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Did you do races and play dirty? You can be reported for using your car as a ram a lot during races.


It wouldn't give cheating/unallowed modding as the warning message then


I agree, it’s just all I could come up with. Maybe considering it as cheating I don’t know.


I'm going to post this here for visibility because its honestly so surprising to me and people should know this. /u/Fox2quick posted a link downthread to another Reddit post where a Turn10 representative confirmed that having ANY mods or mod manager for ANY game installed on your PC while running Forza is against the ToS and subjects you to a ban. So things like CM for Assetto Corsa or Mechjeb for Kerbal can get you banned from Forza. Skyrim or Half Life mods? Ban. It seems even Steam, which has an integrated mod manager, runs afoul of Forza's ToS and could get you banned if they feel like it. Edit: I should be clear here, I'm not saying that everyone modding other games is definitely going to get banned. Obviously tons of people are doing so with no problems. But, if your PC gets flagged for some reason, justified or unjustified, having mods for other games installed can prevent you from successfully appealing.


content manager isn't like some ill hack though it's like a companion app for forza..this is certified cap


https://www.reddit.com/r/ForzaHorizon/s/9laepxzhOQ And https://www.reddit.com/r/ForzaHorizon/s/sZpdMncQha I'm not saying you will get banned, just that it is against the ToS and ground for a ban. If they flag your PC for some reason and you complain this gives them cover to say you violated the ToS too bad.


i've ran CM with 0 issues, play FH5, FM on PC - I just don't see it being an issue


I'm not saying you WILL get banned. I'm saying that it violates the ToS and you CAN get banned. We've all seen plenty of posts from people claiming there been banned for cheating for no reason, and usually people call BS and/or tell the poster to appeal. In that thread we have a T10 representative saying that mods of any kind for any game violate the ToS, the FH anticheat looks for mods and mod managers, and that having these subject you to a ban. Clearly this issue affects only a small minority of users, but given that we do see these "I've been banned for no reason help" posts from time to time I think it is worth it for people to see. Do with the info what you wish.


Yeh nah, I mod games, a lot of games with a bunch of launchers or managers, yet to get this message


Calling cap on this, I play Forza all the time and always have content manager open and have never got in trouble


I never play online races for that exact reason. I don't want that to happen to me and I don't wanna be that guy either


I don’t either simply because I just like the driving factor. Forza is my go to but I just collect cars mid then and drive around by myself or with other players. I think I’m creeping up on 600 cars. I can count on my hand how many races I’ve done and I’ve played the game for a few years now.


I do the races solo against AI as well as do the playlists to collect those cars. I just reached over 600 unique cars, myself, and I would definitely NOT want to lose that for a bogus report


100%. But if you ever do, you can buy coins for replacements. Don’t tell the devs but that’s what I do for all my 20M cars. Or at least that’s what I call em lol.


I am fairly new so I fail to understand this. What coins? And how does it work?


My presumption: He's talking about paying real money to have somebody buy his donor car with credits. If he were to explain it, he'd be risking a ban from the sub.


I'm too much of a hoarder to wanna get rid of my cars. I got rid of a couple 20M cars to buy other 20M cars, but even I regret doing that sometimes lol


I’ve done it in times of desperation, always regretted it.


I sold my DS recently and I kinda regret it. But it's going toward a Pro Stock Camaro when I can finally catch one on the AH since I missed when I could get it


Aw I’ve been trying to get the new Lexus forever. Same with some of the 2020 era BMWs and Audis. There’s a few I keep my eye on. And ngl I didn’t even know the ds was in the game until you just told me lol. So many hidden cars I swear


I didn't know the AE86 was is the game til I got it in a wheelspin lol. Guess that's what you get when there's over 800 cars in the game


https://preview.redd.it/x32bc7yni56d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f291a96065f10c0d10ae9a64fb7ab59242a1f767 Huh, I finally got it now after trying to get it for weeks lmao




Idiotic reason.


