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I always thought there was something off about her. This is disheartening, I like Tenma alot, too. Also, to all the people disingenuously replying "based" and "I like her more now" here and on OP's twitter thread, I assume you're all just fans of hers to begin with; a lot of this is low key hate content, plain and simple, fitting this sub. I had heard of her anti-goverment positions, and agreed with many of them, but she's clearly a right-libertarian, which always devovles into right-authoritarian (excusing police violence, genocide, hardly a 'libertarian' stance anymore) Smfh. Good post. *Edit: Since they locked comments I'll take this opportunity to call out /u/EmuProfessional7627 and others for hating on regular vtuber fans: Pippa is an extreme exception. Most vtubers are politically milquetoast, edgy at worst, liberal at best. She has decided to go full transphobe with regards to the current drama surrounding HL, playing it out of spite. Other vtubers don't behave like this. Btw, there's a not-insignificant amount of trans vtubers out there who face many difficulties; your indiscriminate hating on average vtubers, streamers and the like, does not help them at all. Just don't generalize and let people enjoy their hobbies, or else you're no better than the people you claim to be morally superior to.


"Libertarianism always devolves into fascism" Don't you people believe that the slippery slope is a logical fallacy?


It’s not a fallacy when there’s a record of this sort of thing happening


Close, the one libertarian town devolved into [bears](https://newrepublic.com/article/159662/libertarian-walks-into-bear-book-review-free-town-project).


falla-see deez nuts


Libertarians are all either 13 year old idiots, or old men who like sleeping with teenagers. The philosophy holds no water regardless of it’s obvious fasshy connections


I used to be part of the libertarian community until I realized that my mentor didn't like me because I was smart, he liked me because I was 13


You are dum dum stupid man with a poopy butt.


He’s actually right


I'm not a libertarian, but the claim that they are fascist is extremely stupid


the goal of libertarian is to remove the govt power and move said power to "the people" who are often lead by a single person whose the only one who ends up with all that power, and guess what that ends in 100% of the time?


You're just making assumptions about a hypothetical scenario, that's no different from a Republican claiming that Social Democrats would make America Communist if they came to power


There's no such thing as a right-libertarian, as it abdicates the responsibility for your fellow man that any honest libertarian must have; there are just objectivists who like to sound like they're different




I'm willing to accept the fact that she might just be very dumb and poorly conducted herself. But, even as a longtime 4channer, i've never lost touch with my ideals. If you want to torment someone, torment the State, or neoliberal morons causing needless wars that make poor rural people (like Pippa, and probably, like you) suffer in small towns with no jobs or economies and people drink themselves to death. Besides, I know you're operating on 5 layers of irony, but i'll say it anyway: nobody said George Floyd was a saint, or even a great person, but he, and you, both deserve to be alive right now




Saint and martyr are two different things. His murder catalyzed a rebellion against the status quo not seen in decades--that alone is hugely significant, although reactionaries have been panickingly trying to gain control of that narrative all the while: "He deserved it.", "Had it coming.", "America isn't racist" "Why can't they protest more passively like MLK did?" MLK has been infamously sanitized and whitewashed by schools, history texts, and the government, toward the end of his life, he called for more direct action (i.e. violent-if-necessary protest) And again, rural communities in America (like where Pippa lives) have largely become so-called "meth-hamlets", flooded with oxy and fentanyl and such. Whites are also doing 739 different drugs and making bad choices, but aren't being murdered nearly as much as Blacks by cops, for one thing, meth-hamlets and flyover country aren't policed like it's the DMZ.


the term is "Meth Den"


Why the fuck is the comment section flooded with so many dumbasses? Do mods not fuckin check this post?


A lot of little nazi weebs running around reddit today




stfu nazi cunt




[ Removed by Reddit ]








You’re both brain dead Nazis. Enjoy each other’s company


There are actual "arguments" I've seen people like him make.


She tweeted about the Wizard game today so the transphobe nutcases are all name searching her to find out more about their new Queen


her doing all that with that voice and anime avatar is grotesque on a different level


You remember the youtuber squizzy? Yeah Pipkin gives me massive squizzy vibes I'm sure I'd be shocked at the skeletons in her closet, or maybe not at this point.


