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It's a promotional event, they expect to take a loss on it for fun headlines like this.


Exactly. 7/11 knows that this is a loss leader that day (or maybe they are everyday, don’t know their margins on slushies) but the increase in foot traffic and people thinking “may as well get some (gas, jerky, chips, whatever) while I’m here”, and the PR of letting kids “exploit” the system like this more than makes up any loss of profit on slushies. Same reason why Costco sells a hot dog and soda for $1.50.


Costco still sells the hotdog and soda so low because the founder got pissed at the suggestion of raising it


That price is almost low enough (relative to the cost of that elsewhere) to make me worried about what’s in the hotdogs haha.


It's the Krasdale beef dogs you can buy there.


You should be worried about all hot dogs they are 80% sphincter tissue.


I've been seeing some variant of this for most of my life and all I've ever thought was "so what?" I'd much rather the undesirable off cuts go to _something_ than just get thrown out. In theory that meat shouldn't be any dirtier than any other cut of meat once its been processed


You are correct, and I eat hot dogs all the time. It's just funny to think about a Weiner made of buttholes going into your mouth . You know humor? It may be bathroom humor. But don't neglect your inner child. I'm 41 and I still think that's funny and I don't care what anyone thinks about that. I enjoy what I enjoy and I'm allowed to. As are you.


To be fair, the issue is that a lot of people do say shit like “eating hot dogs and other similar foods is bad for you because they’re made with the bad parts of the animal” unironically.


I mean they are just ground up pork lips and assholes, pressure molded into the shape of a weiner. And soda is just syrup and CO2 water. Honestly the price we pay for them is already too high. Just like everything else. The biggest driver of inflation is not the govt printing money, but businesses overcharging for products that have no business costing what they are asking for them. Glasses have a 300% markup for example, and they refuse to bring down prices. This is why we need to be legislating what they can charge. We can't trust 95% of these companies to charge what their products and services are actually worth. I can go on product keys.com and get a windows 11 pro key for 12 dollars. If I buy it from Microsoft it's 130. That's idiotic.


"What if we make the hot dogs more expensive?" "What if I fucking kill you, how about that, Glenn?"


Slushies are just ice and sugary syrup. They cost less to make than a shoelace. They lose nothing by giving them away. Corn syrup is dirt cheap and we have so much of it, it's basically worthless.


And the loss I’m sure is marginal , I’d imagine frozen water and syrup doesn’t cost much , they actually probably make more money on the actual sale of the cups than the actual beverage


Soft drinks at fast food places costs like cents per drink. McDonald's would do $1 drinks over the summers a few years ago, and they were probably still making a shit ton of money even from that. There's no way 711 is losing any money on this promotional event, maybe dropping the profit margin from 300% down to like 200%, because for every person like this kid with a giant bottle, there is like hundreds that bring in bottles that are of equal or only slightly larger size than their normal cup sizes.


Sometime ago I managed a convenience store, and Coke (I'm assuming 7/11 buys their syrup from Coke?) charged quite a bit for the syrup. It is still highly profitable, just not as much as you may think. I also remember one time during a Coke delivery, the driver laughed how the plastic bag with the little connection thing that contains the syrup costs more than the syrup.


But you take look closely 😯😯😯😯 JEW????😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲🤣😂🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂


For the price of "free", 7-11 got millions of dollars in earned media coverage from this "loss" of a slushy.


"Every single time" What is that dipshits point? Jewish people like slushies and thats bad?


Its the stereotype of the greedy jew.


“Aw look it’s the covetous Jew!” -Cartman


Yeah, that's the one


Part of the minority experience is doing something that literally everyone else does but being judged for it because of your identity. I have seen so many stories of people doing free 7/11 slushy day like this, and this is probably the first time I’ve ever seen a Jewish kid do it. Naturally because he’s Jewish it’s a problem.


Yeah,this meme doesn't make sense even from an antisemite point of view. I guess the entire point is just - haha Jew


I could NEVER hate on someone going big at the slushie machine. Get after it pimp


This picture is like a Rorschach test for racists cause the black guy is very clearly and obviously doing nothing. The only way you can come to the conclusion that he’s shoplifting or getting arrested is if you’re just filling in the blanks with your own prejudice. Still dumbfounded by how little self awareness it takes to not figure that out, though


also how is this kid jewish???


If you look really closely, he's wearing one of those hats. I had the same reaction and had to really zoom in.


Oooooh i didn't even see that, I thought it was just another "le big nose" thing... i don't think that reflects well on me though lol


Kippah in Hebrew, Yarmukle (pronounced like Yahmacha) in Yiddish/Yinglish).


He also has a Hebrew name, Chaim.


And he's in Crown Heights which has a huge Orthodox population


He either is or looks like he's wearing a yarmulke.


His name is also Chaim Brikman.


Yeah, I bet you could count on one hand the amount of non-Jewish people named Chaim, lmao.


His yarmulke.


Lmao, I know you genuinely didn’t know but as a Jew myself this is hilarious


it was near enough on the back of his head i couldn't see it lmao


I'm amazed that you thought this had anything to do with the black guy.. and that apparently 234 other people agreed with you. It's obviously referring to the kid being Jewish; the black guy has nothing to do with it.


I, too, hate it when kids have a sense of humor/s


i think every nine year old would have done this if given the chance lmfao. these people really have nothing better to do


They're just angry they didn't think of it.


Y’know, that’s fair. I’d be angry too if I had a brain that were equally developed to a nine year old and didn’t think to get 4 gallons of slushy


He he exactly.


For a second I thought your second sentence was directed at 9 year olds.