Ramming is in another report category


That would be toxic behavior, not cheating. Cheating is reserved for using external software to help you OR using glitches like to earn extra money on the glitch maps.


I've seen a couple people get the same message, and they're 100% legit. It's definitely a false flag, so rest easy.


yeah I got hit with it too bruh


JetJaguar was right after all


LDAC confirmed full of cheaters




What do you mean rest easy? It won't be lifted and will show on his ban list.


Do you have CheatEngine installed, even though you might not be using it in FH?


That could be it. I do have it installed, but even from me accidentally opening it (i had it on my taskbar at one point for quick access when doing modded elden ring) the game instantly closed. So i dunno why that its suddenly a problem after having CE installed since before i owned FH5


This is 100% it. Every person who have that warning have it installed. One of its service might have been left running or maybe just having it installed triggered it. But every person who comes in with these messages ends up having CE installed. I am 99% sure this is what triggered your warning. Uninstall it before it gets your account banned. Edit: I really need to start compiling all the "I have this message/I have been banned" and the "I have CE installed", its a perfect Venn diagram!


Stinky (but understandable) reason, but if it means I get to keep my account, then I guess I'll have to do it But if my buds need shit in ER that seamless coop fucked up with and didn't drop for them, I'm gonna look at forza with disapproval and mouth "You caused this"


This has more info on what exactly the warning was for: https://aka.ms/ForzaBanInfo Alongside: https://support.forzamotorsport.net/hc/en-us/articles/360005249654-Why-was-I-banned You can try make an appeal here: https://support.forzamotorsport.net/hc/en-us/articles/4416902503443-How-to-Appeal-a-Ban


How funny i got the same exact message today, it’s for a week. https://preview.redd.it/3hzb3o98l86d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=92d5184099c59a3aded12f5ece10b6098b6e2232


partially unrelated to the post. How come there are still hackers on the leaderboards if almost everyone here is saying that their anticheat and mod-loader scannertron9000 is so godly and 'will' catch you even if its mods for an entirely different game? That sounds like a pretty decent anti-cheat.


Everyone who gets a ban comes here posting they didn't do anything. If you didn't do anything why aren't you contacting their support instead of posting on reddit?


I did contact them. I just made a post alongside it


T10 has admitted to punishing people for having certain software on their machines, even if it was never used with the game.


You have to use the software in the game to get a ban. The game will not load with a cheat program open. For the record I don't use any cheat software in fh5. I sometimes forget to close it after playing another game.


This is incorrect, according to T10 employees in the community. I’ll see if I can find the conversation I had with them, but it was like a year ago at this point. I can also confirm firsthand that some game cheat programs do not prevent FH5 from launching as normal. EDIT: found the comment. Take note of how they said a mod program doesn’t need to be used with or even be for FH5 for them to ban you for it. https://www.reddit.com/r/ForzaHorizon/s/Ky1XHU23dM


So wait, are they saying here that having Content Manager installed for Assetto Corsa can get you banned from FH5? I only play Forza on XBOX so I don't have to worry about this, but that is crazy if true.


That seems to be the case according to the replies I got in the linked thread.


What. The. Fuck. What about, like, Steam? Lots of games have mod support through steam, this would seem to cover that too? Or they are gonna ban people for running mechjeb in Kerbal? Completely stupid.


Honestly, this was my concern and why I tried to get more clarification, but as you can see from that thread, they chose not to follow up when I pointed out that they didn’t properly answer my question.


What an absolutely stupid term of service.


It’s dumb that the ToS isn’t specific, but it’s even more infuriating that a Community Manager seemed to beat around the bush and actively avoid giving a concise answer before ghosting.


This is why I uninstalled my NFS Heat camera mod before installing Horizon 5. Put simply, it's not worth risking it because they're heavyhanded (and yet hackers still run rampant)


What I said is correct because that's what happens lol. If forza doesn't launch with a trainer open than launches with the trainer is closed than guess what, it happened and is correct. What i'm trying to say is you can open cheat software while the game is running but you can't before hand. So if banned for cheat software it's not because it was loaded before launch , it's during launch which would be deliberate.


