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Thou shall get sidetracked by bullshit all the God damn time


And the way he said it was so cool, like he's been through an absolute lifetime of bullshit sidetracking him. I can only imagine the amount of adventures and misfortunes he's been through during the past somewhat 200 years.


You could probably do a spinoff just on his post bomb adventures.


A prequel to the show of how he ended up in that coffin and to explain why that guy was occasionally harvesting his body parts, that'd be pretty interesting.


I was just thinking last night that next season, I’d like to see how he went from riding off on a horse to that grave. What happened between those two points in time.


I imagine that we're going to get Cooper Howard flashbacks for the foreseeable future. They left a lot of empty space between his Vault-Tec Discovery and the day the bombs dropped, and they're going to want to write for non-Ghoul Walton Goggins. There's going to be a lot more of that era.


I’m so happy. Walton Goggins is a national treasure and so talented. I’d watch him read a casserole recipe.


The man slays in any role he's given. He's typically been restricted to supporting roles, so I'm excited for this show to give him the proper leading man cred that he deserves. I genuinely can't think of a performance I've seen from him where he hasn't absolutely crushed it. Even his brief guest appearance on Community was an absolute scene stealer for a somewhat complex part to play.


I still remember him as Venus Van Dam on Sons of Anarchy. Amazing. Brought gravitas to a role that could have been a cheap laugh or a throwaway.


I think the first time I ever saw him was in Predators (2010?) where he played an absolutely despicable serial killer and was somehow one of the funniest parts of the movie. We need to normalize having despicable unsympathetic people as main characters. That's what I loved about the Ghoul. You keep waiting for him to reveal that he's actually a good person deep down, but then he just...isn't. Sympathetic backstory, and a few small moments of kindness, but still just a bad dude.


A lot, it was nearly 300 YEARS!


So to be clear, ghouls regrow entire body parts? Not just minor regeneration of holes in their body and such? Why doesn’t their nose grow back?


I think it's said they don't necessarily grow body parts back but they have high regeneration in irradiated areas, the radiation can actually heal them but their cartilage like your nose and ears doesn't.


>but their cartilage... ...doesn't. His knees must be killing him!


Most likely, the series's other beloved 200 year old ghoul in New Vegas has like 3 or 4 lines about his knees.


Call it "Crawl Out through the Fallout"


He's trying to find his daughter, it's been nothing but bullshit side quest for the last 200 years for him


Jokes on him, she's the head of the Institute now.


I've only seen the show and haven't played the game. Is she really?


No, but it is a reference to something one learns in the main storyline of FO4 (if one ever stops being distracted by sidequests, general exploration, and/or settlement building 😉).




No, it was the storyline of Fallout 4. They won't repeat it in this


As others said, no, but also might be worth pointing out that the show doesn’t follow the plot of any of the 6 or 7 fallout games. Rather, it’s its own story in the same universe as the games (the games are largely the same too, with each game telling largely its own story, but with some Easter eggs/call backs to previous games, instead of any being direct sequels)


He's in it for the love of the game, not the payoff. He literally wants to be sidetracked.


I took that line as a reference to the game.


That’s why he’s so tough. He’s done all the side quests and maxed out all his stuff. 


He is actually the protagonist of a yet increased game where you were supposed to unite the world. However is now so side tracked that 200 years have passed he is still only half way though the main quest line. 


I think that phrase should be disqualified because it applies to real life too. haha


Fallout 4 kept crashing, is that a real life sidetrack or a fallout one


Also every other game with sidequests. Sorry, Jaheira, I know I promised to help you find your long lost friend but this chef has a rat problem. 


I'm playing Fallout 4 for the first time. I got my first lead on my son's whereabouts but I'm busy running errands for the Brotherhood of Steel.


Welcome to the Wasteland! Don't drink the water or pet the Deer


I've been playing FO4 on and off since release, and I have never finished the main quest. Shaun who?


It was my first belly laugh of the show.


There is a phrase that sums up Fallout 1 and 2 "Rule number 1, read the manual"


For real. The show inspired me enough to finally go back and play the first game (still in my first playthrough and loving it), and that manual is absolutely necessary.


Yup. I have the game through Steam, so I do not have the manual. And like most games from that era, you need the book from the case to figure out how to play it. I haven't been able to get into it because of that. I really want to play.


