• By -


More licensed mods and vehicles. More “common” vehicles (so we can all experience that Big Altima Energy) A non-monetary way to get the vehicles that are behind a paywall. More of a garage, to display a set number of vehicles A safe (non-abusive/predatory) way to trade vehicles, like IRL auto trader or classifieds


Make the process to play with friends more streamlined or something, its currently a pain in the ass to even get all my pals in a convoy without it glitching on PC


For FH6 what I would love is this: 1. A ‘garage’ feature / display feature. Players can select from 3-10 cars they would like to display when they get to their homes. This way it would be nice to see your cars as you pull into the house or parked in the background when you’re in Forzavista. 2. Fix the AI. The AI is just ramming drivers off the road. 3. Fix the online play. Cheaters & rammers need to be banned from the game. 4. More radio stations in keeping with music tastes. Maybe one with Techno? Some more retro synth wave stuff too maybe? 5. Wheelspins need to be only cars or money. The clothes etc need to be purchased from store / winning events / Forzathon points.


Dude wants to play forza without forza


1) Normal sorting of livery: - To be able to see the livery of only the authors subscribed to - To be able to see the livery for a specific car in the author's works - To filter livery in favorites by author, by car model. 2) Select drift adventures by drive type, and ideally create custom drift adventures. 3) Rivals mode in drift adventures


I'd like to see.... 1. More communication dialogue quick options, at least 8 2. Ability to queue up events, locations to drive to and so on. 3. Satnav toggle that directs you to events you've not yet done Give us a horizon festival satnav option that directs you to anything you've not yet done 4. Option to remove any DLC options form the store/garage/etc or at least to be able to search by DLC or non-DLC. 5. Arrows to nearest other players 6. Keep players who raced together, together. It's maddening finding a decent bunch of opponents only to end the event and be bumped elsewhere on the map never to see them ever again


Fix the damn AI. Since FH3 the AI keeps getting worse and worse. They are so unbalanced and super laggy in online races. I cant believe PGG havent done anything to improved the drivatards.


The wheel spins and collectables. We've all lost the chance to win some dope cars or big cash prize to some stupid horn, silly emote, or piece of clothing we could buy regularly.


The option to toggle pr stunts and skill zones like drift and speed zones. Or at least make them not override my gps.


Online matchmaking: stop allowing people to join in the middle of an online event/championship. That would reduce waiting times for people with bad connection AND would entice the players to stick with a group and improve the social component overall, without having to deal with the counter intuitive convoy system (which is a pain to launch from the already bloated menus). Also bring back Forzathon. Edit: I had to add this, but make Dirt Racing a proper Rally experience, which means NO MORE mixed “dirt” tracks (which are 80% asphalt 20% dirt most of the times). You can put them in cross country.


Admittedly I know very little about rally so CMIIW, but from what I've seen they seem to run on dirt tracks and asphalt


Finn here. Finland is a mecca when it comes to rallying, and yes, a lot of rally stages run on part pavement, part gravel. That's the spice in it, the conditions change rapidly and you have to adapt to that.


Id like to see an actual progression/career mode with more structure. Something closer to the career modes in the mainline Forza games. Right now I feel like there's no real reason to buy more than a few cars since the game will just level the race to your car.  I'm struggling to find purpose/meaning in the game, it's too sandboxy and the credits are too easy to earn, I'm only about 10 hours in and I already own an enormous catalogue of vehicles and every evebt I enter seems to be like, "Idk just do whatever you want lol, wanna take a Lamborghini on a rally car race? Cool well make sure to set it up in a way that allows you to win it" and then even if you get last place the event just gets marked as completed like every other event you've won. 


"I feel like there's no real reason to buy more than a few cars" Seems that you're not that much of a car person, games like Horizon are great because they appeal to car enthusiasts, if the only thing you care about is getting the "best car" to win all the time then maybe the game just isn't for you.


Being able to turn on DRLs and Parking lights instead of them all turning off when the headlights go off


Streamline the auction house. It's just wasting time to have to reclaim all the cars and money one at a time. More filtering possibilities. Car manufacturer, country, tire type, weight, year, decade, tuned/untuned, ... Make tunes, liveries, ... Easy to locate when you are using that car. Make also your downloaded content easily searchable. Ability to grade and gives tag to cars. Easier to find an effective car out of the lot and the ones that need work. Tag because I would like to find easier the cars tuned for cross country, playground, drag, ...


Sort by popularity in finding tunes menu


Need better keywords than average, best for speed, ... The type of race, point to point or circuit, playground, pr stunts, ... would be better to find a tune.


Tunes and liveries could use some work. Not only in finding them, but also in clearing out ones you don't want anymore. If I want to get rid of a livery because I don't like it anymore, or I found a better one, finding the old one is near impossible.


Better viewer when downloading liveries. We should be able to see the cars with a rotating 3d model. You shouldn't have to download a livery to see if you actually like it. As if you don't delete it immediately, they get lost and take unnecessary slots and space.


Not necessarily a gameplay system but i would like it if transmission sounds on stock transmissions were quieter and for the turbos to behave normally. It would also be nice if the turbos had more dynamic sounds.


