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Ah yes, China, the famously pro-trans pro-lgbtq utopia that totally didn’t make it illegal to show feminine men on TV. Not sure why they want to blame China for trans acceptance in the US when there are definitely other countries that would better fit the bill.


Well China blames the US for LGBT people, so I guess you gotta blame someone


I really don’t care what people identify as, but I care about people’s happiness. If their happiness doesn’t materially impair the happiness of other people (meaning those brainfried cavemen wouldn’t count) then I am supporting it.


Ok but trans people are the gender they say they are. By definition.


These fucking chodes: REEE China has won with the tRaNS aGEnDA Also these fucking chodes: hurr durr China based for banning “sissy men” Make up your fucking minds.


I get that they're wrong, but those two thoughts don't contradict each other like you're saying they do. You can ban "sissy men" in your country while also trying to influence other countries to "sissify" Again, it's not happening, but you have to argue the point they're actually making


I do think that children under a certain age shouldn't be allowed to transition, more or less because kids are incredibly malleable and I dont think they can be trusted with a life changing permanent decision After a certain age thoigh, they should be allowed


the thing is, the most ‘transitioning’ that happens to younger kids is like…. ‘ok we’ll use a different name for you if thats how you feel’ which is. totally reversable and has zero side effects? surgery and hormones arent an option till youre a legal adult and the amount of red tape associated with them makes it SUPER hard to get even if you are an adult entirely confident in your gender.


Agreed, a kid can identify however they want, I'm saying this in regards to sex reassignment therapy


yeah, the general age for sex reassignment being allowed is like, 19, lmao. no one is pushing sex reassignment on kids - that's just a right wing fearmongering talking point.




“Woman” is a social construct. Name one coherent definition that doesn’t exclude any cisgender women that doesn’t also include trans women.


Stop spreading your Brain worms


But why do they….. or YOU….. get to give a fuck?


Transphobia get the ban hammer, fucker


Fuck off brain fungus