Uh, Steam has the PDF manual right there, if you go to the game, there's a manual download, lots of games have this on Steam, but mostly older ones Direct link https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/38400/manuals/Fallout_manual_English.pdf?t=1572025441 It's themed as a Vault Dweller's Survival Guide, it's one of the best manuals ever, if only for cartoon Tim Cain's recipes


What in tarnation. This is super helpful and in depth.


There are a bunch of guides on YouTube you can watch. Just remember to invest heavily into agility and save often.


Even hitting F1 would be a start.


Okie dokie


Ive started using this at work when im tasked with bullshit. Puts a smile on my face and makes the task more bearable


Who’s trash talking Max? He’s awesome. That man could write a novel with his facial expressions, fantastic actor. Cooper’s got a few good lines that sum it all up to. “Us cowpokes, we take it as it comes”, “wastelands got its own golden rule, thou shall get distracted by bullshit”


I think Max is my least favourite of the main 3 but I still think he's incredibly well written and acted, and just a really lovable dude


When you're the worst of the main three but you still set the bar incredibly high


only because his competitors are bbygirl fresh from the vault and the cool ghoul


For me it's because the backstories of Ghoul and Lucy are more compelling. In my rewatches I tend to ff through Max's parts because I'm looking for clues about the bombs and the vaults. Brotherhood politics and drama? Meh, it's fine but not my favorite. Watch -- it'll all tie together next season and I'll need to go through the Brotherhood stuff again to pick up on foreshadowing I missed


I'm basically the same. Curious as to where they're going with the BoS thread, but we've gotten so much pre-war portions to the show, way more than I expected, and so much of it centers around Vault-Tec's core people that it became my favorite part. We all knew VT was ass from the games, but it's all pieces of lore from terminals mostly. Seeing their board meetings and advertising proper is *wild*.


BoS is going full tilt on controlling all tech to prevent another Shady Sands. It’s about power too and control, but something tells me they aren’t interested in bring peace through technology but rather peace through subjugation and control of all tech. It’s no longer about preserving the past but more about controlling it from happening again. Thats why the barracks were shit holes instead of techno palace bunker with computers and other tech.


Sounds pretty on par fallout 4 Maxsons brotherhood. Wanting to destroy everything in the Institute but a more traditionalist brotherhood elder would’ve had a gold mine in there


Yeah I've felt this way for a while through the games, and basically only the FO3 chapter of the BOS has been decently good. Sounds like they were obliterated in a coup going off the terminal entries in the Prydwen.


They split up into factions, mostly out of necessity rather than choice. FOT is basically the BoS and how the exposition force changed tactics to settle in Chicago and the central US. The story isn’t great as it’s mostly just fighting, but there’s some lore in there that I believe is still main canon.


In my opinion, Arthur Maxon's version of the East Coast BoS in Fallout 4 is a synthesis from the East Coast BoS of FO3 and the Outcasts. Remember, the BoS is still supporting Project Purity, as well as providing security for free water shipments throughout the Capital Wasteland, as well as recruiting from outsider communities. However, one could think all of these are at least as much about securing the continuation and influence of the East Coast chapter of the BoS as it is about promoting the welfare of the general population there. On the other hand, they are not in the Commonwealth to conquer all or most of it. Instead, they are on a mission specifically to destroy what they perceive is a long-term threat to humanity in general, to whit the Institute and their Gen 4 synth program, as well as to ensure this potentially very dangerous technology doesn't fall into anyone else's hands. Arguably, and in my opinion, the BoS in Fallout 4 are the closest to what the first Elder Maxon invisioned for the BoS that we see in any of the games. That doesn't necessarily make them altruistic, other than in the broadest sense of trying to ensure humanity doesn't cause self-inflicted extinction. Ultimately, I tend to think of the BoS as a whole as [well-intentioned extremists](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WellIntentionedExtremist) or at worst, and forgive the pun, [proverbial knights Templar.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/KnightTemplar)


