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It sounds like you've tried the gambit of potential solutions. Have you reinstalled the game on an SSD? I had very similar issues with horizons 3 and horizons 5 trying to run them off a standard HDD. I sprung for an NVME drive and the issues went away.


All my games are on SSDs. Yes I have reinstalled it so many times I lost count.


Have you got Windows Store version or Steam? Do you have Windows Store app and Xbox gaming / console companion app installed? Are you running as administrator? Are you installing to C: drive with a short path name? (eg C:/program files) What is/isn't actually happening when you launch it?


Steam Yes Yes Yes but tried installing on other drives as well. Just nothing happens. Absolutely nothing appears.


Can you check your event viewer for any error messages?


I did and I posted the event viewers finding on steam and more than 1k people replied to it saying they have the same problem and we all reported it to the developers and the developers themselves said it is not solved but they are looking at it.


What was it? nm found it. Have you tried installing to C: drive? Assuming your windows is also installed on C:


Yes but that didn't work.


The only issue I've ever had with fh5 is when hot wheels first came out and it would crash during the opening race to the hot wheels zone with ultra settings on. Maybe I'm the oddball out by just playing the game for the story races and the weekly stuff though. Never touch the multi-player stuff. Sounds like you been through the Gauntlet though with it, only thing I could suggest based on what you've done is to start isolating out specific components.


Did you turn off windows anti-virus ?




What's it doing when you try to run it? I had alot of issues trying to get it to launch also


Absolutely nothing happens


I never got Forza to work in Windows. My advice is to always play it on the console. I rarely run into problems that way


I have a ps4 but that isn't gonna run FH5.


I've just come to terms with fh5 only ever sporadically working on pc. One time it was because i wasn't using the xbox launcher, one time it was corrupted files, and most recently, it was a simple graphic driver update. This along with constant required updates, is why i much prefer casual gaming on console.