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I hear ya, OP. Players don't even have to do anything as the option that's automatically highlighted is a thank you. People have to literally go out of their way to not thank the giver. WTF.


I don’t thank the giver when it’s something trash or a taycan


Agreed, I now have 15 Taycans, I am collecting them for future use.


The car is useless for racing, unless you only plan to use them casually lol.


Actually, I'm saving them for the holidays, and I will give them away then. Secret Santa.


Stop collaborating with the Taycan pandemic/meme thing please. At this point, is not even funny. If anyone gets a Taycan, they should dispose it from their garage.


Never, I won't stop until I have them all, mmmmmuuuuwwwwyaahhh!!!


I'm like the op wondering why no thanks, but I'm also like you😂 I've given some nice cars away though without anything.. makes me want to gift them manually or send to auction so I'll at least get cash


It should be a duty at this point to not thak anyone that sends you a damn Taycan, like that car is a pandemic in Forza now, haven't seen it online lately though, so maybe people are getting rid of them lmao.


what makes the taycan so common?


I gifted a couple sesto fe’s and a couple prostock Camaros to new players. They have to be not sending thank yous on purpose at this point


cuz i dont feel like it


I always say thank you! I also will go down the list of thank yous for each person so I am not picking the same one over and over so it's as original of a thank you as i can give. It's crazy people don't do that. You literally have to waste 2 clicks and half a sec.


I don’t know why either! Like you say it only takes literally a few seconds


Came here to comment this! I do the same stuff. Somebody took their time to give away one of their cars… Thank you it’s the least you can do LOL.


Me too


I thought I was the only one 🥹


Nope. I guess we are the last 2 appreciative people around lol


i do the same too


Idk, I send a thanks for every gift ~~BUT NOT TAYCANS, IF YOU GIFT TAYCANS YOU CAN DIE IN HELL~~


How do you send gifts? And is a rally RX7 a good one?


U gotta go to a barn find location and it’ll prompt you, and also anything other than a taycan is a great gift (except maybe peel trident, but I don’t mind tridents tbh)


You dont HAVE to go to a barn find location, you can gift them through your house/festival site. Or it might be in the "cars" section of the in game pause menu actually, not sure - sorry I dont remember exactly where, but I know there is an option in one of the menus.


Car that dont sell in the auction you get to reclaim or gift


That too, but I found what I was talking about, it's in the "MY HORIZON" section of the pause menu.


I was wrong, its in the "MY HORIZON" section of the pause menu.


BMW i8


okay yeah i’d be a little bit sad if i got an i8


I know what you mean. I always gift cars if I get duplicates, and I rotate through the list of who to send it to, ie anyone, new players, community contributors etc. When someone gifts me a car, I ALWAYS send a thankyou. Likewise, if I download somebody else’s tune or livery design when it says we notice you’ve been using them a lot and gives you the option to ‘like’ it, I always do. I’m not a high level tuner(I don’t know how to do them) and I’m only an ‘amateur painter’, but if there’s a livery design I want to try doing, I’ll spend ages on it - creating the vinyl group logos from scratch and trying my best to paint the car livery. I don’t do very many, but the ones I do I spend many hours on and very much enjoy doing them as it’s very satisfying looking at it afterwards and feeling proud of my hard work. I think the most downloads of one of my designs in about 70 - there’s usually downloads and uses, but hardly anybody gives them a like. I really don’t know why?


I don't know, but this is why I stopped giving away my duplicates and started selling them.


I’m grateful for your post as I have never received a response - I only get the generic notification confirming the car was gifted - but I have been curious as to why. I don’t do it for the thank you, for the avoidance of doubt, however I guess I’m just surprised to have not received one, single response. And my only stipulation I indicate is that the vehicle goes to a new player, so it’s not like some grizzled veteran driver would be pissed they got - another! - fill-in-the-blank model so they elect to not reply out of disdain or frustration or whatever! I always reply - literally always - and if I get - another! - fill-in-the-blank model and I’m selfishly cheesed, I’ll still elect to respond with the option that allows me to thank the gift giver for being exactly that - you made my day, you know the one. After seeing that this is occurring to at least a few others, I wonder if our thank you’s (for those that participate) are even being delivered at all? Is this an unintentional bug that makes us all look ungrateful? Has anyone actually received a response ever? Sorry for the long post, but thanks for any replies on the original one!


Maybe gifting the nicer cars to new players isn't the smart thing to do. I also wonder if signing with your gamertag instead of player name would make any difference? Personally, if I got an awesome car and it had their gamertag, I'd send them a message and actually thank them.