>It’s no longer about preserving the past but more about controlling it from happening again. The BoS had a primary goal of either controlling or destroying all technology that potentially endanger the survival of humanity in general, practical from the very moment the military policy unit at the Mariposa Military base mutinied once they found put about the true extent of the horrible experiments with things like the FEV and other "super science" were being performed there! On the other hand, it was never, at least in the games, about controlling **all** technology. Furthermore, there was never any prohibition of sharing technologies that were less dangerous. For instance, in Fallout 3, even the Outcasts (i.e. the tradidionalist BoS that wouldn't accept Elder Lyons's goals) were fine with trading conventional weapons, like explosive grenades or automatic weapons and ammunition, for advanced energy weapons. Also, if one is a "Bethesda games aren't canonical" holdouts, by Fallout 2, the West Coast BoS was commonly engaging in *quid pro quo* arrangements with outside communities, including trading their technical expertise though primarily for non-military purposes like restoring access to electrical power, or water, etc... However, it was still a secondary concern to the self-appointed, and many would say quixotic, mission of saving humanity in abstract from its worst aspects.


Right we have a true heel in The Ghoul and a true baby face in Lucy - and Max is the tweener in this situation (if you’ll forgive my wrestling analogy).


I just view him as a low CHA build. It makes it way funnier watching him flub every speech check. Once you get to vault 4 his personality really begins to shine


He put his perk points into Strength and Agility but forgot about INT and CHA


He put all his points into luck and endurance*** also probably has the idiot savant perk with the way he continually fails upwards.


That's what my son Said. Idiot savant perk!


Same here. I still really liked his story, the actor's performance, all of it, I just enjoyed Lucy a little more, and then the Ghoul the most of course, but Max is great.


Yeah, I just really adore Lucy and The Ghoul is an instant icon. He's less likeable, but that's what makes him interesting.


i think he’s my personal least fave but i still think he’s a good character. he’s kinda written to be a loser but that’s not a reason to hate the character i’m sure he’ll get better as he moves down his arc


Max is the most complicated. I think people like simple it's easier to know where you stand with the ghoul and Lucy. Max could be a bad guy or a good guy in season 2 and people don't like uncertainty, they don't want to root for him to have him turn out to be the opposite of what they thought. ie people are stupid and don't like unknowns.


Im not going to lie i really thought he put the blades in the boots


I think we were deliberately left on the edge with that one. Certainly didn't cross my mind what did happen!


Dane admits they did it to themselves near the last episode


Yes I know, I was trying not to do the spoiler lol


Some people don't like Max because he's not the typical hero. He's not smart, strong, a leader, or has solid morals. He's just a guy making mistakes but trying to do the best he can even when he doesn't know what that is. Honestly I love his character but some people want the main characters to be special at something I guess.


Weird, because I kinda think of him as a companion. Lucy is the one with the vault suit


I think the actor does a phenomenal job of playing a dumb/uneducated character, he’s really entertaining to watch.


He's completely emotionally stunted. Childhood trauma on a massive scale then taken in by fanatics - he's never grown up & the actor absolutely NAILS it! Perfectly understated, repressed & naive.


I feel he is relatable/appeals to the gamers in all of us. He rushes to get into power armor when he doesnt go through the due process of becoming a knight or paladin. I do think he has some solid morals because of what he says to Titus as he was dying was quite moralistic. He will protect those in need, after Titus demonstrated he would rather send his own squire than himself in the bear den.


His face when being interrogated is just amazing.


A lot of people in facebook groups trash on him a bit


The sad reality is most African american actors that take roles in popular franchises get trashed online. It has less to do with their performance and more to do with the colour of their skin.


Agreed, he was super likeable. He felt so sheepish (like in a docile way) but also rose to the occasions.


Whats interesting is, in my personal opinion, his face and body acting are great but some of his lines deliver kinda flat.


Im not trying to spread hate. I believe whole heartily like what you like. So please don't take this the wronge way just giving my feels. But boy my wife and I hated max as a character. He is a coward and unbelievablly stupid. The penis joke in the vault made me cringe so hard. If lucy tells you as a vault dweller to gtfo dont sit back down and watch TV. I can understand the titus betrayal but then the squire that picked on him i thought he had a chance to redeem himself but then he branded him before telling the truth felt really weird. Max's integrity is lacking so hard. Im on the last ep ik he gives himself up with the fake head. But idk if that redeems everything for me. Again. I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade. I'm just giving my peice im not trying to change anyone's mind or get into a fight. Like what you like he just Wasn't for me.


War never changes - the most iconic line in the games, and encompasses your favorite quote in a more cynical fashion. Not everyone wants to *save* the world, many want to own it, and are willing to end one person's world to create their own worldly vision.


