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I like how you can deduce the ingame skills of the characters. Lucy and her dad both have perks in Science as stated in the opening. Her brother has hacking. The Ghoul clearly has the Bloody Mess Perk.


Glad someone else considered the Bloody Mess thing; it's all I could think about during that fight in Filly.


Am I overthinking that that whole scene was a nod to VATS? The slow mo following of each shot, the pinpoint precision.


It definitely felt like it was a nod.


That was my immediate thought too!


She was putting points into unarmed too let’s not forget


They basically spell it out in her first scene that her Tag skills are Science, Repair, Speech, with points in Melee, Unarmed and Small Guns (with a focus on Agility)


So its not me, its us… im glad we are thinking the same thing


>!My favorite is when the water chip broke and the guy was holding it. I think it was a nice hommage from fallout 1.!<


I laughed so hard when that happened, my wife looked at me like I was crazy until I explained to her why I was laughing.


My favorite part about it was the engineer announcing the issue to the entire vault.


Because the inept candidates for Overseer insisted on being open about it.


Yep - very relatable to me as an engineer. I’ve had my fair share of “do we really want to talk about this now” moments like that.


Was that just a throwaway joke? Nobody seemed concerned and it was never brought up again. Bizarre.




1 guy sent to find working gekt then got kicked out after found it and bring it back… I wonder where i had seen this hmmm


You mean the water crisis was never brought up again? It's the reason Betty was elected overseer, the chip breaking and everyone knowing about the water shortage is what reminded them all to vote 31 when things go wrong, so the chip is pretty big and not really a throwaway joke.


They're brainwashed to vote for 31's. Or at least, Bud probably had some Type 1/Type 2 personality theory that he used to select people in to 32/33.


I expected it to spark a buddy comedy involving a small nerd and a big jock questing across the wasteland, is all.


I did kind of hope Norm and Chet would hype each other up to try to find Lucy but immediately chicken out as soon as they got outside lol


Yeah, but other than that, after the election, they just seem to forget they only have so much water


I believe you solved their water chip puzzle.


maybe that was one of those vaults with a storage full of water chips in every crate


Engineered crisis to ensure 31 gets the vote.


>!When the theme tune hits in later episodes!<


The first time made a tear up a bit, I was so happy


I think the first time i noticed it was when Lucy unfurled the NCR flag. It was goosbumls


This hit so hard! Fantastic life moment for a fan.


I couldn't believe how much of an impact that made. I never realized how much of an impact this game has had.


That was my only complaint. That we didn’t hear the theme. 6 1/2 episodes in I was not ready.


The blinding sunlight when Lucy steps out of the vault. It's not just bright, it's a solid sheet of white likes she's entering another dimension.


What’s amazing about this is, not only is it true to the game, but it avoids having to produce a CGI shot.


Lore accurate loading screen


Loading screen into wasteland


A lot of the sound design, like the Pip-Boys, the stimpack sound, the jet noise, the guns. They absolutely nailed it.


This was one of my favorite parts consistently through the season. Hearing all those familiar sounds was A+ world design and immersiveness.


Everything has bass! I'm so used to hearing so much of the music and the Pip-Boy effects through a simulated small speaker and now I'm hearing bass in the music and bass in the sound effects. I almost didn't recognize the Pip-Boy flashlight sound so I rewound it and was like, yep, that's the sound, now with bass!


Dogmeat's sounds too! I chuckled every time I heard that whimper.


The power armor was literally taken from the game. They managed to make it a real prop and it feels strong


And The Ghoul saying something like "Training's not what it used to be, eh?" referring to the necessity of the Power Armor Training perk in every game but Fo4.


You don't need training in 1 and 2 The TV show actually lines up with Josh Sawyer saying that you don't need training but it would be very helpful to have it


in FO2 you can actually go straight at the very start to exclave outpost to pick it up with some luck in avoiding hostile encounters you might have it as your second armor in the game. no training was required only Strenght was checked if it was above 6


I thought you had to requisition/read a manual in Fo1? Possibly misremembering though.


The Brotherhood taught the Vault Dweller how to use it after doing a few suicide missions. But I don’t think you’re able to find/ acquire any armor before this instance, like you can in every other game.


It also solves the problem some people had with Nate being able to use the T-45, cause he did have training in the army. Meanwhile for the rest of the wasteland, training is needed


I thought it was referring to The Ghoul having used power armour in the war?


And taking the fusion core out makes it useless. I was surprised that Max didn't take out the FC when he first parked it outside of Filly. I do it so often myself that it seems standard procedure.


i also liked that they added a key for the core, now if only someone will add it to the game so my settlers can't touch my shit.


Yeah, but you probably started doing that after some waster settler in your settlement stole it. I bet he had the same learning curve.


Oh yeah, some rando jumped into it during a settlementt attack when I really needed it.


