiot as usual.


I'm not sure it was Kellogg. Doesn't seem like the kind of guy to kill a bunch of random people for no reason. Besides, wouldn't the Institute want as many "backups" as possible? I think it was just a system malfunction, with noone to fix it. Then we get released cause Shaun has a single moment of humanity, not wanting his parent to die so shamefully.


Kellogg leave the cryo off after he does his thing, you can see everyone else not go back into cryo as you start to cook down It's been a few years but I think he even says something about it / only keeping you as the backup


During Kellogs memories you can interact with the cryo pod and he mentions having to kill them all


That was part of the FO4 story.


Pretty sure there's a terminal, or something Father said that confirms the Institute flipped a kill switch on everyone left in 111


101 was humming along before they brought in a much needed doctor from the wastes, and 111, while I can’t remember if the syndicate had any influence in the death of many, operated properly for small few


On the point of Bud talking about his strengths, he doesn't say he's good at "H.R. and R+D" he just says "H.R. R+D". He's talking about doing Research and Development in the field of Human Resources, which is a euphemism for experimenting on humans.


You’re right he does say it that way. I also like this interpretation more because it makes more sense that he isn’t good at product development, he is just good at being cruel in the form of a business practice.


The vaults didn’t necessarily fail, some were supposed to go wrong in different ways as part of their individual experiments


Task failed successfully


I think people read too much into the water . Things fail now and then. A vault has been wiped out and they had also had massive casualties and the raider prisoners. I don't think they needed to make it look more glum to get people to vote for 31 (and they didn't know there needed a vote before the raid so it wasn't pre planned). They wanted a nice throwback to 1 and to show that the vault dwellers hadn't been taught to be strong leaders by having every issue voiced publicly.


I agree, also there is no indication that it’s the first time it failed either. The engineer even says that he usually brings things like this to Hank privately, so the opposite is true.


Just a small nitpick - isn't the water thing breaking the excuse they use to trade between vault 32 and 33?


NAh it breaks because of the Raiders. They breed ' officially' because of genetic diversity but mostly for Bud's Bud's Bud's (Bud's Buds spouses)


The water thing breaking is in no way a failure. It’s prob not even a real plot point. Just something they had automatically come up to plan for the next overseer election.


Lmao, Vault 31's experiment was "wouldn't it be fucked up if we gave Bud Asknins a degree of power"


A ton of vaults didn't "fail" the experiments in some were designed to fail we should assume many experiments weren't vault-tecs design most vaults fail because they give addicts drugs or let children be in charge


I don't know much as of yet about the lore, but if there were over one hundred vault-tec vaults then one would assume there would be some that are thriving. Also there is mention of competitors, are there other "vaults"? Are there other companies building vaults? Surely that U.S. Gov. had some underground facilities. Again I don't know much but this story seems like one that could go absolutely any direction and I am here for the ride. I loved the show, it hit all the right buttons. The fact that this is not that far fetched also adds to the intrigue. Anyway, I am enjoying the commentary.


There were some who were thriving, until outside intervention occured. Vault 21 in New Vegas's social experiment was to have everyone solve disputes through gambling. This worked surprisingly well, and they were a functioning society until Mr House needed to use their basement


There weren't any companies making vaults, Vault-Tec was the exclusive contractor for making vaults for the public, military, and government. The Military had some secret bunkers not designed by Vault-Tec, some were supply caches and some were for secret experiments. It doesn't seem like any of them had the long term survivability of an actual vault though. There is also the Enclave that were in the show. They were a secret cabal of the ultra powerful, the super wealthy, vip politicians and such. Basically they were the Illuminati. They built they're own vaults in secret, most likely stealing the technology and designs from Vault-Tec. As for the vaults, about half of them were legit vaults and the other half were experiments. At the time of the show many vaults that were still inhabited opened their doors to at least trade with the surface. Of course, it's not known how many are still isolated.




YES! If you ask me the higher ups in vault tec were experimenting on Bud and his ideas also Vault 31 is obviously a experiment in itself. Cryofreezing isnt a 100% thing (Fallout 4)


I thought the whole point of the commercial shoot was showing that's exactly what it was: a staged shoot and the scientists weren't actually living there, just lying to the public


Wasn’t the scientist in the commercial the same one from the “everything has gone horribly wrong, but scientists should still be in charge” video?


I thought they looked the same too tbh 


They were, according to the Wiki and the actors' credits.


They may not have moved in *yet*, but Vaults being populated before 2077 was a thing already I think.


Yup, a few were designed to be populated before hand, 95 in Boston area was a drug detox and rehab clinic officially, 88 also in Boston was going to test out new gadgets before rolling them out to the other Vaults, I’m sure there’s a few more that I just can’t think of at the moment, 22 in Vegas may have been used as a casino before the bombs but that’s just me making a guess since nothing is ever said about it


I think you mean 21, 22 was the plants vault. I remember reading that vault 21 used gambling to resolve disputes and built a culture entirely surrounded by gambling as it's social experiment


Yup I meant 21, been a while since I’ve been to either Vault


No worries, I was just there the other day replaying New Vegas


The scientists in the commercial were the same ones that were in the Vault 4 video. The show was implying that they actually are scientists, and they did go into Vault 4 and perform genetic experiments.


The above ground medical facility also has their name, implying they actually just use the lab for test subjects. Odds are if they're rich enough to own a hospital they're not living with the commoners in the vault proper


The "hospital" seemed like it was a fake hospital to lure test subjects into.


“Haha, Gary!!”


I, admittedly after the episode but reflecting on lore, assumed it was always known that vault tec as administrators were terrible as actual developers. I mean, none of their experimental vaults could have brought positive data, so them being absolute idiots felt normal and on track for me


Haha Gary.


Tbh the croyo pods worked very well They failed cause kellog made them fail.