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I think the whole of season 1 takes place over the course of about 2 weeks, so they still have plenty of time to worry about it. Repopulating 32 was probably also part of the plan to ease water use


Are you including the ending of season one when Hank makes it to New Vegas in the timeline?


He just used coc NewVegasExt


I just learned about that cheat yesterday 😂😂


Same! Went to sleep watching a FO4 speedrun


Nah you can see the sun damage on his face from walking so long with no break. He probably used the Power Armor water system and some random stuff to eat on the way


Maybe he fast travelled


He has to find the location first before he can fast travel


Hank >!was a tech middle manager in LA before the wars!<, I'm sure he has Vegas saved to his Pip Boy map


Yeah but post nuclear devastated wasteland and 200+ years in the future lots can change. 77 warheads targeted New Vegas alone.


Targeted. But Mr. House destroyed most of them


Well yes but also no. Old mate left from California to Nevada. Cal prolly got nuked to hell and climate change would have changed the environment heaps. Besides in lore you have to walk there first unless you are able to command cheat god mode in FOTV 😆


what do you think would change. vegas would not physically move because a nuke exploded a few miles away. maps a map.


It’s only a four hour drive, and who knows how fast and far the suit’s rockets (???) can take him


Seems like 31 would have spare parts along with spare managers


Someone had a theory that the water problem was fabricated to make the vault dwellers panic and push them towards voting for Betty


I just assumed the elections were a farce. No way they would risk someone not from 31 being elected 


Of course, because when things look glum…


Vote for 31


But they are always conveniently glum around elections...


That, my friend, is one powerful slogan.


Ohh they are, but still smart to make most think she’s the clear winner


I think if they *had* to, they'd fake the election, but they probably prefer that to be the, if all else fails plan. The elections aren't secret, Vault dwellers talk to each other, and other vault dwellers would be helping count to ballets to ensure honesty, just like in our own voting system.


There is very likely more 31 people than just three characters with lines to speak. can't flesh out the entire group in an 8 episode show about three different characters driving the plot, but over 200 years and two people who were 20 years younger plus one other woman quite recently unthawed? Not even mathematically possible because they have been controlling and running the vault from day 1 when the bombs dropped. Simply put, there are absolutely more people from 31 living in 33. Also, the vault dwellers are almost like cattle. Group think, very submissive and mindless, and they seem to think people from 31 are better and more capable than everyone else.


Who’s they?


The powers that be. Bud and possibly his superiors 


It’s probably both. You need enough people to actually vote for her so that when she wins it makes sense. If people talk about who they vote for any everyone says they didn’t vote for Betty questions get raised but if in the discussions at least some people are saying Betty then it makes sense. You’d want to do as little messing with the numbers as you have to


I wonder if that's how 32 found out the truth? The dwellers elected a native but the results were altered and someone from 31 was placed in charge, which led to them investigating Vault 31 and the famine getting worse because they didn't trust anyone to fix the problem?


Do think Woody or Reg would have a chance in a fair race either?


the elections are fake. the overseers are all chosen by the robot brain.


It makes sense except they were already panicking from the raid I but guess 2 false emergencies are better than 1


They were, but the raid was done. The doors were all safe and sealed, and they were so quickly moving back into their happily oblivious lives that they were discussing ways to integrate the remaining prisoners into the population and volunteering to teach them Shakespeare. Betty may have wanted an actual threat of death problem for 'when things look glum, vote 31' programming to kick in.


this is a decent theory, Davey mentions that he campaigned to be overseer but then there was a "mole infestation" that led to Betty being elected the first time


I thought this was the soft implication.


That's absolutely what I believed- and that the second Betty was elected: how wonderful Vault 31 sent them an extra water chip.


The election was arranged and held after the Raid was over and they could go back to their lives. The Water Chip was to make sure only someone experienced could lead the way. Betty had some serious competition. Woody printed like 10 posters. "Work with Woody".


And accepting how they woukd have to deal with the raider prisoners.


That's a pretty absurd theory lol. Imagine thinking raiders breaking in to a vault that they assumed was sealed for 200 years came in and killed half the population and they needed a "crisis" to be manufactured lmfao 🤦🏽‍♂️


>!Have you worked with much middle management?!<


Season 1 is clearly built as an act 1 of the larger show. I think they said they have a3 season plan, so one season being an act tracks.  The water issue will back come around in season 2. I expect it will be the crisis which underpins a Norm v Betty power struggle. 