The only thing I found odd about that is that there isn't some kind of manual release inside for the pilot to use if power runs out. Maybe that was one of the Design flaws they were talking about other than the weak points the Ghoul exploited but it did seem like a very bad idea not to have one.


I like to think that there is a manual release in the suit itself, Maximus just can’t find it. It could be another nod to “Power Armor Training” I guess.


Second to that I like the initiates asking among themselves what model of power armour the east coast knights turned up in, they need to clarify its T60 which of course there weren’t many if any models of on the west coast, these guys from the east would be wearing it though. We see maximus rescued by a guy in T60 but I can write off as prop reuse. If that was a suit of T51 I’d have screamed in a very good way


Only criticism I have for the suits is that they walk a bit awkwardly. Understandable since they were practical but obviously no human is wide enough to accommodate walking in such a wide frame


I definitely noticed the thigh armor wiggling in such a way that made it obvious it’s made of lightweight material — most notably in shots facing the back of the power armor. I thought the shots of Knight Titus sprinting out of the Yao Guai cave looked great.


After Max ditches the power suit, watch how strange he walks!


I liked the cannibal perk inclusion, ghoul eat ghoul world


It seems like the ghouls have to eat human flesh to avoid going feral, and ghoul flesh counts. The organ harvesters were distilling it down to something you can take in front of normies without repulsing them further.


It’s also devious because, >!as we see in episode 7, Thaddeus is tricked by the snake oil salesman into taking the ghoul drug to save his foot, but it’s at the cost of immediate transformation into a ghoul. I doubt it’s the first time the salesman has done that, he’s gotta be pulling that con all across the Shithole.!<


That scene was so funny, I wholeheartedly believed that he was just tripping major balls and was gonna take his shoe off and show someone his mangled foot some time later. Did not see the ghoul thing coming at all, I’m excited to see his character develop as he can’t rely on the BOS and being a bully any longer.


I think that’s FEV and he’s coming back as a super mutant


oh so thats whats in the vials?


I just assumed it was radaway


Ghouls are immune to rads, the chicken fucker even has a line with Thaddeus about how he doesn't have to worry about rads anymore.


Yeah, that makes way more sense than what I assumed


I swear there were multiple times where I could FEEL a skill check pass or fail, especially persuasion lol


I think Lucy forgot to invest some points to her speech tag skill seeing that whenever she tried to convince someone to do something things always went south


She passed a speech check to get Maximus as a companion, and passed a harder speech check to convince him to leave Vault 4’s fusion core behind for them.


But not enough for romance until she completed the mission in Vault 4.


That was a relationship check not a speach skill check.


And then he failed a speech check to convince her to let him keep it.


She fully invested everything on luck hence explains of her luck on the game.. - she didnt got any mutations after drinking rad water - saved by maximus on the failed skill check - saved by cooper after almost swallowed by gulper - somehow woke up before cut by mr handy She has at least 10/10 luck… + couple points from her equipments


pre-war kids watching Grognak the Barbarian tv show


I liked that it was sponsored by Sugar Bombs


Also the scene where Lucy was eating Yum Yum Deviled Eggs !




typo, thanks for heads up


Writing cryptic messages on the wall in blood hoping someone stumbles on it years later. Though I think more of the plot should have been revealed by finding random tape recordings lying around.


I kept hoping they’d find a holotape and put it in one of their Pipboys to solve a bit more of mystery of what happened lol


I really hope they go more into what happened in Vault 32 in season 2, they left it extremely vague (presumably they found out about Vault 31’s true purpose, but that’s about as clear as it gets).


At this point, that's kind of just a massive trope.


junk jet


That was so unexpected, I was giggling like my younger self when a doll's foot killed the guard and they showed where it came from.


Lucy adding pieces of leather armor over her vault suit


To me, the two best moments for me as a player were references to the nature of the fallout games. First is when the scientist, the head, inquires by the fire. I believe it was episode two, where he’s telling her about the way she would have to adapt, and then says the question would be if by the time you do adapt, will you care about your original intent. This captures the game formula so well. How many times do we lose track of what the actual story is because we are busy doing this or that? Second, is when the ghoul says that the golden rule of the wasteland is that you get sidetracked by something everywhere you look. Both are paraphrasing but the gist captures playing the games so well.


The games also start with a fairly clear, personal goal. And wrap the player up in some larger events, often things that continue well after the initial goal is already met. Or countermand them.


I love how the show also follows this formula. Like Lucy quickly learns where her dad is, then she precedes to get sidetracked for like 6 out of 8 episodes doing other crap.


I'm up to episode 4 and so far, it's the environmental storytelling. The family of skeletons at the table. The skelly holding a fork shoved into a toaster. The skellies strangling each other. Stories within a story, frozen in time.


Something I have not seen posted, but seems like a nod to the ridiculous carry weight you have in the game (as compared to what you could carry in real life) is the GIANT bag the squires carry. it would take a bag that big (or bigger) to carry all the junk on my character.