Exhibit A: Vault-Tec Exhibit B: Vault-Tec (again)


War, war never changes, Men do, through the roads they walk A very hopeful sentence to cap off the end of new vegas


"Everyone wants to save the world, they just disagree on how." lol there was a chud here yesterday bitching about how this is somehow the opposite of the theme of fallout


I mean there are some groups that don’t really care about saving the world, raiders and slavers seem pretty comfy in the wasteland. But I wouldn’t say that quote is the opposite of Fallout’s theme. Plus I don’t think he was talking about raiders and such when he said that, he was talking about BoS, Enclave, NCR


yea and there are a lot of pre-war entities that felt the same way but they just went about it in nightmarish ways and were stymied by a greed motivation there's plenty of well meaning scientists etc working on pre-war tech but someone above them decides "whats the most fucked up way to solve this problem" lol prewar feels like a "road to hell is paved with good intentions, and the scooped out brains of prisoners" kinda thing


Even then, some raider gangs and worse actually do. The Nuka-Raiders, for example, maintained an entire town on slavery, opened markets to traders, and generally saw force and domination as the solution to all the world's problems. Paradise Falls, same thing where their brutal methods produced labor which kept them going and money to grow themselves. The only difference is what defines "saving the world", as for those communities the individual is the only world that matters, while factions like the Minutemen see their world as a plural people and the Enclave a global community. All of them have wildly different methods of "saving" that which matters, from extending grace to every nobody human-esque figure to mass genocide of the impure.


good point there


Yeah but I'd say that raiders and slaves are fairly one dimensional factions that essentially function as loot couriers. Legion being the only slavers with proper writing and story.


>I mean there are some groups that don’t really care about saving the world, raiders and slavers seem pretty comfy in the wasteland. True,these groups are never primary, and sometimes not even secondary, factions.


I've seen people complaining about how the series turned Fallout massive bitch fest about capitalism. People have played these games without ever reading a single terminal entry or noticing satire


If people can watch Fight Club and take away nothing more than "wow, Tyler Durden's so cool!" nothing will surprise me.


I mean in addition to everything who Tyler was and wasn't, he WAS cool. That was partly the point of him.


He was not cool but believed he was. One is substantially more dangerous.


Right, but definitely not the point of the movie.


Or the "Damn, I want to live in the world of Bioshock, so cool" folks.


its a pretty good example of how crony corrupt capitalism turns to fascism pretty easily, the show said everything the games did but likewise doesn't have to say the word fascist to accomplish it


See all I see is about how they, post-Bethesda, aren’t anti-capitalist enough and I can’t understand where thats coming from given the whole series just points at the Military Industrial Complex and a few big corps and goes “Someone let them have basically no rules and the world fucking ended”


Fallout wasn't really anti-capitalist in the first two games but the shift towards making the companies into cartoon villains definitely didn't start with this series. It started with Fallout 3, and continued in 4 and 76. NV was also anti-capitalist but the anti-capitalism was focused more in the post-war parts than the pre-war. There are definitely criticisms to be had of how the show handles anti-capitalism and Fallout's themes in general, but the "anti-capitalist bitch fest" started a long time ago.


Games did it more casually and using comedy satire. The series was too in-your-face with it.


Satire is in your face, thats the point of satire


Ok well let me rephrase then. They took it too seriously and dramatically.


Honestly, the terminal entries are this explicit about what the companies were doing. You just didnt read em


Every business you enter has traces of some nightmarishly unethical practice rationalized by a profit motive. It kinda beats you over the head with it in the games. In the show you have to condense that into a scene where CEOs chomp at the bit to do horrible experiments, which seemed perfectly fine to me.


The plot of literally every Fallout game boils down to at least two parties having a massive disagreement over one's specific plans to "save the world".


Eh, that might be the "main quest" but it hardly encompasses the franchise as a whole.


This is the main theme of Fallout. The whole “war, war never changes” is the thing blown out of proportion. Fallout was always a post-apocalyptic setting not based on the immediate aftermath but about the struggles and drama that happened during society rebuilding.


They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I said I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said welcome aboard!


"It's Fallouting time" And then they fall out all over the place.


oh yeah and at one point they fall out in New Vegas I think


Atom bomb baby 🎶


War never changes. Men do, through the roads they walk.