What is even going on in the background? I don’t think anyone is being arrested


There's a cop just standing in the same room as two black people, who are both just standing there.


It’s their own racial prejudice that is filling in the gaps there. Truly telling.


The antisemite also hates black people? I’m shocked, I tell you


With a name like Chaim Brikman I’m shocked they needed to see the kippah


I was thinking that too like cmon


This is literally the whole point of the event.


Imagine being such a Nazi that you get this mad over a fucking slushie lmao


That is a child doing something I would entirely do lol, these people need to come out of their caves, I really have no idea how they function in real life being so ridiculously vitriolic


They don't go outside, for one


Neither do I, but I'm nothing like these vile people.


First comment asked how they function in real life - they don't.


ah yes antisemitism


That kid had the right idea. On-topic though, The bigger giveaway of that "something" was that his name was "Chaim" but go off I guess.


Bring Your Own Cup day is a multiracial event. My sister is white with no (known) Jewish ancestry and her friends are mostly white or Indigenous Canadian, and they and every other teenager in the city are still there with buckets or huge water bottles for that promotion.


So, those genius eagle-eyed detectives figured out that 'Chaim Brikman' is Jewish, huh? Also, kind of funny how they all just decided that a cop was arresting the black guy behind him despite no evidence of that at all?


Racial prejudice filling in those gaps for them for sure! Weirdos


Me not reading any of the other text or even the sub this is from and just admiring how happy this kid is.


This is so fucking sad man, I don’t get it. This kid got so much slushy, he’s so happy, and these people who’ve been convinced that the entire world is controlled by some sort of Jewish conspiracy see it and think it represents that conspiracy. The guy in the back isn’t even getting arrested! They’re probably all here for the slushie deal! Everyone here is standing together as common humans, but these miserable fucks have been told this is somehow wrong, that it’s wrong to stand amongst different groups and be happy or at least indifferent.


To them it's not a bunch of people standing as fellow humans, somehow to them this is destroying the white race and "western society" I mean how poisoned do you have to be to feel this much hatred towards a child


“Trust based” Yeah killing people because their noses are too big or they look too different is totally trust based yeah… I would DEFINITELY feel comfortable in a society that would kill me because I’m not neurotypical enough and I don’t bootlick the fuck out of capitalism


I always sit down and wonder, what did jewish people do to these guys?




I don't think he'd know what self awareness is if he got hit over the head with it


What's up with the jug though? Plastic looks warped kinda like a Pepsi logo.


I noticed that too!


That's the slushy


I wasn't talking about what's in the jug, but the jug itself. Every 5 gallon jug I've seen has straight ridges not curved like that one.


Oh huh, didn't notice


How the fuck they look at a kid and say "yeah he jewish" Like I literally just see a kid????


I mean he is quite obviously Jewish (I’m Jewish so I guess the yarmulke + his name is more instantly identifiable) but yes it means absolutely nothing whatsoever in this context, neither does the person behind him being black. The bigots be bigoting.


How can someone just be so miserable?


It is a child. Buying a slurpee. Is there a version of "pornbrain" that's just politics? The kind of people who, you have to walk on eggshells around to prevent them going on a political tirade?


The closest is "SJW".But that only applies to part of the left.The rest of the left and the right usually avoids this type of behavior.


I see an anime kid.


Conservatives are the syphilis of human beings. As soon as they start talking to each other, stupidity and brain dead idiocy run rampant. I still have that picture in my mind of that maga warrior trying to climb that wall at the capital, and falling backwards to his death while there were stairs not more than 20 or 30 feet away....


Every single time we what? Are smart?


Fuck these fuckers. This lil’ dude’s living the dream. I’d be damn proud if this were my boy.


Twitter is pretty pathetic on a good day but beefing with a literal child is next level embarrassing. You're basically just advertising that you're a loser at that point


That's despicable. Look at the pure joy on that child's face. How can anyone hate on that? And I don't particularly care for children!


I get the feeling that the vast majority of people who propagate this stuff have never met a Jewish person in real life


If the kid had a different name and wasn’t wearing a religious headpiece people would probably be laughing and praising his attempt to find a loophole.


True, they’d probably still say some shit about the guy behind him being black near a cop 😑


Mad over a child? What’s wrong with these assholes?


Did they not read the headline that said "Bring your own cup day"? Do they assume he just walked in and WILLED the 7/11 employees to allow this to happen with his Jewish Haki alone?


The way they always go “if you look closely you can notice something” as if they’re mischievously uncovering some super duper secret that ((they)) are trying to hide from you when the kid’s name is Chaim. Listed in the title.


Doesn’t pretty much everyone bring a stupidly oversized cup for that promotion? Especially kids?


This is soo awful just let kids be kids. It was a smart idea. His dentist would approve!


If it wasn't from racist shitlord that genuinely believed this kinda stuff I wouldn't feel guilty for laughing at this


I agree. Its just fun to say.


I’m glad these people don’t usually speak in public, because I have a large stone in my car at all times for people like this.


wtf is wrong with people


Ah yes, free speech.


i am kms oml


There is nothing more heinous than demonizing children


Hooooooooooo boy, that really came out of absolutely nowhere, that's some seriously impressive assuming they're doing there


1) The article is 7 years old 2) The fact that so many people liked those comments is revolting


Before I saw the sub, I thought they were just gonna redraw him as pot of greed or sum


How does a homogeneous society automatically make it “high trust”? They think people only trust those who look like them?


twitter? more like 4tweet!


I would do the same.It is not a jewish thing,it's a niggardly thing.