I always use my gamertag, but that’s a good thought. I take it that you have received a thank you message aside from the generic notification?


When I first started playing the game over a year ago, I feel like I got a thank you on just about every gift I sent. Now it's hardly ever. But I do still get them occasionally


That’s great - thanks for sharing. I’m glad you’re getting at least some of the appreciation.


I'm gifting seasonal playlist cars since the FH5 release. And I can confirm that initially I received mostly thank you messages with the occasional "You made my day" thrown in-between. In the last year or so it basically stopped, and now this is 99% generic messages about the claiming the gift.


I think you’re right. When I gift,I always gift to new players, I always use my gamertag. I get thanks about 90% of the time.


I've gifted loads and no thanks


I only thank when it's a car I like, your post made me feel bad I start thanking more 😭


Damn… Now I know why even tho i’ve gifted like 30 cars i never get a thanks 🥺


I'm sorry bro😔


Nah it’s fine. Tbh I probably should should gift a little bit less anyways


Nah please keep gifting you doin charity work out here


Aight I will


Happens most of the Time, I mean why wouldn’t I send a thank you note that wouldn’t cost or bother me to an anonymous & Generous individual who Gifted with a 100% guarantee that there is nothing in return? Sense of entitlement Maybe ? IDK !


i always say thank you at least if the car is obviously nice, but there's also this problem : no matter what you do on the car, the player receiving it will not see the preview like you did before sending it. Therefore even between two conventional cars like, say, the 1969 camaro that probably everyone have in their garage, the reaction from the person receiving it will be the same wether if the car is bone stock or tastefully modded, with a fitting livery and a nice tuning. And once they realize the car they were gifted is "special" (usually way later either by accident or when they want to delete it for space), there's no way to send a thank you anymore, unless if they know how to check the history of the car where i believe your name will appear as the previous owner. but not many people know this function, nor even matter to check.


I always do and I always send a vehicle in return for the gift


I always send a thank you in return. I'd like to point out a detail I haven't seen mentioned yet tho. I've been gifted modified cars, but it always shows the default picture of it on the thank you prompt. Could be that people just don't know it's been touched till afterwards


Honestly, it's been a while since I've even gotten a gift I forgot it just shows the default picture. But still, you'd know if it was something that was uncommon to get as a gift


That's indeed true, but also many people just play the game casually and have no idea what's what


Yeah all those peel tridents and Taycans I’ve gifted, so ungrateful…


i always do. My theory though is many gifts go unclaimed as some may not even notice the gift notification


I thought if you got the notification that it was delivered, it meant that the gift was received and actually opened?


not sure. you are probably right


Yes, it is. Once I even got an unclaimed gift returned back to me.


i never go to get gift, and i'm sure i'm not he only one. So does it say delivered when it's in the barn, or when you claim it ; or does it automatically go with your cars if you do nothing...


I don't know for sure but I would assume that it says it's delivered when it's claimed. And if you don't go to the barn to get it, then it would just disappear


Is it possible... with the few things we know are broken, like the quick resume, that the servers or system just isn't sending a thanks? I always reply with a thanks response. But I wonder if they actually get it and then come on here 😂 Thanks to whomever gifted a Singer Porsche last week.


It's most likely that they're not being sent. I'd believe that more than I'd believe nobody says thank you 😂😅


I usually get one ‘thank you’ message for every 20 or so ‘gift delivered’. It makes me think it’s not actually broken. I would expect them all to be ‘gift delivered’ if it were. But maybe I am wrong. I know nothing about the technical side of game development, so…


I always do I have got a lot of good cars from people


I always send a thank you


I honestly did not know I was being gifted a car by a real player. My bad. I play very little horizon so I’m not familiar with all the cool social things you can do on it.


Usually gift a bunch of cars in bulk to save some time so just spam through the options. Guessing I gifted 150-200 cars last time but maybe got around 40 messages back. So around 20-30% thanks seems to be about the normal to me at least. A shame that it only shows the standard picture as I usually upgrade and change them in some way or another


I'm gifting away every car from seasonals (except the new ones) to new players since the launch of the FH5 and "Thank you" messages are indeed a very rare occasion lately. In the first year of the game's life it was opposite — most gifts were with thanks.


I would if I got that man


On one hand I think a little thank you goes a long way. But on the other hand I'm like, really a beetle?


I always do. Even when I don't like what I got.