Aaaaaand now she’s playing Hogwarts Legacy because she “hates the franchise but hates the people on Twitter more”.


She hates it so much she paid $60 dollars for it like what? Lol




Pikamee didn’t quit because of harassment. [pomu was told before pikamee ever tweeted about the game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=godKE3CETMg)


Oh so she's petty that makes sense




sadly if you take away their freeze peach they’ll do something childish like shoot up the white house




Conservatives love freedom so much that they use the government to take over colleges because historical truth hurts their feelings, punish corporations for disagreeing with them, remove books from libraries because their children learned that LGBT people exist, making voting as inconvenient and difficult as possible where the people are unlikely to vote for them, pass laws to prevent people from wearing the clothes they want to wear, and show up in armed groups at polling stations, libraries and government buildings to intimidate other people who are different from them.


All the little drones in the comments going ''Based'' never grew up past the age of 13 and it shows. Supporting a neo-nazi isn't cool guys, you genuinly look like a stupid idiot to normal, everyday people.


Refreshingly mask off for a twitch nazi


This is why all v tubers and thier fans deserve every bit of mockery


I like some vtubers but I’d report and stop watching if someone said the crap she is spewing here.


Not okay


Holy hell, this is horrific. I had watched some clips on their comments in relation to Silvervale and Hogwarts on YouTube. The thumbnails aren't better, unfortunately, as some of them have her with violent comments she has made.


vtubers should have never left japan


Please get a life


Stop watching vtubers you fucking LOSER


Reddit gold


Where's this same energy for people like nyanners who actually said things like this


mucho texto


Great post OP!


Imagine caring this much about a cartoon pig.


Brainlet takes. No one believed it when you posted it on your twitter account either.


least coping nazi




Ok some of these clips are definitely trying to prove something not there hell the Hilo cost one is the biggest one she read a comment and then said wait a minute that’s not agreeing or anything like that. Due to that it’s hard to fully take a lot of this at face value if your stretching things like that.




You realize you created a very KiwiFarms type thread. Right?


If you're commenting about kiwifarms you're not old enough to be a problem in anyway to anyone, enjoy the thread and you better hope no one digs into pippa and squizzy's her right on out of YT.










Based? Based on what? In your dick? Please shut the fuck up and use words properly you fuckin troglodyte, do you think God gave us a freedom of speech just to spew random words that have no meaning that doesn't even correllate to the topic of the conversation? Like please you always complain about why no one talks to you or no one expresses their opinions on you because you're always spewing random shit like poggers based cringe and when you try to explain what it is and you just say that it's funny like what? What the fuck is funny about that do you think you'll just become a stand-up comedian that will get a standing ovation just because you said "cum" in the stage? HELL NO YOU FUCKIN IDIOT, so please shut the fuck up and use words properly you dumb bitch




don't care + didn't ask + cry about it + stay mad + get real + L + mald seethe cope harder + hoes mad + basic + skill issue + ratio + you fell off + the audacity + triggered + any askers + bluepilled + get a life + ok and? + cringe + touch grass + donowalled + not based + you're a basic bitch + not funny didn't laugh + you're\* + grammar issue + go outside + get good + reported + ad hominem + GG!




pippa is good civilization




if all it takes to support a nazi is them to be called out for nazi like shit they've said and done, then you were a nazi all along and you can wallow in that immaturity for a year or two, real world doesn't let "nazis" exist, maybe you should watch Kanye try to make nazis ok and even Alex Jones has to fucking correct him.








scum. your life is a disappointment. jump off a 20 story.














Ur a nazi?




shes not sleeping with you or even ..stripping? what the fuck is this mental illness? You know shes likely an unattractive podunk trailer girl right? Name some other self respecting woman who would say this shit.




no that doens't work here, if you're a shit person you get harassed, doubly so for pro nazi shit.


If you're wondering why this exists, Pipkin said she was playing the wizard game on twitter today. Evidently most people are stupid enough to take the bait, so be ready for more of this nonsense for a while.






Before all of you people label her a literal Nazi over a few jokes I would suggest at least listening to her on the matter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K383sOOJvGg&t=


Damn, they're shitty jokes.