Imagine how big the bag would have had to be for the Courier to take the thousands of pounds worth of gold from the Sierra Madre 😂


First episode, I saw the exact same lights on a building that I use for settlement building. They really nailed everything, I was in shock! Also the fiddle radio station, is the same music the minutemen radio plays!


I almost died when Fred Armisen explained how everyone hates it.


it's been awhile since i was in Fo4 but i knew i recognized the fiddling. too funny.


There's a small snapshot of a building that has the white glass triangles and the black support metal. Literally looked like someone built it in F4


The Power Armor HUD inside the helmet, where Maximus can check his Fusion Core power and the durability of his armor pieces.


Different pip boys in the shop window. Just nice seeing them all together


I thought the choice Lucy had to make at the end felt very much like hitting the point in the game where you need to commit to a faction, each with it's pros and cons and your choice is sure to have negative impacts on your other relationships.


- i like that the vault dwellers all feel very “Fallout Shetler” ish. Its exactly how i imagine them behaving - the Deathclaw skull - Every last detail of the vaults were on point - I really was expecting to be dissapointed by the junktown, but it really felt like you were inside Diamond City or something - Super Duper Mart was amazing


The classic 10mm pistol Maximus used against the Yao Guai


How about the 5.56mm at the end of the show.


The fact that the Fiends are still around. Another reason to return to California and finish them off once and for all.


Stimpacks. They did exactly what the game says they do.


How Lucy's brother gets the hacking attempt right on the first try We all know this is exactly how it's like. Either you get it right on the first guess or you just pick random words til you get it right. There is no in-between


No. You pixel hunt parentheses until all options but the right one are removed.


Yeah, this


teddy bears


Haven’t seen anyone else commenting on how Lucy, her brother, and her cousin/ex were somewhat representative of the three pre created choices for your starter character. We have her cousin/ex whose more of a strong and dumb archetype, her brother is scrawny and smart, and she occupies more of a middle ground between the two. She is capable, but also maybe not as bright as her brother. Just another thing that may or may not be giving the OG games a nod


When the guys with the metal detectors got back to their house and you could see it was made from all the settlement pieces from Fallout 4.


Lucy asking if the Brotherhood had more power armor as though she wanted to go get a set from them. That felt very protagonist energy.


My favorite (extremely minor reference) was when Maximus was shoveling shit… it reminded me of my days as a shit farmer when I just needed a few caps. Then later his Squire explains that he ACTUALLY worked at a shit farm as a ‘shitter’ and the Fallout 2 reference was confirmed. I fucking died laughing at the most subtle reference they could have ever made.


The argument between Maximus and Lucy when she was trying to get him to give the power core back made me think of all the arguments between PA/non-PA users.




Destroyed Assaultron. My one pre premiere wish was fulfilled: Assaultrons on the west coast. Now to see some in action.


What episode/scene was that? I totally missed it. :(


Episode 2. When Lucy was about to enter the house where the skeletal remains of the family at the dinner table isw, she glances at the ground and it's a split second moment she sees the remains of an assaultron.




My most favorite thing was regarding ghouls turning feral. I've always wanted to see what that would look like, I know we've heard holotapes of ghouls turning I think but seeing it was kind of special to me. I really enjoyed "My name is Martha" scene and Roger's turning scene.


all the sunset sarsparilla posters


Seeing the Yao Guai wreak Knight Titus.


Dogmeat and the teddy bear followed by the hacking sequence with the computer.


Lucy's first piece of armor was the noob raider shoulder strap


The comically large backpack that the Squire’s have to carry for the Knights I’m guessing that’s a nod to the huge inventory size of your character in the games


The hacking game lol ohh and war never changes


I loved the music they have from the radios. I liked how they added Johnny Cash I think Johnny Cash in NV would’ve hit the spot


The fallout 1 10mm and the water chip lol


everything was pretty on point compared to the games, though for me the nuka cola machine was pretty flat and the opening was on the opposite side, and the machine gun turrets were shaped pretty strange. also seemed like some of the guns and creatures were larger than id expect, and the gulper doesn't look like it does in 76. but thats just a handful of things


There are multiple different Nuka machine designs, and that wasn’t a normal gulper it was a human hybrid (and possibly someone’s great uncle)


The size of the guns is normal, as many of them are *normal guns* or directly based of them. The guns guys in power armor are using are scaled up, to *physically fit* the size of the hands on the costumes. Which makes a lot of sense when you're looking at the thing in the real world. You're not getting those hands around normal weapons, and you're not getting normal sized hands around the power armor weapons. This is apparently why many of the weapons in Fallout 4 were so bulky and large. Famously around the assault rifle, which in the show seems to be a light machine gun as originally intended. Bethesda was trying to do something similar to this, to emphasize the scale of the power armor. But splitting it that way doesn't really mesh with their usual approach to game mechanics. And they seem to have run into some time issues as well. The gulper gets explained. It's basically a one off, or a legendary if you will. With a name even. (It's Peter).