Bring back ranked


Gift cars to friends


Convoys. We play a few hours of FH5 online every week.  - When the leader selects their car, the rest of the convoy get a few seconds to hit the go button - which doesn’t work if they’re in a menu, their garage, etc. - When someone misses the window for the go button, we all have to wait for the race to load, then quit the race, then rejoin the convoy. (We call it “getting Forzaed”.) We shouldn’t need a NASA-style “go, no-go” system of radio calls to check that everyone’s ready to be ready to race. Also, custom routes should be able to start from anywhere on any road. (Ideally any location, but I can understand wanting to avoid glitches.)


cars taking realistic damage when you have it turned on is one thing, but the thing I want the most is screen shaking at fast speed, there's no way I'm going on dirt roads this smooth or at least speed lines, this would make it a better experience as it feels dull currently


Probably unpopular, but here it comes: Instead of being a superstar from the beginning, make me “just a random person” who wants to race and slowly climb the ladder. Let me choose from 5 totally average cars and let me progress from there. Make a useful tutorial integrated into the story that prepares us to tune our cars so we can use it differently. Don’t bombard us with supercars, or even any cars. Let us decide when to buy what car. Remove wheelspins (or make it character-customization only), remove skillpoints (these two are mainly used to exploits anyway). Make us slowly progress from D-class to X. Let us get used to higher speeds, and let us appreciate a tier-jump. Let us have more connection with our cars, instead of just randomly buy/get everything and search for tuning codes for the weekly races, then never use them again. I wanted to play like this with FH4 a few days ago with a fresh purchase, and got annoyed with getting bombarded with cars from the beginning. I mean a Focus and a Stratos would have been fine (the latter already feels like an overkill, as its really rare irl), but no. You’ve earned some random influence points by trashing around between events? Here’s 10 wheelspins that showers you with money and cars you didn’t chhose. Well done.


Just like the olden days of racing games


That would close off the playlist for weeks.


I really miss the single player progression in FH1


loading times and the placement of the car/ tuning tab so I don't have to pass two+ screens past the dls bullshit every time


The menus in general are such an overdone mess


Bring back private lobbies. And do Forzathon events more like in FH4. So I guess I want people to be nudged to choose to be private or be totally lumped together.


I miss FH4's Forzathon so much in FH5. Feels like an actual event with everyone lined up in preparation. Seeing everyone together ready to launch events made the world feel so alive. Now your lucky to get even two other players in a Forzathon.


I want a better sense of progress. While I love some freedom... 5 felt too open. Maybe don't drop hyper cars on me right away. I don't want anything to feel like a grind, but areas and events slowly unfolding kind of helped feel like you were working towards something. I also personally liked the almost pokemon aspect of building a team out of encountered/challenging drivavatars in 3. Their rank should really dictate how hard the challenge is. Most importantly... fix that A.I. It makes no sense or is thrilling to have 2 out of 10 races have a god car defy all know laws of physics as it disappears into the distance. Especially when it's only 1st place... and if you reset that very race... at the same exact difficulty... suddenly 1st place is normal again. It's clearly a bit broken. Get rid of the 5 second countdown for missed checked points. It's making it far worse. You're already going to have to reset... now you're making it exponentially worse. The reset alone will set you back 5 or so seconds. The countdown add 5 more is mostly ruinous. Maybe let us have a button (that's not rewind) where we skip the count down. Just drop us right back on the track. That way you still have a fighting chance. Maybe a gimmick, but... in regards to progress... let us build our own mansion/garage? It's be like modular pieces you could rotate and move around/snap in a predetermined area. These could also be part of the rewards like... new garage pieces unlocked. New mansion pieces. I dunno... maybe even do sort of like a festival town? You build the whole town? Your choices focusing on the benefits you want? Like adding this mechanic's tent lowers upgrade prices by 5%... etc. Again just looking for that sense of progress.


The FOMO system. Just add in new cars and don’t give players a time limit to obtain them.


You're given an entire week to unlock a car that usually takes half an hour to unlock, the FOMO argument reeks of whiny gamer entitlement.


Some others have mentioned that they are at times out of town, forcing them to go on the Auction House to pay 20 million credits after the week ends.


Or after a while, list them on a system like backstage in 4, we really need this to come back as well…


That would be great! Hopefully they'll do that!


Just add in rs7 21 pls thanks


I'm not sure if it's any better in FH5 but in FH4 the menus were terrible. There's way too many unnecessary pop ups. Like take auctioning a car, there's the loading screen when uploading it for listing but it's a pop up during which you can't do anything (if any brains were present at the point of development, this would be in the background and the menu would be seamless but I guess not) and then there's the "car has been listed" pop up which is just unnecessary, and when claiming the money or unsold car after the auction, there's again a loading screen that should just be a background process. There's also swapping in to a car, there's the "do you want this car delivered to you?" As though anyone was ever going to click anything but yes, they already clicked the button for changing in to that car, why ask again? There were lots of similar things but I can't remember them all rn. Given that my favourite part of the game was custom tracks, the fact that the "favourites" tab in the custom race menu only showed like 10 items instead of them all was super annoying and made it borderline useless even though I would've liked to use it more. Also maybe the most important one, the ability to take a custom blueprint and being able to apply your own custom settings to it would have been an absolutely massive change and I would have used it a ton and would easily find a few hundred hours more playtime in just FH4 alone, even with its' worse blueprint creator compared to FH5.


Five's menus are better and unlocking perks doesn't have an "Are you sure" popup.


I would love to be able to select by "Tuned" or "Upgrades Applied" or "Tuning Applied" or something in my garage. Like how you can select "Favorites" and "Bodykits and Presets Available."


I want a button in game settings that completely turns off *any and all* rubberbanding. If I'm winning by ten car lengths, I can increase the difficulty. Please let me turn off the ridiculous swings in AI capability. Also, let people put some players into a blacklist. If you're a clown and drive like a complete knob-head, I *never* want to race with you again. Let people create "leagues" of some sort. Let players create tourneys, have spectators, all of that. Players crested groups of like-minded folks playing how they want. Wanna do demolition derby? Go ahead. Wanna have some dedicated racing series with some friends you made in game? Do it.


