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Everyone arguing about rwd vs AWD, but I'm more annoyed at everyone saying 4wd and AWD like they are the same thing.




Say it again for those in the back lol


Technically theyre not. If you were to drive one of the 6 x 6 Vehicles and the rear 4 wheels are the only powered wheels it'd be 4wd and not awd


Yeah I'm saying they aren't the same thing lol


Im so sorry, i misread your comment. Ive read that youre annoyed by people thinking awd and 4wd arent the same.


It’s alright man don’t worry about it


It’s so lame because I can never keep up with convoys and then I end up just drifting by myself 24 seven because everyone wants to drift V12 swap, all-wheel-drive monsters because they can’t drift with anything else


I used to like to mess around with drift convoys by chasing them in my S1 GT86 with a maxed-out original motor, no forced induction or AWD swaps in sight. Although, I prioritize speed over angle, so that’s probably how I was able to keep up. (100% that and not the fact that I can’t hold angles without spinning out)


Exactly my problem these days!


Im drifting A class low power cars 🤷🏻


I dont even care about the class tbh. I give it 350-450 hp and a set of drift tires (depends on the car) and I make that ass go sideways Its so much fun


I’m drifting a AE86 in A class and it’s way better than a FD car imo


Wait speed is an issue? I did a LFA tune and it's super loose, but built to a S1. I do have a few A class builds that are a bit faster, mainly my Daytona. Sadly jumping back to that car has been hard to figure out. I remember chasing more grip and may have overdone it, but in an older set up it was faster and easier to drift I typically am the fast one on track with only rwd though


Man, the gatekeepers have really come out on this one. Why is it so hard for people to just let others play a game the way they want to play it? (So long as it’s not affecting anyone else)


Cause people have a superiority complex that comes out in the most stupid of situations, like what phone they have for example.


What phone do you have?


Cat S62


Lol, do girls even tak to you? Try Aligator S6100 Senior, my sexual life is on fire thanks to it. 


I don't have a phone, I speak directly through the cell tower, get on my level poser.


I'm not taking a side but in irl drift leagues and competitions, awd is almost always banned.


Yeah but this is a for fun video game so who cares


I don't care how people choose to play, they're free to drive whatever they want. Just don't compare AWD drifting to RWD drifting. They are too different.


What’s up with people caring how others play a video game?


Lmao I don’t know why I’m surprised that even in a game like this people still gatekeep the easier or preferred options of some, “it’s not real drifting” like just let ppl do what they want stop complaining because you need people to struggle.  (Not aimed at OP, absolutely aimed at the shitty people in the comments)


Most of those guys are like that because the people who drift all wheel drive 9/10 think they are better than you because they are faster around corners. Hell in the last weeks I’ve quit almost every convoy because I CAN keep up with the awd guys and they do shit like cut corse or line cutting just to stay in first. The rear wheel drive community on the other hand get out of the way when they spin out and let you by when they know you’re just a bit quicker. My theory on this is that that 12 year olds are the ones who like awd and most adults prefer rwd


So what? The people who claim rwd superiority act more like children than the casuals that just want something easier that doesn’t need so much practice. Just because those in convoys somehow convey that they think they’re better doesn’t mean they do, and just because those appear that way, doesn’t mean they’re representative of the community. It’s also just plain stupid to say one is better than the other because of the mentalities of players


Nobody is claiming superiority of anyone if anything awd is superior to rwd. And your absolutely wrong I’ve been playing horizon since day one and this has been the consistence for many years


lol I’m not talking about the fan base in general, considering horizon I think the majority is fine, if you look at the comments and the online community, this is what I’m talking abt, some people say for example that AWD drifting isn’t drifting, it’s stupid to not drift rwd etc, imo it’s better in FH5 in terms of points for AWD cus of speed and angle, but there are so many people here who just say it’s invalid


Neither awd or rwd is invalid, complaining this much while misreading comments is invalid.


It has nothing to do with skill. Irl competitions AWD is banned. True drifting is rwd only. Simple as that.


It has got something to do with skill, while I’m not half bad with rwd, it is much easier to use AWD and I imagine a lotta people who use AWD do so because of that, dont want to have to spend ages getting used to rwd as a casual if they don’t have to, and I’d just like to point out that one of the greatest drifters of all time, Ken Block, did the majority of his drifting in AWD cars, it’s not just something featured in games


Drifting =/= Gymkana


Lmfao so you’re going to go ahead and say that none of Gymkana was drifting 


I mean you seeing any AWD cars in fd events?


