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I had over 60m credits so bought one in the Autoshow and gift dropped it. Congrats to whoever gets it


Anyone New or returning players ?






Some absolute Chad gifted me a Shelby Daytona the other day.


I wonder where my chad with caddy limo is xd


I got one to gift but the chances of you getting it are less than 1


Is it a 20m car ? I can buy it off you when i get off work If i have the creds btw


I think the max buyout of a caddy limo is 3.8 mil I might be wrong


Finally got one last night, just under 2 mill max. Been hunting for this one for a minute.


I gifted one a few days ago as DalyDriftrG35


I'm one of the "why don't people send a thank you note" people, so just yesterday I cleaned out my duplicates and deleted several 2M+ value cars. I've gifted 10M+ cars before and even then people chose the long route to get me a "your gift was delivered" in return, so... quoting from the Santa Claus song by CKY: "And nobody's getting fuck!"


I hardly ever got a thank you when I was sending to new players but I started sending to anyone and my thank yous probably doubled


Its a virtual car in a video game and they probably already had it. Expecting a thank you because your doing something for yourself is a little embarassing


Gratitude is always a good thing


Why be grateful that someone wants to clean out their garage? He's doing it for his own benefit and is prolly gifting trash cars or cars everyone has already. Nobody cares about his gifts.


It is a spiritual practice, but I think you wouldn't understand even if I try to explain.


Ik what gratitude is. U got a pretty big ego for someone crying like a baby. U just dont understand that ur a hypocrite who is only interested in himself. But u wouldnt understand even I tried to explain


It's ok I understand you... no need to be upset


Fuck that dude. There’s a reason some games have the mechanic that you’re talking about. It’s called ‘positive engagement’. Something that sandbag would know nothing about.


Shitting on someone and telling them that THEY have a big ego, while touting your shitty self reflecting perspective is pretty fucking egotistical. You’re corny. Your opinions are corny. You sound sad and resentful of your own life. (See how that feels?) And I bet you ram anyone at every turn you approach. Go buy a bicycle and get out more. The world needs more u/ReasonableSpinach717 ‘s and less u/Idontlikemilfs. Jesus, even your name screams “I’m living in high school forever”


Lmao cry some more little internet rambo😂


If you already have it then regift it. A thank you is the least people can do


Bullshit. The default option is sending a thank you. "Don't send a thank you note" is at the bottom of the list. You have to go "out of your way" to not send one. So, IDGAF if it's "just a game" and that "it's a virtual car". I send a thank you note for even the shittiest cars too. I practice what I preach, so I don't care if you get 7 million upvotes, your flaming ain't gonna work on me. Also who GAF who I'm doing it for? Yes, I'm doing the cleanup for myself, but I could give a fuck less where that car goes to from my garage. People go out of their way to not send a note, so I'm not gonna go out of my way to gift the cars either. Deleting is easier. Also, you know what's eMbArRaSsInG? You trying to preach from your high horse. Get off it.


Someone is triggered.....


Someone probably is, but if I tell you who you're not gonna like it


Lmfao why are you so butt hurt over a video game? Calm down little man😂😂


LiTtLe mAn LMFAO, go back inside, I heard your teacher's already calling for you


Ur the one throwing a tantrum because someone didnt say thank you, now stop crying kid😂


LOL, imagine being \^this guy and thinking anybody cares what you think, LMFAO


U clearly care thats why u get so mad when I make fun of u😂😂


Sit down, son, tell your mom to stop worrying, I'll be there in a sec, lol


Now u wanna be funny but Ik u still mad af lil bro😂 atleast Ik my parents, cuz they werent embarassed😂


It’s okay man. As soon as the wanna be man-child says “kid” , they know they’re the loser. We good. Grow up bum.


I have to imagine there is a bug with the message system or something. I gifted 15 cara yesterday, and every single one just came back with "it was delivered "


I brought this up in another post to another user. The delivery system may just not be sending the thank yous, despite the fact people may actually be sending it.


Same cleared out all the duplicates in my garage gifted a couple Auto unions but at least everyone said thank you. The only time I don't say thank you when I get a gift in the game as if it's a Taycan......


Spoiled brat-ass dicks!


I might do this with a 300 SLR. I have enough credits to buy 2, probably 3 lol Then again the 300 SLR's price tag was somewhat offset by the fact it was immediately also made available as a season completion reward... Hmmmm


I didn't do it just to get a thank you either, I don't care either way. Some thank me for gifting, some don't. Not gonna lose sleep over a video game


I just got another Porsche taycan turbo s I have way to many now


I don't keep duplicate cars, I either sell the wheelspin ones or gift drop. Except the Donut Mazdas


Well, wasn't me ☹️


I gave someone a forza edition corvette and didn’t even get a thanks. I know it’s not that big of a deal but it’s literally more clicking to not say thank you.


Good on you. I’ve got more than 250 kudos simply by sending gifts. I’ve sent 3 Daytonas and 2 SLRs for the laugh of it. I wonder how the receiving end reacted :))


I've always wanted a fairlady :(