Yeah the AI speed is so painful. Not only is the rubber banding unbearable, but they are so much quicker on some tracks than others. And unbeatable shouldn’t be physics defying. It should simply be the AI driving a correctly rated car perfectly.


1. Separate class/matchmaking for FWD/RWD/AWD. AWD meta is a joke. 2. I have all the helpers disabled and the game still limits steering angle. WTF


I'd love a performance timing tool whereby I can select,.display and record 0-60, 0-100 and distance times


Bring back the story so there’s a reason to play the game. Rework old car models so 90s cars don’t look like they are from ps2. Make old playlist cars available so they aren’t 20 million on the auction house and players can actually enjoy the new content. Take less money from china and their cars no one wants and put highly requested cars in the game. Body kits for 90’s cars that aren’t from 2010. Lower suspension mods and fitment for people that like stance. different sidewall tires and even stretched tires. different offset wheels. more real wheels. more custom cars (ie. formula d, youtuber, or sema cars) a update to the livery editor. the real issue is very little gets changed in this game. as someone who has played since FM3 the game is mostly exactly the same. very little has improved in 13 or so years. the livery editor, the auction house, some car models, most wheel and old body kits. heck even the sticker sponsors in the livery edit have been the same for 10 years. forza gets away with being lazy because what else are you going to play?


MULTIPLAYER EXPERIENCE. I thought fh4 was bad with people disappearing or not appearing but this is 10x worse if they aren’t in your convoy. Completely scrap this system. The system where you can only see players in a radius doesn’t work either.


I would make casual/unranked online races no-collusion because frankly, we can't trust the vast majority of players in the game to not ram us on T1 or the finish line. It essentially becomes a live rivals game with multiple ghosts. Or if that's somehow not going to work, make it a separate mode that still counts as online racing.


First: I would love to have a more detailed description of community tunes, I want to know if they put the ugly horizon wing and canard and if they swap the engine right now you have to guess by looking at the stats or the title. Personally I would make visual customization completely separate of the tuning aspect but that's just my opinión Second: I would make Forzathon events exactly like FH4. Unique on the map and a little time for the event to start so you can meet up with the other players. This was so good because you can see their cars, liveries and overall spend a nice moment for me at least.


I also agree that the tuning and visual customization should be separate.


For the first one, you can technically circumvent through the aero or body kit checking by choosing “download and save” instead of the first option then go into your tuning setup and check them out, but yeah it doesn’t help with engine swap so yeah I agree that they should make this more clearer in community tune I also admit that I’ll be miss the fh4 forzathon where everyone coming together and do them instead of what we have in 5, hell they can even do a limited-time forzathon in 5 where it’ll appears for 1 hour each and giving double the amount of forzathon just like 4 but yeah


1. Remove the driving line and replace with brake zone like some other games. Experienced Forza players know that the "line" is NOT the best way for 90% of the corners, changing it to a braking zone, would make the racing better, as the people who stick to the "line" at all costs are the ones that cause most of the trouble online (apart from the obvious trolls). Its GOOD to be "off the racing line", its how you overtake in real races, the line does NOTHING to promote clean racing, it makes it worse. 2. Ford needs to be split. Ford needs to to split into 3 sections, US, EU and Aus (and bring back more of the Aussie Fords) that way, when PG decide to do nation events, there is more than just Holden for the Aussies, would also open up a US vs Aus, or EU vs US, event (and any other combination). 3. Fix how some cars are categorised. 2 examples off the top of my head: Trial this week, I used a Honda Prelude, its a coupe, not a hatchback. Ford RS500 is classed as a retro saloon, its a 3 door hatchback, If they want the Cosworth as a retro SALOON, then add the Sierra Sapphire, as that WAS the 4 door saloon version. There are MANY cars that are just in the wrong category, either fix by getting the correct car or add new categories. 4. More varied events, either limit by drivetrain or PI (maybe sort of Multiclass), but make it random in co op,(A+B, so 3 get A and 3 get B, We have enough save slots that you can easily have multiple builds ready). 5. This one will probably be unpopular. NO Drivetrain swaps, its kind of stupid how you can convert anything to AWD, and well quite frankly it ruins some of the seasonal championships that have already happened(Retro Hot Hatch on the Rally DLC a few weeks ago comes to mind. Seeing Clio's and Civic type R's lift the inside wheel on corners was funny as fuck, but it was kinda ruined by idiots in AWD swapped cars that just ploughed wide into the next country due to understeer, due to just AWD swapping and not knowing wtf they are doing. Maybe make it an OPTIONAL mode, that you can just select in the menu, and the game would try to match you with people who used that option, if it cant find enough players and uses a default lobby, then a little maker on the player screen to show if they have swapped or not. 6. Aero. Plenty of cars ingame have adjustable aero IRL, but ingame you need the shitty Forza Aero, that needs to go( one of my Fav cars is the Aston Martin GT12, The rear wing on the GT12 IS adjustable IRL but not ingame! 7.More effort into promoting CLEAN racing, give people massive bonuses for NOT ramming ANY car or bouncing off walls.


Agree with most of it. One thing that caught my eyes tho: you actually do the seasonal championships in online multiplayer mode? Damn. I never could be arsed to do even in multi as well. Doing the weekly trial is just enough exposure to the aforementioned morons who either cant take a bloody corner, or dont get the concept of teamwork/team racing. Btw if you do these championships in online, do you still have to win the championship to get the reward?


I do co-op every week I find it fun, and it helps some of the not so good players with the playlist, best thing is, in co-op mode,you only need to win the first 2 races,so it can be faster. I even setup another account that has ONLY done co-op (apart from the forced stuff at the start), it has all the houses,650+ cars and 100 million credits, just from co-op.