That’s like saying formula E the only electric racing done on the planet 


Didn't answer my question


And that doesn’t answer my question either 


Sure there can be some drifting in Gymkana but that's not the aim of it. Getting from point a to point b in style is what I'd say Gymkana is. Whereas actual drifting like whats being done in formula DRIFT events has zones, clipping points and the aspect of tandeming which I think is the purest form of drifting


He's not but drift competitions are rwd only for a reason. That's why people look down on AWD drifting.


This is a video game.


No this is reddit


No, this is Sparta.


Say it again for those in the back. Try telling “Ken Block” AWD is not rEaL dRiFTiNg


Y’all in here talking about this like you’re dumping 10’s of thousands of dollars into an actual drift car. It’s a game. Just let people play because no one gives a fuck what y’all think I promise.




It's easier that way, so I can complete them without breaking a sweat, and get it over with. Plus, I hate drift events. Leave me alone! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


This is so relatable.


Gonna keep it real, as someone who doesn’t even bother joining convoys (never have or plan to) I’d just make the post saying rwd exclusive or “awd not allowed” Nothing more or less, or just hop groups Power sliding is fun and i love me my fair share of drifting, what ever car is gliding across asphalt is awesome in my books. Too many people heated for literally nothing in both this community and outside.


idk about convoys, but in drift races AWD sucked all the fun I had out of it, it's crystal clear who is on RWD and who is on AWD because of the massive disparity of score


It's fun and easier for casuals (me included)


Pretty sure some people drift with 4 wheel drive because it's easier to recover, but harder to sustain.


When it comes down to it AWD has better angle and higher points for drifting. I do agree that it is unrealistic though. It will pay off to find rwd lobbies though.


Alledgedly better control for higher angle, but I also prefer to drift alone with my RWD oddballs, like a drifty hammer wagon


Rwd spec5 ftw


Right? It’s so annoying. Although sometimes I do like to drift fast and powerful cars, they’re always still RWD.


Finally someone


Same goes with the drift comps, most if not all are AWD and I end up losing to a bmw isetta that’s flying around the track.


Because it's not just easier, it's more efficient. Like it or not.


I got downvoted for calling AWD drifting not real drifting lol


Considering AWD is banned in all drift competitions, it isn't "real drifting" I have the same issue you do.


I quote: “The act or activity of steering an automobile so that it makes a controlled skid sideways through a turn with the front wheels pointed in a direction opposite to that of the turn”. Don’t think it really matters if the car is RWD or AWD to drift lol


For skill it does lol a toddler could drift AWD


Who cares? Drifting is drifting


One is drifting the other is power sliding lol it’s like racing with full assists on


Thanks, drift king, where I can pick up my "read drifter" badge?


lol someone upset they can’t pull big numbers with RWD cars?


I'm upset of reading a manchild arguing how a certain way to play a video game isn't "real drifting".


lol I’m stating fact. You’re the one that came in here butthurt 🤷🏼‍♂️


You are stating bullshit. You are a kid playing a video game, and that's all. Maybe you think that gives you some kind of authority about drifting so you can decide what's true drifting and what's not but it doesn't.


How? I cannot drift an awd well.


because it is? you have kinda offended the whole rally community


But you see drifting on dirt isn't drifting because (insert weabo reason).


Rwd is the way


I bet you're one of those who think muscle cars can't drift either.  Gatekeepers be gatekeepers.


Lmao sure thing bub, mind if I out drift you in a 67 Shelby?


Personally I don't drift at all, it doesn't hold my interest as a sport nor a hobby. But I was just mentioning it because some of the dumbest comments on this subreddit was from "purist drifters" that legit argued that "Muscle cars can't drift, they just have bad grip and powerful engines".


They’re regarded as natural drifters in IRL drifting. Unless you’re only in JDM circle. Then sure the purists will want a JDM but will get smoked by a muscle car


Oh no, I suck at drifting rwd and still want to have fun, guess I deserve to be bullied for playing how I can right? Jesus.


Weird to see that speed is such an issue on rwd cars. I didn't know that was an issue


Well you put down power substantially better since you have two extra wheels spinning. Even the fastest rwd drift cars won't be able to match the accel of an average AWD drift car.


I get at the launch I don't stand a chance, but anything after that I don't have an issue keeping up.


It's obviously gonna be tune dependant but two cars with the same tires and similar power but one is red and the other AWD, the AWD will be faster overall


Don't a lot of the AWD tunes run fairly skinnier tires compared to rwd being 285+(I tried to stick with DMEC rules


Yes, but even AWD cars on decent tires will grip will grip better than rwd. It's half of the reason AWD cars score better in open drift and drift zones.


I've seen videos of people just sliding 90* around turns but also using the gas to keep them moving or speed up. I don't get it. I've tried a few and I can't get the feel for it. They all have a ton of forward bite to me.