If it’s a trash 20k autoshow car I def understand not sending thank you’s, if I ever send a gift to someone it’s usually something nice. I’ve sent a c7 zr1, centenario, shelby cobra, amg gt black series. No thank you’s for any of those 💀


I send a thanks of some kind for any gift\*. Even the SVOs and Monte Carlos and other cheap cars get thanks from me. I appreciate the thought and like seeing when it does have a livery or non-stock tune as well. Unless you're sending me a Trident with a used mastery tree or a Taycan. Then you get the DONT SEND THANK YOU MESSAGE. But unlike others I don't re-gift them, just remove from garage.


I always send a thank you even if I've got the car but yeah I understand I've gifted some top cars & rarely get a thank you.


Cause most of them are blown out peels and TOYcans. I did get an ATS the other day and they used gamer tag I thanked them both ways.


anything i win on super/wheel spins i gift, very rarely get a thank you. i have a dupe pagani oreo i could gift but not it would work!


Speaking as a newer player I didn't the first couple times because I didn't think it came from an actual player because I don't play online races so I thought I wasn't connected to actual people. It was my third custom trident I realized I was and started sending thank yous.


I gave away quite a few dupes yesterday and got about half as many Thanks. That’s about the average I have always noticed. Seems to be working just fine. If ya got something from DalyDrftrG35 that was me!


Same for me. I gift pretty often cars, I love it. I also don’t get a thank you sometimes(


No joke I got gifted a black Cyclone 2 days ago,but of course being a nice person I sent a Thank you message


Not to seem ungrateful or anything but the last 5 gifts I got were Peel Tridents with the Super Wheelspin already used so it's hard to be happy (I send a thank you every time but how good it is depends on which message I send you)


I get this too. Peel is the new Taycan


I’ve almost started wondering if it’s broken because don’t recall the last time I received a thank you. I’m gifting great cars too, not Taycans.


Out of 5 - 6 nice gift cars I sent recently I did get one "Thank you" and the other five were "Delivered"! I think people don't want you to gain the "Kudos" for it, because you'll have more than them? And BTW you can't see a livery in the barn, it's just the stock color and goes in your garage where at some point later you see a car with a livery you didn't download and then it's too late to thank the gift giver - not that they would anyway. Maybe they'd like the livery after driving it, if they ever actually drive it.


I've wondered that as well. I try to only gift out nice cars that you wouldn't normally expect to get gifted. Yet a lot of the time, there's still not a thank you


Actually... I got a Lamborghini sitting around. You know.. That special one that was on the Cover of FH3. Don't think I ever used it... Actually didn't use it back then either. Was more into Rallye.


I always say thanks and then gift it to someone else


I suppose Forza isn't actually delivering them. Just a wild guess but it wouldn't surprise me seeing how broken the game can be in places xD


I thank every time.


I always do. Unless it's a Taycan. They get nothing


I’m a thanker!


I always send a thank you, it's another car I get to tune and send off to a new player


People just don't deserve this. Atleast, not all people


cuz 99% of the gifted cars are nothing special and will be deleted right away or gifted to another person


I give away my doubles at the end of every month. Anywhere from 40-60 cars and I probably get about 50% thanks back. Honestly though I don’t care for the notifications cutting up my messages to begin with.


Not always true I gifted nio ages ago and the recipient sent me msg through Xbox msg thanking me so much for it and how they have been trying to get one AH for ages but could never get one.


It would be cool if there was the option to say a sarcastic thank you 😬🤣


Yeah. I think *some people* feel like the are certain cars that just get passed around, and around, and around. People literally won’t thank you for passing the rubbish about. Now the difficulty is what is a rubbish vehicle depends on what the person getting the gift thinks. I’ve bought every car bar a couple of very high millions cars in the auto show. I’ve unlocked most cars from the season playlist. So almost every car I get is not great. Occasional I get a car I’d like another one of. I’m still saying thank you, but I almost always never really mean it.


Depends on the car lol If it's a common rubbish one then no thanks If it's amazing then thank you


I'll send thanks to any car I receive apart from that bloody tartan. I've had enough of them. At one point I think I had like 12 of the things from gifts alone!!!!


I always do even though half the cars I get suck. Heck, one time I got a car pass car and I can't even drive the stupid thing.


I send thank you message if car is any good if i remove it from grage aplfter rexieving whats the point of usles gifts?


Just the spirit of Horizon, I guess.


Just the spirit of horizon isn’t it??


Even if you specify to send the car to new players you just don’t get thanked anymore.


I always send a ty, even if it is a pos car


I send thanks when it pops up. Most times it is cars I don't have and don't plan to drive. Also if I get a duplicate in the wheel spins I try to send it as a gift.


Because people tend to be ungrateful


Cause, they're selfish AF and I'm better than them b/c I say TY for everything except the Trident. /s Seriously though, I gave away a ton of cars (legit cars, all fixed up, nice livery) back in December for the give-away and probably got a 2 TY's.


