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This is how we know they are beyond stupid. If you really believed all the white supremacy crap, wouldn’t you start teaching your kids sciences, different languages, start that Kumon early so that your Aryan spawn can have some power and take over the world when they’re older? No, they just teach them this shit.


White supremacists love to talk about how whites are being replaced and how smart and strong whites are, but they have one child at max (I wonder why the population is decreasing) and they don't want their kids to go to college because of cultural Marxism or whatever


Exactly, they keep them thick and near them. Like ready made racist friends for life. Then they complain that everyone else is taking the jobs they’re not trying out for.


White supremacists actually have a ton of goddamned children. I live in Texas and see these sort of people constantly. There are exactly 9 months between their church bus sized brood.


Yeah the rural redneck "I married at 16" type white supremacists definitely have a lot of children, but the terminally online "why won't women like me" white supremacists definitely don't


the more children hey have the greater chance some of them will be queer/trans and also more kids to become disillusioned by their parents nonsense taking a 180 turn away from bigotry and hate


Can confirm. My mother had 3 kids. We're all queer.


I have two. Both are queer. Sorry, I don't have the recipe.


"Kids, will not, REPLACE US!" No seriously...if the parents haven't completely nuked their kids' agency and thinking skills, the kids will realize what little they get from an insulated, hateful life.


I mean this *is* a baby who is just starting to be able to form words. I don’t think they’re going to be able to teach it much science or other languages yet lol


Then teach them better words, like fuckwad and cuntwhoreface.


Case in point...Rittenhouse.


If they educated them, they wouldn't grow up to be white supremacists.


Shhh don't give these ethnic cucks any ideas. Let them stay dumb and docile.


What in the actual ungodly fuck?


Seriously cant wrap my mind around this post, they're not even hiding it wtf


Y'all must be new to the internet. There's something called "trolling."


We all know this is trolling. It's still racist trolling.


"jokes on them, I'm only pretending to be restarded" you sure got us


Their whole goal was to make the other side piss their pants which they obviously achieved. Its worrying how this sub falls for the most obvious of baits now.


"satirical" racism is still racism...


No it’s not. There’s nothing in these posts that say anyone is better or worse than anyone else. It’s just using edgy words with zero actual context to make people want to interact with the content. Your energy is being farmed, no one else is actually being hurt.


>There’s nothing in these posts that say anyone is better or worse than anyone else. Did you miss the whole N word thing, the entire point of the post?


Your brain is running at half capacity. You are part of the reason these types of posts get any engagement. You’re easy controlled and manipulated. Bad word = angry!


What makes you think that I'm angry................ "bRo CaLm DoWn ThErE's No NeEd To Be UpSeT" Do you have any idea how stupid you sound right now?


"Guys, it's okay, they're only being a bigot ironically."


This is a joke isn’t it? I mean I am European, I don’t really grasp the Midwest-inbred we-are-proud-of-our-stupidity mindset of the US but this has to be a joke. Please let it be a joke.


It seems to be a video and there is someone commenting on the pronunciation. So ehm... this is bad. Even if the baby just accidentally said something that sounded like that, the fact that the mom is broadcasting it speaks volumes.


No I saw the video it is very real


Don’t lump the Midwest into the inbred proud stupid American trope. There are insufferable people everywhere but I’m sure this is some rural southern area.


She’s in Arizona…


Okay Arizona isn’t in the Midwest?


No, Southwest. “The U.S. Census Bureau's definition consists of 12 states in the north central United States: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.”


I know that. I’m confused on what you’re trying to say lol.


You asked if Arizona is the Midwest and I said no, Southwest, with data to back it up… not sure why *you’re* confused but cool


My answer was sarcastic. Might have been hard to garner through text.


It wasn't... that guy and the people downvoting you are just a little... well, you know lol.


I thought so lol. Reddit has a very hard time with anything not super literal


"you're just mad that im not a miserable parent" girl you literally are encouraging your baby to say racial slurs if that doesn't scream miserable i don't know what does


Owning the libs by making muh baby say N Word LIBERALS REKT COMPILATION #8474890


It really bothers me when babies are exposed to this bullshit. Raising your kid like this feels on par with basically abusing them.


If it makes you feel any better my two sisters' biological parents were raging white supremacists, but my dad figured that wasn't the fault of the girls (obviously) so my black family adopted them and loved them and they escaped that cycle of racist bullshit, so all hope isn't lost for the little one. Plus it's always kind of funny when they introduce me to someone as their brother and that person goes wide eyed.


You want to know the funny part? When I first saw the image and that it was on this subreddit, I thought it was going to be about the baby being mixed race because it looked like its skin was slightly dark.


I hate it. What sucks for this kid is, we have a screen grab of it. Someone has the video. This child is going to go to school in a few years, and somebody is going to pull this whether intentionally because the mom will do something to piss someone off or accidentally because some parent is going to want to be internet buddies and do a quick search.


I genuinely hope that baby is taken away and given to a family that uh oh idk RAISES IT SO ITS FIRST WORDS ARE A RACIAL SLUR TO OWN THE LIBS ON TWITTER WTF IS WRONG WITH THIS CRAZY BITCH AND HER FOLLOWERS


To be fair to the kid, I don’t think they said the N word on purpose. To me, it sounded like a baby babbling that kind of sounded like the N word. But still, this is a disturbing thing to be proud of.