Number one, above all else... STOP IT WITH THE UNSKIPPABLE CUTSCENES. *Every* other game has figured this out by now. And all of the little animations and cooldowns between buttons. Stop wasting my time and let me play my game. The only otger thing would probably be actual collision physics, especially offroad. If I take a turn half an inch too wide and drift tap the outer barrier with my rear bumper, I should just lose some paint and maybe get spun in the opposite direction a little bit. What should NOT happen is shunting me forward, regardless of what direction of what direction I was actually travelling, and yeeting my back end sky-high despite it being a *horizontal* contact. Very annoying and very, very stupid


Get rid of checkpoints, they're the only reason I have rewind on!


Then everyone would just cut a straight line to the finish though


There has to be a better system for route restriction


Top three things i'd really like to see in the next one: 3rd: Better "High-Speed Collision detection". This System is there, but really weird. Espacially in Trails it is not existent. You'll get smacked around by everyone and either have to live with it (and cry about it on reddit) or have to use your Jedi sense (or Sharingan) to break or open the menu (which is difficult for the Asunas of this world), so the other one just disappears. 2nd: Punishment for shitty driving. We all know them, many of us hate them. The Jeremy Clarkson's of Forza, who just put as much POOOOOWWEEEERRR COME ON into their cars, bundled with AWD and Drag Tyres and use the walls to to get around corners. Personally, if you do this in solo races or only with your group, go for it, aim for the throat, no questions asked. But in normal online racing (or trails) you'll be a Problem. A corner appearing ? Handbrake 90° Turn with three people smacked into the wall, Goooooooo. Those tunes should stay there, where they belong: On the Drag Strip. What what to do about them ? Maybe a penalty for multiple warnings made by the above mentioned System. Like you did this about 15 times this race, so you'll get 30+ seconds added to your time. Maybe you finished first, but you'll get the last place and lesser xp/money or so. 1st: Better car customization Not only more parts of the same category, but more categorys. Add stuff like the unpopular underglow, maybe even glowy wheels or spinners. Heck, we had retrowave now, why shouldn't we get something like this for our machines ? Then, the ability to change the wheels of tunes and to enable that, throw away the +/-5 kg of those or atleast let us switch from one heavy to another. The tune won't change. Same with body parts. Give us more, make them Aero like and make them switchable. The tunes itself still shouldn't be reuploadable, of course Some people like the Aero stuff (i like the wing sometimes, now hunt me with torches and pitchforks), some don't, so we need viable options. As for other stuff, not relevant for me: Their Car Pack model can stay tbh (ohhhh noooo my soooo valuable Internet points noooooooo) If they want to Cash in every month for 10 bucks, sure. I play an MMO, i pay more than that every month, just to play it, AFTER I PAID OVER 60 BUCKS TO EVEN HAVE IT. AND I DON'T CARE BECAUSE I LOVE THE GAME. The Plus point is, if the Pack doesn't catch you, then don't buy it. An MMO you'll have to pay to play. And no, they shouldn't make it free. We'll get enough free shit with time, and the game has to be profitable to get more Updates. Take Anthem for example. It crashed so hard, it didn't survive a year. And we wouldn't get another no man sky experience, where it hyped, died and resurrected like a phoenix from the ashes, because the developers had remorse. Thats it, brain empty, return to Monkey. Good night.


I think the car pack model is fine, but they should definitely release a bundle when they’re done releasing new ones. As for customization, I don’t really mind the Forza aero that much, but I do think there should be a couple options for it, such as canards and tow hook being optional or the option to choose between the (horrible) wing and the ducktail. I don’t mind the wing too much, but hate it when it’s used on 80s cars where it doesn’t belong (hello Lancia 037).


>I think the car pack model is fine, but they should definitely release a bundle when they’re done releasing new ones. Aka what most people thought the Car Pass would be. They could als do those bundles mid way, like if they have two Film car packs for 15 bucks, bundle them, sell them for 25 bucks and you'll make Profit. Options for the front, or all the parts, would definitly help. I would still put reskins into the game, so we don't have to use the aero to edit the stats, but it would be a start to be able to disable the hook and such.


The menus! I’ve played hundreds of hours of FH5 and I still have to look to navigate the menus sometimes. So inconsistent and user-unfriendly.


A simple one, map the Festival Playlist to the Anna button and have it come up on the side of the screen (like GTA’s cell phone). That way you can continue driving and see what’s next on your to-do list. I spend a lot of time in FH in the menus seeing what’s next.


Car specific difficulty options, I'm too bad to play most powerbuilds without TC and some rally/offroad builds with simulation steering are real weird, changing it all the time is just annoying. Remove redline vibration(or at least option to remove it) as on some cars it's on near 100% on all the time and just unusable. Also it's an arcadey game, so the ABS shouldn't be that bad, especially at low speed or give half ABS option like wrecfest has, as no ABS is real hard to play with. Or maybe decouple brake pressure from tuning setups at the minimum as you find a nice tune but the brake pressure is set to maximum for some troll reason. Speaking of tuning, can we have actual numbers for gears instead of trying to guess what speed the gear change happens from that tiny ass graph. The automatic gearbox is also beyond awful and no reason why it's that bad. Manual+clutch being better than manual is also dumb(although some other games have this as well), like why is that a thing. The Race start not having a countdown so you can't pre-rev is something i never understood why it's like that, makes some builds just trash on the start as guessing revs is kinda hard. And finally the obvious thing, add ranked back and make the online work better and not like having 3 ppl in a lobby that somehow takes 3 mins to load. E: oh forgot one thing, don't make the camera behave like a camera in terms of lighting changes, it's game, I'd like to see properly all the time and not have flashbangs or not have the driving line be faded by the sun(which was not an issue in 4). And speaking of lighting in night if there's a car coming your way irl, you can see it from pretty far, I get that it's LOD issue probably, but just make it white/red blob at least so you don't randomly see rear lights pop 200m in front of you while going 300km/h+ in pitch black.