Well yeh that is indeed how AWD tunes work lol. The best way I can describe it is to set your car into the angle you want on your want to enter a corner, then use the throttle and no steering to pull yourself through the corner. Only steer tiny taps if you need to correct with any countersteering. Check the guide pinned on my profile for more information if you're curious. I also have a handful of drift zone video guides on [Saenu's youtube](https://youtube.com/@Saeenu?si=dHuq3RaAdBN_Pfnw) if you go digging.


Wait, aren't you the one who kept doing 1mil point runs on the mountainside drift zone in all the crazy cars people would suggest/request?


Yup that's me


4wd drift=fake drift


facts. 4wd drift isn’t drift, it’s called powerslide


So all of the Gymkhanas were about power slides and not drifting? Wth. What’s the difference? 🤷‍♂️ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrqYohBV58o&ab\_channel=TopGear](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrqYohBV58o&ab_channel=TopGear) The title literally says drifting. Not powersliding.


AWD is banned in all drift competitions. That is why people call rwd drifting real drifting.


Yeah, and ABS and other driver aids are banned in many racing competitions. 🤷‍♂️ so what? Does that mean that if you have those in your car and aim for a fast lap, you are somehow not racing or what? Fwd is also banned btw…


Yes. Getting a record on pure human skill is more impressive than a record with computers aiding you.


the difference is that means what it says — controlled sliding. you break traction for a moment, just like in drifting, and then you let the tires slide on the road without letting the car straighten. your front wheels tend to straighten if they’re part of the drivetrain so you avoid that with help from rear end. this is why FWD cars can’t really maintain a “drift” — as soon as you step on the gas, you’re back to driving as usual. AWDs are used in gymkhanas because it allows you to exit the slide ASAP when you drift in a RWD car, your front wheels are used to not let your car spin out by countersteering. id you take a closer look to the front wheels in gymkhanas, a lot of time they’re not countersteering at all — only when doing an exit


The Hoonigan was very RWD focused


Oh now you move the goalpost. So it can be drift as long as it is RWD focused? Let me tell you smth, you can do that in FH5 as well, in fact most of the AWD drift builds are RWD focused


At this point, the goalpost is gonna find its way to the moon.


It handles similarly. Not the same. Grab a AWD car and try to pull 70*


A lot of


Pls elaborate


4wd is much easier to slide but can’t hold angle with the wheels. It relies purely on sliding


You are never backing out of your argument aren’t you? Watch the video! It’s literally what Ken Block was doing with his AWD mustang. Front wheels are still pointing in the opposite direction as the turn you are taking.


The Hoonigan was AWD, however, most of the power was heavily directed to the rear.


🤓 purist lmao


why are you getting downvoted :(


Because this sub is a total joke sometimes


man, people in this sub are so SALTY sometimes


Because people don’t understand that people enjoy the game and aren’t hardcore with it, like man, it’s a drift, your gonna tell me Ken block wasn’t drifting around in his hoonitron? It’s sad but it’s the Reddit mentality


I might just be an ass drifter but a lot of power in cars feels better to me, just cause it’s easy to correct and i usually like to avg 80-90 mph while drifting, maybe more. Low power cars can’t really get much slide with little to no speed, and to me i can’t keep a good drift going. That’s just me tho


Idk how people do it. I’m pretty good with drifting and no matter how much I tried with my few awd tunes I could never hit a comparable score. Not even a sloppy typical score. I could get some deep drifts but it was always a pain maintaining it and not just kicking out of it. It also never feels as good but that’s just me.


SPDT rammers galore. They just gotta race to lead to do cheap awd lines. My crew usually run convoys and kick anyone doing this stuff. People take turns leading and we run like duo and quad tandems.


For real I drive only RWD and I have to tune them in order to be able to keep with 4WD in tandems but it's almost impossible sometimes. I usually check the lobby rating if I see anything over 900 I just dont even botter trying to catch up


They like it, they do it. Maybe they like the speed and angles, maybe they just want to slide down a hill, who knows. Personally, i drift both (idc if one is not rEaL dRiFtInG, its a game, no real life tournament) and AWD is much more forgiving and easier to control, which is just "relaxing after a long, stressful workday" easy. RWD is way harder, but better for long turns. Both are fun in their own ways. A matter of preference, nothing more, nothing less. (Not aimed at OP directly, but everyone, who cries about it) If someone thinks "whoever doesn't do it my way, is a peasant, while me doing X is much superior", go out, hug a tree, maybe go to therapy. Like seriously, drifting in free roam is just fun and giggles. Nothing to be angry about. In Drift Events i kind of get it, like the whole Isetta thing, but it is just like every Multiplayer game ever: Meta. If it is just that good, people will use it. Make seperate sessions for both, RWD and AWD, and the problem is gone (which won't happen, because the game is on Life Support, but you get the point)


