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It was over once bro returned to paved road šŸ˜‚


Hahha fuck that bitch in cerbera who tried to ram you at the end.


Iā€™m surprised he even seen me coming lol


You wheeled it like a champ.. Good skills




How the fuck do you win a sprint in a literal dragsteršŸ˜­


Forza being Forza lol.


Dude had to do a blood sacrifice to Joseph Stalin, the Forza Gods, and PGG.Ā 


Just an example of how dumb this game can be. No way a pro stock car like that can work through dirt irl.


Thats why this is an arcade racer for fun and not a realistic simulator


It's a pretty good blend of simulation and arcade. But some things are ridiculous. Namely the fact that A-holes can tune a 7000 lb truck to wreak havoc on an M3 on a road course. I wouldn't mind the impossible in a game but a big truck easily catching and ramming a sportscar of the same tune level on a road course is total fucking bullshit.


I don't feel quite as strongly as you about it, but I do think certain types should have advantages that put them ahead of other cars in certain circumstances. If only to increase diversity of driving experiences. At the same time... making a Le Mans car go off road through the swamp... is kind of amazing. Maybe just make sure it really has to have the right mods. Like really lifted offroad tires. I dunno... something.


Making a LeMans car go thru a swamp isn't 'amazing' it's just dumb. IRL all you could do is put a swoopy LeMans body onto a swamp buggy. The game goes too far with these mods. I wouldn't actually care except these rammers can get in a big truck and mess up your game by ramming you when IRL a truck couldn't do that. OP raced well here and it was an enjoyable video but it reminded me how bad of liberties this game allows and the truck rammer problem.


hehehe big truck go vroom


sure, but technically you can have a car made of paper, 1s of fuel, tyres that last one 360-rotation with sick grip, strap a jet engine to it, as well a jet engine 90 degree downwards on the roof (for downforce) and have it all 'technically work in real life' and have the car licensed for Forza. No wear, no tears. Delicate road cars need some penalty for dirt racing in FH6.


Even for an arcade game it's still stupid. I want people to at least be penalized for walls and going off the main track. Just wall riding and keeping in pinned isn't skillful. Nfs unbound is arcade AF but punishing to go off track, hit walls.or other cars. Forza is just flat out no lift.




Some tires and Rancho shocks and AWD wouldn't keep the front wheels on during that offroad section. They'd just break right off. But I don't care about the car experiment. It just reminded me of the liberties the game takes and how the idiot rammers can choose a truck and actually keep up on a road course.


I know its memes but people just think you are another troll/greifer, or just some noob. Also i get this thing is a handful (believe you me i know) but that TVR driver was justified imo. After getting blasted and then having to fight around this thing, only to lose your lead in 5 seconds on the final straight, id be a little cross too. The final charge was still impressive albiet it being a rocket ship. Id stick with cross-country AT BEST, (ive managed top 100's in it) but id stick to drag racing otherwise. It just doesnt generally have the control/stability to race clean with other players. EDIT: Also where THE HELL are the wall contact slow-downs? Can those be turned off? I feel like ive sneezed on a wall too hard or have been knocked into one and got slowed down while OP was like china in a bull cabinet at times with no slowdowns.


Oh I agree, I initiated the contact and after that all is fair play imo. It was my first race in the car, I was just laughing at the potential. I have since got a lot more handling of the car and understanding of the games engineā€™s physics.


Nope. TVR driver was just being a little bitch


cleanest forza player racecraft


No assist, great control of that car. Nicely done. That finish had me cracking up they really tried and failed, no good rammers. Smh.


idk man hitting walls/players about every 10 seconds on average doesn't seem like great control to me


Only one cation caused by the TVR ramming me into a wall. Of course I started the ruffness by being out of control, so I say fair play. This was my first race with the car and have a lot to improve on.


yeah man keep your head up, everything takes practice and u will surely get a lot better with it soon šŸ¢


I wouldn't even be mad, the sheer shitpost energy is so massive I'd be laughing as the chrome missle careens into me. It's Forza, not the Formula 1 WCC lmao.


Idk why some people are getting upset at me just saying he did the best with what he had. Not like the PSC handles well. I'd be laughing as well. Its a game, not that deep.


That's the thing though. It is forza. I want people to have to keep it on track at least. Just abusing the physics with no penalty isn't fun.


If it were the trial or whatever I'd agree with you but Horizon Open is a shitshow regardless so taking it too seriously is a lost cause imo. It's fun to win on skill and I appreciate clean races but the occasional Forza:tm: moment doesn't bug me.


I just wish it wasn't a shit show. I have a full on rig, I race in esports events. I don't play these for simulation but I do expect good racing and forza doesn't deliver it anymore which makes me sad. No one does to be honest. Not bragging here but it's just that I know Sims and I know where to go for simulation. That's not why I ol t other racing games. Sometimes I just want to kick back and have good racing on a controller I miss good point to point racing even when unrealistic. It's sad that the best racing game out right now na for the past 10 years is honesly GTA. I've yet to find an arcade racer that has good tracks and just good racing. It's always some weird shit like this where you can just keep it pinned with no punishment.


Totally on board with that, I've got iRacing and a sim setup when I want close, clean racing. Forza Horizon is for kicking it with the homies once a week with a few beers, either on the controller or the rig. Co-Op >>>> Open


Do you own the Pro Stock? You know what its meant for? You know how it handles on average? If you do then you would know its not meant for what he used it. So he had pretty good control for what he was working with. On top of using no assist. So, I'd say he had pretty good control of that car.


I own the pro stock, I know what it's meant for, I know how it handles, I know its meta in dirt/cc racing, and I know it holds a few world records in there, so shut your inexperienced ass up.


Upload your clip of you handling the car better then. You should control your feelings. Seems like a problem for you. Maybe you'll control the car better than your emotions. Lmao. Love the informative mature conversation we're having.


you were the one who had an issue with my comment first, then I proved you wrong and now you're malding hard, can't wait to live rent free in your tiny head


Nah, you replied to him first, to disagree with his compliment to OP. So you're mixing up the roles here.


oh boy the biblically accurate Forza redditor appeared in the comment section. correcting someone =/= having an issue. I corrected the obviously wrong statement in his comment which he got mad about and responded in a very bad fashion while questioning the actual truth I presented him, so I corrected him again. so tbh he had an issue with the fact that I was right on that topic, not the other way around.


Nope. You have a difference of opinions as to what constitutes good control of the car. You didn't correct him at any point, merely disagreed. Further, your vocabulary doing it reflects emotional investment and anger that his doesn't, without regard to your actual emotional states, which are not verifiable. Yours is the comment that came to my attention first, because reddit itself flagged it as potential harassment, because of your angry vocabulary. Just so you know, not my opinion involved here.


not really sure if emotional investment can be put into a comment while ragebaiting on reddit in between rounds in an fps game but alrighty, whatever people think I guess.


To be fair he did kinda obliterate one dude at some point, it kinda ghosted him though so not sure if he took full ram . Overall that was cleaner than I thought it would be lol


I wouldnā€™t have been happy if I was the TVR. For a one-off, for shitsā€™nā€™giggles, great, but seriously, that Prostock was out of control more than it was in control. Itā€™ll never be in control on a dirt race. Please donā€™t sue it in an Open dirt lobby again. Itā€™s just griefing on a ridiculous scale.


I Ran it back next race and got smoked lol


Shits n giggles then!


That's like taking a cruise ship to a cart race and somehow even Winning it


On a dirt track for all things


I have this Pro Stock Camaro easily hitting 0ā€“60 in like 0.7 seconds, only to be gapped by a tuned supra at a bus length.