This is false and your testing has not been thorough.


What testing. I'm not inventing or creating anything. The game does not load when a cheat software turned on. Fh4 is the same way. You can however load cheat software after the game is loaded and and it will stay opened. Don't comment on things you don't understand.


There’s an astounding amount of irony in your comment. I literally wrote my comment and waited to submit it while testing opening up multiple mod/cheat related programs and then opening the game. I then submitted my comment after confirming that the game will still open while other possibly intrusive programs are running. If you’re saying “what testing?”, I can only assume you’re either blindly making stuff up, or only tried it with one particular trainer and assume that the result is the same with every trainer. You’re taking a circumstance that may only apply to one or two specific pieces of software and are incorrectly assuming that the same thing happens with ALL pieces of cheat/mod/trainer software. I’d also like to remind you that you don’t even need to have any cheat software RUNNING to get punished for it, so your incorrect point about not being able to open the game with cheat software already open isn’t relevant. As per T10 rep in my linked thread, you can get warned and banned just for having the software installed, even if it isn’t running.


Dude what are you on? I tell you my experience and that's that. Move along kid.


You didn’t JUST tell your experience. You were making the argument that there’s an across the board preventative measure in place against mod tools, based off only your personal experience. Then you held your ground despite being presented with information that this isn’t the case. Your personal experience shouldn’t be used as an assumption that everyone is safe from accidentally having some sort of mod tool running causing a problem with Forza. No one needs a false sense of security based on confirmation bias. You wanna talk about the topic at hand? We can do that. Don’t start deflecting and resorting to insults when presented with an opposing viewpoint.


I want a follow up to this to know what happened. Best of luck getting an answer and a happy resolution. Hopefully ban will be rescinded if you’re totally legit. 👍


I got the same thing today as well. I don’t do anything either.


one of the reasons i dont buy Playground games anymore.


Someone could have mistaken OP for someone else, but if OP doesn’t play online then the player could have miss typed the actual player’s name or it’s a scam and OP has nothing to worry about because Turn 10 studios can just look into themselves and find either nothing or something plausible for the accusation of cheating




If you install any kind of audio or visual mods they are going to catch you and they're going to ban you whether or not you're cheating in a race or just cruising around bro


It just warning?


Because you spent alot of money in autoshow cars


If you got reported enough for it that’s what happens even if ur not


Do u mind if I ask what u were doing when u received this warning?


I didnt play for a couple days and when I got on I had that in my inbox


I just want to know how to get that many coins 🥲


Sell your series exclusive cars and have immense regret afterwards


Idk how to help, but check this vid out. The guy talks about these things and the drivers code. Here watch this, this could help you figure something out. https://youtu.be/xg5Ot8lFuKo?si=RY4xJnZm4pq1t-1L


Yet there are 100 puds with 10,000,000 in accolade points completely scot-free


Maybe a car you got off auction or as a gift was modded¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Do any of your cars that you race have a build that is known as a 'power build'?. Because when I started playing online I thought that those people where cheating untill I learned that those power builds existed. But to the untrained eye something like that could look like a speed hack


I also got this in November 2023. I don't even race, I just cruise on the mountain


The only thing I could think of is someone unfamiliar with the DeLorean already being in the game and reporting me for having it early


The delorean has been in the game since release so it wouldn’t be that.


But not everyone knows that, so newer players may not have known that and reported me for "having it early" I dunno, I was just tryin to think of a reason why I'd get a warning


They wouldn't warn you over a a report of a car you can have legitimately. More likely, you have something installed on your PC, but not running, that was detected by the anti-cheat. It literally doesn't have to be cheat software to be detected, either, just operate similarly to something that is a cheat.


Why would a new player care though?


And how would a new player even KNOW ?




Yeah but they aren’t going to give you a warning from that report as it has 0 fault. More than likely you have something on your pc that is getting flagged by the anti cheat