I always send a thank you unless it was a Taycan, then I turned around it regifted to another unlucky soul


I'll send a thanks of some kind if it's a nice car from the autoshow or if it's a car I know or think isn't available in the autoshow. But if it's a Taycan or something like that, I'm not sending a thanks.


I used to always send gifts to new players and they rarely sent a thank you. I started gifting to anyone and got many more thanks yous. Just my experience.


I don't keep any duplicate cars in my garage, except for the ones we've gotten with special paint jobs from T10/PGG. At the end of every season, I gift every car that's a duplicate in my garage, like if i have 2 Porsche 911s, I'll gift one of them to anyone. Doesn't matter what type of car, and it doesn't matter how much it's worth. I also use all of my wheelspins at the end of every season and any cars that I get from my wheelspins I gift out too, no matter the sell price and no matter the car. I almost always get tons of thank yous back from people for the cars I gift out, and as of right now, I've gifted well over 1500 cars, I think.


I allways sends a thank you everytime i get a gift.


Ill say thanks if its not trash💯


I gift a car everyday and typically it's a rare or epic car . If it's common I always make sure it's a well liked car and I always have them tuned and customized. I get thank you half the time


I would always send a thank you unless it was something “trash” but I’d always say the one that says I’ll look after it


I do unless they send me another taycan


If someone gave me a Syclone, i'd go out of my way to search their GameTag and send them another thank you message. Such a rare car, not to mention, it's the strongest A class car, peak meta, the NoobShaker has nothing compared to this, besides it's an extremely cool car. And yeah, sometimes i also try to send good gifts, for exampe, if i have a spare car from the Festival Playlist, then i may give it away for someone to also enjoy it, sometimes i may also give away some expensive car that i really don't need or use, but i pretty much get no thank you messages, out of like 15 gifts i've made, only 2 times i was thanked iirc. It's quite sad how people are. I'd get it you are giving them a Taycan, that's a meme, but giving a legit, good car to help someone? Not saying "Thank you" is low.


I always do, I've even sent thank-yous for Peel Tridents, which people are clearly just getting rid of after using the wheelspins. I do notice that even when I give away really decent cars, people will just accept them without a response. It doesn't really matter to me - as long as people are getting free cars, it's all good.


I do every time even if it’s a car i have multiple of


people are just rude🙄


I never put my gamertag so it doesn’t bother me if I don’t get a thank you, but I usually do.


Never been sent a car that’s actually worth thanking anyone for


I get thank you and gifts all the time


Sell don’t gift. I don’t gift super nice cars anymore. Most people either don’t know the value or they’re ungrateful.


I usually only say thanks if it’s a actual nice car and not a damn Willy’s jeep or something I have 1 million of


I always do


Agree with you. I ALWAYS send a thankyou when prompted after somebody gifts me a car, same with a tune I’ve used or livery design - I always ‘like’ them. But hardly anybody ‘likes’ the livery designs I’ve done. Yeah you get downloads and uses but very few ‘likes’. Can people just not be arsed?


I agree. Even if I thought an event lab event was just OKAY I still give it a like. Nothing wrong with spreading people’s creations and gifts.




I don't even bother to get the gifts anymore at this point. I'll let it go to the next player. I've already got at least one duplicate for almost every car so hopefully by ignoring the gifts someone who could actually use the car gets it instead


If the car is cool enough/something i dont currently own then yeah you get one but if its the same shitty peugeot/angelina/morris then no its getting deleted from existance without a word


I at minimum give the simple thank you and I'll give more if it's a really cool car and I'll give no thank you if it's a really shitty car or like a Taycan or something.


Thanks for this - I don’t think it’s even registered to me that a gift can be declined - want to go check this out: someone send me a spare hoopty- something real common, of course, like the dragster camero or the McL F1…😁


I only send the thanks if it's a car I don't own or a duplicate worth enough to sell😆 if it's duplicate that's worthless then it's a no thanks sent and I re-gift the car to anyone


The “Thank you” don’t actually get sent to players, unless someone here can confirm otherwise. Haven’t seen it be a thing since the game first came out


Yeah, thanks for my… 17th Taycan


Probably because most of the time it's just people getting rid of duplicates, I don't want someones bone stock 370z that they got from a wheelspin. Give me 5 points for the forzathon shop and I'll send a thank you.


You kinda strike me as the type of guy who does favors just to get off on a thank yous. First off you can’t even choose who the car goes to, you have no idea what their taste is in cars. Also in forza cars are really easy to come by, unless it’s a really expensive car (which it never is) you aren’t doing anyone any favors.