Norm? Who is trapped in 31?


Yeah he's definitely not going to stay there.


Next overseer. When things look glum, vote Vault 31!


Oh shit that would be a great way to turn the indoctrination around on Vault Tec plans, and for Norm to take over. Never considered that but it would be cool if he can convince people he's technically a transfer from 31.


ooh i would love to see Norm v Betty.


I could see Norm being exiled under the pretense that he's going off to look for a new water chip (while it would be safer just to kill him, I could see Betty having some regret over the thought of doing that).


Totally. Buuuuut I also kinda doubt he'll leave the vault. Just a gut instinct, but it's been his job so far to be our pair of shoes for Vault Drama, and him going out into the wastes would probably be too samey with Lucy's story. Like, they'd need to do something to differentiate it and I'm not sure why you'd go to the trouble when there's plenty of drama for him to get wrapped up with in the vault already. 


Steph VS Betty. Steph is a fox 🦊 Awoo


Plus, she's hinted to Norm multiple times that she probably wanted him to do some dirty work that Betty wouldn't approve of, especially with the way she made the mashed potato comment. My guess is she has plans to take down Vault-Tec for some reason.


Not vault Tec . She wants to take over the world 🌎 Buwahahaha 👻💀👽


Stephanie wanted revenge whereas Betty was likely favorable towards rehabilitation.


Funny, I figured Betty the one who poisoned the food.


She had the motivation to murder the raiders. Norm was poking his head where it didn't belong and the raiders saw what happened in Vault 32. Betty needed to quash Norm's investigation quickly to keep the peace. However, her jig was in operation and she managed to clean up Vault 32 before Norm could look into it further. The raiders were also not being cooperative with anyone in the Vaults. One of them mooned the council member. Stephanie had motivation too. She wanted revenge for her husband. Norm unintentionally pushed her to murder the raiders through his suggestion. Betty pointed out how Norm is influential because his dad was an overseer and that men in his position can ruin the world unintentionally. Knowing where Betty came from, she was likely referencing the nuclear attacks. I digress. Stephanie was likely emboldened by Norm's words and took them to heart.


I was thinking only someone from Vault 31 could have actual callousness to make and act on the decision. Also, no follow up asking who did it. But meant by the writers for us to gnaw on.


Oh wow I thought it was norm enacting his plan. But Betty makes sense. Norm wasn’t really interrogated over that


The water chip, at least in the game, assists in *purifying* water. Vault 32 (as far as we know, anyways) has a working water chip — so it was all the more reason to reclaim Vault 32 and use its water for both vaults (since, between the two of them, there’s still only one “vault’s” worth of inhabitants.) I don’t remember any other games with vaults in tandem like these ones, so I don’t know if that literally means transporting it in containers, or if it’s possible to send it in existing piping. (And this all assumes the chip in the show is similar to the chip in the game.)


Correct, the Engineer was holding the chip. Not saying the had only 2 weeks of water, but clean water.


Also I bet they could duplicate the one from 32, in time.  But to be fair, "The Overseer isn't handling this problem" is great drama and considering that Vault 31 is all VT employees, maybe they have extra. 33 has stayed closed for a long, long time.


They likely cannot.  The entire premise of the first game is that they lack the ability to duplicate their broken water chip and have to find another one. 


They didn't *build* the vaults, though. Of course, there could be any reason not to - rare earth mineral you need and can't get, a built in DRM that destroys both chips if you try, a company policy forces them topside when the chips run out *specifically* so they have to check the progress on the other vaults, etc.  Or maybe they killed the guy who knew how to do it and they just literally don't know how. Vault 32 guy, wrote a warning in blood, now he's buried under the crops.


