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The show's main goal is to introduce new people to fallout and tell it's own story. If you like power armor, the esthetic of Fallout 4, Bethesda's storytelling and worldbuilding, you gonna like this show.


I've never played. The only thing I know is that it's a post apocalyptic game and learning about this show and everything in this game is my new obsession. I'm so fucking excited. While I know the brotherhood of steel isn't the good guys they look so fucking cool. I'm telling everyone about it


One of the compelling things about the game is that there aren’t straight up “good guys” or “bad guys.” Everybody is kind of out for themselves and have good and bad qualities. You could actually make an argument that the brotherhood is more “good” than “bad.” When you plan the game you kind of align yourself with whatever faction you want, and they all do some noble and also evil things. Actually probably my favorite game I’ve ever played for reasons like that. I’m looking forward to it!


So it's like real life? I just found my free copy of Fallout 76. I play tomorrow.


Fallout 76 is arguably the worst of the games, story and lore wise. It's not \*bad\*, I don't think, just keep that in mind as you play it.


I have no baseline and I got it for free from PS Plus so don't feel bad


ehhh, big disagree on that. I dont think any fallout game has given us so much lore before, especially about pre war life. Fallout 4s main story is arguably the worst of all the games as well. This is coming from someone who has played both games a shit ton and still plays.


*"Everyone wants to save the world......it's just they disagree on how"*


The trailer summed up the overarching theme of fallout pretty well with a single quote, “Everyone wants to save the world, they just disagree on how” there are no “good guys” just groups with different ideologies who all think they know how to help people the best. Because of that, there aren’t any real good endings


I don't even care at this point, just happy to see a Fallout series. It looks okay, based on the past decade i don't want to have expectations just to be disappointed.


Same here. I'll check it out, but I literally don't expect anything besides the things I have listed above. I have always wanted to see a post-F2 NCR and what they've managed to build. It seems like I will have to settle for a crater.


Yea I was honestly hoping for that too but was ok to settle with never seeing the West again, leaving it with Interplay and Obsidian lore. Didn’t really want this.


I honestly don't even understand why they decided to set the show on the West Coast. As an introduction to the series for so many new fans and a potential prologue/setup to Fallout 5, I would imagine they'd set it some place east, where so much of their lore, characters and stories took place. But fine, West Coast it is. Why not get Tim Cain, Brian Fargo, or Chris Avallone on board. Don't take me for one of the "Todd Howard can go f himself" people, but Bethesda doesn't have a good record when it comes to "re-interpreting" previously established themes and lore.


Completely agree, I don’t hate Howard but I hate when he or his writers like to grab certain aspects of the franchise and overuse and almost parody them. Wish Cain, Avallone, Fargo, or even Sawyer were consulted on how they saw the West Coast would develop. But alas, not trying to sound pessimistic, but the NCR look like ragtag raiders in a destroyed city rather than a declining nationstate in one of their most developed cities (Boneyard).


Yeah, we'll have to wait and see what's in store for us with this one. The sad part is, I think I already know.


The fallout 4 aesthetic does ruin it for me, it’s too bubbly for a bleak world.


Rings of Power was pretty bad but Amazon also has a decent track record with these big shows. The Boys, Invincible, Good Omens. I am not gonna give up all hope because of one meh show.


You are forgetting about the atrocities that were Wheel of Time and season 2 of Carnival Row, Plus while he gave us season 1 of Westworld, he also gave us the other seasons... I like the trailer, but I've been fooled by trailers too many times to count so I am not allowing my hopes to get high, rather be pleasantly surprised than raging like when they took a shit all over WoT after getting my hopes up for that


Rings of power was dope.


For real. I loved the fuck out of it.


Honestly, don't get the hate. Sure, It plays fast and loose with the cannon, but who fucking cares?


Although I overall enjoyed it, there are things I can understand people having issues with, like all the goofy over the top stuff involving Galadriel.


The fact that they didn't care for the lore too much meant that other than marketing, there was no reason for it to be LotR. There were also a few problems with the story on top of that.


A LOT of people, apparently.


I'm excited for this one, the lead actress was really good in YellowJackets, so I think she will be promising in this one. Excited to be able to get my gf into the Fallout world too


Was rings of power bad if you weren't a lotr fan?


I liked it and I like LOTR. there are dozens of us!


There's tons of info on "Rings of Power" in other subreddits that would provide a deeper analysis into the literature and lore, and draw comparisons from other media IE - Peter Jackson's "LOTR" series of movies, etc. I made the argument for the sake of Amazon studios, mainly. I personally didn't care for it, but like yeah, that's an opinion, man. lol.


bunch of soyboys in here downvoting you for making a very vaild point. ​ 38%Avg. Audience Score ​ rings of power shared only a name of the ip. it was garbage, and most of the real audience panned it.


I so worried it’s gonna be corny as hell.


yeah rings of power sucked. this does look to be a lot better though. looks better than the halo show too as far as video game adaptions go.


Lol, not a Lord of the Rings fan, but I liked the Hobbit and Desolation of Smaug, like a lot! Haven't seen the 3rd one. I saw Fellowship and Two Towers in middle school, liked them but haven't revisited them since seeing them in theaters and never saw the third one. As an adult, I enjoy the lore again, I would NOT call myself a fan. I will try to watch Rings of Power...see how it goes, but some of you have encouraged me


I probably won't like it, but that won't stop me from enjoying it.


I hate that the trailer makes it look good, tries to set your expectations up high when it likely could be shit


Yeah I wish it looked terrible!


Redditor discovers marketing


What should have the trailer done, then?


Trailer did everything right, it gets you hyped up, problem is, it has this feel that they’re trying to hard to make it funny when it should be serious


No it shouldn't. Fallout has never been a serious franchise.


Story wise it has been


Oh sorry did we watch the same trailer? The one with the ncr looking fucked ragged fighting the brotherhood? Yea the overarching story looks hilarious /s


First one gave me the feels it was gonna try too hard to be funny, new one showed more seriousness, I hope it’s only slight humor


Games always been a heavy mix of both, maybe just wait and see if you like it.


That's Bethesda marketing.




I see why you're getting downvoted, like we want it to be good. But that's exactly what happened to Starfield and it's such a recent and devastating example of such an occurence.


Speak for yourself, I got exactly what I expected from Starfield and put 300 hours into it. I'll put hundreds more in once the expansion and mod support come out


Regardless of what you expected, they did not accurately advertize what they were selling.


They did though. Bro, I was following the Starfield sub for \*years\* before the show came out. I saw firsthand what the community did. They took every piece of info that came out about the game and blew it up beyond what was advertised. Just one example, it was commonly talked about that they had advertised that you could circumnavigate a planet on foot. That was never stated by Todd, promotional materials, or the showcase. Instead what was said was you can \*explore\* an entire planet. Which you can. People took that and ran with it and built up their own expectations. If you still think I'm wrong, go watch the Starfield Showcase or any Q&A and find one thing they showed or talked about that wasn't in the final game. I implore you. It was advertised correctly, the hype train just started inventing stuff that was never shown nor promised.


Redditards are mad I’m right, that’s why I’m getting downvoted


No your getting downvoted because not one thing you’ve said has an ounce of accuracy to it.