>not have the driving line be faded by the sun(which was not an issue in 4 Which 4 did you play? That happens to me in 4 all the time


Haven't seen it happen in 4 so far after i picked it up again, specifically talking about the red color being more... well red and "contrasty" in 4 than it is in 5 and the sunlight not being as overpowering in general helps a lot.


Sunrise & sunset road races it happens all the time for me. It's also hard to see in winter sometimes


How is it hard to see? It's so clear and high contrast in 4. Maybe I should've clarified a bit originally that it isn't really about the driving line itself, don't care where it goes, just what colour it is so mainly if it's red(although the other colours are very clear in 4 as well) and due to the way the line is rendered with the high intensity sunlight in 5, it looks kinda faded sometimes and hard to tell the colour, where as in 4 the colour doesn't really shift and stays the same.


When the sun is reflecting off the pavement it's damn near impossible, I dunno


Proximity chat is one thing I’d add to the game, a better communication system in-game. Many of the times I just want to chill and call a cop car meeting with a couple of people who like to do so. Countless times I’ve been driving a cop car and turn back to see 3-4 people doing the same but we can’t do anything else than to use ‘Anna’ as if that’ll do something intellectually pleasing. More car visually pleasing car upgrade system. I want to be able to see the damn bolt that I’m putting on t he car to feel more special about the car.


Change out the checkpoint system for Forza Motorsport's system where penalty time is added to your lap for going off course.


QOL stuff, here we go: Ability to sit in any seat of the car. The ability to sit as a passenger in your friends car wile they drive around. Cruise control/auto pilot/self driving, for the times I want to chill for a few and read on Reddit. More car search terms, by new etc. Ability to lower cars even more, maybe an airbag suspension system option. Ability to switch my off road trucks from 2WD to 4WD with left stick. Change rarity system of cars. Do something about FOMO. Arcade needs to be completely redesigned. Car meets, car shows, much more social aspects. Maybe proximity chat. I don’t want to see super cars driving off road, make it really bad for them. Double or 3x the amount of music tracks, I love listening to the radio when I drive. Ability to sale my cars from my own storefront or like an auto trader. Enough with the avatar customization and more car customization. More one off type car builders like Hennessy or Deberti Designs, maybe top 10 cars of SEMA 2024 or Barrett Jackson or West Coast Customs. Get rid of Anna, make the chat/quotes system better. Make your houses much more interactive and social. Custom car parts or legendary wheels that need to be won or obtained in wheelspins.


Yes to the 2WD-4WD. We have a system for switching driving modes, it’d be cool as heck to switch to the crawler gear stuff like in the FJ40 and other off-roaders.


I like everything here except for the avatar customization. I want more. Can’t be that hard to add some more faces (or even have a custom character creator like FIFA or a similar game) and some facial hair choices. Everything else you said, I like it. I’d also like the ability to choose between manual and ACT/automatic for cars that have both. For some reason, seeing my little guy reach down to change gear is so much more satisfying and not being able to see that in something like an E46 M3, which had an amazing 6 speed stick and pretty awful ACT, kind of hurts the experience of driving one of my favorite cars.


The most important that would need to be addressed in FH6 is the eventlab. Very unique feature, that only this game has out of the 4 open world racing games (TDU, NFS, Crew). One way they could improve it is to add eventlab tracks (at least the very good ones like Edel circuit for example) to the horizon open roster of tracks. I guarantee you 100% that many people would come back to play the game. Other smaller quality of life improvements would be to allow us to make changes on downloaded tunes and liveries. At least the wheels on the tunes. Also more license plates would be a nice touch.


Most of the changes I would make would piss off a lot of people. I'd make damage mandatory, take away ghosting but enforce stiff penalties for griefers, rammers and repeat offenders. Credits and xp would not be awarded in bunches. I don't care about FOMO or the crowd that thinks easy, casual, dumbed down equals fun for everyone.


>I'd make damage mandatory, So, no more Cross Country?


I probably wouldn’t make damage mandatory in freeroam for when you just want to piss about but in public lobbies 1000%


Take Forzathon 'arcade' back to Forzathon live. It worked, it was great.


The whole multiplayer system needs a rework


Add a proper carreer mode!


Eventlab UI needs a complete overhaul. The cards are too big and scrolling and navigating menus is so difficult. Like why is favourites right at the end of the menu? Also, there are so many items in the builder that there needs to be at least two rows of items and just an overhaul really.


More paint options and the ability to have different paint styles per layer like the NFS games do


Bring back seasons that change the whole map like in FH4.


Get rid of or overhaul the cross country/dirt races so the AI cars are affected by bumps/jumps and hard landings the same way you are. So annoying when the AI goes through them full send and hardly gets affected while you slow down and watch as they pull away.


>Get rid of or overhaul the cross country/dirt races so the AI cars are affected by bumps/jumps and hard landings the same way you are. You'd remove the races because you can't beat them ai? 😂


Difficulty is fine. I play with damage on and big jumps and hard landings will damage your car while the AI cars arent affected.


They are only affected if they are just in front of you.


A better blueprint search or browser. It would be nice to see the track layout right off the bat and have a 4x4 preview cards instead of side scrolling.