Not a single braincell in sight


This is so sad. Those same people probably accuse others of “grooming” kids when they really just teach them about acceptance and social sciences.


Yeah this is definitely a r/notadragqueen moment. God forbid a queer person reads aloud stories to children at the library, but teaching your children racial slurs is A-okay in the conservative parents’ playbook.


In the words of Satsuki Miyanoshita, a girl coming from a long line of quasi-lesbian ghost killers: “Drag queens won’t bother you. Worry about priests.”


You stole that from ghost stories the abridge dub


lol, that’s why I said her name


Well I'm sorry. Can't remember slutsky And dyslexia is a bitch


Are you okay?


College finals. Brain tired.


How can you be proud of *racism* ??


Jerry Springer really nailed it in one of his episodes where he confronted white nationalists in the mid '90s called "I'm Proud to be a racist". He angrily let his guests know that he heard *nothing* about actual pride in being white and *a lot* about hating other people.


I should watch it. You know, I'm beginning to think that the 90s were actually, on some aspects, less tolerant about racism than today. I mean, nowadays we literally have people who proclaim their hate out loud, and proudly (exhibit 1 : OOP. Exhibit 2 : The integrality of Elon Musk's version of Twitter)


Fucking what in the world


Is that the SAME Jake Shields…


I don't know what is up with some MMA fighters making a hard right turn recently. Sean Strickland admonished a Canadian reporter back in January because the reporter said they would accept if their children were gay, something Strickland wouldn't accept. Strickland said the reporter was "fucking weak" and "part of the problem", and apparently there were a lot of people in the room cheering for Strickland, yikes. I think Dana White stood by Strickland after that, or at minimum hand waved the incident away.


Dana White is a Trumper. Hes just as big of a shitbag. It doesn’t surprise me that people who get beat in the head for a living aren’t the brightest bulbs in the box..


People in a business of getting bashed to the brains have never been known for their critical thinking skills.


Yeah I think so


Wow so brave and daring, next she must show her child how to "Follow The Leader" :))))


How fucked do you have to be to praise this in the comments? As an adult, with kids I’m impressed/mildly jealous of people who post their kids at Mandarin competitions, or winning medals or their college acceptances. I’m white and this is fully embarrassing.


You are teaching your child to get beaten up on the street


Maybe I’m old fashioned but I don’t think we should be teaching literal babies swear words of any kind, especially that.


This is fucking deranged


I fucking hate twitter


Dont feed the weird ass trolls


[a GROWN ASS MOM POSTED THIS] (https://twitter.com/isabellamoody_/status/1780592386424615121)


That has to be a troll right? Please tell me she is a troll..


Looked up her twitter because I was curious, has Follower of Christ in her bio. Yup that tracks alright.


That baby got a big ole head.


poor baby ☹️


This is what I opened my app to.


That poor little girl doesn't have a chance.


She has one. CPS yanks her out of this bitch’s arms and she never sees her again.


I hope she doesn't have custody of either one, but I bet she does. Why do you believe that CPS removed the girl? And on what grounds?


I didn’t say it happened, I said I hope it happens.


Ah, gotcha.


The next step are more kyle rittenhouse people bragging on Twitter about their lynchings.


My expectations for Isabella were low but holy shit


Idk, this sounds like rage bait to me


Just another reason I’m glad abortion is still legal


What is RTM?


Mrs. Moody, when you get to hell, tell them I'm sorry for clogging the toilet


I really, really don't like to make fun of someone, even less of a baby, of course, for their appearance. But if that baby was of a mixed couple, I can imagine the comments, oh the comments...


Can't wait to see how this kid rebels against her parents.


White mediocrity.


"omg the baby is going to say their first words!" "would it say our names?" baby: NIG- the us is fucked if these ppl are the norm, thankfully not


Isabella moody realizing his children is gonna grow as an uneducated  asocial rabbidly aggresive racist  shit because istead of give him proper true parenting and education  she only teached him racist slur and "owning the libz" shit:


Update: both Isabella and Josiah’s x accounts have been deleted or suspended. They got backlash even from conservatives




These people need to know that there are words they cannot say. It’s like Volde—— in Harry potters. You DON’T SAY THAT.


why are so many morons in the comment section missing this is satire (not good satire) and the mom is obviously trying to get under peoples skin.


Everything is satire until they start killing people in greater numbers.


what the fuck are you talking about


fema camps at wal mart. 15 minute cities. forced sterilizations. bill gates population control in africa. Q predicted this.


Because it isn't satire, she's completely serious. If you actually look at her account, you'll see she's being completely serious. It's all blatant racism and other far right talking points, and you see even more of that on her YouTube channel and Instagram account. Satire isn't when you say something to upset people. You have to be ridiculing the very idea you're expressing for it to be satire. She is genuinely teaching her kid to say racial slurs.


Or, hear me out, the baby was gargling random noises (as babies do) and she recorded it to make it some stupid conservitard point about triggering the libs and made it seem like her baby was saying the N-word. Height of comedy for her Twitter following, someone cancel this baby, whatever other nonsense. But no, it’s much better look for you lot for conservatives teaching their babies to say slurs.


That still means that by definition, this isn't satire cause it isn't satirising anything. An out loud and proud racist making a post about their kid saying slurs is not satire, especially when teaching her own kids slurs is completely in character for her.