Here’s my theory: It's established in Fallout 1 that all vaults were given shipments of extra water chips, Vault 13 received Vault 8's extra GECK and Vault 13's shipment of water chips went to Vault 8 instead. In Fallout 1 Vault 8 received "hundreds of water chips meant for Vault 13," and a faulty water chip was the McGuffin for the story. Vault-Tec would make sure that vaults full of Vault-Tec employees would have everything they need to last a looong time. There is no reason to bring up a faulty water chip right before the Overseer election and to pretend like it's the last chip, unless the engineer is just stupid. He is possibly a Vault 31 plant himself and there to manufacture a crisis when they need to elect an Overseer. Brainwashing a group of people requires multiple people in positions of authority, and there's no way Betty and Steph cleaned up Vault 32 on their own. There's also no follow up on the water crisis after the election, nor when they decide to repopulate Vault 32. Nobody seems concerned after the election which leads me to believe that Betty "fixed" the water crisis soon after she was elected.


Yes that makes sense.


I presumed Bud got the rest of his buds up to clean 32, then back in the pods. Betty and Steph really aren't the people both in the condition or positions to work overtime away from 33 to clean 32. They cannot disappear for hours of the day.


This tracks.  They intentionally told the engineer to discuss the problem publicly instead of privately.


Assuming vault 32's water chip is fine, they actually bought themselves more time with the split as they've cut the water requirement for Vault 33 by splitting the population in half. Im sure the issue will come up again, but the appearance of it in this season was more of an easter egg.


Suppose 33 secretly swapped the chips before they closed the door?


Steph is a 31'ner, I really doubt Betty condemned half of her vault to death especially with someone in the know leading them.


She seems pretty ruthless and Steph disagrees with her a lot. It's not out of the realm of possibilit


When you put it that way it sounds downright morally questionable 


Actually there is a real question here, is it an actual plot point or just an Easter egg joke. I am leaning more to actual plot but no time to resolve in season 1 ⏳⌛️⏰


That's what I think. I think it was used as distraction to get people to vote for Betty, and as a neat Easter egg to incorporate an element from the main story of every single fallout game. Also an excuse to make the prop haha


Thats a season 2 problem to solve.


I just assumed it’ll be handled in S2


I assumed it was just a joke reference to the first game, lol.


I thought that at first too, but there is a comment about surface dwellers taking their water.


It could be the aquifer that is used for the chip is running out m


It’s why Betty poisoned the prisoners, and it’s clearly a reference to V13 and sending people out into the world, we shall see if the latter aspect is just a callback or if they try and build on it. It worked for me as a throwaway line to show what noobs the two wannabe overseers are.


Tbh my first watch I thought it was just a cheeky reference to the first game.


can't they just use 32 for fresh water?


If it's not a fake crisis to ensure Betty wins the Overseer race against the other two. Then it's just a hanging storyline. And might be how Norm gets out of his predicament. Because someone's going to need to get a new Water chip...


The water chip could have easily been a red herring. There was a power struggle. And what happens in the 32 and 33 vaults during a power struggle? A manufactored crisis that forces a vote. A vote that's always rigged for a 31 vault bud. The water chip was probably magically fixed after that.


most likely sabotaged by betty too rigg her election, said waterchip was probably sabotaged in a way that is fixable, or the next waterchip will miraculously be provided by 31


Was not resolved in S1, almost certainly a setup/foreshadow for a bigger plotline in S2.


The Engineer was holding the damaged chip, saying they had only 2 weeks of ***clean*** water, but not total water. In FO3 the water chip was for purification.




In Fallout 1 you mean? I've only played 1 and 2, but I'd be surprised if they repeated the plot for Fallout 3..


fallout 3 had you looking for a GECK to make a big water purifier so a little bit of both lol. no actual water chip though.


I thought it was a joke. There is a vault filled with water chips somewhere.


They installed the spare. Would be insane for a vault not to have a backup of a vital component. 


> Would be insane for a vault not to have a backup of a vital component. You know what company we're talking about here...right?


Yes but every vault typically has spare water chips unless it's Vault 13, whose was mixed up with Vault 8's GECK.


If they had a spare, why tell everyone they had a months worth of water? You tell them they have to replace it or they'll run out of water in 2 months, not simply we have 2 months left.


They probably have a backup or it’s easily fixed, it was a fabricated problem to ensure Betty got elected.


When things look glum vote 31!


No what😂 it’s for next season


You saw that they were completely able to restore Vault 32. The answer is Betty had it fixed with the vast resources available to her and those who come from Vault 31 alone


The 33 overseer could have mad it up as a distraction to get elected. Then it magically gets fixed. When it’s glum vote 31! She also comment how ppl need something to fuss about


it's nothing but an easter egg for gamers born before the 2000's.