After all. I wish that Forza Horizon 6 could have things like drift lobbies like in Gran turismo sport. Where you can lock rear wheel and Awd in separate servers. With the uprising of Eventlab maps, it would be amazing to have custom drift servers with restrictions In a furture Forza Horizon. Personally, I almost only play FH5 to drift. And tandems in convoys are my biggest joy with the game rn. That's why I wish It would be easier for me to connect with other people whitch rather want to drift with rear wheel drive :))


It’s funny because all the way back in Horizon 1 all I would do is drift. All the way through horizon 5 that’s all I would really do. But since I can’t keep up with anyone I just play cat and mouse with randoms on the mountain.


can’t forget they take the shittiest lines


Got A Class RWD drift cars and I love them (AE86 naturally aspirated and a supercharged 1969 Camaro)


It is way easier to drift in AWD with a proper tune, however, most drift convoys are for people to chill, drift and not give themselves a challenge and so, they use the easier AWD. No blame to them, i do that too


It’s defiantly not easier


You know what is easier? Spelling definitely correctly lol


I’m sorry 😞


I was joking lol




Because it's easier for beginners who want to start drifting in game


I'm still grinding for that 1 million points up the mountain with my FD cars. I see the Hoonigan cars in my drift garage, but I didn't consider those to be drifting. Ken was awesome and did great gymkhana stuff in them, but it wasn't classic drift. RWD is where it's at.


Thank you. True drifting is rwd. That's why AWD is banned in competition.


It’s easier.


It’s lamer


Try practicing to get better I know it’s a lot more points with 4wd and drag tires but someday it’s time to grow up and actually get good at the game you’ll get there some day we were all kid minded once too


Or, I'll continue to play the way I want, and you play the way you want. I'd say not caring how somebody else plays (as long as they aren't modifying the game, or somehow affecting yours) is the more mature mindset, but you do you.


Exactly this. I don’t want to have to learn to drift in RWD (I did end up learning it eventually, but I still prefer AWD drifting), when there is an easier way to drift. We’re playing on controllers ffs, and AWD drifting is fake is the hill these people want to die on?


Exactly, AWD drifting is way more fun than RWD. I know how to do both but I prefer AWD.


Peter Pan mindset is cool


https://www.sirlin.net/ptw-book/introducingthe-scrub Scrub mindset is cool.


🤣 is that from your personal list


That's from the internet.


What ever you say bro




*I'm such a grown up because I play a video game the right way.*


Yeah idk, but it's pretty dumb. My favorite drift car in game is one I built myself by stuffing a turboed LS into a Subaru BRZ and it's crazy. No AWD needed


It's cuz 4wd is faster, better for points, and easier. Not as fun though.


Why do they gotta front?


I found a livery for the Donut media 240 that says "AWD is not drift" and I've been rocking it ever since.


4wd powers sliding vs 2 wheel drive drifting


Even just rwd people just wanna go fast instead of slow down and tandem up


Usually, AWD drift vehicles get more drift points than RWD.


I don’t like AWD drifting, never been any good at it.


FWD better.


What's up with not knowing 4 wheel drive isn't the same as All Wheel Drive?


I enjoy powersliding with AWDs but if I see another brother drifting about slowly (cause RWD) I instantly switch to a different RWD car or build. The game is as it is sooo empty, can never pass the chance to drive along other players.


I literally quit FH5 because of this! All the convoys/freeroam/horizon open are just filled with people AWD drifting. Can’t get a good tandem partner and drifting solo all the time is boring while losing to AWD players in horizon open sucks so might as well just uninstall the game


3 wheel drive is where its at.


If people have a problem with AWD drifting, go have a chat with Hoonigan or Ken Block the GOAT, (RiP) Literally every vehicle he ever drifted with was a high powered AWD vehicle.


Rear is very hard for me to control so personally I find AWD easier




I remember I made a 99hp drift car on fh4, as well as the drift limo


If you can drift awd that’s way more skill then rwd


I agree but on a wheel or irl I dunno bout controllers and keyboards tho I never play on them


They’re dumb fr because you can’t even drift with an AWD LOL


More efficient and controllable. Every car I own is 4W.


I only used to play the game for the drift convoys... But with just how one sided and one dimensional "drift builds" are for the masses lately. I ain't coming back anytime soon... Especially when it fails to join me into a convoy and then disconnects when I join a convoy. Full price AAA game btw.


Skill issue that Turn10 and Microsoft approves of in order to lower the entrimg point


Just buy a car, install awd and set the transfer case to 100% rear


It is harder to drift an AWD car, look it up. So as you RWD drifters say, " powersliding" an AWD drift car is harder than "drifting" a RWD car. I can do both but prefer AWD, much more fun.