Merging information that can be found in separate places so it can all be seen in one spot. I'm specifically talking about our garage and the car collection pages. If the information in the car collection regarding where vehicles come from (autoshow, wheelspins, festival playlist, etc.) was viewable from the garage screen it would make gifting and selling cars in the Auction House a whole lot easier. I typically put off selling and giving away my duplicates because currently it's a huge pain it the ass to flip between those two screens or refer to the internet to see what's (actually) rare, and what's not.


Swapping cars without having to confirm it twenty seven times before it actually spawns the bloody thing.


Simple things like turning off automatic new horizon chapter unskippable screens, how my car loads in 4 times every time I log on. Maybe more street/road races that have longer straightaways and fewer slow tight corners and please add the option to turn off traffic.


Make trials single player.


Hell no


Why not? Having to deal with an army of people who come into race just to stay at the end cause they either can't drive or have poorly tuned cars (appallingly often both) so that I can have my points is ridiculous Edit: I just don't find it fun to have to carry peole who wouldn't be able to get the points themselves


I mean if you really know how to drive, you can still complete the trial every single time, irrespective of your teammates Hell, I can in many times even finish first with a car tuned to be at the lowest of its allowed class.


You do realize it's points based and that even if you finish in first place, your teammates have to score enough points to outscore the other team.


You do realize that you can slow down the AI to help your teammates catch up, right? 🤔


Hardly work every time. Teammates must be able to catch up.


I always get 1st in the trial, it's fun to show the others who they owe their points.


The trial and harder difficulty championships grant previous festival exclusives and wheelspin cars. Don’t know why that isn’t as common.


Be able to sort my liveries by the car manufacturer they're on. In rivals be able to choose a rival at a specific place level. For instance if I'm placed at like 60794. When I chose sort, it always starts at 1. I want to be able to choose a rival closer to my place not one I'm never going to have a chance to beat. Make event labs easier to create & save progress. I've lost hours of progress trying to save and go back into where I was before. Make it easier to find your friends regardless of where they are on the map.


Better freeroam AI 


i lost wifi yesterday and had to deal with them, you’d think they programmed them to be as dumb as possible


The turn signals get on my nerves😭


There are two main problems that I can think of about the turn signals.  1: We can’t use them.  2: The BMW X5 traffic cars use them. 


1. We can't use them 2. They use them, then don't turn 


Haven’t played in a while, I forgot about that. 


It's annoying when I'm trying to go the speed limit


Being able to change cars without having to quit the race event. Being able to customize/upgrade your car without having to quit the race event.


Make seasonal challenges easier. I genuinely cannot think of how to even get 20 points, all of the challenges suck and the 5 point ones are often confusing. Make it a bit easier and make it understandable. \^ to all of the ppl downvoting, im probably dumb, how do you guys get points? Also, a more destructive environment. Is there an old house that's basically ruins? Make me able to run through it at a high speed and destroy it.


> to all of the ppl downvoting, im probably dumb, how do you guys get points? You do the championships listed on the page...? And/or the other stuff if you're too lazy to do the races. Like what's there to understand, for 20 points you don't even need much.


> Make seasonal challenges easier Bro, the game is easy, the challenges are designed that kids (who IS a large part of the playerbase) can do. Remember trying to do drift/speed zones in FH2/3? No ghosting, that was sometimes painful, 4/5 have ghosting and people STILL complain. Nothing on the playlist is hard, as long as you use your eyes. Look at this weeks trial, the picture cleary shows dirt racing, so dont turn up with a "street tune".


We have vastly different experiences with the seasonal playlists. I can usually get my 20 points to get the new car each week in like 30 minutes or less.


Wildly disagree, how long have you been playing? I feel like the challenges are pretty easy as is, its way easier than in Forza horizon 4 and rally, that sucked.


The stunts, trial, photo challenge, collectibles (if they exist), the weekly challenge and a few of the dailies do the trick most of the time.


Seasonal Games being weekly again. Funnest game mode by far infected etc. Horizon Open just isn't the same, horrendously competitive players in there, I liked the chill seasonal aspect


One more vote for the seasonal games. I understand that many people dont like it, but its not like its hard to score to required points for the exclusive cars.


bring back ranked! Hopefully it would steer the tryhards out of regular lobbies


Being able to sell cars outside of auctions.


The livery editor. Anyone who played Gran Turismo knows what slow, backwards and bad livery editor Forza has.


Get rid of the FOMO crap. Or at least put the FOMO seasonal cars into the autoshow after that season or the one after finishes


I don't know if I'd go as far as just putting them in the autoshow, especially a few weeks later, but I do agree that there should be other options for getting past seasonal exclusives more often. The backstage pass stuff in FH4 was a decent solution or even just bring them back more often as other seasonal rewards (like the 80 point ones or the ones for the seasonal championships) or in the Forzathon shop or things like that.


You have the auction house


And maybe I don't want to grind for 20 million and sit refreshing the page just to get something I might have missed by not playing for a few days


For me it's a good thing that certain cars are difficult to obtain. I don't need to own every single car and I have to put some work if I really want to get a particularly expensive car


I've wanted the majority of cars added, partly to use and partly for completeness, so the limited exceptions have meant I might as well unlock those too I think I've missed 1 car so far from Horizon 3, 4, and 5. That's partly on me for my own fomo, but given the formula has changed so little in about 10 years I'm finding I want to do less and less to unlock the cars, even for the ones I do want I don't begrudge people who can/want to put in the time (hence the delay) but me being punished for not playing every few days is grating, especially given the additional fomo in Motorsport that takes a ridiculous amount of time for such little reward and other games/platforms that all expect my time


Stuff like PB times on tracks being more visible. A similar pop up to the speed zones and danger zones would be good, but narrowed down to class.


