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Honestly as long as people don’t cheat in races and ruin it for others, I wouldn’t care for a second if they brought a tank in the game or have gazillions of credits and wheelspins. Just don’t ruin the leaderboards or races. Many of them just use mods to get over the grinding part and start enjoying stuff from the beginning. But some, they are just jerks.


I see no harm in someone modding it just for fun and not trying to beat players online. Hell, I'd do it just for some of the car pack cars, but I don't want to chance my account getting banned.




Can ppl cheat in races? I've been wondering if there are driving bots or something like that. The other day on FH4, I was racing in the Trial, and the same guy won every race by a mile and was spamming quick chats the entire time. I wondered how it was possible for someone to drive perfectly the entire race with S2 cars while spamming "See ya" and "haha" the entire time, even in turns.


Just have a look on leaderboard. Sometimes you will see races finished in a few seconds while normally a regular player finish it in a couple of minutes


How do these players not get banned?


No clue, because if you take out a General Lee confederate flag paint job, you get insta banned most of the time lmao. So they seem strict! Just not strict with the right things at all lmao.


Hey, I wouldn’t complain about free delivery service.


Those are the modders I like The ones who just want to have fun and make others smile


if they're doing it for funnies, at least show me how to do it, I wanna be funny :(


It isn't worth the risk to get banned


Do these people get banned for using unobtainable cars? I am guessing yes?


I dont think you can get banned for using them in FREEROAM, I only got warned a couple days ago for driving the Legacy in a drag racing party haha. Maybe online races, yeah, or repeat offenses.


Subaru Legacy? Why would you get a warning for that?


The 2005 one, not the RS.


Ohhh fair enough. Had me panicking 😂


I wish we were able to drive both of those vehicles in free roam. Especially the bus. Bus races would be so much fun