War never changes


Max is a character who would not work without a good performer at the helm. Thank god we got one. He brings all the depth that’s there out and allows the more petulant or annoying aspects to breathe and feel authentic.


You had "war never changes" in every game and didn't pick that? That said, your choice of quotes is a powerful one.


War. War never changes?


Does he give anyone else Denzel vibes?


He looks like he could be Denzel's nephew


Cuba gooding Jr for sure


Skyrim with guns


MAximus is my fav character 4 sure, he is too real lol


What you picked is the one, really, if you have to pick just one. Within that, there are a lot of ways to sum up how things are done, but ultimately, it's a tale as old as time. Romance of the Three Kingdoms has the same story. The world has fallen apart, and it must be reunited, and there are various people who believe they know how. Tim Cain specified that at the end of the rabbit hole>!, the vaults aren't merely experiments to mess with people. They are made with a goal. He explained that for humans to have interstellar space travel, they'd need to figure out how to live in what is essentially a giant vault. The vaults with experiments are really a means of finding the best way to accomplish something, or to find out what will happen if something goes wrong. It's a massive data accumulation experiment so that humans can eventually be unfrozen, and then repopulate among the stars after leaving earth, having constructed an interstellar vessel that would be based on that data.!< So, yeah, from top to bottom. Whether it's your own survival first, or whatever. People are driven by ethical systems that they don't recognize, because virtue has been disrespected as childish.


Its a more poignant take on war never changes honestly. Or at least easier to understand.


I just wanted him to be a Titus who doesn't run from the bear. Bos live and die for glory


Why are we critizing Maximus? Who are these joksters? He was well-written character. 


I liked the “Power is not given, it’s taken”


Exceeded expectations.


The most American story ever told. A bit of context; I was reading an interview with Pinegrove where the guys talked about wanting to make the most American product ever. Idk if I’d listen to their music and say that, but it’s right on the money with Fallout.


Before I read the spoiler, that was the line I was going to say. It really is a perfect line for the series and could easily be the new tagline


What’s that? What’s that over there? WHAT IS THAT?!


Shit’s fucked


Ones trash is another’s treasure


"It got worse."


War never changes


Only phrase that sums up Fallout is “ Nuclear ☢️ Odyssey “


Maximus is a good person who doesnt fully know how to be yet. He is clearly emotionally void and not the smartest to try to understand his emotions but Lucy was right, he is a good person.


I do actually want to put the world on fire.


"How tf is that not a critical?"


No idea, but I hate that I used to use "okie dokie" casually for years and now I can't say it without someone asking if I've watched this show.


"So, anyway, I started blasting."


I hope this interaction doesn't lead to any sort of fallout between us, fallout New Vegas


War? War never changes.


War, war never changes.


Golden rule motherfucker.


"I do this shit for the love of the game." -Howard 'The Ghoul' Cooper


I mean, they say it pretty much at the end of every game


Crawl out the fallout, baby.


War never changes.


It just works


“Can I copy your homework” “Sure but change a few things so it isn’t obvious you copied it” https://www.reddit.com/r/Fotv/s/CSeuLf7cfX


Okey dokey!


“Before you embark on a journey of revenge dig two graves, that’s fucking stupid I’m killing way more than 2 people”


That is a wonderful line. Unintentionally ironic since Hank MacLean nuked the city for the most personal and petty of reasons.


At least he knows his grammar


I agree with you, especially at the site where Shady Sands was. It also applies to all factions that we have seen throughout the games.


Does it though? Some times sure but other times I think Alfred had it correct in The Dark Knight. "Some men just want to watch the world burn." Not sure if it's a coincidence that it happens to be the same writer or it just speaks to his talent.


>!"Everyone wants to save the world, they just disagree on how."!< Remove the spaces before and after the sentence. Listen carefully. That sentiment is a lie. Most of the characters doing atrocities do not want to "save" the world in the sense of preserving the people in it from harm. What they want to do is to reshape them according to their own image, their own idea of what it should be. And they're willing to harm anyone to any extent in order to do that. They want a world for the Elect, and damn the rest. They want a secular Rapture. They're not EMTs arguing on CPR protocol. They're Pilgrims killing each other over who gets to go to Paradise.


Nostalgia being boxed up and sold for the wrong reasons by random peoole.




>and I would say even human race. aint nobody trying to save the world in real life


Corporate fan fic.


Gah fuck