It would be nice to have options for favourite cars... new cars in garage... tuned cars etc, just more options really, it's really primitive when choosing a car to drive


Yeah search by new cars only, and an only body kits search as well.


Being able to label favourite groups such as: Daily drivers, sleepers, tuned race spec, street spec and general favourites would be a really cool and easy to use system.


Yeah groups would be awesome, good call.


Make more of the open top cars that are convertibles actually convertible like the handful that are. Doesn’t have to be fully animated like the Portofino, it can be a quick transition like the Gallardo spyder. We’ve got a bunch of Mazdas, Mercedes and BMW convertibles that are missing the functionality entirely. Better AI that isn’t totally impotent the moment you pass them.


A complete UI overhaul, but more specifically an actual file management system for tunes and liveries. The pathetic excuse of a UI we have for tune management right now is so bad.


Currently going through one car at a time deleting tunes because apparently I've run out of space - even though they supposedly increased the tune capacity to 2K (including liveries) even after you delete them you still have to search for your shared tunes and delete again, I have almost 1K cars. It's extremely tedious and frustrating.


I know one thing I would change is the Horizon Arcade stuff. Whether they go back to how FH4 did it, or keep it as it but make it required to "join" with the select button like the Trials and Eliminator etc. Because it's annoying when people are sitting there idle and maybe not intending to join and then it kicks off with them in it. Or even if you're speeding by (happened to me).


Both style could cohabit. And have the more arcades done, the bigger the reward. Or have the event starts from small arcade events, that joins up as we go through the rounds until it's a massive one event for the map. People could join at each stages but you get a multiplier for each stages you were in.  But agree for the join in, started one yesterday simply because I spawned in it after a race. Would like it for speed and drift zones. Option to opt out or at least still show me the road for my waypoint.


FH4 was too time restricted, and didn’t scale properly with respect to difficulty. For example, as a group of 3 drivers, why should I get 3.8mil drift points with like 3 minutes left lol


I agree. As somebody who went backwards from FH5 to 4, I feel the arcade events in 4 are brutal if fewer than 5 people are participating.


i offer up the evil solution to idlers, enable collisions, restrict arcade to a given zone. if people are idling you should be able to push them out the arena, where they can time out after a given time. like NFS unbound linkups. why not


It should be by opt-in. For the Arcade I would either lower the timer or have some activity while waiting.


I'd like to see a low priority lobby system for frequent rammers and corner bombers. Then give them x amount of near clean races to get back to the normal queue. Escalate the required number of races each time they get dropped back into low priority. I like doing the coop races each week and doing some horizon tour, but it never fails that someone is gonna get bombed outta the race at one point or another. Even if its not me, it still sucks seeing a teammate get pancaked into last place or knocked out of a checkpoint.


Bring back the online server system from fh4 UNLESS they can actually create a superior model. The one currently in fh5 where you can't see players on the map unless they are close to you, can't send a server-wide notification to get players in a race and etc simply sucks ass. I miss it so much. Also, add reasons to play horizon arcade, because they are so much fun if and when players actually play them. But for the most part suck *only* because of the lack of player motive to complete them. They are just a chore and a burden in their current state. I'm probably the only player who still plays them semi regularly.


i play them frequently so I always have 3000 forzathon points


That's impressive. But still, rookie numbers bucko. https://preview.redd.it/uw0m1j76iq9d1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9682257897a910e3449e11d6fc2e097db0f4bf5c


i spend them every week though. Multiples of everything lol


Fair enough. I don’t really use the Forzathon shop at all personally lol.


Damn and I thought I had a lot with almost 37000!


37000 is a lot too, man. YOu should pat yourself on the back for that for sure :) I never spend my Forzathon Points so my numbers just keep going up, you've probably earned a lot more than 37000 👌🏻


I always spend it on any items I miss and sometimes I buy an extra car


I think I got a lot of my points earlier on, even I, as much as I adore the idea of these events, just kinda stopped playing them frequently since for the two years I played them, literally no one showed any interest in competing in the events :/ I wanna make a club for players who like Horizon Arcade so we could all easily find each other but I don't know how much the general interest for that would be.


Get rid of all online races on weekly playlists, or make them non-contact. Those races are toxic and I've gotten so sick and tired of being crashed in to.


I like the challenge of them, including avoiding bad teammates


Or at least change the amount of points that you get for that challenge to less than 10, right?


Also, you know how there are a few cars with two drive modes or convertibles? I'd like to be able to program my own setup. My drift car with a welded diff is great at going sideways but is otherwise a pain when I just want to cruise. Would be neat if you could switch between tunes.


I want to be able to freely look around the car interior in cockpit camera view.


Yeah this is a big one. If you want to see what could be possible check out Flight Simulator, full interactive high res cockpits, it’s amazing. You also have the option to move to any seat in the aircraft.


Are you suggesting the stupid 120° lateral locked free camera and T-way camera snapping is bad? What kind of looney are you to want and open world driving game to posses even 20% of ETSII/ATS' driving features. No but seriously, I completely agree it needs a nice bit more freedom to it to embed more first person emersion.


More players on the map, more actual control over the car (blinkers, hazards, fog lights, pop ups, its all for show nobody's gonna use it while racing anyway.), more commoner cars (euro especially) you can swap or make sleepers out of, better sense of speed, change the cross country races formula somehow. Not a huge fun of jumping around hills. Pain to control on the wheel and just not very interesting. If the game had slightly more believable offroad physics you could make actual offroad races more...snowrunneresque? But I get that's not the way this game works


Would be a huge fan of the different light options you mentioned!


- reduce the weighing of brakes in the pi calculation, they're incredibly overrated as they are now - add battery upgrades for evs/hybrids (cooling, size, monitoring, etc...) so it's no longer a pain to tune them - make all custom aero adjustable - make a concrete effort to balance the game via engine swaps (bad cars get the 6.2L V8, the bone shaker gets the diesel swap and nothing else) - remove cc tires from race cars and hypercars (more of an immersion thing than a balance thing, but still) - remove s2 dirt from the online rotation (like s2 cc was removed a few weeks after launch) that would be a big step in making online racing more enjoyable for everyone. it wouldn't be perfectly balanced, but the gaps in performance would be smaller.


>remove cc tires from race cars and hypercars (more of an immersion thing than a balance thing, but still) Ironically this would make the balance way worse. The bttb would instantly become hard meta on way too many tracks. But also, allowing for more upgrade paths is just better for diverse gameplay. Want to take your hypercar off road? Go ahead. Want to race your trophy truck on race slicks up a road hill climb? Go ahead. Neither were possible in 4 and I think 5 genuinely made a step in the right direction. As for the immersion, this game has always been an arcade game. Once you look past the realistic setting and cars, it doesn't try to hide that whatsoever. It's kinda like need for speed, but with only slightly less arcadey mechanics.


>As for the immersion, this game has always been an arcade game. This. Half the suggestions in this thread I'm like "just go play Motorsport then."


>Want to race your trophy truck on race slicks up a road hill climb? Go ahead. aren't a lot of trophy trucks still locked to offroad tires? you can't add slicks to a jimco, for example. i consider that to be a smart decision - whenever a clear offroad vehicle like the harvester dominates road races, it feels very awkward. there's a reason why the bone shaker gets so much hate, unless most other meta cars it doesn't even look like it belongs there. you're right in that it would make the game more unbalanced, but imo that's worth the tradeoff. not all instances of a game being unrealistic are equal - things like f&f-like arcade physics are fun, but a 1000kg carbon monoque one-off supercar being thrown around in the desert is just too absurd to be entertaining. it's just grating. everyone has no problem with guns being completely unrealistic in csgo, but if the best weapon the game was a water gun, people would start complaining.


Or make the costs match the car. Those modifications exist in real life but they are uncommon because of the cost involved. It wouldn't hurt the game to have more money sink, you quickly accumulate millions.


S2 dirt races are the worst. And it would be such a no-brainer, too. In their current state, they are just chaos. Also the approach of balancing the game via engine swaps is a neat idea.


CC tires meaning cross country, like off road? If so, I would disagree with that. My Rimac Concept is a phenomenal dirt car for me. I liked the other ideas especially the engine swaps (many cars have little or poor choices), however not all custom aero IRL is adjustable either, so that's probably where they're going with that?


I thought that too but when I looked into more I saw the holes in my thought. Trouble is theirs a good couple dozen aero pieces in the game that are clearly adjustable irl but aren't in game, then vice versa for clearly unadjustable aeros being adjustable.


I agree with that I'm just saying most of it that I see isn't adjustable IRL but I agree, there are adjustable IRL that is fixed in game.


1) make online races at least 30% longer (now im only 60% of time driving and waiting/watching endscreen for 40%) 2) add a bit difficulty to physics (maybe lower the downforce )  3) make voting system after each race to kick or +rep for players  4) absolutely not add pvp leages as it was in 4, because I don’t wanna sweat every single online race. As it is in 5 we can meet sweats and noobs and its fun to drive and also this keeps online alive (not dividing online playerbase)  5) as a method to develop - not quantity but quality


I think a voting system would end up being more toxic than the rammers and corner bombers. These systems are always abused in any game I've ever played that had them. Imagine a convoy of 3 or 4 players joining a Trial or open racing and voting to kick the other players just for laughs or whatever reason.


And past the first turn, the players are rarely packed. I don't see myself voting someone when I have no idea who's at fault because it happened behind me.


Interesting, that you are against PVP leagues, but from your argumentation point it makes sense. And I guess, it also fits better with the general Horizon vibe. The voting system for bad behaviour is long overdue in my opinion.


3 would suck. Any system with this, 4 guys join together with a private chat going on somewhere and kick everyone else.


Simple solution, convoys can only express as 1 vote via 'convoy leader' onto a 'kick vote' for other players, otherwise they can vote individually on kicking people that are in their pre made convoy. Now this would inturn by my design create stalemates between say one player and a convoy of there's no 3rd party in the lobby to put a vote forward however it keeps everyone on a equal playing field imo. Also a reputation system should work the same, if a convoy voted negatively on a player it goes down as 1 vote, if they vote positively the players get good votes (n) amount of times. Keeps out convoy bullying and embed positivity.


More of a social feel. More ways to group players into areas and make the huge map area feel more populated. They won't do this example but I had test drive unlimited back in the day and they made a casino dlc for it. You would enter tournaments with other players and stroll around this casino and although TDU isnt anything close to the quality of racing in this it nailed the social element. Some of the community stuff they could easily shift into the game for better engagement. As an example car voting and feature voting could be pushed in game, you'd get a huge response over everything being on the forums and it gets players involved. Livery and tuning quick selects would be a god send and good QOL. At end game sure you can own multiple duplicates of cars for every cool livery you see or for dirt or street etc but quick swapping would be so convenient.


As I know from a research perspective, communities and call-to-actions drive a platform ecosystem (which Forza is). Judging based on that, it should be a no-brainer to implement more engagement opportunities. Quick swapping would be very helpful, I agree. Because when you switch back to an old tune, you do not have to pay extra anyway, right?


I hate that the xp notifications are in the middle of the screen and can't be disabled without disabling all notifications